Killer Simon Hall: More On Innocence Fraud Killers & Their Deceptive Enablers, Including Stephanie Bon, Michael Naughton, Andrew Green, Kevin McMahon, Billy Middleton, Sandra Lean, Barbara Stone & United Against Injustice – Part 17e©️  

Joan Albert’s Killer.
Photograph of Simon Hall taken whilst at large and wanted by Suffolk police for a sexually motivated murder

Andrew Green

A few days prior to Stephanie Bon’s correspondence with Michael Naughton, which was referred to in Part 17a (Tap on button below to read more), Stephanie Bon emailed Andrew Green at the INNOCENT organisation, CC’ing in Michael Naughton.

Andrew Green

United Against Injustice

Andrew Green who says he is a “criminologist” co-founded the Manchester based INNOCENT organisation in 1993 and went on to also co-found United Against Injustice (UAI) with Ann Craven, the mother of Adrian Craven who was convicted for rape.

Andrew Green claimed Adrian Craven was “fully exonerated” for his rape but Innocence Fraud Watch has found no evidence to support this claim.

Kevin McMahon

Kevin McMahon

Kevin McMahon who was convicted of perverting the course of justice for pressurising a witness in the trial of Basil Williams-Rigby who was convicted for “sexual offences”, was also said to be a co-founder of United Against Injustice.

Kevin McMahon was also the founder of Merseyside Against Injustice.

NOTE: Adrian Craven and Basil Williams-Rigbys convictions were deemed “unsafe” by the court of appeal.

Neither men proved their actual, factual innocence.

It states here that Kevin McMahon “is a film producer and former member of the Royal Military Police and Special Branch”.

And it states here that Kevin McMahon “has been an active campaigner for over 25 years, his advice has been sought in many individual and high profile miscarriages of justice cases”.

A video published to vimeo which is said to have been produced by Kevin McMahon, titled ‘In Search Of The Truth’, can be viewed here.

Screenshot of end credits to Kevin McMahon’s ‘film

Un-Convicted Baby Killer Billy Middleton

The vimeo video here includes brief footage of un-convicted baby killer Billy (William) Middleton who set up the now defunct Wrongly Accused Person (WAP) website.

The Wrongly Accused Person website went on to become the Wrongly Accused Person (WAP) organisation, after Billy Middleton and Sandra Lean registered it as a charity.

Sandra Lean

Sandra Lean became a partner alongside Billy Middleton for the WAP organisation.

Billy Middleton was another abusive enabler and gaslighter of actual, factual guilty killer Simon Hall’s fraudulent public relations spin campaign.

Screenshot of one of unconvicted child killer Billy Middleton’s social media posts

Prior to Sandra Lean’s partnership with Billy Middleton, Sandra had been the Scottish representative for the INNOCENT organisation.

Peter Hill

Peter Hill removed his original event post from the world wide web but some of the following could once be found using this link;

Parliament House is just off the High Street, beside St Giles Cathedral – it’s not down beside the new Parliament Building at Holyrood. I’m rubbish at directions, and I’m sure someone will come up with better than this, but the easiest way I know is, from the railway station, go up the North Bridge to the junction where High Street/Royal Mile meet North Bridge, turn right up High Street, and it’s on your left, five or 6 openings up. 

It would be great to see lots of contributors to the forum there, but please remember to contact one of the organisers and get your name on the guest list to avoid security problems. 

John Scott:

Iain McKie:

Peter Hill:

The preliminary work in organizing this initiative has been done by: 
John Scott
John is the leading civil rights solicitor in Scotland. He is the Chairman of the Scottish Human Rights Centre. 
Iain McKie 
Iain is a retired police officer. His interest in law reform springs largely from the problems that his daughter Shirley encountered when she was a police officer, which led to an official inquiry. More details of this can be found at 
Sandra Lean
Sandra is a writer on miscarriages of justice. She is the Scottish representative of INNOCENT. Her book No Smoke contains research on a dozen cases of miscarriage of justice in particular the controversial case of Luke Mitchell. 
Peter Hill 
Peter, now retired, was the producer of the BBC TVs programme Rough Justice. In Scotland he has worked on the case of George Beattie for 25 years, taking it to two appeals. 


Sandra Lean was another abusive enabler and gaslighter of killer Simon Hall’s fraudulent public relations spin campaign.

Perverting The Course Of Justice

Kevin McMahon perverted the course of justice a few months after the launch of his campaigning group.

A June 2004 article by Cheshire live headed Ex-policeman ‘claimed to be private detective’ reported on Kevin McMahon’s behaviour and subsequent arrest in January 2002.

Excerpts read;

Mr Vardon has alleged that on December 11 2002, McMahon visited the witness unannounced and attempted to convince him to make a retraction statement.

The witness contacted the police and officers arranged for the man to be wearing a recording device for the next meeting with McMahon.

Mr Vardon has claimed McMahon returned to his house on December 12 and suggested he was working for Williams-Rigby’s solicitor, Christopher Saltrese.

The court heard that McMahon told the witness, who is a heroin addict and convicted thief, it was in his financial interest to drop the charges.

Mr Vardon said McMahon suggested to him that he should say he had wrongly identified his abuser.

The court heard that McMahon was arrested on January 28 last year.

Excerpts from a 17th of June 2002 article by Cheshire Live headed Ex-policeman ‘claimed to be private detective’

Merseyside Against Injustice was launched in October 2001 and a sister of sadistic serial killer and psychopath Michael Stone, also known as Michael John Goodban, spoke at the launch.

Barbara Stone

Barbara Stone promoted her brother’s innocence fraud public relations spin campaign.

Barbara Stone also set up the now defunct group Kent Against Injustice.

Neil Wilby stated in his June 2020 blog headed Dr Truthseeker loses her moral compass that Andrew Green “was driven out in 2016” from the United Against Injustice organisation.

Note: Neil Wilby also stated in his blog Dr Truthseeker loses her moral compass in relation to a secondary victim of killer Simon Hall’s, namely Stephanie (Hall), that she is “a regular miscarriage of justice commentator”. Stephanie (Hall) is a “regular commentator” on the innocence fraud phenomenon and the killers, rapists, fraudsters and con artists and their deceptive enablers, who choose to perpetuate it.

Link to Part 17f here

Killer Simon Hall: Murderers Enabler Stephanie Bon & Her Start Campaigning Booklet, Inside Doubt, West Midlands Against Injustice, United Against Injustice & Andrew Green – Part 17c©️  

Joan Albert’s Killer.
Photograph of Simon Hall taken whilst at large and wanted by Suffolk police for a sexually motivated murder

Stephanie Bon who was Simon Hall’s girlfriend at the time of his murder of Joan Albert, set up a couple of campaigning websites, including one called Inside Doubt. (

The Inside Doubt website has been defunct for several years, but it was set up after Stephanie Bon, killer Simon Hall and his family (Lynne, Phil and Shaun) “fell out”.

When her Inside Doubt website was up and running, Stephanie Bon wrote and published a Start campaigning booklet which was available to download from her website.

West Midlands Against Injustice (WMAI) reproduced Stephanie Bon’s Start campaigning booklet, which has also been reproduced in full below for background purposes only!

West Midlands Against Injustice was set up and run by the mother of the killer of 19 year old Amy Leigh Barnes.

The WMAI website claimed to be;

A mutual support group for relatives and supporters of people convicted for a crime of which they are innocent, and whose case happened in the West Midlands area.

It is open to all relatives, friends and supporters of those who have been wrongly convicted

Excerpts from a July 2009 media article headed Violent boyfriend guilty of killing model read;

Football coach Ricardo Morrison was jailed for life today for killing his girlfriend – and his violent history of attacking his partners and other young women can be revealed for the first time.

He faces a minimum of 24 years in prison before he is elgible for parole.

In chilling similarities to his fatal assault on model and actress Amy Leigh Barnes, Morrison, 22, repeatedly attacked an ex-girlfriend who was too scared to give evidence against him in his murder trial.

He twice bit her on the face and after one assault sent her a text saying:

“I hope you die of cancer, just like your dad”

And less than a month before he stabbed Miss Barnes, 19, to death with a six-inch kitchen knife, he attacked five women, headbutting and punching victims in the face in a London nightclub.

Described in court as a “phoney and a bully”, Morrison has four previous convictions for assault and one for harassment on his ex-girlfriend, aged 23, from Birmingham.

He was never sentenced to custody and broke a restraining order.

The jury at Manchester Crown Court which convicted him today of the murder of Miss Barnes was not told of his violent past – or that he faced five charges of grievous bodily harm for the nightclub attack.

Mr Justice MacDuff ruled the details would prejudice a fair trial and Morrison faced overwhelming evidence of his guilt anyway.

Morrison’s mother, policewoman Melda Wilks, 50, was cleared of assisting an offender.

It was reported by the Birmingham Mail on the 20th of November 2010 here under the header Policewoman mum of killer Ricardo Morrison is back at work that Melda Wilks, a serving police officer for West Midlands police, was arrested and charged with “assisting an offender” on the day her 22 year old son appeared in court in relation to his murder of Amy Leigh Barnes.

The BBC reported in June 2011 here that Melda Wilks the mother of the killer and founder of West Midlands Against Injustice, had organised a “march and protest”.

The WMAI group was affiliated with the United Against Injustice group set up by Andrew Green and Ann Craven and with INNOCENT, the campaigning group also founded by Andrew Green;

According to a December 2011 blog headed “Someone else killed this girl, NOT my son”, which can be read here, Melda Wilks put together a two page printed leaflet reading “PLEASE READ THIS WITH AN OPEN MIND…WE NEED JUSTICE AND FREEDOM FOR RICARDO MORRISON”

Further excerpts from the Someone else killed this girl, NOT my son blog read;

..the two page leaflet that was handed out he is described as:

“An educated, respectable hard-working young man”, saying the GMP “maliciously lied about his background”.

And the case that Ricardo is innocent is extremely convincing, with the leaflet stating almost 20 “facts” and evidence that were supposedly overlooked by police, the public and the judge.

Apparently, there is no forensic evidence to link Ricardo to the scene of the crime, forensic found blood belonging to an ANOTHER unknown person AND the witness picked out another male from the viper identification.

This “witness” was dressed similar to the person he alleged he saw, and later went on to change his evidence in court as it did not match is statement. This a tiny fraction of the convincing facts listed on the leaflet. :the West Midlands Againt Injustice site, where more information is listed.

The link at the foot of the above excerpts no longer works however this link does, and under the header Justice and Freedom for Ricardo Morrison are a list of innocence fraud killer Ricardo Morrison’s “facts” related to his murder of Amy Leigh Barnes.

A group called the Revolutionary Communist Group also promoted West Midlands Against Injustice in November 2011 here which made the following claim;

For prisoners who are wrongly convicted it means a life of torture for them and their families and friends.

Our aim is to bring public attention to the fact that Miscarriages of Justice are still very prevalent in our society and the group West Midlands Against Injustice (WMAI) continues to highlight unfairness of cases on a regular basis.

It is our intention to be instrumental in bringing about changes in the law in the near future! Below are brief details of some of the campaigns we are fighting for

The West Midlands Against Injustice website also promoted the also now defunct National Joint Enterprise Casework Service (NJEC) here, which stated under ’Who we are’ the following;

Screenshot taken from the now defunct National Joint Enterprise Casework Service (NJEC) promoted by WMAI

More on the people mentioned in the above screenshot will follow in future Parts of the this blog series.

InsideDoubt Start Campaigning Booklet By Stephanie Bon

Screenshot of Stephanie Bon’s website Inside Doubt

As I didn’t have any previous experience with Campaigning and with Miscarriages of Justice, I didn’t have a particular order in which I completed tasks so I have tried to break my progress down in orderly sections, I hope this helps.

Please keep in mind that I can only speak of the work I have done and what I have learned; this may not be the way for you, however it may give you a structure and ideas of how to get started. 

There are many innocent people in prison but there aren’t enough “qualified hands” to help so be prepared to do as much as you can to get the case exposed.” 

© – 12/2007 


1.  You and Your Team           2. The Prisoner                            3.Legal Team                        

4. Case Study                         5, Your Website                           6. Organisations 

7. The Media                         8. MP Campaign                           9. Flyers I Stationery              

10. Events                            11. Prisoners who are Alone         12. Warning 

The following is a detailed account of my personal experience. 

1 – You and your Team 

If possible, get a team together; trusted friends and family to help you work, understand the case, spread the word and support you. 

Losing someone through a miscarriage of justice is extremely overwhelming and it can drain you emotionally and physically, particularly if it is someone close to you. 

In my experience some people will try to distance themselves from you because they want to believe that the system is foolproof and always right. Don’t take things personally. Though it can be very difficult not to let the rest of the world influence you, stick to your guns. 

Your team doesn’t need to be big, just make sure that you surround yourself with people you can trust and depend on and make sure they understand the case. Their true belief in the case will obviously strengthen their loyalty towards the prisoner and the campaign. 

Your campaign is going to take time and you will need people who are prepared to go the distance. Be honest and realistic about the road ahead. 

Don’t ever be ashamed or scared to ask as you encounter new issues. Keep in mind the person who is inside. If you are going to be their voice on the outside you will need to keep strong and objective especially if you are going to gain credibility. 

From now on you are a rock! Never doubt yourself. 

You may need to obtain power of attorney from the prisoner to speak on their behalf. Try keep this limited to one person if you can; decide on a dedicated team member if you have one. 

This will prevent miscommunication and will make it easier for people to work with you. 

This is not to say that you won’t share the work, just assign someone to act as your point of contact. 

Confer with your team and exchange ideas, question each other. Try and meet regularly. 

Note: Remember; 2 heads (or more) are better than one and so is a fresh pair of eyes, try not to isolate yourself. 

Note: Take a rest in between working; overturning a wrongful conviction is a big piece of work and takes a long time. 

2 – The Prisoner 

Being convicted of a crime you haven’t committed is an enormous burden to carry, some people lose everything in the space of a day. Bear in mind how the prisoner might be feeling. 

Try be confident for the prisoner. Be strong and solid, use your friends and team to discuss your fears. Remind the prisoner that you believe them and that you will do all you can to change the circumstances. 

Tell them that this is not uncommon and that people can and have been successful.

Be aware that the nature of the crime they were convicted of will have an impact on the prisoner’s day to day life in prison; support the prisoner in maintaining their innocence. 

Prisoners have much to gain by admitting to their offence; help them to not be influenced by the system. 

Prisoners will be offered to take part in rehabilitation courses to address their alleged wrong behaviour. 

These are not compulsory although their taking part will have an impact on their progress through the system. 

Remind them that they are not guilty and that they need to consistently stick to the truth. 

Note: Talk to solicitors and the organisations for more legal advice on rehabilitation courses issues. 

Always involve the prisoner as much as you can, show them that they still have some control over their lives and future. They have! 

Send them copies of everything you do and everything happening with their campaign; show them that they matter and that they are not forgotten. 

Contact their friends and ask them to write and visit, keep in touch, remember birthdays and Christmas, none of these happens inside … 

Note: Some people may be frightened at the thought of visiting someone in prison, please bear that in mind and do not try to force people as it may make them run away, there are other ways for people to keep in touch. 

Some prisoners will want to know what is happening with life on the outside, others won’t, always consider their feelings and do not try to impose your way because you think it’s best. 

Remember that they are the people who have to cope with the isolation so always respect their wishes. 

Note: Some prisoners will be on the ball and ready to fight with you; others may feel too beaten. This does not mean that you give up; it just means that you need more support for yourself on the outside. 

Note: Remember that prisons have televisions and newspapers therefore anything which gets published and that is in the view of other prisoners and prison staff will have an impact on the prisoner and they will have to deal with the consequences. Always ask the prisoners for permission before you do anything. 

Note: Although I was always unsuccessful, try and meet with the prison governor to explain the situation, you never know and it’s always worth trying. 

Remember that they are the people who have to cope with the isolation so always respect their wishes. 

3 – Legal Team 
Discuss and decide with the prisoner whether s/he is going to stay with the same legal team they had at trial and if so, discuss their experience in Miscarriages of Justice. 

If you are going to find a new legal team, in my experience, the more concise the information you have to present a defence lawyer; the easier it will be for them to get an idea of the case and decide whether to represent the prisoner or not.

There are Law firms out there who specialise in MOJ and who are prepared to take cases on, write in for more information. 

Note: Don’t be deflated by rejection and keep knocking on people’s doors! 

Note: It can be very difficult to communicate with prisoners as prisons usually have a “volatile & unreliable” post system … this is why obtaining power of attorney is a good idea; it will avoid a lot of duplication and save time. 
Also, please visit The Innocence Network UK 

The Innocence Network UK (INUK) is the co-ordinating organisation for affiliated Innocence Projects based in UK universities. 

Their aim is Educate to overturn and prevent the wrongful conviction of innocent people. (Under “Links”, visit their website for more information) 
4 – Case study 
Talk to the prisoner about their case, if anyone knows they do; they are probably the only person who sat throughout the whole trial. 

Gather as much as the case papers as you can and read through them as many times as you need. 
Read and understand the judge’s summing up; this is the most important document you have as it should contain everything about the trial. 

Research the case; look for things that don’t “add up”, try not to be bias, of course you believe they are innocent but if it helps, try and prove them guilty, it may bring out more of the evidence which shows that the conviction is unsafe. 
Write everything down and ask your legal team as many questions as you can think of, if you don’t have one yet, there are people out there who can help, just ask. 

Never feel stupid for asking! 

Read up other cases (there are hundreds available online), compare issues, look for similarities, there are common patterns to miscarriages of justice, look for them. 

Build up data, start putting together documents (see J4S), this will help you make sense of it all and see where “it went wrong”. 

Please see United Against Injustice for information on how to “present your case”. 

5 – Your Website 
Once you are familiar with the case and the discrepancies and that you have built the documents required to put your case back in the public eye, building a webpage I website is going to be the best way for you to gather support. 

Look at other sites, ask other campaigners for tips, what works, what doesn’t. 

What information can I put on my website: 

Present the case briefly and in detail, the evidence against the Prisoner, the alibi, why you believe the prisoner is innocent, the Judge’s summing up, start a petition, have a guestbook for people to keep in touch and make sure the prisoner has a space too so that they can write in and communicate with their supporters. 

Have a news page to keep people informed of any developments. 

Note: Please make sure you consult with your legal team or the organisations to check your site BEFORE you launch it in case there is something on there which would be best kept out in case it could damage the future appeal of the prisoner. 

This does not mean that you have something to hide, just be safe with the Law and never act without appropriate advice. 

Once you are ready to launch your site, inform everyone you know so that they visit the site and start writing in, there is nothing like an empty site to make people turn away. 

Note: Don’t forget to put everything you do on your website, this can sometimes help put pressure on the people you are asking for help. 

Make sure you have a contact page where people can write to you and don’t be offended by people’s questions, remember that most people have no idea that this goes on and most of the time they are trying to understand. 

Note: Don’t waste time on people who are only being vindictive for the sake of it, they’ll soon get bored and move on to the next thing 🙂 and you have better things to do. Don’t take things personally. 

Once you start to have a list of supporters don’t be frightened to ask for support, people want to help, imagine if everyone on your list brings 10 new people to the cause, your mailing list will soon start to grow. 

Any ideas you have can work, sit down and make plans on how you are going to go about things. 

Remember to always be objective and as “un-emotional” as you can about this, people need facts and the truth. 

When someone writes to you, reply as soon as you can, stay aware that people soon move on to the next thing, grab their attention and publish as much information as you can as often as you can. 

Anything to do with Miscarriages of Justice and the Justice System will interest and educate your readers; it will also help keep other cases in the news. Work together with other campaigners. 

Always Be Honest and remember that you have nothing to hide. 

Keep in mind that everyone has a past and just because someone has made mistakes, it does not mean they are guilty of this particular crime, in fact, it could be the reason why the Prisoner was picked on in the first place. 

The system and the police have a tendency to use people’s vulnerabilities against them and character assassination is a powerful tool with Jurors. 

Use your website to tell people what happens to the prisoner in prison, don’t be scared to speak up for them. 

Once you are satisfied with your site, start to copy it onto other public medium such as MySpace, Facebook, Bebo, NowPublic, etc. 

Please see under “Links”, the more you can put your case out there the more chances you have of being noticed and you will be surprised of how many other people are doing the same. 

Note: As much as you can, always ask the prisoner to contribute, this is the tool which is going to help you raise their profile and awareness of their case. 

Make them feel involved in what happens with their campaign. 

6 – Organisations 
There are some excellent organisations out there (see Links) so please contact them and use them, no one minds and in my experience, as long as people see you help yourself, they will always have time for you. 

(Remember that no one is going to run your campaign for you … ) 

Make sure to read through what the agencies offer and what they have available on their websites so that you don’t waste people’s time, always be patient. 

A lot of people have written articles on MOJ and these can be very helpful in your research, try spend time reading these before you ask questions. 

Ask the organisations and other campaigners to link you on their website and in return, link them on your website. 
Note: Remember to always read people’s websites before you link them and if in doubt don’t link them. Also make it clear to your readers that you are not responsible for the content of other webpages / websites. Always ask people for their permission before you do anything. 

Note: Try not judge other people’s work or question their beliefs, whether you choose to associate with them or not is down to your personal opinion, stick to your case, everyone who fights for MOJ believes in their cause. It is down to you who is on your website. 

Always let the organisations know what you are doing so that they can publish it in their news, this will help bring more publicity to your case. 

Contact MOJUK (see Links) and ask them to add the prisoner and you to their mailing list; this means the Prisoner will receive a regular newsletter and you emails of any news related to miscarriages of justice, including the updates you post on their case. 

Information and Communication is key. 

Note: Look into other cases where people have been freed and cleared, this will help you understand the system and the damage wrong convictions cause. 

There are amazing people out there who have been victims of MOJ and in my experience, they are the best people to ask. 

7 – The Media 
Contact the local press and inform them of your new website I campaign. 

The chances are that if they followed the case, they will be interested in this new development. 

The prisoner’s character would have been very damaged by the press during the investigation, it’s time to turn this round and show the public the other side of the coin. 

Try to build a rapport with your local journalists, meet with them if you can and discuss the case and what they can do to help. 

Journalists are aware of Miscarriages of Justice so try and make them see the consequences their words can have on someone. They are the people’s voices. 

“Bad hair day” pictures of the Prisoners may have been published during the trial, the worst they look; the better the impact, try and show other photos on your website and contribute new ones to the press. 

Always make sure that journalists are going to write an unbiased article, give you a chance to make a fresh start with the case, don’t be afraid to negotiate and only offer input if they are prepared to work with you, not make the situation worse. 

Note: Whatever journalists say they can help, so if they are not willing to do so, move on, don’t settle for just anything just to get the case back in the news. Remember that it can be very damaging for the prisoner and for you. 

Spend time on the internet when you can and look for anyone you think might help you, there are many investigative journalists specialising on miscarriages of justice out there waiting to write about your case! Private Eye is always a good one. 

Remember you are not alone and these people have a lot of experience. 

Some journalists may want to visit the prisoner (possibly undercover), this is fine and it will help them make a better assessment of the situation, particularly the investigative ones. 

Unfortunately or not, the press is very much about sensationalism, most cases are and therefore are of interest; don’t let your prisoner’s wrong conviction be the last thing people hear about them. 

Contact your local radio station; they may want to talk to you about the case. 

Not many television programs are dedicated to MOJ anymore if any; be aware of people’s motives if they approach you about making a documentary on your case. 

Don’t just trust anyone and make sure that you will be involved every step of the way, some journalists have their own agendas and unless they are prepared to make a program to “highlight” the inadequacies of the case and you are 100% sure of the format and have a say on the outcome, don’t agree to anything. 

Don’t sell yourself and the Prisoner short for the sake of having something on TV, there will always be another offer, especially as your campaign gathers momentum … it may be about sensationalism, but the bottom line is that this is about someone life. 

There may be smaller companies out there interested in MOJ, look for them. 

Explore possibilities such as Media students, contact Universities and remember; if you don’t ask you don’t get. 
Keep in mind that the Prisoner doesn’t need anymore bad press; I personally do not believe that “it’s all good as long as it’s out there”. 

Work with people who have integrity and don’t be defeatist; a lot of people enjoy their work and are passionate about what they do, take your time and look for the best. 

Always keep in mind the victim (of the crime) and their family, however try not to let emotions get in the way of your campaigning, remember that an innocent person is in prison and that just because the police has done a good job of convincing the victim’s family and most of the public, it’s not to say that they are right. 

This isn’t a personal fight, you are campaigning against a wrong conviction, don’t engage in vendettas and damage yours or anyone’s reputation. 

Someone is responsible for every crime but we have to make sure that the right person is in prison. 

8 – MP Campaign 
This is an idea of how to run a National Campaign to MPs and ask for support with your campaign. 

Please feel free to use the templates on this site, amend as needed or write your own, these are just examples of how I did it. 

Note that there are 2 different templates: 

Letter 1 for YOUR MP –    Letter 2 for MPs outside your constituency- 

Also write a separate “brief account” of the case;    Please see Justice 4 Simon, “In Brief” to see what I wrote. 

This will be attached to your letter and it will help your MP get a quick, clear idea of the case. 

Add that they can also visit your website for more details on the case and contact you with any questions; always leave your personal details on your correspondence. 

Start with the prisoner’s MP and yours if you live in a different constituency. 

Outside constituency: Bear in mind that most MP’s will not reply and if they do, they will often tell you that they are not able to act on behalf of someone who doesn’t live in their constituency. Don’t be disheartened, keep at it! 

Note: Once your MP or the Prisoner’s MP agrees to support you, there is no law stopping other MP’s joining them so don’t be scared to ask again. 

Document this on your website, let your supporters and the press know what you are doing and ask your supporters to use the templates to write to their own MPs. 

Always have a structure and inform your supporters of when you will announce the results of your campaign, have a date in mind so that you don’t wait forever. (Be reasonable and check the MPs time tables, a lot happens in Parliament) 

Note: Consistency is the key to running a campaign, don’t start something that you will not finish, as small as you think it may be; your supporters will always follow your example. 

Always follow up. 

Do not take no news as being good news; follow up with your MP (and the Prisoner’s). 

You can also write another letter reminding them that you are still waiting for a reply and that you are due to publish your results soon. 

A phone call doesn’t hurt either and you can ask for a meeting. 

Concentrate on your MP (and the Prisoner’s) as they are the only ones who can help you initially, it will be easier to gather others once these are on board. 

Always ask for their permission to publish any correspondence you receive from them. 

Inform the press of your results, MPs who agree to support you will often agree to interviews with the press; more publicity for your case. 

Send the letters to your MP by post, I emailed the others (it’s cheaper and just as effective) 

Visit The Parliament Website for email addresses, there are plenty of other websites where you can find emails for MP, just look for them. 

Note: MPs change their em ails addresses so you will need to go through the list above and copy them to create your own list. 

Create an email for other MPs entitled Miscarriage of Justice, attach your Letter and “In Brief” with a short note to ask them to take a look at your documents. 

Remember to thanks MPs who offer their support and add them to your mailing list so that they can see the progress of your case, always keep in touch and don’t hesitate to ask them for advice. Make sure they sign your petition. 
Remember to always publish everything you do and tell the organisations. 

We were very lucky to be assigned an MP’s Aid who consistently worked with us and supported us, invite them to join you at Miscarriages of Justice day and other events I conferences you attend. 

9 – Flyers I Stationery 

Once your website is online, start using stationery that matches your site, use your means, have a logo and print it on the paper you use to your write letters on. This just makes you look more professional. 

Make yourself a word template with your logo, details, prisoner’s details and website address. 

Design a flyer that you can put on your website and that people can print and distribute if they want to. 

Note: Remember that fancy designs and coloured flyers are expensive to print so a simple black and white A4 or AS document is enough to start with. 

State the case briefly and put your web address on. 

Ask your friends to distribute it; stick it on your window, at the back of your car, anywhere you think someone might see it. 

Once you can and if you have funds you can always look at doing something better but think of all the leaflets you see out on the streets and in bins … use them wisely … 

10 – Events 
Get into a habit and keep cheeking on the organisations websites for events to do with Miscarriages of Justice. 
Every year, United Against Injustice organises a Miscarriage of Justice day. 

Try to attend if you can; they offer workshops and are full of people who can help you, it will also give you the opportunity to meet with other people in your situation, and build more support for yourself. 

Make sure you take your flyers and anything else you have so that you can distribute them and spread the word. 

Every year brings new speakers and you may be surprised of who you get to meet, solicitors, experts, journalists, etc. 
Everyone there has a common cause, they are involved with Miscarriages of Justice and you can learn from each other. 

11 – Warning … 

Be prepared to be patient, this is not to say that you wait for things to happen, there are a lot of “alleged” miscarriages of justice out there and your case will soon be yesterday’s news if you do not keep proactive. 

If leave to appeal has not been granted the next stop is the Criminal Case Review Commission (CCRC) 

It took almost 5 years from the first application form being sent about the wrongful arrest to the case being assigned a case worker at the CCRC. (-see under “Links”for more information on this government body) 

It took almost 2 years for the campaigning team to read the case papers, make sense of everything and discover evidence. 

It took over 3 years of tenuous work, everyday to get recognition and to build momentum with the website and the campaign. 

Research is paramount, read about other cases, watch documentaries, read books, look up the organisation’s websites, ask questions and study whatever you need to study to understand the case better. 

H.M forces and the Justice system are not keen to admit that they have made a mistake and they will make it as difficult as they can for you, be persistent and do not feel discouraged by closed doors, do not expect them to be helpful but keep knocking! 

Correspondence needs to be followed up, make sure you keep copies of everything you send and do not hesitate to send forms 2 or 3 times, just in case one gets “lost in the post”. Follow up with a phone call to ensure it has been received. 

Our application to the CCRC was sent twice by the person inside and twice by us, yet they spent months claiming that they hadn’t received it. 

The police will undoubtedly monitor what you are doing, especially if you get a lot of press attention, they have the means to screen your website, phone calls, etc. … this is not a certainty but be aware that it does happen! Be sure of who you speak to and what you talk about. 

Beware of people who claim to know information about the case; people like to feel involved and have the best intentions at hearts, don’t believe in hearsay. 

Remember that not everyone will agree with you, you may get some strong opinions at times; rise above it and keep focused, everyone is entitled to their opinion and do not waste your time arguing pointlessly. 

Be suspicious of people’s “hidden agendas”, criminal cases are delicate subjects; do not divulge information to just anyone because you think they might help you. 

Always respect the victim’s dignity and integrity. 

If you do not have a lawyer, always confer with the agencies who will advise you if you are unsure about anything. 

As frustrated as you may feel at times, remember that the system is designed to discourage you, the longer you go on, the more chances you have of succeeding, persistence and determination will get you there eventually. 

Take one day at a time. 

Unfortunately, miscarriages of justice do happen and therefore try and study previous cases closely, educate yourself, use the support groups and work with other campaigners, share your knowledge. 

As time goes on and we learn how to fight the system, hopefully the time it takes to overturn wrongful convictions will shorten and eventually the judicial system might put appropriate procedures in place to allow people to defend themselves fairly and rapidly. 

Stay patient, active and never give up. 

Please contact us on the website if you have any questions. 

Thank you for reading, 


Link to Part 17d here

Killer Simon Hall: The Fraudulent Public Relations (PR) Spin Campaign Appears To Have Been Started Because The Hall Family Members Did Not Want To Be Associated With An Actual, Factual Guilty Killer, Stephanie Bon, Campbell Malone, Michael Naughton & More On The Illusory Truth Effect, Coercive Persuasion & Gaslighting of Innocence Fraud Murderers & Their Lying, Deceptive Enablers – Part 17a©️  

Joan Albert’s Killer.
Photograph of Simon Hall taken whilst at large and wanted by Suffolk police for a sexually motivated murder

It took the jury just over four and a half hours to find killer Simon Hall guilty for his murder of Joan Albert, with a majority verdict of 11-1, as the criminal cases review commission highlighted at their paragraph 31 of their statement of reasons;

Stephanie Bon attended Simon Hall’s February 2003 two week trial, which was heard at Norwich crown court in Norfolk.

Stephanie Bon was apparently the first person to speak to killer Simon Hall after the jury found him guilty, which also suggests the pair of them were in contact prior to his trial.

As already stated in PART 11a of this blog series, which can be read by tapping on the button below;

An April 2003 news article reported under the header Website bid to free murderer claimed that Shaun Hall and his adoptive parents were inviting readers of their website to make donations to ‘“keep it running”.

The article stated;

Hall’s legal team has already announced it will appeal against his conviction and a website has now been launched to help the fight to clear his name

The internet site claimed there had been a miscarriage of justice and added campaigners would clear Hall’s name

It also aims to provide support for family, friends and followers of Hall – who is known as Teddy because of his penchant for designer clothes – and invites donations to keep the website running

By John Howard for the East Anglian Daily Times article headed Website bid to free murderer dated 6th April 2003

It is not known exactly when Lynne, Phil and Shaun Hall and Phoebe Grant stopped their fraudulent public relations (PR) spin campaign and when Stephanie Bon took over.

However it was apparently Stephanie Bon’s brother Olivier Bon who helped his sister set up a new website.

It is also not known why Stephanie Bon chose to omit the fact she and killer Simon Hall had been an item at the time of Simon’s murder of Joan Albert.

Excerpts from a media article about the fraudulent PR spin campaign read;

A woman campaigning to clear a convicted killer’s name spoke of her battle to end what she claims is a huge miscarriage of justice.

Stephanie Bon became close friends with Simon Hall when they worked at a chemical company in Colchester’s East Hill.

He even taught her to drive, but they lost touch when the firm closed down.

Then, Hall was charged with the murder of pensioner Joan Albert at her home in Capel St Mary.

Stephanie attended the murder trial with Hall’s family, confident he would be cleared.

“When the guilty verdict came in, we were absolutely devastated,” she said.

“It was like the floor opening up under you.

“I was the first person to speak to him after he was convicted. He was absolutely distraught.

“I said we’ll just have to fight. You can’t give up”

Stephanie’s brother designed the Justice4Simon website, which argued Hall’s case and started to attract media attention.

The campaign brought her into contact with other miscarriage of justice cases, including members of the Birmingham Six.

MPs – including Colchester’s Bob Russell – have also backed the campaign Hall is serving a life sentence in Swaleside Prison on the Isle of Sheppey.

He refuses rehabilitation courses because he insists he is innocent.

But, denying guilt could delay any chance of parole.

Excerpts by Chris Wilkin for the Colchester Gazette article headed Colchester: Stephanie fights to clear friend’s name dated the 16th April 2007

In a copy of a 2006 email sent by Stephanie Bon to killer Simon Hall’s then solicitor Campbell Malone, John Hatton and Michael Naughton, excerpts read;

Simon rang up tonight and as most of you already know, he has been suffering with his teeth for a very long time, 14 months to be precise

An appointment was arranged for him some time ago but he was not made aware of this until the day and at the time this coincided with a visit, it was too late to let the visitor know (me) and therefore the prison took this as a direct refusal from Simon

The pain never went away but I suppose Simon learned to ”live with it”, until recently it became even worse and turned into an infection. Still no appointment was made

He was given a course of antibiotics for 2 weeks and these had no effect, the last I spoke to him, last Wednesday, he was being given new antibiotics and sleeping pills..

Clearly not the way to treat this, I asked him if he wanted anything done but he said he would deal with it.

He was found in a pretty bad way in his cell last Friday and was immediately transferred to an outside hospital where in the first instance the tooth was taken out, then the doctor decided the infection needed to be drained and he did not feel confident sending Simon back to the prison as he felt that this was a case of ”GROSS NEGLIGENCE” on the prison’s part, according to Simon the doctor will be writing to the prison.

The doctor then decided to drain the poison through Simon’s neck and therefore he also had to have stitches.

As of tonight, Monday, Simon is back in the prison and as far as we know safe.

We, as a team feel that we need to react to this as soon as possible and in the most effective way for Simon and for the other prisoners in this situation

1 – Why did it take the prison so long to act upon this

2 – Why did the prison didn’t (sic) think it appropriate to relate the information to the family/team, Simon may have had blood poison?! (sic)

3 – These people have a responsibility of ensuring that the prisoners under their care are kept safe and well, they are accountable.

Campbell, could you please advise on the best way to deal with this, our first instinct is to sue and it is Simon’s wish

Michael, is this something you have experience before? (sic)

John, we need to make some noise about this as this is the only way that this place is going to listen

Could you please let me know as soon as you get this email so that I can act rapidly,

Simon’s mother is going to write to the prison (from the parents) and I am going to as well from the team

Excerpts from Stephanie Bon’s email dated the 25th September 2006

Simon Hall’s prison patient records made no reference with regards to any hospital visit in the year 2006 regarding Simon’s teeth.

Journal notes beginning from around a few months after Simon Hall’s trial and conviction read;

  • 2nd June 2003Depression
  • 25th October 2003Deliberate self harm – Cut left arm, blue lighted to hospital
  • 16th July 2004Deliberate self harm – Cut upper left forearm (1 1/2 inches)

The next journal entries are dated the 24th of December 2007, as can be seen in the below screenshot of an extract from Simon Hall’s prison patient records;

Screenshot of excerpt from Simon Hall’s prison patient records

It is not believed killer Simon Hall ever injured his lower back when he was a child, as noted in the bottom journal entry.

Michael Naughton responded to Stephanie Bon’s email as follows;

Dear Stephanie

I agree that this should be reported to highlight the abuse of the ’duty of care’ that it represents.

I know an investigative journalist who may be able to get the story out.

He has written about the parole deal and is currently working on other matters related to miscarriages of justice.

I can vouch for his integrity

Do you want me to make him aware?

I am at home if you get a minute

Excerpts from Michael Naughton’s response to Stephanie Bon dated September 2006

Michael Naughton finished his email by providing Stephanie Bon with his home telephone number.

Stephanie Bon replied stating;

Simon wants to sue them but Mike Pemberton, who works with Campbell hasn’t been great so far and Simon doesn’t want him to take care of this… what do you think?

I will give you a call as soon as I can

Excerpts from Stephanie Bon’s 26th of September 2006 email correspondence to Michael Naughton

Link to Part 17b here

Killer Simon Hall: The Illusory Truth Effect & The Enabling & Empowering Of Highly Manipulative Innocence Fraud Murderers, Psychopathy, Menticide & His Majesty’s Prison & Probation Services (HMPPS) & Monitoring – Part 17©️  

Joan Albert’s Killer.
Photograph of Simon Hall taken whilst at large and wanted by Suffolk police for a sexually motivated murder

Illusory Truth Effect & Gaslighting

In psychology, what is known as the illusory truth effect is a phenomenon in which a listener comes to believe something primarily because it has been repeated so often. 

The illusory truth effect can cause us to become susceptible to the effects of another dangerous form of reality erosion known as gaslighting. 

Deliberate manipulators who gaslight with the intention of eroding your reality and rewriting history tend to use the illusory truth effect to their advantage.

They will repeat falsehoods so often that they become ingrained in the victim’s mind as unshakeable truths.

Excerpts from 50 Shades Of Gaslighting: Disturbing Signs An Abuser Is Twisting Your Reality by Shahida Arabi

Dangerous and manipulative murderers who falsely claim to be innocent and who choose to launch fraudulent public relations spin campaigns, utilise a plethora of psychological tactics like coercive persuasion, the illusory truth effect and gaslighting to help promote their propaganda.

Some murderers will use anything and anyone for self-serving purposes and unfortunately HM prison and probation service do not always adequately assess or monitor cunning and calculated individuals like killer Simon Hall.

Psychopathy, Brainwashing & Psychological Harm

Therefore these types of offenders still pose a great risk of causing psychological harm to people they come into contact with following their convictions, especially those people who are unaware of psychopathy and the varying personality disorders associated with dangerous killers.

Brainwashing (also known as mind control, menticide, coercive persuasion,  thought control, thought reform, and re-education) is the concept that the human mind can be altered or controlled by certain psychological techniques.

Brainwashing is said to reduce its subjects’ ability to think critically or independently, to allow the introduction of new, unwanted thoughts and ideas into their minds, as well as to change their attitudes, values and beliefs.

Mischaracterised Motive To Murder

By the time the case against killer Simon Hall went to trial in February 2003, his murder of Joan Albert had been mischaracterised.

The crown prosecution service proceeded on the basis killer Simon Hall’s motive to his murder of Joan Albert was a burglary gone wrong, as opposed to it being a sexually motivated murder – as it turned out to be.

The term enabler generally describes someone whose behavior allows a loved one to continue self-destructive patterns of behavior.

Enabling usually refers to patterns that appear in the context of drug or alcohol misuse and addiction.

But according to the American Psychological Association, it can refer to patterns within close relationships that support any harmful or problematic behavior and make it easier for that behavior to continue.

It’s not always easy to distinguish between empowering someone and enabling them.

There may be little difference between the two.

Murderers Enabling & Enablers

Numerous people and organisations enabled actually, factually guilty killer Simon Hall to launch, and continue with, his innocence fraud public relations spin campaign following his murder conviction and imprisonment.

One example of this was killer Simon Hall’s adoptive mother Lynne Hall, who a couple of years after her adoptive son Simon had been convicted for his murder publicly claimed;

I couldn’t still be living in the same village where all this happened, if I was not convinced my son was innocent

Lynne Hall via Evening star article headed New act appeal tactic for Simon Hall dated 18th April 2005

Lynne Hall chose to lie for over a decade about her knowledge of her adoptive son Simon Hall’s burglary of Zenith windows in Ipswich, which he carried out with Jamie Barker on the morning of Sunday the 16th of December 2001, not long before his murder of Joan Albert.

Tap on button below to read Part 16, which includes reference to the Zenith windows burglary;

Lynne Hall’s concoctions were highlighted by the prosecution during her adoptive son Simon Hall’s trial for his murder.

For example Graham Parkin stated during his closing speech to the jury;

Well members of the jury I’ve dealt with the shoes except in this regard.

Do you remember that very small piece of evidence given by Mrs Hall in what I described and I underline as being an essentially concocted part of this case?

To mislead you away from the truth.

Given she’s been ill up and down during the night all the previous day, she now remembers she said to him as he past through can I clean your tan boots. 6.30am on a Sunday morning do you believe it?

Excerpt from prosecutions closing speech made by Graham Parkin

More on Lynne Hall can be read at Part 7 of this blog series, which can be read by tapping on the button below;

Lynne Hall spoke to the BBC following the court of appeals January 2011 decision to uphold her adoptive son Simon Hall’s conviction for his murder of Joan Albert.

On the 14th of January 2011 under the header Simon Hall’s mother vows to ‘fight on there was a video of an interview with Lynne Hall, which now appears to have been removed.

The article which accompanied the video stated;

The mother of a man from Suffolk who lost his murder appeal has said she will fight on.

Simon Hall is serving a life sentence for stabbing 79-year-old Joan Albert at her home in Capel St Mary in 2001.

There was concern over fibres found at her home which linked Hall to the scene but the Appeal Court said there was “no reason” to doubt the conviction.

Mr Hall’s mother Lynne said she would continue to fight to have him freed.

Excerpts from a BBC article headed Simon Hall’s mother vows to ‘fight on’ dated 14th January 2011

It is not known if Lynne Hall (or a representative for Lynne Hall) contacted the BBC to have the video of her being interviewed removed, or if the BBC decided to remove the video or if there was another reason why the video is no longer available to view online.

However following the release of the news Lynne Hall’s adoptive son Simon Hall had confessed to his actual, factual guilt to his murder of Joan Albert the East Anglian Daily Times reported the following;

The mother of Simon Hall today expressed her shock at learning of her son’s murder confession.

But Lynne Hall still maintains her son is innocent of the murder of pensioner Joan Albert in December 2001.

Mrs Hall said:

“I’m absolutely shocked because I know he is innocent and I still believe he is.

“But it’s the system. If he had pleaded guilty in the beginning, he would be home now.

“I know he has been really low and in hospital recently. He’s given up”

Hall’s parents Lynne and Phil Hall and his brother Shaun supported him through numerous appeals which were unsuccessful.

Mrs Hall added:

“I believe he feels he can’t take any more after all the fight he has put up and how brave he has been.

“If that’s his decision, that’s his decision but I will never believe that”.

Excerpts by Lauren Everitt for the East Anglian Daily Times article headed Capel St Mary: Simon Hall’s mother’s shock at his murder confession dated the 8th August 2013 article

In reality killer Simon Hall would NOT have been “home now” and out of prison if he had admitted to his guilt to his murder “in the beginning” as Lynne Hall claimed.

Killer Simon Hall was apparently progressing through the prison system quicker than many life sentenced prisoners and would have been where he was, or in a C-category prison

On the 10th of March 2014, three days before his brother’s funeral, Simon Hall’s older brother Shaun Hall stated to his brother Simon’s former wife;

Shaun Hall

Simon even saw mum recently and told her all about the truth about the confession.

We have access to all of these things..

You never knew the real simon and you never will now..

Shaun Hall

More on Shaun Hall can be read at Part 11 and Part 11a of this blog series by tapping on each of the buttons below;

Link to Part 17a here

Killer Simon Hall: The Murderer & His & His Deceitful Enablers Propaganda, Self Presentation, Secrets & Lies & The Innocence Fraud Spin Public Relations (PR) Campaign & More On Jamie & Angela Barker & Collusion – Part 16©️   

Joan Albert’s Killer.
Photograph of Simon Hall taken whilst at large and wanted by Suffolk police for a sexually motivated murder

The mechanism by which ideas are disseminated on a large scale is PROPAGANDA, in the broad sense of an organised effort to spread a particular belief or doctrine

Essentially propagandists use media such as magazines, newspapers, radio the internet and video to manipulate the masses into accepting or conforming to a certain idea

Edward L. Bernays

Secrets & Lies

The lies, deceit and propaganda of killer Simon Hall, the Hall families lies, deceit and propaganda, Stephanie Bon, Jamie Barker, Phoebe Grant’s, and all the other people who chose to lie and deceive, took on a life of their own from the beginning and mutated over time.

Their lies, deceit and propaganda had many unsuspecting individuals wrongly believe it possible someone else committed the murder of Joan Albert.

Killer Simon Hall’s innocence fraud public relations campaign lasted for around eleven and a half years.

It wasn’t until the 5th November 2012 before actual, factual guilty killer Simon Hall’s then wife Stephanie (Hall) learned Simon Hall and many other people had lied.

And some people had also attempted to pervert the course of justice and committed perjury during the February 2003 trial.

These lies included Simon Hall’s movements during the time period leading up to when he chose to commit his murder of Joan Albert and of many other facts they had chosen to keep to themselves and lie to others about.

Jamie Barker & His Previous Employers Zenith Windows

For example Jamie Barker did not want people to know about his and his “work colleague” Simon Hall’s burglary of Zenith Windows.

Zenith windows had been Jamie Barker and Phoebe Grant’s previous place of employment.

More on the Zenith windows burglary can be read by tapping on each of the buttons below;

Three days after killer Simon Hall was found guilty for his murder of Joan Albert, a media article was published under the header He didn’t kill Joan – he was with me.

The article included statements made by Jamie Barker, who had chosen to speak publicly via a journalist.

Some of Jamie Barker’s statements have been reproduced below;

By the time I went out I’d started to sober up a bit.

I had to stand up in court and draw a map of where we went

Jamie Barker

I could remember that well enough and I can remember getting into his car, so I can’t have been that drunk

If he dropped me at home at 5.30am and he got in at 6am like his mum says then he couldn’t have killed her.

He wouldn’t have had time

It all seems to have been down to the fibres as far as I can tell and his mum was a friend of the old lady, so she would have been in and out of the house

He was always a good laugh behind the bar and a great worker, although his time-keeping left a bit to be desired

I was just in total shock when I heard the verdict.

If it had been a fight that had gone wrong, then maybe

It’s been nine months of hell.

I was never told by police why things were happening

We had forensics all over the house and we didn’t know why

My mum was shaken even when we got to Norwich and then the first thing they came out with was ‘What was it like when the forensics descended on your house?’

She just broke down, but I couldn’t speak to her because I’d just given my evidence.

That was hard

Excerpts from the 3rd March 2003 Evening Star article headed He didn’t kill Joan – he was with me

Jamie & Angela Barker & Self Presentation

Actual, factual guilty murderers like Simon Hall, who choose to pretend they are innocent and who use various manipulative and deceptive tactics in an attempt to dupe others can be skilful at impression management and so can some of their enablers – like Jamie Barker as one example.

Impression management refers to the goal-directed conscious or unconscious attempt to influence the perceptions of other people about a person, object, or event by regulating and controlling information in social interaction.

Generally, people undertake impression management to achieve goals that require they have a desired public image.

This activity is called self-presentation.

In sociology and social psychology, self-presentation is the conscious or unconscious process through which people try to control the impressions other people form of them

Charlotte Nickerson ~ Impression Management and Self Presentation

It is not known if Jamie Barker told his mother Angela Barker about his burglary of Zenith windows prior to Simon Hall’s February 2003 trial.

However by Jamie Barker choosing to publicly make the claim he “didn’t know why” police forensics officers were “all over the house” was false, misleading and highly deceptive.

When Jamie Barker made the false, misleading and deceptive public claim “We had forensics all over the house and we didn’t know why”, he was practicing self presentation by attempting to influence the perceptions of other people by “regulating” and controlling the information he chose to disclose.

Jamie Barker was the last person to see Simon Hall before Simon chose to commit his murder of Joan Albert.

Jamie Barker also told the journalist he spoke with;

But an old lady being stabbed to death – that’s just sick

Jamie Barker

By choosing to omit the facts of his burglary of Zenith windows to Suffolk police and subsequently to the February 2003 jury, Jamie Barker was able to control the impression other people formed of him.

Although Jamie Barker referred to the murder of Joan Albert as “just sick”, he seemingly did not appear to deem the act “sick” enough to tell the police and the trial jury the truth about his and killer Simon Hall’s burglary.

In May 2005 there was another media article published by Nic Risby for the BBC which also included comments by Jamie Barker.

And again Jamie Barker chose to say nothing about his and Simon Hall’s burglary of Zenith window.

Instead Jamie Barker appeared to want to cause confusion and create doubt regarding killer Simon Hall’s ability to drive on the morning of Sunday the 16th of December 2001 and of the time Simon had dropped Jamie Barker home to Myrtle Road in Ipswich on that morning.

Jamie Barker even appeared to choose to introduce the fallacy that killer Simon Hall had changed his clothes after his murder of Joan Albert and had driven back from her home to his parents Lynne and Phil Hall’s home;

BBC News has also spoken to Jamie Barker, the last man to see Hall, before he is said to have killed Mrs Albert.

At the trial, police said Hall had murdered her at some point between 0530 and 0615 GMT – the only time period when Hall did not have an alibi.

Mr Barker, 24, said Hall dropped him off at Myrtle Road, Ipswich, some time between 0530 and 0545 GMT.

He said Hall would not have had time to then drive the nine miles to Capel St Mary (a roughly 20 minute drive), climb over fences, break into the house, murder Mrs Albert, climb back and change his clothes before driving back to his parent’s home in Capel for 0615 GMT.

He said that because Hall, who had a previous conviction for violence, had been drinking he was driving quite slowly at “about 20mph” which meant the journey may have taken longer than 20 minutes.

“There is no possible way, given the timings, that it could have happened that way”

said Mr Barker.

Excerpts from a 19th May 2005 BBC article by Nic Rigby headed New forensic doubts over murder

Because Jamie Barker chose to lie to Suffolk police and during his evidence in the February 2003 trial, the jury did not have any information about Jamie and Simon Hall’s burglary or of where the stolen items had ended up.

Killer Simon Hall and burglar Jamie Barker conspired to not admit to their burglary, similarly to how all those people who Simon told about his burglary also conspired and colluded with each other.

It is not clear from Nic Rigby’s May 2005 BBC article when Jamie Barker became aware of Simon Hall’s previous convictions for violence.

It is also not known if Jamie Barker chose to lie about his and Simon Hall’s burglary because he may have been influenced by someone.

It’s very possible Simon Hall or one of the Hall family members (Lynne, Phil or Shaun), Stephanie Bon or Jamie Barker’s friend Phoebe Grant (or someone else) told Jamie that Simon Hall had previous convictions for violence and that Suffolk police suspected Simon was responsible for murdering Joan Albert.

Killer Simon Hall told representatives from the criminal cases review commission (CCRC) in April 2013 the Zenith Windows burglary had been Jamie Barker’s idea.

Again excerpts from the CCRC’s transcript read;

  • Celia Sophal: Whose idea was it?
  • Simon Hall: I am 99% sure that Jamie opened the window of Zenith Windows. I wouldn’t do that sort of thing. Nor him; but he had knowledge. I don’t know what made him do it. We weren’t thinking straight. We had been out drinking since 7.30 the night before.
  • Celia Sophal: Did either of you say anything?
  • Simon Hall: I remember Jamie Barker complaining about Zenith Windows, saying he had worked there. He called the bosses ’wankers’. That could have been the inspiration.
  • Celia Sophal: Do you remember what the window opened into?
  • Simon Hall: The window we went in by was the telesales office. It was the main room as you go into Zenith Windows off the street.
  • Celia Sophal: Who did what?
  • Simon Hall: I think we kind of split up inside the office and had a look around, looking in drawers and that.
  • Celia Sophal: Independently?
  • Simon Hall: Yes there was no chit chat. We just grabbed and picked things up in there independently.
  • Celia Sophal: Do you remember the locker?
  • Simon Hall: It was about a metre tall. I remember shaking the locker and thinking there was something in it. It was locked away so I thought it could be something good.
  • Celia Sophal: What happened to the locker?
  • Simon Hall: We went to the Woolpack. After this I put everything (all 4 CD players and the locker) in the back of my car. Jamie had none of it. I parked up my car. We had a family meal on the Sunday and I don’t think I took the stuff out until Monday. I had been to work to ask for some time off to look after my Mom because she was in bed poorly; upset (about the murder). I took it out of the car and went to the garage to get some tools to open the locker. To my surprise, when I got it open there was nothing in it, just a piece of metal inside doing all the banging. It was just a grey locker with nothing distinctive on it.
  • Celia Sophal: How long were you in Zenith Windows again?
  • Simon Hall: We were only in Zenith Windows for 10 minutes at the most
  • Celia Sophal: Had you been in Zenith Windows before?
  • Simon Hall: No. Jamie worked there. I didn’t have any other connection with Zenith Windows (apart from Jamie). I had no reason to go there. My girlfriend Phoebe worked at Zenith at some stage but I’m not sure when that was. I had no reason to go there 
  • Celia Sophal: Had you done anything like that before?
  • Simon Hall: Not me. I had no need to do it. I had previous for fighting, not theft
  • Celia Sophal: How did you feel when you were in there?
  • Simon Hall: I remember it was a little bit exciting when we went into Zenith. It was scary at times as well. Like when you know you are doing something wrong. I don’t remember any conversation with Jamie about it. I had never done anything like that before 
  • Celia Sophal: What happened to the locker?
  • Simon Hall: I disposed of the locker in a skip in the works car park – State Chemicals. I threw the pieces of the locker in there
  • Celia Sophal: And the CD players?
  • Simon Hall: I offered the CD players to Stephanie Bon and her brother
  • Celia Sophal: What did they say?
  • Simon Hall: They wanted to know where they came from. I’m not sure what I said; probably said that they fell off the back of a lorry. They took the CD players
  • Celia Sophal: Did they pay for them?
  • Simon Hall: No. I gave them to them. I didn’t want or need them and they didn’t give me any money

Some excerpts from an article published on the day killer Simon Hall was found guilty for his murder of Joan Albert are reproduced below;

Hall, dressed in a pink shirt and a black suit, took a deep breath as the jury foreman told the judge that at least ten jurors had agreed on a verdict.

When he uttered the word “guilty” the court erupted with wails and sobs from Hall’s family.

The judge waited for a minute until the noise died down, while Hall looked stunned in the dock.

He put his head in his hands, then looked up and shook his head as his inconsolable mum collapsed into the arms of her family.

Mrs Justice Rafferty asked if anyone would like to leave the court and offered Mrs Hall a glass of water.

Prosecutor Simon Spence revealed that Hall had previously been sentenced to a total of 17 months at a young offenders’ institute for assault causing actual bodily harm and wounding.

He was sentenced at Bury St Edmund’s Crown Court in June 1997.

He said the assault conviction, which had incurred eight months of the sentence, had happened when Hall approached a young man called Martin Russell in McDonalds in Ipswich, pushed him and asked:

“What’s all this about your dad accusing me of doing it in his car?”

The victim was left with cuts to his ear needing two stitches, a grazed chin and a cracked tooth on January 13, 1997.

Mr Spence added that on January 6, 1997, Hall lay in wait for a man called Stefan Bell outside a doctor’s surgery in Ipswich.

He went up and said hello, then for no reason punched him in the face and continued kicking him when he fell to the ground, while a co-defendant hit him over the head with a bottle.

Excerpts from Tracey Sparling’s Evening Star article headed Life behind bars for Capel killer dated 28th February 2003

There is no doubt that actual, factual guilty killers like Simon Hall and their deceitful enablers ie; family members, friends, girlfriends and other people like “work colleague” Jamie Barker, can and do go to great lengths, and for many years at a time (sometimes decades), to lie, deceive and manipulate others in order to avoid detection, judgment and face the consequences of their own actions. 

Link to Part 17 here