The Lies Of Hypocrite Neal Keeling For Manchester Evening News & His Propaganda Shilling For Violent Rapist, Parasitic Predator & Convicted Fraudster Andrew Malkinson (Part 26)

Neal Keeling
Violent rapist Andrew Malkinson

Neal Keeling’s Spin

Hypocrite Neal Keeling was referred to in Parts 12 and 22 of this ongoing blog series, both of which can be read by tapping on the buttons below;

In another article for Manchester Evening news Neal Keeling made the following statements;

At the time of his trial there was no DNA evidence linking Mr Malkinson to the crime.

He was convicted solely on identification evidence. 

Excerpts by Neal Keeling for Manchester Evening news article here dated 29th July 2023

Andrew Malkinsom was not “convicted solely on identification evidence”.

This is yet another lie.

There was other evidence heard during his February 2004 trial, including for an example, how after learning that his victim was helping police compile an e-fit, Andrew Malkinson fled the area.

Andrew Malkinson told his work colleague Simon Oakes that he planned to fly back to Holland.

Simon Oakes dropped Andrew Malkinson off at Manchester Airport on the 25th July 2003, but he never left the country and apparently spent the night sleeping rough at the airport before he caught a train to Grimsby the next day.

According to Emily Dugan he spent “a couple of nights” at a Salvation Army hostel until was arrested early on the morning of the 2nd August 2003.

It was also argued during his trial that Andrew Malkinson was “forensically aware” and had used condoms during his violent rapes.

Neal Keeling also stated in his article;

In December last year GMP arrested a 48-year-old man in Exeter on suspicion of the rape and he remains on bail under investigation. 

Excerpt by Neal Keeling for Manchester Evening news article here dated 29th July 2023

The innocent man who was arrested and whose undated, circumstantial DNA was found on Andrew Malkinson’s victims clothing was almost 10 years younger than Malkinson.

Andrew Malkinson’s victim described Malkinson as being in his “early-to-mid” 30’s, NOT his “early-to-mid” 20’s!

Then there was the clothing and footwear identified by Andrew Malkinson’s victim, which matched what he wore to work at Ellesmere shopping centre as a security guard.

Read some more on his clothing and footwear in Part 7 of this ongoing blog series by tapping on the button below;

Media Spin

The mainstream media are spinning violent rapist, parasitic predator and convicted fraudster Andrew Malkinson’s position.

His violent convictions were found to be “unsafe” by the court of appeal (CoA) on the 26th July 2023.

The CoA did NOT find Andrew Malkinson “innocent” or “clear” him per se.

A minute trace of undated, circumstantial DNA found on a piece of clothing worn by Andrew Malkinson’s victim does not erase all the other evidence which points to Andrew Malkinson and only Andrew Malkinson.

Some of the evidence which led to Andrew Malkinson’s violent convictions has been explored in this blog series, the index for which can be found by tapping on the button below;

Link to Part 27 here

The Absurdity Of Emily Bolton On Violent Rapist, Fraudster & Parasitic Predator Andrew Malkinson & Asking Greater Manchester Police To Collude With An Already Convicted & Dangerous Sex Offender (Part 16)

Andrew Malkinson on holiday in Gran Canaria in May 2003
Andrew Malkinson in 2021
Emily Bolton 2021

During an April 2021 interview with Granada’s ITV news here, violent rapist Andrew Malkinson’s solicitor Emily Bolton made the following absurd statements;

So the new D, DNA testing that’s been done

Eh proves that another person

An unknown male

Eh is the, the source of the DNA that was found

Eh on evidence gathered from the victim in the case

And that means that not only is Andy innocent

It means that someone else out there who is guilty of this crime

Eh that, that should be a very very troubling thought for Greater Manchester police

Who did the original investigation

Eh and who are also now looking

You know, looking at

Looking at their position

They’ve gotta decide what to do next

And what we’re asking Greater Manchester police to do

Is join us

In, our application to the criminal case review commission

Eh which is the route to the court of appeal for Andy

The route to getting the conviction quashed

Emily Bolton – 29th April 2021 here

Arrest Over Solved Crime

Why was a man arrested in December 2022 for a solved crime, which violent rapist and fraudster Andrew Malkinson is already convicted of?

Circumstantial DNA cannot be dated.

And it does not erase the fact Andrew Malkinson was identified by his victim, who said to him just before he strangled her to unconsciousness she would “never forget” his face.

It also does not negate the fact he did a runner from the area, when he learned his victim was helping police compile an E-Fit of him, which was to be published.

Nor does it explain the fact that Andrew Malkinson wore the same clothes for his job as a security guard, which the victim described her attacker as wearing.

Tap on the button below to read more on violent rapist Andrew Malkinson;

Link to Part 17 here

The Violent Rapist, Parasitic Predator & Deceptive, Gaslighting Fraudster Andrew Malkinson & How He Went On The Run After Learning His Victim Was Helping Police Compile An E-Fit (Part 6)

Photo of violent rapist & parasitic predator Andrew Malkinson in Gran Canaria in May 2003

During the trial the judge made clear to the jury both John and Deborah Hardman had previous criminal convictions

Statement by Emily Dugan made on 1st October 2021 via a podcast called Seventeen years

Violent rapist and parasitic predator Andrew Malkinson claimed on 1st October 2021 that Deborah and Jonathan Hardman, who were prosecution witnesses during his trial, were “being arsehole’s” and “bugging” him at work and allegedly “making threats of physical violence” towards him.

Andrew Malkinson had apparently told the Hardman’s in June 2003 he would pay them back the £75 flight money they paid for him to fly to the UK from Gran Canaria.

It appears the Hardman family were targeted by Andrew Malkinson after he phoned them to tell them in the UK to tell them he had allegedly been “mugged” and had no money.

He also went on to tell them he would repay them for the sofa he soiled, after urinating on it one night whilst drunk.

24th July 2003: Police Hope For E-Fit Of Rapist

On the 24th July 2003, five days after Andrew Malkinson’s vicious attack and rape, Bolton News reported under the header Police hope for e-fit of rapist some of the following;

Detectives were today interviewing a woman recovering from a brutal rape in a bid to draw up an e-fit image of her attacker.

The 33-year-old mother-of-two, from Kearsley, was grabbed from behind as she walked home from a night out with friends along the M61 motorway bridge in Cleggs Lane, Little Hulton in the early hours of Saturday.

She was strangled until she became unconscious and then raped.

She has received counselling from trained officers and was today hoping to describe her attacker to detectives for them to compile an artist’s impression

Excerpt from an article by Bolton news headed Police hope for e-fit of rapist dated 24th July 2003

Once the E-Fit was completed it was circulated to local police officers.

On the same day Andrew Malkinson’s victim was helping police compile an E-fit of him, Andrew Malkinson “had had a photograph taken at work for a security pass on 24 July”.

It was reported that police constables (Pc) Gary Waite and Christopher Baybutt had realised the E-Fit looked remarkably similar to a man they had stopped riding pillion on an off road motorbike the month before.

The person driving the off road motorbike was the son of Deborah and Jonathan Hardman and the pillion passenger was Andrew Malkinson.

Excerpts from an August 2004 Manchester evening news article read;

By chance, four weeks before Malkinson committed the vicious rape, he was riding pillion on an off-road motorbike which was stopped by Little Hulton community beat officers, Pc Gary Waite and Pc Christopher Baybutt.

They warned the rider not to use the machine on the road and took his details and Malkinson’s.

At the time Malkinson was working as a security guard at the Ellesmere Shopping Centre, in Walkden.

Excerpts from a Manchester evening news article headed Strange drifter who covered his tracks dated 13th August 2004

Pc’s Gary Waite and Christopher Baybutt were reported to have “alerted senior officers” and the hunt for Andrew Malkinson began.

25th July ‘03: Andrew Malkinson Quits His Job & Flees Area Through Fear Of Being Recognised

When police arrived at fellow security guard Simon Oakes flat in Aspinall court, Atherton, where Andrew Malkinson had been sofa surfing after the Hardman’s had kicked him out, he was already on the run.

Andrew Malkinson told Emily Dugan in 2021 via a podcast called Seventeen years that on the 25th of July 2003 he “quit his job” as a security guard at Ellesmere shopping centre in Walkden and also apparently “called the police to complain” about Jonathan and Deborah Hardman.

Andrew Malkinson then had Simon Oakes drop him off at Manchester airport, telling Simon he planned to fly to Holland.

Instead of catching a flight however, Andrew Malkinson slept rough at the airport and eventually caught a train to Grimsby where Emily Dugan said he spent “a couple of nights” at a Salvation Army hostel.

The Manchester evening news reported on the 13th August 2004 under the header Strange drifter who covered his tracks that Andrew Malkinson had initially told the police he had changed his mind as “no standby flights were available” but by 2021 this narrative had also changed.

Below is a transcribe taken from Part 2 of the 2021 podcast where reporters Emily Dugan and Neal Keeling, along with rapist and fraudster Andrew Malkinson refer to the day of 25th July 2003, which was the day after it was announced his victim was helping police compile an E-Fit.

Emily Dugan stated:

On the 25th of July he decided to leave the area

This was 6 days after the rape took place

He was driven to Manchester airport by his flat mate

But upon arrival he says there was no direct flights to Amsterdam

Statements by Emily Dugan – 1st October 2021

Again Andrew Malkinson had initially told police that “no standby flights were available”, 18 years later he is now claiming “there was no direct flights to Amsterdam ”.

However Neal Keeling stated;

Malkinson’s explanation was that he’d just changed his mind

Instead of going back to Holland he went to Grimsby, his home town

Statements by Neal Keeling – 1st October 2021

Again, Andrew Malkinson had initially told police “no standby flights were available”.

But by the time he spoke to Emily Dugan in 2021 Andrew Malkinson now stated;

I thought it was an international airport

I thought it was open 24/7

And I got there, I.. I think it was after 8

Everything was shut, shut it down..

Statements by Andrew Malkinson – 1st October 2021

Manchester airport was NOT shut on the 25th of July 2003 and Andrew Malkinson had initially told police “no standby flights were available”.

Emily Dugan then stated;

I presume you didn’t have a smartphone in terms of trying to book a flight or knowing the airport was open

You know what access did you have for that information

Statements by Emily Dugan – 1st October 2021

Again Manchester airport WAS open on the 25th July 2003 and Andrew Malkinson had initially told police “no standby flights were available”.

Andrew Malkinson’s reply to Emily Dugan was;

No no

I.. I didn’t have any access at all

I was pondering what to do I thought I.. I.. can get a flight anytime I’ll go and see my mum

So I went to Grimsby to see my mum ‘cos I hadn’t seen her for a long time

I changed my plans you know

Like I always do

I’m a traveller

Statements by Andrew Malkinson – 1st October 2021

It is not known if Andrew Malkinson ever visited his mother Trisha/Trish.

Nor is it known if Andrew Malkinson’s mother gave evidence during his trial to support her sons claim that he had gone to visit her.

However the earliest he could have arrived in Grimsby would have been Saturday the 26th of July, that’s if he only slept rough the one night in Manchester airport.

Emily Dugan then stated;

After sleeping at the airport, Andy got the train to Grimsby and stayed at the Salvation Army for a couple of nights

He’d quit his job as a security guard in Manchester and soon began collecting unemployment benefits

Statements by Emily Dugan – 1st October 2021

If he only stayed at the Salvation Army hostel a “couple of nights” as Emily Dugan claimed, then this could suggest Andrew Malkinson slept there on Thursday the 31st July and Friday the 1st August, because Andrew Malkinson was arrested on the morning of Saturday the 2nd August 2003.

The earliest he could have gone to the job centre was Monday the 28th of July as they were only open Monday-Friday and it is unlikely Andrew Malkinson would have “began collecting employment benefits” in just five days.

Andrew Malkinson stated;

I signed on and told them my name and where I’m staying

If you’re someone running away you don’t disclose where you are do you

Statements by Andrew Malkinson – 1st October 2021

Neither Emily Dugan or Neal Keeling mention the fact that the day before Andrew Malkinson went on the run, it had been reported that his victim was helping the police compile an E-Fit sketch of her attacker.

Aftet Andrew Malkinson had “signed on” at Grimsby job centre, the job centre made a check with Ellesmere shopping centre in Walkden “whose managers tipped off police that Malkinson was in Grimsby”.

Link to Part 7 here