Killer Luke Mitchell: Scammer Sandra Lean & The Deception Of Convicted Rapist Sean Bw Parker With The Morphing Of The “Prison Officer” Into the “Prison Governor” (Part 251)

Roberta Glass of the Roberta Glass True Crime Report recently published a video called Free Psycho Killer Luke Mitchell!, which can be listened to below;

At around 55:19 of the above video scammer Sandra Lean stated;

The, the prison officer told Luke

I don’t care what the law says

Sandra Lean
Scammer Sandra Lean and convicted rapist Sean Bw Parker

However convicted rapist Sean Parker, who was referred to in Parts 235 and 236 of this ongoing blog series (which can be read by tapping on the buttons below), chose to deceptively morph the “prison officer” into the “prison Governor”;

Personally I think that’s a very justifiable place

And obviously erm is to be fought in a court

But it shouldn’t be done by a prison Governor

Saying I don’t care what the law says

That’s erm of course of interest

In the home of enlightenment in Scotland

Registered sex offender Sean Bw Parker

The above can be heard at around 58:10 of the same video (above)

Link to Part 252 here

Killer Luke Mitchell: An Update From Scammer Sandra Lean’s Flying Monkey & Deluded Dupe Lynette Morrison & HMIPS (Part 250)

Lynette Morrison who was referred to in Part 243 on this ongoing blog series, which can be read by tapping on the button below;

has announced on one of the innocence fraud Facebook groups (7th July 2023) that “2 things arrived today

One was a letter she received from Wendy Sinclair-Gieben from HMIPS, which has been reproduced below;

and the other were two t-shirts which Lynette Morrison appears to have had printed in support of sadistic and psychopathic killer Luke Mitchell.

Lynette Morrison also published photos on the t-shirts, a copy of one can be found below;

Lynette Morrison did not attend killer Luke Mitchell’s 2004/05 trial therefore Lynette is not aware of all of the 42 days worth of evidence.

Lynette Morrison is also not aware of all of killer Luke Mitchell’s evidence that he and his deceptive enablers have kept hidden from their “followers” – for 20 years!

Why doesn’t Lynette Morrison ask the killer and scammer Sandra Lean to publish his 22 page written witness statement?

Killer Luke Mitchell’s 1st July 2003 written witness statement was read out at the beginning of his trial by detective constable Alan Towers on the 20th December 2004.

Tap on the button below to read more on this 22 page written statement;

Link to Part 251 here

Killer Luke Mitchell: “Behind The Scenes” With Scammer Sandra Lean & Registered Sex Offender & Convicted Rapist Sean Parker & Their Innocence Fraud (Part 249)

*Guest Blog*

It’s quite astonishing that she chose to do an interview with this convicted rapist,.

But, is it surprising?

I think not,

It really is quite the coalition she has by her side, multiple convicted killers, convicted attempted murderers, and now a convicted rapist.

That’s even before we chat about about the ex-cops and the criminologist who all stepped aside from their positions due to dishonest behaviours,

No wonder no one of note will have a serious look at this (closed) case.

It’s even more astonishing that people believe her word for word yet can’t read between the lines to what has been going on,

But the truth of the matter is there is absolutely zero going on behind the scenes.

Time out to work on the case? no,

travelling around in a van for summer is what’s happening,

She has no TV in the van,

Sublime messages are everywhere.

Cameras in courtyards, shoes being taken, and the rest, mentioning it now?

Wake up, people.

(Link to original comment here)

More On Convicted Rapist Sean Parker

Tap on the button below to read more about registered sex offender and convicted rapist Sean Parker;

Link to Part 250 here

14 Year Old Teenage killers Luke Muir Mitchell (Scotland, UK) & Aiden Sean Fucci (Florida, USA) – Part 248

Luke Muir Mitchell
Aiden Sean Fucci

Scammer Sandra Lean made the following statement via Facebook on the 6th July 2023;

Psychopathic murderer Aiden Fucci was also only 14 years of age when he chose to commit his murder of Tristyn Bailey (13).

Aiden Fucci was also sentenced as an adult.

There are several other parallels between the two teen male murderers.

Aiden Fucci also appears to have been fantasised about committing murder.

Aiden Fucci carried knives and named two of his knives “picker” and “poker”.

Aiden Fucci appears to have had an interest in satanic material.

Aiden Fucci was a heavy cannabis user.

Aiden Fucci was enabled by his mother Crystal Smith.

Below are excerpts from a March 2023 article;

Aiden Sean Fucci was a 14-year student attending Patriot Oaks Academy in St. Johns County, Florida.

On May 9, 2021, he killed 13-year-old Tristyn Bailey by stabbing her 114 times.

Fucci, at first, was arrested on the charge of second-degree murder.

The charge was soon changed to the firstdegree when his motivation and predetermination were confirmed. 

While Fucci did not have any prior criminal records, numerous interviews with peers revealed that Fucci had violent fantasies, which he often talked about.

He spoke of having the urge to murder someone by slitting their throat.

The thought of killing someone satisfied him, according to Fucci’s girlfriend.

His friends also corroborated that the 14-year-old practiced stabbing motions with a knife.

The young teenager was also a regular drug user. 

The evidence, along with the brutality of the crime, was the prime factor behind his offense being changed to that of the first degree.

Fucci was also known to carry a knife on him at all times and show it off to his best friend and girlfriend. 

Excerpts from an article by headed Why was Aiden Fucci charged as an adult dated 28th March 2023

Tap on the button below to read how sadistic murderer Luke Mitchell’s violent nature was recognised by 7 years of age and how his violence escalated into murder one month shy of his 15th Birthday;

Link to Part 249 here

Killer Luke Mitchell: Abuser, Fraudster, Fake “Lawyer” & “Peabrain” Scott C Forbes Aka Govan G51/G5191 & His Latest Bare Faced Lies & Defamation (Part 247)

Fake lawyer, scammer and abuser Scott Forbes has made numerous defamatory accusations over the years, beginning towards his alleged “friend” Mark Kane.

Scott Forbes’s defamation and smear campaigns appear to have escalated since he appeared in a channel 5 TV show in February 2021 called Murder in a small town.

The TV show promoted the propaganda and innocence fraud of sadistic killer Luke Mitchell and his toxic enabler Sandra Lean.

Scott Forbes has used numerous “alternative accounts” on various social media platforms over the years, one of which was referred to in Part 125 of this blog series, which can be read by tapping on the button below;

Fraudster Scott Forbes often forgets to log out of his “alternate” social media accounts and has been caught out numerous times, including when he responded to Gerry Kelly using his GovanG51 account, as can be seen in the screenshot below;

Statements made by abuser and fraudster Scott Forbes, using one of his “alternative accountsGovanG51, have been copied from the comments section of scammer Sandra Lean’s latest YouTube innocence fraud nonsense – where she spoke with registered sex offender and convicted rapist Sean Parker.

Sadistic murderer Luke Mitchell was, and is, the only person responsible for his murder and whilst someone may have gone on to make a statement claiming they saw Joseph Jones following his sister Jodi Jones🌻on the 30th June 2003.

There is no evidence anywhere to back up this fantasists allegations!

NOTE: Innocence Fraud Watch do not support or endorse any of the abusive, defamatory statements and bare faced lies made by Scott Forbes Aka GovanG5191 and are reproducing them below for evidential purposes only;

Tap on the button below to read how sadistic murderer Luke Mitchell’s violent nature was recognised by 7 years of age and how his violence escalated into murder one month shy of his 15th Birthday;

Killer Luke Mitchell: Deluded Dupe Dawn Taylor Does Not Recognise The Fact She Is Being Lied To By The Guilty Killer & Scammer Sandra Lean (Part 246)

After being duped by scammer Sandra Lean and sadistic, psychopathic killer Luke Mitchell and their innocence fraud propaganda scam, Dawn Taylor has apparently “introduced” her 16 year old son to the teenage killers brutal murder of one of his 14 year old girlfriends – Jodi Jones🌻

Dawn Taylor did not attend the killers 42 day trial in 2004/05 and therefore has no idea of all the evidence heard during those 42 days.

Dawn Taylor is also not aware of all of actual, factual guilty killer Luke Mitchell’s evidence.

The reason Dawn Taylor is not aware of guilty killer Luke Mitchell’s evidence is due to the fact he and scammer Sandra Lean have been hiding it – for 20 years!

On the 1st July 2003 killer Luke Mitchell wrote a 22 page witness statement.

This 22 page witness statement was read out at the beginning of his trial by detective constable Alan Towers.

The media only ever reported on a few sentences from the killers 22 page witness statement.

Tap on the button below to read how sadistic murderer Luke Mitchell’s violent nature was recognised by 7 years of age and how his violence escalated into murder one month shy of his 15th Birthday;

Deluded dupe Lynette Morrison, who was referred to in Part 243 of this blog series (which can be read by tapping on the button below), commented underneath Dawn Taylor’s Facebook post;

Link to Part 247 here

Killer Luke Mitchell: Murderers Enabler Caroline Ramsey Also Oblivious To Registered Sex Offender & Convicted Rapist Sean Parker (Part 245)

Caroline Ramsey posted underneath scammer Sandra Lean’s post on registered sex offender and convicted rapist Sean Parker;

Tap on the button below to read more about registered sex offender and convicted rapist Sean Parker;

Link to Part 246 here

Killer Luke Mitchell: Murderers Enabler & Deluded Dupe Liz Mcilroy Shows Her Contempt Towards A Family She Has Never Met (Part 244)

Liz Mcilroy

Jodi Jones 🌻 loved ones and family have nothing to hide!

The only people who have ever hidden anything in this case and innocence fraud spin campaign are killer Luke Mitchell, his mother Corinne Mitchell and scammer Sandra Lean!

Liz Mcilroy should ask the convicted murderer, and scammer Sandra Lean, to publish his 22 page written witness statement which the killer made on the 1st of July 2003.

This 22 page witness statement was read out at the beginning of the sadistic killers 2004/05 trial by detective constable Alan Towers.

The media only ever published a few sentences from the killers evidence.

For 20 years him and scammer Sandra Lean have hidden this from the people they are duping.

Also being hidden are the Scottish criminal cases review commissions (SCCRC) 200 page statement of reasons.

The SCCRC carried out an independent review of killer Luke Mitchell’s case and concluded they believed the psychopathic murderer to be actually, factually guilty.

Tap on the button below to read how sadistic murderer Luke Mitchell’s violent nature was recognised by 7 years of age and how his violence escalated into murder one month shy of his 15th Birthday;

Link to Part 245 here

Killer Luke Mitchell: Scammer Sandra Lean’s Flying Monkey & Deluded Dupe Lynette Morrison (Part 243)

In response to Morag Stirling’s letter, referred to in Part 241 of this ongoing blog series, which can be read by tapping on the button below;

Deluded dupe Lynette Morrison decided to respond to the letter referred to in the above blog with the following;

Deluded dupe Michelle Mulligan has indicated she will be copying Lynette Morrison’s “template”, as can be seen in the following screenshot of their Facebook posts:

It is not yet known how the above with go down with scammer Sandra Lean and sadistic, psycho killer Luke Mitchell but it is likely Lynette Morrison and Michelle Mulligans names will be added to the killers prison security records.

To date, no evidence has ever been provided to suggest the killers human rights have been breached!

In response to a facebook post made by scammer Sandra Lean on Annie Börjesson, who committed suicide on the 3rd/4th December 2005, Lynette Morrison made claim the police were “not doing their job

Link to Part 244 here

Killer Luke Mitchell: Murderers Enabler Stephenson Skoenies Tracii Seemingly Oblivious To Registered Sex Offender & Convicted Rapist Sean Parker (Part 242)

Stephenson Skoenies Tracii

On the 6th April 2023 Stephenson Skoenies Tracii made the following Facebook post;

Stephenson Skoenies Tracii’s Facebook post can be read in full here.

More recently Stephenson Skoenies Tracii posted underneath scammer Sandra Lean’s post on registered sex offender and convicted rapist Sean Parker;

Tap on the button below to read more about registered sex offender and convicted rapist Sean Parker;

Link to Part 243 here