Sexual Deviant & Psychopathic, Scottish Teen Luke Mitchell & The Numerous Other Targeted Girls & Knife Attacks Leading Up To His Murder; Including Laura Wightman, Kara & The 3 Kimberley’s (Part 271)

With every new victim, his predatory skills were sharpened, and he became craftier at luring his targets to the metaphorical stove with the giant pot of water

Target/Girlfriend Kimberley Thomson

At around 44:35 during a 1st May 2023 youtube video titled keeping the record straight scammer Sandra Lean stated;

The previous relationship with Kimberley

They had a holiday romance

She did come to see him in the January

The December to January of 2003

Before he met Jodi

And that was the end of the contact

Sandra Lean

This is yet another of Sandra Lean’s bare faced lies!

Sadistic killer Luke Mitchell visited Kimberly Thomson on Valentine’s Day in February 2003 and was due to physically see her again on the 5th July 2003.

Luke Mitchell continued to give Kimberley Thomson the impression that he was her boyfriend, right up until he committed his murder on 30th June 2003.

A December 2004 BBC article stated;

Kimberley Thomson told the jury she had been the girlfriend of Luke Mitchell, the youth accused of murdering Jodi.

Miss Thomson said that when she read about Jodi’s death and the fact that Jodi had been Mr Mitchell’s girlfriend, she was annoyed.

She said: “I was upset. I knew he had obviously been cheating on me”

When asked how she would describe her relationship with Mr Mitchell, she said:

“Boyfriend and girlfriend.”

Mr Mitchell visited Kenmore in the autumn of 2002 and Miss Thomson stayed at the Mitchell home in Dalkeith from Boxing Day until just after New Year.

The accused also visited her on St Valentine’s Day 2003.

Excerpts from a BBC news article headed Jodi ‘look-alike’ gives evidence dated 30th December 2004

There were also telephone records and text messages which supported the fact that killer Luke Mitchell was giving Kimberley Thomson this impression.

Another media article read;

The judges were informed (Luke) Mitchell told police investigating the murder he had not spoken to Kimberley since January 2003, but records showed 79 calls between then and the end of June.

There was also a Valentine’s Day visit.

Just two days before her murder, Jodi left (Luke) Mitchell’s house, by taxi, about 10pm.

After that there was a series of long telephone calls, totalling more than three hours.

Mr Beckett said it was an example of how (Luke) Mitchell was prepared to lie, even in the face of known evidence.

Excerpts from a Glasgow times article headed Judges told Mitchell lied about affair dated 15th February 2008

Sandra Lean went on to state in her keeping the record straight video;

So whatever kind of relationship he was having with Kimberley

After that was not sexual

Sandra Lean

The video then played a sound bite by YouTuber What They Found, who stated;

Jodi at one point believed that Luke was cheating on her when confiding with best friend Kirsten Ford

What They Found

Sadistic Killer Luke Mitchell Was Targeting Numerous Girls All At Once

Sandra Lean replied in response to this statement;

That makes me very sad

There was a point at which Jodi wondered if Luke was cheating on her

Not with Kimberley

Somebody else

And do you know what made her wonder about that

Her mum suggested it

There was another good friend that, female friend, that they went about with

All the time

And her mum suggested that maybe Luke had something going with the friend as well

Jo, eh Jodi approached both of them

They were both absolutely horrified

And reassured her that that was absolutely not the case

Sandra Lean

Target/Girlfriend Laura Wightman

Luke Mitchell was “cheating on” Jodi Jones with numerous other girls and in reality Sandra Lean has no idea why Jodi Jones “wondered if Luke was cheating on her”.

The “good friend” referred to by Sandra Lean was Laura Wightman.

Kirsten Ford, one of Jodi Jones closest friends, spoke to reporter Jane Hamilton about Laura Wightman and Luke Mitchell “cheating” on Jodi Jones.

Jane Hamilton’s article stated in part;

Months before she was killed, the 14-year-old told closest pal Kirsten Ford: ‘Luke has all these knives in his bedroom. Isn’t that weird?’ 

Last night, Kirsten, now 16, said: ‘Jodi was disturbed by it. She wouldn’t have said it otherwise. 

But only weeks into the relationship, Jodi became worried about (Luke) Mitchell’s close friendship with Laura Wightman, a girl he would later take to her graveside. 

Laura was with Luke a lot and once Jodi heard that he might have been cheating on her but I think she spoke to him and they sorted it out

Excerpts by Jane Hamilton for the Sunday Mail article headed JODI JONES: HER SOULMATES My Luke has all these knives in his bedroom.. isn’t that weird? Exclusive: Jodi’s words to her best friend just weeks before she was butchered dated 22nd January 2005

When he interviewed the killer on the 14th of August 2003 during a section 14 interview, detective constable George Thomson asked sadistic killer Luke Mitchell about whether or not he had “two-timed” Jodi with other girls – this included Laura Wightman according to the killer.

As was usual for killer Luke Mitchell – he bare faced lied!

A BBC article stated;

Detective Constable George Thomson carried out the interviews with Luke Mitchell in August 2003, when the boy was just 15.

During the time you were going out with Jodi did you see other girls?

Did you two-time Jodi?”

Mr Mitchell told him:


Excerpts from a BBC article headed Jodi boyfriend ‘not two-timing’ dated 24th December 2004

Killer Luke Mitchell invited reporter Grace McLean to speak with him a few days after his section 14 police interview.

Below are a couple of excerpts from Grace McLean’s article on her meeting with the teen killer;

He said:

The cops asked me about my relationship with Jodi’s friend Laura.

“They asked me about Laura and if I wanted it to be just the two of us and asked if that was why I killed Jodi”

Excerpts by Grace McLean for the Daily Mail article headed I’m simply not a normal teenager EXCLUSIVE: Luke Mitchell’s chilling boast to the Mail dated 22nd January 2005

By the time of this meeting killer Luke Mitchell and Laura Wightman were known to be having a sexual relationship, as is clear from the following excerpts by reporter Maggie Barry;

KILLER Luke Mitchell was a violent thug – but girls flocked to be his lover. 

The teenager’s reputation as a moody rebel captured the hearts of girls in Dalkeith. 

But behind his mask, (Luke) Mitchell was a woman-hater who tried to force his lovers to have sex at the point of a knife. 

Within days of Jodi’s murder he had replaced her with another girl. 

Jodi had been unaware when she began dating (Luke)Mitchell that he already had a girlfriend who looked “almost identical”. 

Mitchell conned both girls into thinking their relationship was special and exclusive. 

He introduced her to cannabis, she got a lip piercing and had sex with him. 

Within weeks of Jodi’s death, (Luke) Mitchell was having sex with one of her best friends. 

Sadistic killer Luke Mitchell (right) with “girlfriend” Laura Wightman (left) on 3rd September 2003

When he was banned from Jodi’s funeral, (Luke) Mitchell took his new girlfriend to her graveside knowing it would attract attention. 

The blonde teenager clutched a red rose as she stood, wearing a Nirvana T-shirt, beside (Luke) Mitchell.

Ever the showman, (Luke) Mitchell knelt down to comfort her as she wept while reading cards and tributes from Jodi’s classmates. 

Excerpts by Maggie Barry Jodi Jones: The verdict: Luke was a dark and dangerous character.. he was irresistible to teenage girls; BUT TEEN TURNED EVIL WHEN TOLD ‘NO’ dated January 2005

Sadistic, Sexual Deviant Luke Mitchell Tagetted, Conned & Abused Many Girls

Laura Wightman appears to have made two police witness statements, one in July 2003 and one in September 2004.

It also appears it was sometime before the killers trial that Laura Wightman became “estranged” from Luke Mitchell, as was reported by Lucy Bannerman;

one friend sided with (Luke) Mitchell forming an intimate relationship with him in the aftermath of the killing

Despite her initial loyalty, she and (Luke) Mitchell became estranged and the 15-year-old was later diagnosed with a severe depressive disorder, exacerbated by the heavy use of cannabis and the trauma of her friends murder.

Increasing doubts over (Luke) Mitchell’s innocence may have contributed to her condition. 

Excerpts from a Herald article by Lucy Bannerman headed “A truly evil murder – you will rightly be regarded as wicked” Lucy Bannerman finds how a teenage love of music and rebellion ended with a walk to a horrific death dated 22nd January 2005

It also seems that Laura Wightman was exempt from giving evidence during killer Luke Mitchell’s trial after being diagnosed with a “severe depressive disorder”.

Target/Girlfriend Kara Van Null

Sadistic killer Luke Mitchell appears to have targeted Kara Van Null around the same time he targeted Jodi Jones.

It is not known if Luke Mitchell ever told Laura Wightman about Kara Van Null or about any of the other girls he had targeted.

However reporter Grace McLean’s following article on Kara Van Null told of how he had also attacked Kara with a knife to her throat in the lead up to his murder;

A teenager last night told how killer Luke Mitchell held a knife to her throat just a month before he killed and mutilated girlfriend Jodi Jones.

(Luke) Mitchell, then only 14 years old, pulled on a balaclava, grabbed Kara van Nuil from behind and warned her not to move as he pressed the blade to her neck.

Last night she said:

“I was absolutely terrified. He was so strong. I didn’t hear him coming. He just came up behind me, grabbed me around the neck with one arm and held the knife with the other.

‘He told me: “Move and you are f***ing dead”.’

Miss van Nuil, now 17, met (Luke) Mitchell at the Army Cadet HQ in Bonnyrigg, Midlothian, when she joined his cadet unit in February, 2002.

They started dating a few weeks later, even though (Luke) Mitchell was already going out with Jodi and seeing another girl, Kimberley Thomson, in Perthshire.

Miss van Nuil told how she was at first mesmerised by (Luke) Mitchell and how he wooed her with romantic text messages.

But she brought the relationship to an end after he followed her into the cadet hut one night and threatened her with the knife.

She told the Scottish Daily Mail: ‘

‘He used to wear a balaclava and pull it up over his head like a hat.

‘We were at cadets in May when I went into the hut on my own. The instructors were out having a cigarette with the other cadets. I was messing about with the blackboard and I didn’t hear Luke coming but there was suddenly an arm around my neck.

I got a glimpse of him as I looked back and he had pulled his balaclava over his face. He then put a knife to my throat and said I would be dead if I moved an inch.

‘I was really scared and couldn’t move.

He was so strong. I couldn’t move my arms but I kept nipping his knees with my fingernails and begging him to let me go. He kept me like that for about a minute.

‘When he put the knife down I turned to face him and he said,

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

He tried to pretend it was a joke but my neck was red and I was genuinely scared. I was crying my eyes out.’

(Luke) Mitchell never returned to cadets after the attack. A month later he strangled 14-year-old Jodi and cut her throat.

Miss van Nuil regrets not telling her parents Angela, 39, and Bill, 55, about the attack until after the murder.

She said: ‘I never knew Jodi but when I found out Luke was her boyfriend I knew straight away that he had done it. I told my dad what happened in the cadet hut and he called the police.

‘They came around and took hours of statements but I was never called to court’

‘I’m so relieved – I couldn’t have faced him in the court. I’m so sorry for what happened to Jodi. When it first happened, I used to feel such guilt and think “that could have been me”.’

Miss van Nuil, of Gorebridge, Midlothian, said: ‘We never met anywhere but cadets, so I only saw him on Monday and Wednesday nights – I suppose because he was going out with Jodi.

‘One of my friends said he had five girls on the go but I didn’t care because I was crazy about him. He was so polite. I suspected he might have been a bit of a geek. But he always sent me lovely text messages.’

But Miss van Nuil said she also saw flashes of his temper: ‘One time he was on the shooting range and got told off by one of the instructors. All of a sudden he shouted something, threw down his gun and stormed off.

‘There were other times, too. If someone so much as criticised him, he would lose his temper and shout and swear at them.’ After the knife attack, she dumped (Luke) Mitchell.

But two days after he was first questioned about Jodi’s murder, Miss van Nuil saw him walking down her street. She said: ‘I was looking out the window. He was parading around like a cockerel. His friends all came out and started hugging him as if he was a hero.

I was terrified. I hid behind the curtain, shaking, and hoped he would not see me.’

Last night Miss Van Nuil broke down in tears on hearing the verdict.

By Grace McLean for the Daily Mail article dated 22nd January 2005 – Source here

Target Kimberley Tait

Reporter Lucy Bannerman made reference to another girl called Kimberley, who had also been threatened by Luke Mitchell with a knife after refusing “to sleep” with him;

Another fling ended on a more threatening note, with another West Lothian girl, Kimberley Tait, claiming (Luke) Mitchell once pulled a knife on her after she refused to sleep with him.

(Luke) Mitchell claimed the knife incident was only a joke.

Excerpts from a Herald article by Lucy Bannerman headed “A truly evil murder – you will rightly be regarded as wicked”; Lucy Bannerman finds how a teenage love of music and rebellion ended with a walk to a horrific death dated 22nd January 2005

Another 14 Year Old Girl & Her 5 Month Relationship With Killer Luke Mitchell Where He Also Threatened Her With A Knife In The Lead Up To His Murder

The following article by Chris Mooney refers to another 14 year old target of Luke Mitchell’s, who was also threatened by him with one of his knives;

A FORMER girlfriend of Luke Mitchell has told how he held a knife to her throat and threatened: “Dont move . . . or Ill gut you.”

Just months before he stabbed Jodi Jones to death, (Luke) Mitchell grabbed the girl and pressed his prized Swiss Army knife against the frightened 14-year-olds neck.

The terrifying incident was just one example of (Luke) Mitchells aggressive and unpredictable behaviour which disturbed his friends.

The pretty 14-year-old, who dated (Luke) Mitchell for about five months in 2003, told how the teenage killer pounced on her in a community hall in the Dalkeith area.

The girl – who asked to remain anonymous – was walking alone through the hall, where the pair attended a youth club together, when he grabbed her from behind.

He held the knife to her throat as he dragged her into a side room.

“I didnt know if he was joking around or not to begin with,” she said.

He said: Dont move or Ill gut you. At first I thought he was just mucking about, but then I started to feel threatened.

“I was sore round my neck, it was bright red afterwards. He had grabbed me round the neck with his arm and held the knife at my throat, saying he was going to cut me and stuff like that.

“I was nipping his arm to get him off me and after a couple of minutes he let me go. I went outside and just tried to ignore him, but then he came out as if it was all a laugh and said sorry.

“There was no reason for him to do it. He just pulled the knife from his pocket and grabbed me. I thought it was really strange.”

Soon after the incident, in May, 2003, the girl ended the fledgling relationship – just a month before (Luke) Mitchell killed Jodi.

She broke things off after increasingly seeing a darker side to his personality. The final straw came when a friend told her (Luke) Mitchell was seeing another girl – who she is now sure was Jodi.

It now appears (Luke) Mitchell was seeing at least three different girls at the same time.

The murder trial jury heard that the teenage killer had also been seeing Kim Thomson, a 15-year-old from Kenmore, Perthshire, who looked strikingly like Jodi.

(Like) Mitchell had stayed in touch with Kim, who considered him as her boyfriend, after meeting her on holiday in the summer of 2002.

The ex-girlfriend who (Luke) Mitchell threatened with a knife told the Evening News she had initially found him charming, attractive and “basically a nice bloke”.

The pair were both 14 and went to the same youth club.

“When I first saw him, everybody in the room was chatting and we started talking – asking whats your name? and that sort of thing,” she said.

“We got each others phone numbers and started texting each other quite a lot. He was good-looking and I liked talking to him. I thought he was really nice.”

The teenager followed the same goth-style fashion as (Luke) Mitchell at the time, but shrugged it off as a fad and changed her image as she got older. She said they had got on well for a while, but then things had started to change.

“He sometimes showed a side that wasnt him. He was quite aggressive to me and to other people,” she added.

“He was really bad-tempered and he was totally unpredictable. He didnt want to be told what to do. I knew he carried weapons with him and he had a Swiss Army knife. I did wonder why he had it, but I never questioned him at all.”

The ex-girlfriend said shed had little contact with (Luke) Mitchell since they broke up, but that he had threatened her friends when he saw them in the street.

She added: “When I heard he was a suspect I knew he must have been going out with Jodi when he was seeing me.

“I was really upset when I heard what he was supposed to have done.

“At first, I never thought he could have done it. But, as all the stuff started to come together, I started to think it was possible, that he could do this, because of the way he acted and what hed done to me.”

Excerpts by Chris Mooney’s article for Edinburgh evening news dated 21st January 2005

The Other Younger Kimberley Thomson

In reality killer Luke Mitchell appears to have been targeting and abusing a minimum of 5-6 other girls, as well as Jodi Jones.

He also targeted another girl called Kimberley Thomson.

This Kimberley is believed to have been 2-3 years younger than Kimberley Thomson from Kenmore, Perthshire.

In 2021 Kimberley made the following Internet post;

I was one of 3 girls he was seeing at the time, unbeknown to us of course, including Jodi.

1 blatant lie I keep hearing is that he didn’t have a parka jacket before the incident. YES HE DID.

And he carried his knives in it and bragged about it…

Also, the CID interviewed other victims of his

Kim – March 2021 (Source here)

Killer Luke Mitchell’s Violent Nature & Knife Attacks Increased Before He Committed His Murder

Killer Luke Mitchell’s knife attacks on girls are reported to have started when he was 12 years old, as is evidenced by Kenny Farquharson in the below excerpts;

When he was 12, (Luke) Mitchell had used a knife to threaten the daughter of a family who were guests in the Mitchell house.

He had climbed onto her bed, held the knife to her throat and asked for a kiss.

Excerpt from the Times article by Kenny Farquharson headed The murderous art that unmasked a cruel killer dated 23rd January 2005

Tap on the button below to read a TIMELINE which includes some of killer Luke Mitchell’s reported violent and disturbed nature and previous knife threats, beginning from when he was aged 7;

Link to Part 272 here

Psychopathic Killer & Sexual Deviant Luke Mitchell & The Numerous Other Targeted Girls & Knife Attacks Leading Up To His Murder; Including Laura Wightman, Kara & The 3 Kimberley’s (Part 271)

Target/Girlfriend Kimberley Thomson

At around 44:35 during a 1st May 2023 youtube video titled keeping the record straight scammer Sandra Lean stated;

The previous relationship with Kimberley

They had a holiday romance

She did come to see him in the January

The December to January of 2003

Before he met Jodi

And that was the end of the contact

Sandra Lean

This is yet another of Sandra Lean’s bare faced lies!

Sadistic killer Luke Mitchell visited Kimberly Thomson on Valentine’s Day in February 2003 and was due to physically see her again around the time he committed his murder.

Luke Mitchell continued to give Kimberley Thomson the impression that he was her boyfriend, right up until he committed his murder on 30th June 2003.

A December 2004 BBC article stated;

Kimberley Thomson told the jury she had been the girlfriend of Luke Mitchell, the youth accused of murdering Jodi.

Miss Thomson said that when she read about Jodi’s death and the fact that Jodi had been Mr Mitchell’s girlfriend, she was annoyed.

She said: “I was upset. I knew he had obviously been cheating on me”

When asked how she would describe her relationship with Mr Mitchell, she said:

“Boyfriend and girlfriend.”

Mr Mitchell visited Kenmore in the autumn of 2002 and Miss Thomson stayed at the Mitchell home in Dalkeith from Boxing Day until just after New Year.

The accused also visited her on St Valentine’s Day 2003.

Excerpts from a BBC news article headed Jodi ‘look-alike’ gives evidence dated 30th December 2004

There were also telephone records and text messages which supported the fact that killer Luke Mitchell was giving Kimberley Thomson this impression.

Another media article read;

The judges were informed (Luke) Mitchell told police investigating the murder he had not spoken to Kimberley since January 2003, but records showed 79 calls between then and the end of June.

There was also a Valentine’s Day visit.

Just two days before her murder, Jodi left (Luke) Mitchell’s house, by taxi, about 10pm.

After that there was a series of long telephone calls, totalling more than three hours.

Mr Beckett said it was an example of how (Luke) Mitchell was prepared to lie, even in the face of known evidence.

Excerpts from a Glasgow times article headed Judges told Mitchell lied about affair dated 15th February 2008

Sandra Lean went on to state in her keeping the record straight video;

So whatever kind of relationship he was having with Kimberley

After that was not sexual

Sandra Lean

The video then played a sound bite by YouTuber What They Found, who stated;

Jodi at one point believed that Luke was cheating on her when confiding with best friend Kirsten Ford

What They Found

Sadistic Killer Luke Mitchell Was Targeting Numerous Girls All At Once

Sandra Lean replied in response to this statement;

That makes me very sad

There was a point at which Jodi wondered if Luke was cheating on her

Not with Kimberley

Somebody else

And do you know what made her wonder about that

Her mum suggested it

There was another good friend that, female friend, that they went about with

All the time

And her mum suggested that maybe Luke had something going with the friend as well

Jo, eh Jodi approached both of them

They were both absolutely horrified

And reassured her that that was absolutely not the case

Sandra Lean

Target/Girlfriend Laura Wightman

Killer Luke Mitchell was “cheating on” Jodi Jones with numerous other girls and in reality Sandra Lean has no idea why Jodi Jones “wondered if Luke was cheating on her”.

The “good friend” referred to by Sandra Lean was Laura Wightman.

Kirsten Ford, one of Jodi Jones closest friends, spoke to reporter Jane Hamilton about Laura Wightman and Luke Mitchell “cheating” on Jodi Jones.

Jane Hamilton’s article stated in part;

Months before she was killed, the 14-year-old told closest pal Kirsten Ford: ‘Luke has all these knives in his bedroom. Isn’t that weird?’ 

Last night, Kirsten, now 16, said: ‘Jodi was disturbed by it. She wouldn’t have said it otherwise. 

But only weeks into the relationship, Jodi became worried about (Luke) Mitchell’s close friendship with Laura Wightman, a girl he would later take to her graveside. 

Laura was with Luke a lot and once Jodi heard that he might have been cheating on her but I think she spoke to him and they sorted it out

Excerpts by Jane Hamilton for the Sunday Mail article headed JODI JONES: HER SOULMATES My Luke has all these knives in his bedroom.. isn’t that weird? Exclusive: Jodi’s words to her best friend just weeks before she was butchered dated 22nd January 2005

When he interviewed the killer on the 14th of August 2003, during a section 14 interview, detective constable George Thomson asked sadistic killer Luke Mitchell about whether or not he had “two-timed” Jodi with other girls – this included Laura Wightman.

As was usual for killer Luke Mitchell – he bare faced lied!

A BBC article stated;

Detective Constable George Thomson carried out the interviews with Luke Mitchell in August 2003, when the boy was just 15.

During the time you were going out with Jodi did you see other girls?

Did you two-time Jodi?”

Mr Mitchell told him:


He said he had not seen Kimberley since New Year and the last time he had phoned her was “about January-ish”.

Excerpts from a BBC article headed Jodi boyfriend ‘not two-timing’ dated 24th December 2004

Killer Luke Mitchell invited reporter Grace McLean to speak with him a few days after his section 14 police interview.

Below are a couple of excerpts from Grace McLean’s article on her meeting with the teen killer;

He said:

The cops asked me about my relationship with Jodi’s friend Laura.

“They asked me about Laura and if I wanted it to be just the two of us and asked if that was why I killed Jodi”

Excerpts by Grace McLean for the Daily Mail article headed I’m simply not a normal teenager EXCLUSIVE: Luke Mitchell’s chilling boast to the Mail dated 22nd January 2005

By the time of this meeting killer Luke Mitchell and Laura Wightman were known to be having a sexual relationship, as is clear from the following excerpts by reporter Maggie Barry;

KILLER Luke Mitchell was a violent thug – but girls flocked to be his lover. 

The teenager’s reputation as a moody rebel captured the hearts of girls in Dalkeith. 

But behind his mask, (Luke) Mitchell was a woman-hater who tried to force his lovers to have sex at the point of a knife. 

Within days of Jodi’s murder he had replaced her with another girl. 

Jodi had been unaware when she began dating (Luke)Mitchell that he already had a girlfriend who looked “almost identical”. 

Mitchell conned both girls into thinking their relationship was special and exclusive. 

He introduced her to cannabis, she got a lip piercing and had sex with him. 

Within weeks of Jodi’s death, (Luke) Mitchell was having sex with one of her best friends. 

Sadistic killer Luke Mitchell (right) with “girlfriend” Laura Wightman (left) on 3rd September 2003

When he was banned from Jodi’s funeral, (Luke) Mitchell took his new girlfriend to her graveside knowing it would attract attention. 

The blonde teenager clutched a red rose as she stood, wearing a Nirvana T-shirt, beside (Luke) Mitchell.

Ever the showman, (Luke) Mitchell knelt down to comfort her as she wept while reading cards and tributes from Jodi’s classmates. 

Excerpts by Maggie Barry Jodi Jones: The verdict: Luke was a dark and dangerous character.. he was irresistible to teenage girls; BUT TEEN TURNED EVIL WHEN TOLD ‘NO’ dated January 2005

Sadistic, Sexual Deviant Luke Mitchell Tagetted, Conned & Abused Many Girls

Laura Wightman appears to have made two police witness statements, one in July 2003 and one in September 2004.

It also appears it was sometime before the killers trial that Laura Wightman became “estranged” from Luke Mitchell, as was reported by Lucy Bannerman;

one friend sided with (Luke) Mitchell forming an intimate relationship with him in the aftermath of the killing

Despite her initial loyalty, she and (Luke) Mitchell became estranged and the 15-year-old was later diagnosed with a severe depressive disorder, exacerbated by the heavy use of cannabis and the trauma of her friends murder.

Increasing doubts over (Luke) Mitchell’s innocence may have contributed to her condition. 

Excerpts from a Herald article by Lucy Bannerman headed “A truly evil murder – you will rightly be regarded as wicked” Lucy Bannerman finds how a teenage love of music and rebellion ended with a walk to a horrific death dated 22nd January 2005

It also seems that Laura Wightman was exempt from giving evidence during killer Luke Mitchell’s trial after being diagnosed with a “severe depressive disorder”.

Target/Girlfriend Kara Van Null

Sadistic killer Luke Mitchell appears to have targeted Kara Van Null around the same time he targeted Jodi Jones.

It is not known if Luke Mitchell ever told Laura Wightman about Kara Van Null or about any of the other girls he had targeted.

However reporter Grace McLean’s following article on Kara Van Null told of how he had also attacked Kara with a knife to her throat in the lead up to his murder;

A teenager last night told how killer Luke Mitchell held a knife to her throat just a month before he killed and mutilated girlfriend Jodi Jones.

(Luke) Mitchell, then only 14 years old, pulled on a balaclava, grabbed Kara van Nuil from behind and warned her not to move as he pressed the blade to her neck.

Last night she said: ‘I was absolutely terrified. He was so strong. I didn’t hear him coming. He just came up behind me, grabbed me around the neck with one arm and held the knife with the other.

‘He told me: “Move and you are f***ing dead”.’

Miss van Nuil, now 17, met (Luke) Mitchell at the Army Cadet HQ in Bonnyrigg, Midlothian, when she joined his cadet unit in February, 2002.

They started dating a few weeks later, even though (Luke) Mitchell was already going out with Jodi and seeing another girl, Kimberley Thomson, in Perthshire.

Miss van Nuil told how she was at first mesmerised by (Luke) Mitchell and how he wooed her with romantic text messages.

But she brought the relationship to an end after he followed her into the cadet hut one night and threatened her with the knife.

She told the Scottish Daily Mail: ‘

‘He used to wear a balaclava and pull it up over his head like a hat.

‘We were at cadets in May when I went into the hut on my own. The instructors were out having a cigarette with the other cadets. I was messing about with the blackboard and I didn’t hear Luke coming but there was suddenly an arm around my neck.

I got a glimpse of him as I looked back and he had pulled his balaclava over his face. He then put a knife to my throat and said I would be dead if I moved an inch.

‘I was really scared and couldn’t move.

He was so strong. I couldn’t move my arms but I kept nipping his knees with my fingernails and begging him to let me go. He kept me like that for about a minute.

‘When he put the knife down I turned to face him and he said,

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

He tried to pretend it was a joke but my neck was red and I was genuinely scared. I was crying my eyes out.’

(Luke) Mitchell never returned to cadets after the attack. A month later he strangled 14-year- old Jodi and cut her throat.

Miss van Nuil regrets not telling her parents Angela, 39, and Bill, 55, about the attack until after the murder.

She said: ‘I never knew Jodi but when I found out Luke was her boyfriend I knew straight away that he had done it. I told my dad what happened in the cadet hut and he called the police.

‘They came around and took hours of statements but I was never called to court’

‘I’m so relieved – I couldn’t have faced him in the court. I’m so sorry for what happened to Jodi. When it first happened, I used to feel such guilt and think “that could have been me”.’

Miss van Nuil, of Gorebridge, Midlothian, said: ‘We never met anywhere but cadets, so I only saw him on Monday and Wednesday nights – I suppose because he was going out with Jodi.

‘One of my friends said he had five girls on the go but I didn’t care because I was crazy about him. He was so polite. I suspected he might have been a bit of a geek. But he always sent me lovely text messages.’

But Miss van Nuil said she also saw flashes of his temper: ‘One time he was on the shooting range and got told off by one of the instructors. All of a sudden he shouted something, threw down his gun and stormed off.

‘There were other times, too. If someone so much as criticised him, he would lose his temper and shout and swear at them.’ After the knife attack, she dumped (Luke) Mitchell.

But two days after he was first questioned about Jodi’s murder, Miss van Nuil saw him walking down her street. She said: ‘I was looking out the window. He was parading around like a cockerel. His friends all came out and started hugging him as if he was a hero.

I was terrified. I hid behind the curtain, shaking, and hoped he would not see me.’ Last night Miss Van Nuil broke down in tears on hearing the verdict.

By Grace McLean for the Daily Mail article dated 22nd January 2005 – Source here

Target Kimberley Tait

Reporter Lucy Bannerman made reference to another girl called Kimberley, who had also been threatened by Luke Mitchell with a knife after refusing “to sleep” with him;

Another fling ended on a more threatening note, with another West Lothian girl, Kimberley Tait, claiming (Luke) Mitchell once pulled a knife on her after she refused to sleep with him.

(Luke) Mitchell claimed the knife incident was only a joke.

Excerpts from a Herald article by Lucy Bannerman headed “A truly evil murder – you will rightly be regarded as wicked”; Lucy Bannerman finds how a teenage love of music and rebellion ended with a walk to a horrific death dated 22nd January 2005

Another 14 Year Old Girl & Her 5 Month Relationship With Killer Luke Mitchell Where He Also Threatened Her With A Knife In The Lead Up To His Murder

The following article by Chris Mooney refers to another 14 year old target of Luke Mitchell’s, who was also threatened by him with one of his knives;

A FORMER girlfriend of Luke Mitchell has told how he held a knife to her throat and threatened: “Dont move . . . or Ill gut you.”

Just months before he stabbed Jodi Jones to death, (Luke) Mitchell grabbed the girl and pressed his prized Swiss Army knife against the frightened 14-year-olds neck.

The terrifying incident was just one example of (Luke) Mitchells aggressive and unpredictable behaviour which disturbed his friends.

The pretty 14-year-old, who dated (Luke) Mitchell for about five months in 2003, told how the teenage killer pounced on her in a community hall in the Dalkeith area.

The girl – who asked to remain anonymous – was walking alone through the hall, where the pair attended a youth club together, when he grabbed her from behind.

He held the knife to her throat as he dragged her into a side room.

“I didnt know if he was joking around or not to begin with,” she said.

He said: Dont move or Ill gut you. At first I thought he was just mucking about, but then I started to feel threatened.

“I was sore round my neck, it was bright red afterwards. He had grabbed me round the neck with his arm and held the knife at my throat, saying he was going to cut me and stuff like that.

“I was nipping his arm to get him off me and after a couple of minutes he let me go. I went outside and just tried to ignore him, but then he came out as if it was all a laugh and said sorry.

“There was no reason for him to do it. He just pulled the knife from his pocket and grabbed me. I thought it was really strange.”

Soon after the incident, in May, 2003, the girl ended the fledgling relationship – just a month before (Luke) Mitchell killed Jodi.

She broke things off after increasingly seeing a darker side to his personality. The final straw came when a friend told her (Luke) Mitchell was seeing another girl – who she is now sure was Jodi.

It now appears (Luke) Mitchell was seeing at least three different girls at the same time.

The murder trial jury heard that the teenage killer had also been seeing Kim Thomson, a 15-year-old from Kenmore, Perthshire, who looked strikingly like Jodi.

(Like) Mitchell had stayed in touch with Kim, who considered him as her boyfriend, after meeting her on holiday in the summer of 2002.

The ex-girlfriend who (Luke) Mitchell threatened with a knife told the Evening News she had initially found him charming, attractive and “basically a nice bloke”.

The pair were both 14 and went to the same youth club.

“When I first saw him, everybody in the room was chatting and we started talking – asking whats your name? and that sort of thing,” she said.

“We got each others phone numbers and started texting each other quite a lot. He was good-looking and I liked talking to him. I thought he was really nice.”

The teenager followed the same goth-style fashion as (Luke) Mitchell at the time, but shrugged it off as a fad and changed her image as she got older. She said they had got on well for a while, but then things had started to change.

“He sometimes showed a side that wasnt him. He was quite aggressive to me and to other people,” she added.

“He was really bad-tempered and he was totally unpredictable. He didnt want to be told what to do. I knew he carried weapons with him and he had a Swiss Army knife. I did wonder why he had it, but I never questioned him at all.”

The ex-girlfriend said shed had little contact with (Luke) Mitchell since they broke up, but that he had threatened her friends when he saw them in the street.

She added: “When I heard he was a suspect I knew he must have been going out with Jodi when he was seeing me.

“I was really upset when I heard what he was supposed to have done.

“At first, I never thought he could have done it. But, as all the stuff started to come together, I started to think it was possible, that he could do this, because of the way he acted and what hed done to me.”

Excerpts by Chris Mooney’s article for Edinburgh evening news dated 21st January 2005

The Other Younger Kimberley Thomson

In reality killer Luke Mitchell appears to have been targeting and abusing a minimum of 5-6 other girls, as well as Jodi Jones.

He also targeted another girl called Kimberley Thomson.

This Kimberley is believed to have been 2-3 years younger than Kimberley Thomson from Kenmore, Perthshire.

In 2021 Kimberley made the following Internet post;

I was one of 3 girls he was seeing at the time, unbeknown to us of course, including Jodi.

1 blatant lie I keep hearing is that he didn’t have a parka jacket before the incident. YES HE DID.

And he carried his knives in it and bragged about it…

Also, the CID interviewed other victims of his

Kim – March 2021 (Source here)

Killer Luke Mitchell’s Violent Nature & Knife Attacks Increased Before He Committed His Murder

Killer Luke Mitchell’s knife attacks on girls are reported to have started when he was 12 years old, as is evidenced by Kenny Farquharson in the below excerpts;

When he was 12, (Luke) Mitchell had used a knife to threaten the daughter of a family who were guests in the Mitchell house.

He had climbed onto her bed, held the knife to her throat and asked for a kiss.

Excerpt from the Times article by Kenny Farquharson headed The murderous art that unmasked a cruel killer dated 23rd January 2005

Tap on the button below to read a TIMELINE which includes some of killer Luke Mitchell’s reported violent and disturbed nature and previous knife threats, beginning from when he was aged 7;

Link to Part 272 here

Killer Luke Mitchell: Warped Minded, Deluded Abuser Nicki Mac (McIntyre) & Her Deluded, Fantasy Lawyer & “Sweetie Wife” Boyfriend Scott C Forbes (Part 143)

Nicki Mac

The Sheer Foolishness Of Nicki Mac

Around a week or so ago, in response to a comment made on a Scottish newspapers Facebook page, Innocence Fraud posted a link to this website, which included a link headed Once You Are Caught In A Web Of Deceit It Is Almost Impossible To Escape;

As is evidenced in the above screenshot, someone called Nicki Mac chose to post a comment under Innocence Fraud’s Facebook post (and attached link) stating “Let’s talk about Joan Albert”.

It turns out that Nicki Mac is the girlfriend of pretend lawyer and warped minded, fantasist Scott Forbes.

On 6th of July 2022 Nicki Mac (McIntyre) announced on the cult-like Facebook group supporting sadistic killer Luke Mitchell, that Scott Forbes was her bf = boyfriend.

Nicki Mac’s Boyfriend & His Projections

On 4th of September 2022, during a YouTube rant with con-artist Sandra Lean, Scott Forbes stated;

I’ve got a stalker Stephanie Hall, I’ll come back to.. and erm.. genuine stalker.. genuinely like to family and friends and erm..

I’ll take her to court..

I welcome anyone to take me to court, please, Jane Hamilton, the Daily Record, anyone, please we”ll go to court and take the stand and take an oath and and I’ll question them, they’re all fucked, they’re in for trouble

Scott Forbes – 4th September 2022 here (Reproduced for evidential purposes)
Scott Forbes (Right)

On 4th October 2022 a video was published to YouTube by someone called Premeditated Patter in which (At around 1:56:15 of the video) Scott Forbes refers to his imaginary “stalker(s)” and made the following statements;

And I’ve got a couple of stalkers, genuine stalkers. I’ve got one called Stephanie Hall right, just a quick one. She married a man called Simon Hall years ago. Simon Hall was a convicted rapist murderer, he killed an old age pensioner and then she married him. And then allegedly he killed himself, allegedly he confessed to this murder so she feels scorned. She, she got taken in by a murderer, married him and now everybody that claims to be a miscarriage of justice erm are all liars (sic)

Scott Forbes – October 2022 (Reproduced for evidential purposes)

Note how pretend lawyer Scott Forbes used the word “allegedly” before he stated the words “he killed himself” and “confessed to this murder”.

The word allegedly is “used to convey that something is claimed to be the case or have taken place, although there is no proof”.

Actually, factually guilty killer Simon Hall did admit to his murder and did kill himself.

Therefore there is nothing “allegedly” about these two events.

Both events occurred and there is proof that both events occurred.

In fact on the day he killed himself charlatan and con-artist Sandra Lean took it upon herself to announce killer Simon Hall’s death on a couple of Internet forums;

Allegedly” should have been used by pretend lawyer Scott Forbes before he made his defamatory, false statements about Stephanie (Hall).

“Let’s Talk About Joan Albert”

The link to the blog headed Once You Are Caught In A Web Of Deceit It Is Almost Impossible To Escape included some of the following statements;

Common sense and intellect are not evident

For some people there is no attempt at changing horses mid stream. 

Once you are caught in a web of deceit it is almost impossible to escape.

Allowing oneself first and foremost to become entangled out of sheer foolishness will not change.

It didn’t appear Nicki Mac had bothered to click on the link to read and absorb the content of the blog, because she continued to make a slew of Facebook posts, tagging in Innocence Fraud with deluded statements about “stalking” and being “obsessed with Scott”, and even made one bizarre statement of ‘..away and obsess over your murdering rapist husband’.

Joan Albert was a woman who was brutally murdered on 16th of December 2001 by a man called Simon Hall.

Read more on Joan Albert, and how her close friends and neighbours Mr and Mrs Twoose found her lying “at the bottom of the stairs” of her home early on Sunday morning of 16th of December 2001, by tapping on the below link to Part 1 of The Truth Behind Killer Simon Hall & His Enablers #InnocenceFraud Phenomenon Scam ongoing blog series;

Warped minded abuser and deluded fantasist Nicki Mac’s, equally deluded boyfriend Scott Forbes also stated during his “chat” with Sandra Lean;

And she claims he made a confession so he’s made a fool of her by telling her he’s really an innocent man and then years later he tells her he done what he did now

I don’t know what happened I’ve not examined the case to pass it

Scott Forbes – 4th September 2022 (Reproduced for evidential purposes)

Some more of Scott Forbes lies, smears and delusions were published in Part 49 of this blog series, which can be read by tapping on the button below;

Sandra Lean Wrote About Killer Simon Hall & His Murder Through Out Her First Innocence Fraud Book No Smoke

As stated previously, “professional” con-artist Sandra Lean wrote about actually, factually guilty killer Simon Hall through out her first discredited book – which is still for sale.

Chapter 5 of said book can be read by tapping on the button below;

Mr Twoose, who found Joan Albert, spoke to a reporter in June 2002 and stated the following;

She was lying at the bottom of the stairs. I never for one second imagined foul play. Even when I saw the knife next to her body I thought she must have got up in the night to feed her dog Rusty using the knife to cut up his food and then had a heart attack

My eyesight isn’t very good so when I saw a patch of red in the lower part of her stomach I thought it was a pattern on her night dress

I believe it must have soaked into the carpet. The position of the body was very strange

Her head was against the wall and both her arms were raised above her head in two “C” shapes

At that time I still thought it must have been an accident. She was on warfarin and I thought the fall could have caused the blood

I pulled the kitchen blind up to get some light. That was when I saw some broken glass by the kitchen window. There were no other signs of a break in

Excerpts from an Evening Star article headed Friend relives finding murdered OAP dated 14th June 2002

By the time con-artist Sandra Lean wrote and published her 1st innocence fraud book in 2007 the “broken glass by the kitchen window” (which was on a window sill below the window, as well as a sink and large worktop), had miraculously moved by itself the following year, when killer Simon Hall’s adoptive mother Lynne Hall had been taken to Joan Albert’s home by Suffolk police to check to see if anything had been stolen.

Cover of Sandra Lean’s discredited book ’No Smoke’ published in 2008 by fraudster Stephen T Manning/Checkpoint press

Sandra Lean stated in her book;

Lynne Hall, Simon’s mother, was taken to the victims house by two officers on January 8th to check whether anything was missing. (Mrs Hall was a friend of Mrs Albert’s, and often helped the older lady out).

Neither Mrs Hall nor the police officers were wearing protective clothing (although full forensic examination of the house had not been carried out), but things were touched, and broken glass trodden in.

Therefore, the house and its content are likely to have been contaminated by Mrs Hall, and the officers.

Excerpt by Sandra Lean from her first discredited book No Smoke (foot of page 70 – top of page 71)

Forensic examination of Joan Albert’s property had already been completed by the time Lynne Hall was taken to the property, and there was no glass on the floor to be “trodden in”.

At the end of her chapter 5 Sandra Lean went on to state;

Given the purely circumstantial nature of the Simon Hall case, it would seem pertinent to introduce other circumstantial events that may require further examination.
At 12.30pm, Sunday 25th November 2005 (exactly 3 weeks prior to the discovery of Mrs Albert’s body) Mabel Leyshon (90) was found dead in her home in Lon Pant, Llanfairpwll, on Anglesey. She had been stabbed repeatedly, following a break-in.
The similarities are striking, both were elderly women living alone, both were subjected to brutal and frenzied knife attacks, both had their houses broken into, and both were killed on a Saturday night and discovered on a Sunday.
Both were also security conscious, Bothere confirmed alive and well on the Saturday.

Excerpt by Sandra Lean from her first discredited book No Smoke (foot of page 80 top of page 81)

Psychopathic killer Mathew Hardman was arrested and convicted of his murder of Mabel Leyshon in 2002 – 5-6 years BEFORE Sandra Lean published her book!

“Mrs Beasty Brain” & “Sicko” Nicki Mac

All of Nicki Mac’s gaslighting Facebook posts made to Innocence Fraud demonstrated Nicki Mac was/is an abusive, warped minded, deluded fantasist, similar to how her boyfriend Scott Forbes continues to show himself to be.

Nicki Mac wasn’t at all interested in talking about Joan Albert, as when Innocence Fraud replied with the following Facebook post;

deluded Nicki Mac replied stating “Ive at no stage mentioned the case”;

Nicki Mac also made it quite clear she couldn’t care less about Joan Albert – she couldn’t even be bothered to get her age correct, even after Nicki Mac herself had posted a media link which clearly displayed Joan Albert’s correct age;

Interested To Hear What Nicki Mac Has To Say About Charlatan & Con-Artist Sandra Lean & What “Attracted” Nicki Mac To Psycho Killer Luke Mitchell

Nicki Mac then appeared to delete her Facebook posts and/or blocked Innocence Fraud.

Below is what Sandra Lean wrote about actual, factual, guilty murderer Simon Hall in 2011;

‘skeleton statements’

Conviction Upheld
This decision is an affront to justice. The CPS knows that there was another burglary that evening in Capel. They know that the SOCOs went directly from that crime scene to the murder scene. They know that there was DNA on the knife that did not belong to Simon, that the original fibre investigation concluded no match for the fibres, and that the jury was misled into believing that the knife that was used to kill Mrs Albert must have come from an opened drawer in her own kitchen.
They also know that another man confessed to this murder. So why do they insist on keeping an innocent man in prison, and refusing to acknowledge the existence of this other evidence? What can possibly be gained by allowing the real perpetrators to remain free and unpunished?
We will not rest until the whole truth of this case has been made public, and that includes the collusion and cover-up which has allowed this gross miscarriage of justice to persist for so long, and which, sadly, in light of today’s decision, will be allowed to continue.
We will never give up the fight for justice for Simon. The truth will come out – all of it. The DPP himself said that without the fibre evidence, there was no case. The fibre evidence has now been discredited – why is Simon to remain in prison for another man’s crime?
Sandra Lean, who featured Simon’s case in her book “No Smoke” said this morning, This is a dark day for British Justice. This decision tells us that the justice system in this country would rather allow murderers to walk among us, and innocent men to languish in prison for crimes they did not commit, than simply admit, “We got it wrong.” Any other industry behaving in this way would be closed down – the justice industry is answerable to no-one. The fight for Simon Hall’s freedom goes on.

Sandra Lean – 1st January 2011

Read more by tapping on the button below to Part 13 of this blog series;

Link to Part 144 here

Killer Luke Mitchell: Clear Deception Regarding The V Break In The Wall (Part 45)

Sandra Lean

*Guest Blog*

Interesting article from the Herald including a paragraph on just this topic.

‘Location of the body

A large plank of evidence used to convict Mitchell, was that he supposedly knew the location of the body and led family members to the area where Jones was murdered.

The teenager was the fourth member of the search party. It comprised of Mitchell, Jodi’s grandmother, sister, and her sister’s fiancé.

Whilst searching the area with the rest of the party, Luke Mitchell claimed that his German shepherd – partially trained to track by a professional handler – alerted him by jumping up against the wall, which Jones was found behind.

This claim was initially corroborated by the family members of the search party. Files show that these statements were changed approximately one month after the event. The original statements, which supported Mitchell’s claim, were put to the witnesses by his defence QC Donald Findlay but they said they were unable to remember or it was not what they meant.’

Isn’t it odd how the Herald are reporting exactly what Dr Lean claimed in her book?

And yet again no demand for a retraction from Jones or Kelly.


Thank you for clarifying my point once more with the same old bleats.

So the change, the clarification was, that they went directly to the V break, to, they went directly to the V break.

So it is this “pulling” word to being led/directed by Luke Mitchell, on that short piece of rope.

Where Donald Findlay ‘you said “pulling” then changed it, so what you really meant was that the dog was alerting to something?

No” that is not what I meant. It was pulling on that rope, but it had been “pulling” directed by Luke Mitchell to the first break, in front, into the field, in front and directly again to the second break.

That was the clarification, it was always directly to that break in the wall. It was always in complete contrast to Luke Mitchell’s lies. 

Yes Faith, we know that the book is built from media reports. With the clear deception and inference one has had access to all this wonderful stuff – BS.

It is why we have people claiming that 9 weeks consisted of nothing, for it is those brief reports from a couple of minutes of evidence (from around 4hrs worth), reported each day it comes from. Such wonderful proof and as above.

Was Allen Ovens a witness for the Crown? ‘I do not know, I can’t recall seeing anything in the NEWSPAPERS!’ (Sandra Lean) Such an expert, eh? 

Bang, bang, bang.

Luke Mitchell’s dog was not leading Luke Mitchell anywhere, he was leading that girls family directly to her body. To the first break, intro of the woods.

Quick shine with torch, into the field a few steps, quick shine with torch, straight to the second break, up and over and it is 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9 steps (if lucky), about turn and shout. 

Chalk and cheese. Dog bounding, (on that short piece of rope), jumping frantically against a wall (short piece of rope), pawing away at the wall and putting it’s nose into alert mode and “air sniffing“.

There is so much left out from his account, erased, that we have one of his main supporters now, saying “the dog was sniffing to the left at the break in the wall”

Absolutely outstanding. Or ‘Luke Mitchell knew to go left as his dog did not react before the break, only at it!‘ 

Chalk and cheese, always to that break to always to that break from the search trio.

Luke Mitchell “We had walked some distance past a break in the wall, not even 20 yards when my dog ————“

To those four weeks later. After searchers being taken back to the path to relive that night.

To his map and clarification, it was not more than 60ft past the break, it was directly “parallel” to where Jodi lay in the woods, 43ift past that break in the wall.

These are Luke Mitchell’s words, you can not erase them and bring him all the way back to the break, to try and infer that a dog “pulling” at this break meant “They all agreed the dog found Jodi then changed their minds” –

You can bring him all the way back if you like, erase and change his evidence, it simply highlights what was always highlighted.

Luke Mitchell had special knowledge.

Up and over. No trepidation of step, complete familiarity, Luke Mitchell knew it intimately. Knew exactly where to go. 

Around 8 mins. Bang, bang, bang. –

Have a bloody word with yourself. And again, clear reason why Donald Findlay took no dogs that day, for it was NOT the dog that was going to be highlighted before that court, with the building of that wall. It was putting 4 people 43ft apart.

Three where they claimed from the off they were, at the break and one 43ft past. And back, Luke Mitchell was lying his head off.

We know the search party were always telling the truth, for you can not see a damn thing past that break in the wall. Every description, including using the bloody word, was at that break. 

Led to that path by him, led directly to that girls body, by him.

10:40pm known to be missing, 10:50pm introduces a physical search of the path, 10:59pm he is on that path, set off with them around 11:22pm, 11:30pm shouting out he has found something and 11:34pm and those “flat affect tones” calling the emergency services. “I think we have found something ———–-”

Screams in the background from Alice Walker and Janine Jones and Stephen Kelly retching up his stomach contents. 

So much more, do we move on to the next set of lies here?

Whisked away and separated instantly from the others” –

Bollocks. Sitting puffing away, soaking everything up, erasing the contents of his phone and blanking his mother.

There was nothing wrong with Luke Mitchell’s signal –

Give over with the utter BS. 

So what exactly is there to retract here?

We clarified “pulling” on a short rope to being directed?

They did make a change, so did Luke Mitchell, but they always said directly to the break.

So no, not ever did they make any claim that the dog had led them to Jodi’s body, these were Luke Mitchell’s words.

And Luke Mitchell was lying.
(Original forum post here)

Link to Part 46 here

Killer Luke Mitchell: Why Did He Lie & Not Raise Any Alarm? (Part 21)

Sadistic & psychopathic killer Luke Muir Mitchell

*Guest Blog*

Some realism of course, for most – Who instantly just think, bloody hell! Someone is known to be missing and 50 mins later a call is put through to the emergency services that they have been found dead. Not only found dead, but in an isolated area of woodland, hidden out of sight. And we add to this. That no one was actually in that woodland searching, just four people who met to walk down a path running alongside it, with a high, thick, dry stone dyke separating the two. Some 4-5ft in from it. They have a dog, not belonging to the family who it is claimed was partially trained to find toys!! That these four people reach more than 40ft away, on the path side of this thick, high, dry stone dyke, and it is claimed the dog picked up some scent. That the owner without that dog went into the woodland, walked around 10 steps and found the hidden body of this person. Who was over 40ft down from the break in the wall that they entered this woodland from. 

So we think, well, 50mins to search an area with a dog and it seems feasible, just. But then you learn that the actual search was in fact less than 8 mins. And we tie in not being in that woodland but merely on the path, cut off by that high, thick, dry stone dyke. In the dark, overcast and damp. The air is not clear and full of smells/scents. It is a path used by other dogs, a woodland full of wildlife.  And only one person, without the aid of that dog, decides it is a good idea to look over into the woods, they climb the wall and briefly shine their torch. (Gino break) To remember here, there is absolutely no reason why that missing person would actually be in the woods. For now we can add further information in at this point. 

The reason why these four people are actually on that path. It is due to the person who has that dog. They are the missing persons boyfriend, they have stated that the girl was to meet them in Newbattle, but that she had not appeared on the other end of that path, some 6 hours earlier. They did not report this, they did nothing. She did not appear and they went off and did something else. No one is made aware that she is missing until she fails to arrive home by her curfew time. Her family (mother), who knew her daughter had left home, to meet her boyfriend and spend the evening with him, believed that is where her daughter had been. Upon her curfew time coming and going, the first person she contacted, was of course her boyfriend. The girl had no phone.

Now we add in some more information – When it is realised the girl is missing, that she had left home to meet with her boyfriend some 6 hours earlier, her mother finds out that this meet had not taken place. Told that she had failed to turn up in Newbattle to meet with him. So the mother tells the boyfriend she is contacting the police and she does. This is within minutes of realising she is missing, and before anyone even has a chance to think of searching, to think of much of anything. The boyfriend is first in there, to offer to search. Not a fragment of worry the whole evening, but instantly offers, not only to search but to search this path he claims she failed to appear at the other side of. The girl is reported missing. The mother contacts the boyfriend again, less than 10mins from that last call to him, and he is on that path (it is a good 7 mins walk from his house). She tells him the police have been called. 

Now we add in some other information, it takes around 11 mins to walk that path from west to east. The time now is around 11.10pm and members of this girls family are walking to Easthouse’s, the boy waits on them arriving. When they arrive he is still not at the top of that path, only around 3/4 of the way up it, 2/3 even. As when they arrive at the top of that path they see a torch light in the distance approaching them, and shout out “Is that you Luke?”. They had torches, but not close enough to make him out. They walk to meet with him. They know of course that the path could not have been searched in it’s entirety – he is not even at the top of it. He asks, if by his earlier request, if they had brought anything of Jodi’s, they had not. And the gran naturally says, we will check properly, I mean? It has not all been checked and he is going to only then put that dog into seek mode.

Now we add in some more information – The dog is put into seek mode, it is on a short lead and harness. We have mentioned the intro to the woods above, and now we add a few steps into the field, again at random, nothing to do with the dog. It is being a dog, sniffing and scenting and leaving it’s scent. And the boy takes himself in front again, after the Gino and after the field. They come to another break in the wall, and this time with his dog he goes to the break and he goes over. The dog, overtly excited. This break, in the shape of a V, the only place on that path, that has a large enough gap, to further it’s excitement of heading somewhere, perhaps it had been before. 

Now we add in some more information – He (boy with his dog) claimed that they (all) had walked well past that break, parallel to where Jodi lay in the woods. The other three state the exact opposite, this is in those very first accounts! which were always upon coming to that break, of them all stopping at the break, and only two of them walking further, after the boy had entered the woods. Not at any point had the boy and his dog walked past, and no-one, until after he entered those woods. Something is clearly wrong, there can be no way that this search trio, consisting of member of Jodi’s family, can be wrong in their description. For further down from that break, on this path side, there is no visibility, they simply could not have seen what all three gave a description of. Upon being asked to clarify, further information was added. They had been taken back to this path, and mapped and marked out where each person had been. The three still upon approaching and at that break, the boy still some 40ft past it, parallel he claimed to where his girlfriend lay in the woods, 4-5ft in, up and over that 8ft + high, thick, dry stone dyke. At no break.  

So just stop for a moment, there is of course a hell of a lot more information – But we have one person who failed to raise any alarm. They are the first to mention search, and to mention that path. They are the first onto that path, and they stay on that path. They are the first to lead and to take the lead twice. They are the first to introduce the woodland. And they are the first over that wall into it. And they lie. The search trio did not lie, not from that first onwards. They always stated it was upon coming to that break in the wall. And we add in those 8 mins from walking down together. And it is straight to the point. That introduction to the woods, taking the lead and going into those woods at the first real opportunity where the wall is broken. 

Why did he lie?  More so that clear realism here – why did this boy not raise any alarm, when by his claims, she failed to arrive on the other side of that path, some six hours earlier. He claims he was phoning her house, to let her know he was out earlier (only after the phone records were obtained, and his original claim of leaving at 5.45 changed to 5.30pm) So, by his claims, he knows she had left to meet him, she is not late , and that again by his claims, she was heading to Newbattle. And he claims to wait, that factual time being around 90mins. And she does not appear and he does not raise any alarm, as by his claims, she was coming to his, she had walked an isolated path and not appeared on the other side of it. Further, this claim after those phone records were obtained did no tarry, changed to suit as other evidence immerged. The first, simply leaving at 5.45 to meet her for 6, the arranged time. The second to then claim he phoned, to tell her he was out earlier and on that road waiting for her. 

And we add in further information. For the only person whom the boy kept in the loop, of meeting his girlfriend, of her not appearing was the boys mother. And she did nothing, bar claim to tell him, that all will be well. The first time being around 7pm, when he told her, to tell his girlfriend, if she should show up, then to send her into the Abbey grounds, that “she will know where”. The second time, when claimed to arrive home around 9pm and again, the claims are that she told him, “she will have been caught up with friends gabbing” And we add in more, the boy claimed to have been home and stayed home, until he took the dog out for the toilet at 10.30pm. He was however witnessed arriving home at 10pm. 

And we add in some more, the girls mother, had said that her daughter told her, that she was meeting with Luke, that they would be “mucking about up here” – There is no dispute that the two were to meet, and to be spending the evening together. So one claimed meet in the Easthouse’s end and one in the Newbattle end. Where Jodi’s parent were left in the dark. No warning of anything being wrong, no insight into using an isolated path, one which a ban had been placed upon using. And of course, at the point of the phone call from the boyfriend, there was no concern from him, it was only to let her know he was out earlier. The briefest of conversation, “is Jodi there?” – “no, she has already left to meet you”. It is dinner time, busy and occupied, the boy could have been late to meet the girl, anywhere. The only person, if by their claims, to have an incline of any worry, any danger is that boy, and of course his mother. 

And now we tie in some more, that ban on the path, the claim is by the boy, that he knew of no ban. That he had never been in that woodland before and knew not of that break in the wall, never seen it before. Yet? Here we had this boy, not only infiltrating the idea and claim that the girl would have walked that path, failed to appear on the other side, he also introduced the notion that she could be in the woodland. A path, unlikely to have walked on her own, and a woodland he claimed not to have stepped in before. Where there was little chance the girl had walked the path alone, certainly less of being in that actual woodland alone. 

And we add in some more – witnesses and evidence is produced that show the boy is lying. Not only had he been in that woodland before with others, and to that break in the wall he had frequented it with Jodi herself. To the point that they had carved their initials into a tree. And the lies are beginning to stack up. That he carried knives also, he denied this. That the area of woodland that the attack began in , was off the beaten track, deep into and going nowhere. Where it could not be clearer that this girl was only in that area, in the company of someone she knew and trusted. 

Then we tie in sightings coming through. One which was to be positively ID as being Luke Mitchell, wearing khaki green clothing at the East end of that path. Then of another positive ID of this youth, wearing khaki green clothing at the west end of that path, by two further people. And we tie in that Jodi had in fact left earlier and not for 6pm as the boy claimed. 

Then we tie in the alibi. A clear sequence of events with lots of detail that ran precisely from five past five until 5.45pm. Then we tie in the inclusion of the brother, to match that very precise timings between five past five and 5.45pm. Then we tie in footage of CTTV and the phone logs, which completely wiped out approx 30mins of that alibi leaving around 13mins, to carry everything they stated out. Then we tie in the chopping and changing of accounts at will to match any evidence. That one could simply not have been mistaken about the time she had gotten home, when she then included her other son into areas that she had forgotten. That he could not have spoken to her at five past five at all, then waited around ten mins for dinner to be ready and all else. And we have to then revert to his clear evidence – that he had “popped his head round the lounge door, and no one was home” No music, no burnt pies and as he stated, no brother did he see. Not in the house or at any entrance of that estate when he left home, just after 5.30pm. 

Shane Mitchell

And we tie in those fires, of whatever was being burnt in the back garden that evening, and we tie in the denials, the admittance and all else – it matters not, there were fires and there were lies being told around this. 

And we tie in that miraculous find, and every piece of evidence of how calm and collective this “child” was. Ignored his mothers calls, a mother who was evidently that frantic she reached out to no one else. Neither did this “child”. Ignored his mothers calls and did not reach out to her, his father or his brother. 

And there can be no clearer proof that physical evidence of how calm and collective this “child” was. Those recordings to the emergency services. Those screams of “hysterics” in the background and Luke Mitchells flat effect tones. Stephen Kelly and his F’n and blinding, clearly distraught. Luke Mitchell – nothing.

(Original forum post here)

Below are excerpts from the 2005 Scottish Daily Record. Read full article here

Link to Part 21 here