Killer Luke Mitchell: Malicious Troll Heather Brunt & Her Vitriol & Perverted Nonsense Encouraged By Murderers Chief Enabler Sandra Lean (Part 288)

Heather Brunt and her continuous abuse, harassment and perverted nonsense is encouraged by innocence fraud scammer Sandra Lean.

Some of malicious troll Heather Brunt’s continuous abuse, harassment, defamation and perverted nonsense has been referred to by What They Found in their recent video on the murderer and his enablers innocence fraud.

The latest video by What They Found can be listened to below;

Read more by tapping on the buttons below;

Link to Part 289 here

Killer Luke Mitchell: Roddy McKendry, Suzy Hall & Abusive Troll Heather Brunt Choose To Continue To Drag Innocent James Falconer’s Name “Into The Mud” 15 Years After The 2008 Appeal (Part 264)

In 2007 scammer Sandra Lean made comparisons to guilty killers John Taft and Simon Hall’s cases to that of guilty killer Luke Mitchell.

Sandra Lean stated;

Like Simon Hall and John Taft, a central aspect to the case involves a piece of clothing claimed to have belonged to the defendant, but that claim is never, at any point, backed up by proof.

Also, as with Simon Hall, the lack of a definitive time of death allows a presumption to be presented almost as fact – neither Luke nor Simon had a cast iron alibi at a specific time, therefore the prosecution presumes that to be the time of death.

Failure of forensic experts to attend the scene in a timely manner allowed evidence to be lost in both of these cases.

Finally, as with Derek Christian and Simon Hall, we are asked to believe that Luke Mitchell suddenly and inexplicably “flipped,” behaving in a manner which is completely uncharacteristic, then almost instantly returns to normal.

Excerpts from Sandra Lean’s 1st discredited book No Smoke: The Shocking Truth About British Justice (first published in May 2007)

Tap on the button below to read a copy of scammer Sandra Lean’s chapter on guilty killer Luke Mitchell;

Common sense would surely suggest that people would question Sandra Lean’s credibility and that if she got so much so wrong in cases like guilty killers John Taft and Simon Hall’s cases, how much has she got wrong in killer Luke Mitchell’s case.

Suzy Hall
Roddy McKendry
Heather Brunt

Heather Brunt, Roddy McKendry and Suzy Hall do not appear concerned by Sandra Lean’s misleading and false innocence fraud narratives.

Abusive troll Heather Brunt recently published a copy of a photograph of her latest target – an innocent man called James Falconer.

Roddy McKendry and Suzy Hall chose to comment underneath with their own deluded nonsense.

As much as these people say the worst thing ever is “accusing an innocent person”, they choose to do it anyway – as is evidenced below;

A February 2008 media article here stated that a “used condom was found 50 metres from the spot where Jodi was killed”.

Another article here stated;

As for Falconer, the defence say a recently used condom was found 50 metres from the murder scene.

DNA swabs matched a sample taken from Falconer two months ago.

The defence papers declare:

“His explanation given to police for semen in a condom lacked credibility and aspects of his statement have proven to be false.

Common sense would again surely suggest that innocent James Falconer may have met up with someone back in June 2003 and had “safe sex” by choosing to use a condom.

It is not known if James Falconer wrote his own witness statement or if a police officer wrote it for him.

However what is known is that James Falconer was ruled out of the investigation and his name was dropped from the 2008 appeal.

Innocent James Falconer had nothing whatsoever to do with killer Luke Mitchell’s murderous crimes.

Link to Part 265 here

Killer Luke Mitchell: More On Liar, Scammer & Fake “Lawyer” Scott Charles Forbes & How He Attempted To Cash In On His Nonsense Of A Story & More On Liar Heather Brunt (Part 256)

Scammer Scott Forbes did not “come forward” until “some 18 months” after sadistic killer Luke Mitchell had been found guilty for his murder on 21st January 2005.

Scott Forbes did not make a statement until January 2008.

Excerpts from a February 2008 Herald article headed Man named in appeal tried to sell story to newspapers stated;

A man who claimed to have vital evidence which could clear Luke Mitchell of the horrific murder of his girlfriend, Jodi Jones, hoped to get a massive pay-off from selling his story, appeal judges heard yesterday.

Mitchell’s defence team wants the Court of Criminal Appeal in Edinburgh to hear more about claims that a cannabis smoker with unusual tastes in rock music and internet violence might be a possible “suspect”.

He was supposed to have been near the woods where Jodi, 14, was murdered in June, 2003, to have been acting strangely in the days following and to have sustained unexplained injuries to his face.

Donald Findlay, QC, said that the drug addict, named only as Mark Kane, “ticked all the same boxes” as Mitchell.

The lawyer told appeal judges that Mitchell’s defence team had been made aware of the addict by another man, Scott Forbes, who had first come forward some 18 months after Mitchell had been convicted of Jodi’s murder and given a life sentence.

Mr Findlay said that Mr Forbes had sworn out a statement last month and his claims were being investigated.

But John Beckett, QC, for the Crown, revealed that police investigations cast doubt on what Mr Forbes had told solicitors – and a BBC Frontline Scotland programme in May last year.

Excerpts from a Herald article headed Man named in appeal tried to sell story to newspapers dated 14th February 2008

Innocent Mark Kane was traced and eliminated during the police investigation via CCTV.

Scott Forbes & Heather Brunt’s Bare Faced Lies About The Killers Hidden Trousers, Seized From Newbattle Abbey Crescent

In Part 253 of this ongoing blog series, Scott Forbes is evidenced confirming killer Luke Mitchell had not stayed at his father Philip Mitchell’s house in Livingstone “for weeks” before he committed his murder.

Tap on the button below to read Part 253;

Fraudster Scott Forbes told numerous lies in his self published defamatory book.

The following is an excerpt from the defamatory book where Scott Forbes lies about killer Luke Mitchell hidden trousers with Jodi Jones🌻 DNA found on them;

Jodi Jones’ DNA was found on a pair of trousers belonging to Luke Mitchell. The trousers were in a holdall at his father’s house in Livingston, a home he hadn’t been to for at least a fortnight prior to the murder of Jodi.  The evidence was, therefore, deemed irrelevant and agreed to be dismissed.

False statements by Scott Forbes taken from page 24 of his self published defamatory book

Abuser Heather Brunt, who is referred to in Part 252 of this blog series, re-produced Scott Forbes bare faced lie about killer Luke Mitchell’s hidden trousers on the 12th July 2023 via her Twitter social media account, as can be seen in the screenshot below;

Killer Luke Mitchell’s trousers, which had Jodi Jones🌻 DNA on them, were hidden in a holdall in his home at Newbattle Abbey Crescent NOT his father Philip Mitchell’s house in Livingstone.

Corinne Mitchell also highlighted this fact well over a decade ago, when she posted on un-convicted baby killer Billy Middleton’s WAP website forum.

Below is a reproduction of one of Corinne Mitchell’s posts, taken from the now defunct WAP forum;

The above was copied from the UK Justice forum here

Again, killer Luke Mitchell’s hold-all was seized from his mother Corinne Mitchell’s house.

The excuse was that the hold-all was used by the killer when he stayed at his father Philip Mitchell’s house in Livingstone, not that it was seized from Philip Mitchell’s house!

Tap on the button below to read about reporting Scott Forbes’ self published defamatory book;

Link to Part 257 here

Killer Luke Mitchell: Murderers Cult Members & Flying Monkeys Heather Brunt & Karolina Polcik & The Urine Habit (Part 252)

Heather Brunt
Karolina Polcik

As referred to in the previous Part of this ongoing blog series, Roberta Glass from the Roberta Glass True Crime Report recently published a video called Free Psycho Killer Luke Mitchell! which can be listened to below;

Roberta Glass referred to the numerous bottles of urine found in the bedroom of killer Luke Mitchell during the police search of the house he was living in at the time he committed his murder.

In response, one of the killers most abusive and vicious cult followers Heather Brunt made a clip of Roberta Glass referring to the bottles of urine.

Along with her short clip Heather Brunt stated;

Please Listen ( Only 12sec) And Share How Vicious Roberta Glass is Laughing At A Traumatized Child Who’d Just Seen His Murdered & Mutilated G/f What An EVIL COW

Heather Brunt – Source here

Heather Brunt also stated;

Psychologist recognise it as a thing people do after trauma, well what #LukeMitchell experienced as a child you couldn’t get more traumatising

Heather Brunt

Very little gets me mad but to laugh AT a child’s distress, what an utter embarrassment of a human being

Heather Brunt

Bottles of urine under his bed because of trauma, doesn’t make him a murderer. She’s a wicked person

Heather Brunt

In response to Heather Brunt’s statements Karolina Polcik stated;

she’s evil

Karolina Polcik

Killer Had Been Urininating In Bottles Before His Murder

Killer Luke Mitchell had been urinating in bottles and keeping them in his bedroom before he committed his murder on the 30th of June 2003.

Bottles containing urine were found in the killers bedroom on the 4th of July 2003 by police during there search and also on others occasions when searches were carried out.

A Scotsman article stated;

It was the strong smell of ammonia which first struck detectives when they walked into Luke Mitchell’s bedroom.

If that initially puzzled them, then their next discovery would startle even the most hardened investigators.

There lying under the teenager’s bed were bottle after bottle of a cloudy liquid, looking suspiciously like urine.

More bottles were hidden away in drawers, some wrapped up in socks. Soon there were 20 bottles lying in front of the bewildered detectives. Lab tests would later show they were the 15-year-old’s own urine.

Excerpts from a Scotsman article headed Urine under bed paints picture of oddball killer dated 16th May 2008

A BBC article stated;

John Beckett QC, representing the Crown, told Lords Hamilton, Osborne and Kingarth:

“His explanation was that because he slept on top of a bunk bed it was more convenient to do that than to do anything else.

“It was to show that explanation was untrue. The new ones (bottles) came at a time when his position was that he was sleeping in the living room next to his mother, or something like that”

Mr Beckett argued the evidence was presented in anticipation the defence would attempt to show Mitchell had the bedroom of a “normal” teenager.

Excerpts from a BBC article headed Mitchell’s urine habit ‘relevant’ dated 15th February 2008

Excerpts from the 16th May 2008 court of appeal judgement stated;

..the trial judge gave clear directions to the jury that they should not judge the appellant on the basis of his personal conduct or habits or lifestyle, except to the extent that these might be relevant to the issues of fact which they had to decide.

We have come to the view that, in the particular circumstances before him, the trial judge did not err in allowing the evidence in question to be led and that there is no merit in this ground of appeal.

[128] The background to this matter is fully disclosed in the report from the trial judge.

During the search of 203 Newbattle Abbey Crescent on 4 July 2003 a number of bottles containing liquid were found in the appellant’s bedroom, some on and some under the bed.

This was a cabin type bed and the appellant slept on the upper level.

Some of the bottles could be seen in a book of photographs containing photographs of the appellant’s bedroom.

Forensic examination indicated that the liquid was urine. During the evidence of Mahasweta Roy, a forensic scientist, she was asked by the Advocate depute about the relevant passage in a forensic science report.

[131] At a later stage the Crown sought to lead a passage from a police interview with the appellant on 14 August 2003 in which the appellant explained why he had kept the bottles – broadly, that he had started urinating in bottles because one time he had fallen off his bed when he got up to go to the toilet during the night, that he had hurt his head and had woken everyone up in the house.

Excerpts from Court of appeal judgement LUKE MITCHELL v. HER MAJESTY’S ADVOCATE dated 16th May 2008

Why didn’t killer Luke Mitchell use the bathroom, instead of urinating in bottles and keeping them in his bedroom, when he was allegedly sleeping downstairs in the living room?

Also why didn’t his mother Corinne Mitchell encourage her son to clean the urine bottles out of his room and use the bathroom instead?

Scammer Sandra Lean’s Myth

Sandra Lean falsely claimed in her 1st discredited book;

Another complete red herring was the finding of bottles of urine found in Luke’s bedroom. Just what, exactly, these had to do with Luke‟s likelihood of having been Jodi’s murderer is still unclear, yet the finding of these bottles was given great significance by both the prosecution and the press, in a blatant attempt to encourage suspicion and revulsion towards Luke Mitchell.

The perfectly innocent explanation – that the trauma of events had triggered a form of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), compelling him to “hold on” to literally everything, never made it to the public domain. 

Excerpt from Sandra Lean’s 1st discredited book No Smoke: The Shocking Truth About British Justice

In reality, “the trauma of events” linked to Luke Mitchell’s murder of Jodi Jones🌻 could not have “triggered” him into urinating into bottles prior to his murder!

Tap on the button below to read some parallels with 14 year old psychopathic killer Aiden Fucci;

Tap on the button below to read Part 256 which includes more on Heather Brunt;

Link to Part 253 here

Killer Luke Mitchell: Scammer Sandra Lean & The Deception Of Convicted Rapist Sean Bw Parker With The Morphing Of The “Prison Officer” Into the “Prison Governor” (Part 251)

Roberta Glass of the Roberta Glass True Crime Report recently published a video called Free Psycho Killer Luke Mitchell!, which can be listened to below;

At around 55:19 of the above video scammer Sandra Lean stated;

The, the prison officer told Luke

I don’t care what the law says

Sandra Lean
Scammer Sandra Lean and convicted rapist Sean Bw Parker

However convicted rapist Sean Parker, who was referred to in Parts 235 and 236 of this ongoing blog series (which can be read by tapping on the buttons below), chose to deceptively morph the “prison officer” into the “prison Governor”;

Personally I think that’s a very justifiable place

And obviously erm is to be fought in a court

But it shouldn’t be done by a prison Governor

Saying I don’t care what the law says

That’s erm of course of interest

In the home of enlightenment in Scotland

Registered sex offender Sean Bw Parker

The above can be heard at around 58:10 of the same video (above)

Link to Part 252 here

Killer Luke Mitchell: Registered Sex Offender & Rapist Sean Bw Parker, Scammer Sandra Lean & The Innocence Fraud Phenomenon Groomer Michael Naughton Aka “Empowering The Innocent” Of Bristol University (Part 237)

Michael Naughton Aka Empowering the innocent
Rapist & registered sex offender Sean Parker
Sandra Lean

I think it’s clear that exonerations can be the result of fraud or misconduct on the part of post-conviction activists and litigators

John M Collins Jr

Registered Sex Offender & Convicted Rapist Sean Parker

Registered sex offender and convicted rapist Sean Parker, who was referred to in Parts 235 and 236 of this ongoing blog series (which can be read by tapping on the buttons above), made the following statements about innocence fraud groomer Michael Naughton of Bristol university;

UK’s chief miscarriages of justice expert

He’s brilliant on the subject

He’s a pal of mine

He gives me these ideas of what to write about..

Registered sex offender Sean Bw Parker

Michael Naughton has been referred to throughout The Truth Behind Killer Simon Hall & His & His Deceitful Enablers Innocence Fraud Phenomenon Scam ongoing blog series.

Michael Naughton represented actual, factual guilty killer Simon Hall when the innocence fraud scam was exposed back in 2012/13.

In 2010 Michael Naughton told Stephanie (Hall), who was groomed and conned by killer Simon Hall, that un-convicted baby killer Billy Middleton’s not proven verdict looked dubious.

Scammer Sandra Lean

Scammer Sandra Lean referred to “Empowering the innocent” in a recent Facebook post she made, as can be seen in the below screenshot;

Sandra Lean claimed in a further Facebook post she would be “speaking with them in the coming week”;

Innocence Fraud Phenomenon Groomer Michael Naughton Aka Empowering The Innocent

Michael Naughton tweeted on registered sex offender and convicted rapist Sean Bw Parker and scammer Sandra Lean on the 1st July 2023, as can be seen by the following screenshot;

One fraudulent Scam Builds On Another

The following are excerpts from Michael Naughton’s blog (here);

Empowering the Innocent (ETI) builds on this body of work and on previous innovative projects that were established by Dr Naughton, namely Innocence Network UK (INUK) and the University of Bristol Innocence Project, reflecting on both the successes and achievements of those projects as well as the lessons learnt

Michael Naughton

Some more on innocence fraud groomer Michael Naughton can be found by tapping on the button below.

To read about the deceitful and deceptive lengths he went to to free psychopathic killer Simon Hall, follow the links in the blog series.

Link to Part 238 here

Killer Luke Mitchell: “Cowardly Troll” & Fake Lawyer Scott Forbes & Deluded Abuser Val Young, Lionising Sex Offender & Predator Sean Parker (Aka Benjamin/Ben William Parker)- Part 236

Rapist & registered sex offender Sean Parker

Registered sex offender Sean Parker (Aka Benjamin/Ben Parker) was referred to in Part 235 of this ongoing blog series, which can be read by tapping on the button below;

The following comments were made on charlatan and scammer Sandra Lean’s latest youtube video;

Tap on the button below to read Part 229 regarding the abuse of innocent Steven Kelly;

Link to Part 237 here