Killer Luke Mitchell: Malicious Troll Heather Brunt & Her Vitriol & Perverted Nonsense Encouraged By Murderers Chief Enabler Sandra Lean (Part 288)

Heather Brunt and her continuous abuse, harassment and perverted nonsense is encouraged by innocence fraud scammer Sandra Lean.

Some of malicious troll Heather Brunt’s continuous abuse, harassment, defamation and perverted nonsense has been referred to by What They Found in their recent video on the murderer and his enablers innocence fraud.

The latest video by What They Found can be listened to below;

Read more by tapping on the buttons below;

Link to Part 289 here

Killer Simon Hall: More On Innocence Fraud Killers & Their Deceptive Enablers, Including Stephanie Bon, Michael Naughton, Andrew Green, Kevin McMahon, Billy Middleton, Sandra Lean, Barbara Stone & United Against Injustice – Part 17e©️  

Joan Albert’s Killer.
Photograph of Simon Hall taken whilst at large and wanted by Suffolk police for a sexually motivated murder

Andrew Green

A few days prior to Stephanie Bon’s correspondence with Michael Naughton, which was referred to in Part 17a (Tap on button below to read more), Stephanie Bon emailed Andrew Green at the INNOCENT organisation, CC’ing in Michael Naughton.

Andrew Green

United Against Injustice

Andrew Green who says he is a “criminologist” co-founded the Manchester based INNOCENT organisation in 1993 and went on to also co-found United Against Injustice (UAI) with Ann Craven, the mother of Adrian Craven who was convicted for rape.

Andrew Green claimed Adrian Craven was “fully exonerated” for his rape but Innocence Fraud Watch has found no evidence to support this claim.

Kevin McMahon

Kevin McMahon

Kevin McMahon who was convicted of perverting the course of justice for pressurising a witness in the trial of Basil Williams-Rigby who was convicted for “sexual offences”, was also said to be a co-founder of United Against Injustice.

Kevin McMahon was also the founder of Merseyside Against Injustice.

NOTE: Adrian Craven and Basil Williams-Rigbys convictions were deemed “unsafe” by the court of appeal.

Neither men proved their actual, factual innocence.

It states here that Kevin McMahon “is a film producer and former member of the Royal Military Police and Special Branch”.

And it states here that Kevin McMahon “has been an active campaigner for over 25 years, his advice has been sought in many individual and high profile miscarriages of justice cases”.

A video published to vimeo which is said to have been produced by Kevin McMahon, titled ‘In Search Of The Truth’, can be viewed here.

Screenshot of end credits to Kevin McMahon’s ‘film

Un-Convicted Baby Killer Billy Middleton

The vimeo video here includes brief footage of un-convicted baby killer Billy (William) Middleton who set up the now defunct Wrongly Accused Person (WAP) website.

The Wrongly Accused Person website went on to become the Wrongly Accused Person (WAP) organisation, after Billy Middleton and Sandra Lean registered it as a charity.

Sandra Lean

Sandra Lean became a partner alongside Billy Middleton for the WAP organisation.

Billy Middleton was another abusive enabler and gaslighter of actual, factual guilty killer Simon Hall’s fraudulent public relations spin campaign.

Screenshot of one of unconvicted child killer Billy Middleton’s social media posts

Prior to Sandra Lean’s partnership with Billy Middleton, Sandra had been the Scottish representative for the INNOCENT organisation.

Peter Hill

Peter Hill removed his original event post from the world wide web but some of the following could once be found using this link;

Parliament House is just off the High Street, beside St Giles Cathedral – it’s not down beside the new Parliament Building at Holyrood. I’m rubbish at directions, and I’m sure someone will come up with better than this, but the easiest way I know is, from the railway station, go up the North Bridge to the junction where High Street/Royal Mile meet North Bridge, turn right up High Street, and it’s on your left, five or 6 openings up. 

It would be great to see lots of contributors to the forum there, but please remember to contact one of the organisers and get your name on the guest list to avoid security problems. 

John Scott:

Iain McKie:

Peter Hill:

The preliminary work in organizing this initiative has been done by: 
John Scott
John is the leading civil rights solicitor in Scotland. He is the Chairman of the Scottish Human Rights Centre. 
Iain McKie 
Iain is a retired police officer. His interest in law reform springs largely from the problems that his daughter Shirley encountered when she was a police officer, which led to an official inquiry. More details of this can be found at 
Sandra Lean
Sandra is a writer on miscarriages of justice. She is the Scottish representative of INNOCENT. Her book No Smoke contains research on a dozen cases of miscarriage of justice in particular the controversial case of Luke Mitchell. 
Peter Hill 
Peter, now retired, was the producer of the BBC TVs programme Rough Justice. In Scotland he has worked on the case of George Beattie for 25 years, taking it to two appeals. 


Sandra Lean was another abusive enabler and gaslighter of killer Simon Hall’s fraudulent public relations spin campaign.

Perverting The Course Of Justice

Kevin McMahon perverted the course of justice a few months after the launch of his campaigning group.

A June 2004 article by Cheshire live headed Ex-policeman ‘claimed to be private detective’ reported on Kevin McMahon’s behaviour and subsequent arrest in January 2002.

Excerpts read;

Mr Vardon has alleged that on December 11 2002, McMahon visited the witness unannounced and attempted to convince him to make a retraction statement.

The witness contacted the police and officers arranged for the man to be wearing a recording device for the next meeting with McMahon.

Mr Vardon has claimed McMahon returned to his house on December 12 and suggested he was working for Williams-Rigby’s solicitor, Christopher Saltrese.

The court heard that McMahon told the witness, who is a heroin addict and convicted thief, it was in his financial interest to drop the charges.

Mr Vardon said McMahon suggested to him that he should say he had wrongly identified his abuser.

The court heard that McMahon was arrested on January 28 last year.

Excerpts from a 17th of June 2002 article by Cheshire Live headed Ex-policeman ‘claimed to be private detective’

Merseyside Against Injustice was launched in October 2001 and a sister of sadistic serial killer and psychopath Michael Stone, also known as Michael John Goodban, spoke at the launch.

Barbara Stone

Barbara Stone promoted her brother’s innocence fraud public relations spin campaign.

Barbara Stone also set up the now defunct group Kent Against Injustice.

Neil Wilby stated in his June 2020 blog headed Dr Truthseeker loses her moral compass that Andrew Green “was driven out in 2016” from the United Against Injustice organisation.

Note: Neil Wilby also stated in his blog Dr Truthseeker loses her moral compass in relation to a secondary victim of killer Simon Hall’s, namely Stephanie (Hall), that she is “a regular miscarriage of justice commentator”. Stephanie (Hall) is a “regular commentator” on the innocence fraud phenomenon and the killers, rapists, fraudsters and con artists and their deceptive enablers, who choose to perpetuate it.

Link to Part 17f here

Sexual Deviant & Psychopathic, Scottish Teen Luke Mitchell & The Numerous Other Targeted Girls & Knife Attacks Leading Up To His Murder; Including Laura Wightman, Kara & The 3 Kimberley’s (Part 271)

With every new victim, his predatory skills were sharpened, and he became craftier at luring his targets to the metaphorical stove with the giant pot of water

Target/Girlfriend Kimberley Thomson

At around 44:35 during a 1st May 2023 youtube video titled keeping the record straight scammer Sandra Lean stated;

The previous relationship with Kimberley

They had a holiday romance

She did come to see him in the January

The December to January of 2003

Before he met Jodi

And that was the end of the contact

Sandra Lean

This is yet another of Sandra Lean’s bare faced lies!

Sadistic killer Luke Mitchell visited Kimberly Thomson on Valentine’s Day in February 2003 and was due to physically see her again on the 5th July 2003.

Luke Mitchell continued to give Kimberley Thomson the impression that he was her boyfriend, right up until he committed his murder on 30th June 2003.

A December 2004 BBC article stated;

Kimberley Thomson told the jury she had been the girlfriend of Luke Mitchell, the youth accused of murdering Jodi.

Miss Thomson said that when she read about Jodi’s death and the fact that Jodi had been Mr Mitchell’s girlfriend, she was annoyed.

She said: “I was upset. I knew he had obviously been cheating on me”

When asked how she would describe her relationship with Mr Mitchell, she said:

“Boyfriend and girlfriend.”

Mr Mitchell visited Kenmore in the autumn of 2002 and Miss Thomson stayed at the Mitchell home in Dalkeith from Boxing Day until just after New Year.

The accused also visited her on St Valentine’s Day 2003.

Excerpts from a BBC news article headed Jodi ‘look-alike’ gives evidence dated 30th December 2004

There were also telephone records and text messages which supported the fact that killer Luke Mitchell was giving Kimberley Thomson this impression.

Another media article read;

The judges were informed (Luke) Mitchell told police investigating the murder he had not spoken to Kimberley since January 2003, but records showed 79 calls between then and the end of June.

There was also a Valentine’s Day visit.

Just two days before her murder, Jodi left (Luke) Mitchell’s house, by taxi, about 10pm.

After that there was a series of long telephone calls, totalling more than three hours.

Mr Beckett said it was an example of how (Luke) Mitchell was prepared to lie, even in the face of known evidence.

Excerpts from a Glasgow times article headed Judges told Mitchell lied about affair dated 15th February 2008

Sandra Lean went on to state in her keeping the record straight video;

So whatever kind of relationship he was having with Kimberley

After that was not sexual

Sandra Lean

The video then played a sound bite by YouTuber What They Found, who stated;

Jodi at one point believed that Luke was cheating on her when confiding with best friend Kirsten Ford

What They Found

Sadistic Killer Luke Mitchell Was Targeting Numerous Girls All At Once

Sandra Lean replied in response to this statement;

That makes me very sad

There was a point at which Jodi wondered if Luke was cheating on her

Not with Kimberley

Somebody else

And do you know what made her wonder about that

Her mum suggested it

There was another good friend that, female friend, that they went about with

All the time

And her mum suggested that maybe Luke had something going with the friend as well

Jo, eh Jodi approached both of them

They were both absolutely horrified

And reassured her that that was absolutely not the case

Sandra Lean

Target/Girlfriend Laura Wightman

Luke Mitchell was “cheating on” Jodi Jones with numerous other girls and in reality Sandra Lean has no idea why Jodi Jones “wondered if Luke was cheating on her”.

The “good friend” referred to by Sandra Lean was Laura Wightman.

Kirsten Ford, one of Jodi Jones closest friends, spoke to reporter Jane Hamilton about Laura Wightman and Luke Mitchell “cheating” on Jodi Jones.

Jane Hamilton’s article stated in part;

Months before she was killed, the 14-year-old told closest pal Kirsten Ford: ‘Luke has all these knives in his bedroom. Isn’t that weird?’ 

Last night, Kirsten, now 16, said: ‘Jodi was disturbed by it. She wouldn’t have said it otherwise. 

But only weeks into the relationship, Jodi became worried about (Luke) Mitchell’s close friendship with Laura Wightman, a girl he would later take to her graveside. 

Laura was with Luke a lot and once Jodi heard that he might have been cheating on her but I think she spoke to him and they sorted it out

Excerpts by Jane Hamilton for the Sunday Mail article headed JODI JONES: HER SOULMATES My Luke has all these knives in his bedroom.. isn’t that weird? Exclusive: Jodi’s words to her best friend just weeks before she was butchered dated 22nd January 2005

When he interviewed the killer on the 14th of August 2003 during a section 14 interview, detective constable George Thomson asked sadistic killer Luke Mitchell about whether or not he had “two-timed” Jodi with other girls – this included Laura Wightman according to the killer.

As was usual for killer Luke Mitchell – he bare faced lied!

A BBC article stated;

Detective Constable George Thomson carried out the interviews with Luke Mitchell in August 2003, when the boy was just 15.

During the time you were going out with Jodi did you see other girls?

Did you two-time Jodi?”

Mr Mitchell told him:


Excerpts from a BBC article headed Jodi boyfriend ‘not two-timing’ dated 24th December 2004

Killer Luke Mitchell invited reporter Grace McLean to speak with him a few days after his section 14 police interview.

Below are a couple of excerpts from Grace McLean’s article on her meeting with the teen killer;

He said:

The cops asked me about my relationship with Jodi’s friend Laura.

“They asked me about Laura and if I wanted it to be just the two of us and asked if that was why I killed Jodi”

Excerpts by Grace McLean for the Daily Mail article headed I’m simply not a normal teenager EXCLUSIVE: Luke Mitchell’s chilling boast to the Mail dated 22nd January 2005

By the time of this meeting killer Luke Mitchell and Laura Wightman were known to be having a sexual relationship, as is clear from the following excerpts by reporter Maggie Barry;

KILLER Luke Mitchell was a violent thug – but girls flocked to be his lover. 

The teenager’s reputation as a moody rebel captured the hearts of girls in Dalkeith. 

But behind his mask, (Luke) Mitchell was a woman-hater who tried to force his lovers to have sex at the point of a knife. 

Within days of Jodi’s murder he had replaced her with another girl. 

Jodi had been unaware when she began dating (Luke)Mitchell that he already had a girlfriend who looked “almost identical”. 

Mitchell conned both girls into thinking their relationship was special and exclusive. 

He introduced her to cannabis, she got a lip piercing and had sex with him. 

Within weeks of Jodi’s death, (Luke) Mitchell was having sex with one of her best friends. 

Sadistic killer Luke Mitchell (right) with “girlfriend” Laura Wightman (left) on 3rd September 2003

When he was banned from Jodi’s funeral, (Luke) Mitchell took his new girlfriend to her graveside knowing it would attract attention. 

The blonde teenager clutched a red rose as she stood, wearing a Nirvana T-shirt, beside (Luke) Mitchell.

Ever the showman, (Luke) Mitchell knelt down to comfort her as she wept while reading cards and tributes from Jodi’s classmates. 

Excerpts by Maggie Barry Jodi Jones: The verdict: Luke was a dark and dangerous character.. he was irresistible to teenage girls; BUT TEEN TURNED EVIL WHEN TOLD ‘NO’ dated January 2005

Sadistic, Sexual Deviant Luke Mitchell Tagetted, Conned & Abused Many Girls

Laura Wightman appears to have made two police witness statements, one in July 2003 and one in September 2004.

It also appears it was sometime before the killers trial that Laura Wightman became “estranged” from Luke Mitchell, as was reported by Lucy Bannerman;

one friend sided with (Luke) Mitchell forming an intimate relationship with him in the aftermath of the killing

Despite her initial loyalty, she and (Luke) Mitchell became estranged and the 15-year-old was later diagnosed with a severe depressive disorder, exacerbated by the heavy use of cannabis and the trauma of her friends murder.

Increasing doubts over (Luke) Mitchell’s innocence may have contributed to her condition. 

Excerpts from a Herald article by Lucy Bannerman headed “A truly evil murder – you will rightly be regarded as wicked” Lucy Bannerman finds how a teenage love of music and rebellion ended with a walk to a horrific death dated 22nd January 2005

It also seems that Laura Wightman was exempt from giving evidence during killer Luke Mitchell’s trial after being diagnosed with a “severe depressive disorder”.

Target/Girlfriend Kara Van Null

Sadistic killer Luke Mitchell appears to have targeted Kara Van Null around the same time he targeted Jodi Jones.

It is not known if Luke Mitchell ever told Laura Wightman about Kara Van Null or about any of the other girls he had targeted.

However reporter Grace McLean’s following article on Kara Van Null told of how he had also attacked Kara with a knife to her throat in the lead up to his murder;

A teenager last night told how killer Luke Mitchell held a knife to her throat just a month before he killed and mutilated girlfriend Jodi Jones.

(Luke) Mitchell, then only 14 years old, pulled on a balaclava, grabbed Kara van Nuil from behind and warned her not to move as he pressed the blade to her neck.

Last night she said:

“I was absolutely terrified. He was so strong. I didn’t hear him coming. He just came up behind me, grabbed me around the neck with one arm and held the knife with the other.

‘He told me: “Move and you are f***ing dead”.’

Miss van Nuil, now 17, met (Luke) Mitchell at the Army Cadet HQ in Bonnyrigg, Midlothian, when she joined his cadet unit in February, 2002.

They started dating a few weeks later, even though (Luke) Mitchell was already going out with Jodi and seeing another girl, Kimberley Thomson, in Perthshire.

Miss van Nuil told how she was at first mesmerised by (Luke) Mitchell and how he wooed her with romantic text messages.

But she brought the relationship to an end after he followed her into the cadet hut one night and threatened her with the knife.

She told the Scottish Daily Mail: ‘

‘He used to wear a balaclava and pull it up over his head like a hat.

‘We were at cadets in May when I went into the hut on my own. The instructors were out having a cigarette with the other cadets. I was messing about with the blackboard and I didn’t hear Luke coming but there was suddenly an arm around my neck.

I got a glimpse of him as I looked back and he had pulled his balaclava over his face. He then put a knife to my throat and said I would be dead if I moved an inch.

‘I was really scared and couldn’t move.

He was so strong. I couldn’t move my arms but I kept nipping his knees with my fingernails and begging him to let me go. He kept me like that for about a minute.

‘When he put the knife down I turned to face him and he said,

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

He tried to pretend it was a joke but my neck was red and I was genuinely scared. I was crying my eyes out.’

(Luke) Mitchell never returned to cadets after the attack. A month later he strangled 14-year-old Jodi and cut her throat.

Miss van Nuil regrets not telling her parents Angela, 39, and Bill, 55, about the attack until after the murder.

She said: ‘I never knew Jodi but when I found out Luke was her boyfriend I knew straight away that he had done it. I told my dad what happened in the cadet hut and he called the police.

‘They came around and took hours of statements but I was never called to court’

‘I’m so relieved – I couldn’t have faced him in the court. I’m so sorry for what happened to Jodi. When it first happened, I used to feel such guilt and think “that could have been me”.’

Miss van Nuil, of Gorebridge, Midlothian, said: ‘We never met anywhere but cadets, so I only saw him on Monday and Wednesday nights – I suppose because he was going out with Jodi.

‘One of my friends said he had five girls on the go but I didn’t care because I was crazy about him. He was so polite. I suspected he might have been a bit of a geek. But he always sent me lovely text messages.’

But Miss van Nuil said she also saw flashes of his temper: ‘One time he was on the shooting range and got told off by one of the instructors. All of a sudden he shouted something, threw down his gun and stormed off.

‘There were other times, too. If someone so much as criticised him, he would lose his temper and shout and swear at them.’ After the knife attack, she dumped (Luke) Mitchell.

But two days after he was first questioned about Jodi’s murder, Miss van Nuil saw him walking down her street. She said: ‘I was looking out the window. He was parading around like a cockerel. His friends all came out and started hugging him as if he was a hero.

I was terrified. I hid behind the curtain, shaking, and hoped he would not see me.’

Last night Miss Van Nuil broke down in tears on hearing the verdict.

By Grace McLean for the Daily Mail article dated 22nd January 2005 – Source here

Target Kimberley Tait

Reporter Lucy Bannerman made reference to another girl called Kimberley, who had also been threatened by Luke Mitchell with a knife after refusing “to sleep” with him;

Another fling ended on a more threatening note, with another West Lothian girl, Kimberley Tait, claiming (Luke) Mitchell once pulled a knife on her after she refused to sleep with him.

(Luke) Mitchell claimed the knife incident was only a joke.

Excerpts from a Herald article by Lucy Bannerman headed “A truly evil murder – you will rightly be regarded as wicked”; Lucy Bannerman finds how a teenage love of music and rebellion ended with a walk to a horrific death dated 22nd January 2005

Another 14 Year Old Girl & Her 5 Month Relationship With Killer Luke Mitchell Where He Also Threatened Her With A Knife In The Lead Up To His Murder

The following article by Chris Mooney refers to another 14 year old target of Luke Mitchell’s, who was also threatened by him with one of his knives;

A FORMER girlfriend of Luke Mitchell has told how he held a knife to her throat and threatened: “Dont move . . . or Ill gut you.”

Just months before he stabbed Jodi Jones to death, (Luke) Mitchell grabbed the girl and pressed his prized Swiss Army knife against the frightened 14-year-olds neck.

The terrifying incident was just one example of (Luke) Mitchells aggressive and unpredictable behaviour which disturbed his friends.

The pretty 14-year-old, who dated (Luke) Mitchell for about five months in 2003, told how the teenage killer pounced on her in a community hall in the Dalkeith area.

The girl – who asked to remain anonymous – was walking alone through the hall, where the pair attended a youth club together, when he grabbed her from behind.

He held the knife to her throat as he dragged her into a side room.

“I didnt know if he was joking around or not to begin with,” she said.

He said: Dont move or Ill gut you. At first I thought he was just mucking about, but then I started to feel threatened.

“I was sore round my neck, it was bright red afterwards. He had grabbed me round the neck with his arm and held the knife at my throat, saying he was going to cut me and stuff like that.

“I was nipping his arm to get him off me and after a couple of minutes he let me go. I went outside and just tried to ignore him, but then he came out as if it was all a laugh and said sorry.

“There was no reason for him to do it. He just pulled the knife from his pocket and grabbed me. I thought it was really strange.”

Soon after the incident, in May, 2003, the girl ended the fledgling relationship – just a month before (Luke) Mitchell killed Jodi.

She broke things off after increasingly seeing a darker side to his personality. The final straw came when a friend told her (Luke) Mitchell was seeing another girl – who she is now sure was Jodi.

It now appears (Luke) Mitchell was seeing at least three different girls at the same time.

The murder trial jury heard that the teenage killer had also been seeing Kim Thomson, a 15-year-old from Kenmore, Perthshire, who looked strikingly like Jodi.

(Like) Mitchell had stayed in touch with Kim, who considered him as her boyfriend, after meeting her on holiday in the summer of 2002.

The ex-girlfriend who (Luke) Mitchell threatened with a knife told the Evening News she had initially found him charming, attractive and “basically a nice bloke”.

The pair were both 14 and went to the same youth club.

“When I first saw him, everybody in the room was chatting and we started talking – asking whats your name? and that sort of thing,” she said.

“We got each others phone numbers and started texting each other quite a lot. He was good-looking and I liked talking to him. I thought he was really nice.”

The teenager followed the same goth-style fashion as (Luke) Mitchell at the time, but shrugged it off as a fad and changed her image as she got older. She said they had got on well for a while, but then things had started to change.

“He sometimes showed a side that wasnt him. He was quite aggressive to me and to other people,” she added.

“He was really bad-tempered and he was totally unpredictable. He didnt want to be told what to do. I knew he carried weapons with him and he had a Swiss Army knife. I did wonder why he had it, but I never questioned him at all.”

The ex-girlfriend said shed had little contact with (Luke) Mitchell since they broke up, but that he had threatened her friends when he saw them in the street.

She added: “When I heard he was a suspect I knew he must have been going out with Jodi when he was seeing me.

“I was really upset when I heard what he was supposed to have done.

“At first, I never thought he could have done it. But, as all the stuff started to come together, I started to think it was possible, that he could do this, because of the way he acted and what hed done to me.”

Excerpts by Chris Mooney’s article for Edinburgh evening news dated 21st January 2005

The Other Younger Kimberley Thomson

In reality killer Luke Mitchell appears to have been targeting and abusing a minimum of 5-6 other girls, as well as Jodi Jones.

He also targeted another girl called Kimberley Thomson.

This Kimberley is believed to have been 2-3 years younger than Kimberley Thomson from Kenmore, Perthshire.

In 2021 Kimberley made the following Internet post;

I was one of 3 girls he was seeing at the time, unbeknown to us of course, including Jodi.

1 blatant lie I keep hearing is that he didn’t have a parka jacket before the incident. YES HE DID.

And he carried his knives in it and bragged about it…

Also, the CID interviewed other victims of his

Kim – March 2021 (Source here)

Killer Luke Mitchell’s Violent Nature & Knife Attacks Increased Before He Committed His Murder

Killer Luke Mitchell’s knife attacks on girls are reported to have started when he was 12 years old, as is evidenced by Kenny Farquharson in the below excerpts;

When he was 12, (Luke) Mitchell had used a knife to threaten the daughter of a family who were guests in the Mitchell house.

He had climbed onto her bed, held the knife to her throat and asked for a kiss.

Excerpt from the Times article by Kenny Farquharson headed The murderous art that unmasked a cruel killer dated 23rd January 2005

Tap on the button below to read a TIMELINE which includes some of killer Luke Mitchell’s reported violent and disturbed nature and previous knife threats, beginning from when he was aged 7;

Link to Part 272 here

Killer Luke Mitchell: Around 100 Witnesses Were Scheduled To Give Evidence During The Murderers Trial Yet The Mainstream Media Appear To Have Not Reported On Around 30 Plus Witnesses (Part 272)

More than 100 witnesses are due to give evidence during the trial before Lord Nimmo Smith

Source here

More than 100 witnesses have been cited to give evidence

Source here

Below is a witness list of 75 people who gave evidence during sadistic killer Luke Mitchell’s trial for his murder, yet over 100 witnesses were due to give evidence.

Which means around 25+ peoples names are missing from the list and their names and evidence was not reported on by the mainstream media.

  • 1. Leonard Kelly – cyclist on the path
  • 2. Judith Jones – mother of Jodi Jones
  • 3. Janine Jones – sister of Jodi Jones – trial testimony day 1 here & day 2 here
  • 4. Alice Walker – grandmother of Jodi Jones – trial testimony here
  • 5. Steven Kelly – boyfriend of Janine Jones – trial testimony here
  • 6. Allen Ovens – partner of Judith Jones – trial testimony here
  • 7. DCI Ronald Miller – police officer
  • 8. DSC Craig Dobbie – police officer
  • 9. John Ferris – youth on the moped & Jodi Jones’ second cousin
  • 10. Gordon Dickie – youth on the moped
  • 11. Susan Ure – Tayside police forensic officer
  • 12. Anthony Busuttil – pathologist
  • 13. Rosemary Walsh – witness who saw killer Luke Mitchell – trial testimony here
  • 14. Lorraine Fleming – witness who saw killer Luke Mitchell – trial testimony here
  • 15. Carol Heatlie – witness who saw killer Luke Mitchell – trial testimony here
  • 16. Marion O’Sullivan – witness who saw killer Luke Mitchell
  • 17. Derek Hamilton – witness who saw killer Luke Mitchell
  • 18. Andrew Holburn – photography student on bike who did not know killer Luke Mitchell – trial testimony here
  • 19. Dean Houston – boy on bike who occasionally biked to school with killer Luke Mitchell
  • 20. Grant Elliot – boy on bike who knew killer Luke Mitchell from school
  • 21. Ashleigh Coutts – the sister of Ashley Coutts mother’s boyfriend lived with killer Luke Mitchell’s father Philip Mitchel
  • 22. Kimberley Thomson – one of the other 5-6 girls killer Luke Mitchell targeted, abused & conned
  • 23. Andrina Bryson – witness who saw killer Luke Mitchell
  • 24. Shane Mitchell – brother of killer – trial testimony day 1 here, day 2 here & day 3 here
  • 25. Corinne Mitchell – mother of killer – trial testimony day 1 here & day 2 here
  • 26. Dc Alan Towers – police officer – trial testimony day 1 here & day 2 here
  • 27. Dc Stephen Quinn – police officer
  • 28. Sgt George Thomson – police officer – trial testimony day 1 here, day 2 (not yet available) day 3 here & day 4 here
  • 29. Robert Gilhooly – knew killer Luke Mitchell
  • 30. Matthew Muraska – helped run army cadets in Bonnyrigg
  • 31. Rachel Quinn – school friend of Jodi Jones
  • 32. Alexander Hamilton – went to school with killer Luke Mitchell
  • 33. Keith Campbell – knew killer Luke Mitchell
  • 34. Michelle Tierney – knew killer Luke Mitchell
  • 35. Alistair Leitch – philosophy student who knew Jodi Jones & killer Luke Mitchell
  • 36. David High – friend of killer Luke Mitchell – trial testimony here
  • 37. David Tullock – friend of killer Luke Mitchell & David High
  • 38. Dc Michelle Lindsay – police family liaison officer – trial testimony here
  • 39. Derek Scrimger – forensic scientist
  • 40. Alan Murray – police photographer
  • 41. Mark Heron – police identifications officer
  • 42. Natalie Wright – worked at Whiplash Trash
  • 43. Raymond McCloy – tattooist from Whiplash Trash
  • 44. James Aitken – fingerprints
  • 45. Patricia Frankland – neighbour of the Mitchell’s
  • 46. Nicholas Frankland – neighbour of the Mitchell’s
  • 47. George Ramage – neighbour of the Mitchell’s
  • 48. Geraldine Mackie – English teacher
  • 49. Maths teacher
  • 50. Chemistry teacher who commented on killer Luke Mitchell looking like a “hooded monk” wearing his “missing” khaki green parka style coat
  • 51. DI William Cravens – police officer
  • 52. Laura Wightman – one of 5-6 other targeted girlfriends of killer Luke Mitchell -paragraphs from Laura’s July 2003 & September 2004 witness statements were read to the jury 
  • 53. Dc Brian Melrose – police officer
  • 54. Female witness who was an employee for the firm of solicitors representing killer Luke Mitchell (See ground 12 of 14th November 2006 appeal judgement here)
  • 55. Colin from Flip Inc
  • 56. DI Tom Martin – police officer
    57. Dc Rory Hamilton – police officer
  • 58. Ben Sole – knew killer Luke Mitchell, witnessed him cutting up cannabis resin into blocks & saw him in nightclub studio 24 on either the 4th or 5th July 2003
  • 59. David Stirling – knew killer Luke Mitchell referred to at para 162 of CoA judgement here
  • 60. David Suttie – knew killer Luke Mitchell
  • 61. Derek Morris – police technical support
  • 62: Pathologist for defence – statement/report read to jury
  • 63. Dc Adam Brunton – police officer
  • 64. Jonathan Whitaker – from the forensic science service
  • 65. Pc Anita Dow – police officer – trial testimony here
  • 66. Dc Stephen Livingston – police officer
  • 67. Dr Kranti Hiremath – police doctor
  • 68. Pc Fraser Gaffney – police officer
  • 69. Mahasweta Roy – forensic scientist (crown witness number 164)
  • 70. Jill Barnes – friend of Laura Wightman & killer Luke Mitchell
  • 71. Then partner of Leonard Kelly
  • 72. Friend of David Tulloch
  • 73. Ds David Gordon – police officer
  • 74. Brian Clifton – handwriting expert
  • 75. Paul Cook – school pupil who knew Jodi Jones & killer Luke Mitchell

Link to Part 273 here

Psychopathic Killer & Sexual Deviant Luke Mitchell & The Numerous Other Targeted Girls & Knife Attacks Leading Up To His Murder; Including Laura Wightman, Kara & The 3 Kimberley’s (Part 271)

Target/Girlfriend Kimberley Thomson

At around 44:35 during a 1st May 2023 youtube video titled keeping the record straight scammer Sandra Lean stated;

The previous relationship with Kimberley

They had a holiday romance

She did come to see him in the January

The December to January of 2003

Before he met Jodi

And that was the end of the contact

Sandra Lean

This is yet another of Sandra Lean’s bare faced lies!

Sadistic killer Luke Mitchell visited Kimberly Thomson on Valentine’s Day in February 2003 and was due to physically see her again around the time he committed his murder.

Luke Mitchell continued to give Kimberley Thomson the impression that he was her boyfriend, right up until he committed his murder on 30th June 2003.

A December 2004 BBC article stated;

Kimberley Thomson told the jury she had been the girlfriend of Luke Mitchell, the youth accused of murdering Jodi.

Miss Thomson said that when she read about Jodi’s death and the fact that Jodi had been Mr Mitchell’s girlfriend, she was annoyed.

She said: “I was upset. I knew he had obviously been cheating on me”

When asked how she would describe her relationship with Mr Mitchell, she said:

“Boyfriend and girlfriend.”

Mr Mitchell visited Kenmore in the autumn of 2002 and Miss Thomson stayed at the Mitchell home in Dalkeith from Boxing Day until just after New Year.

The accused also visited her on St Valentine’s Day 2003.

Excerpts from a BBC news article headed Jodi ‘look-alike’ gives evidence dated 30th December 2004

There were also telephone records and text messages which supported the fact that killer Luke Mitchell was giving Kimberley Thomson this impression.

Another media article read;

The judges were informed (Luke) Mitchell told police investigating the murder he had not spoken to Kimberley since January 2003, but records showed 79 calls between then and the end of June.

There was also a Valentine’s Day visit.

Just two days before her murder, Jodi left (Luke) Mitchell’s house, by taxi, about 10pm.

After that there was a series of long telephone calls, totalling more than three hours.

Mr Beckett said it was an example of how (Luke) Mitchell was prepared to lie, even in the face of known evidence.

Excerpts from a Glasgow times article headed Judges told Mitchell lied about affair dated 15th February 2008

Sandra Lean went on to state in her keeping the record straight video;

So whatever kind of relationship he was having with Kimberley

After that was not sexual

Sandra Lean

The video then played a sound bite by YouTuber What They Found, who stated;

Jodi at one point believed that Luke was cheating on her when confiding with best friend Kirsten Ford

What They Found

Sadistic Killer Luke Mitchell Was Targeting Numerous Girls All At Once

Sandra Lean replied in response to this statement;

That makes me very sad

There was a point at which Jodi wondered if Luke was cheating on her

Not with Kimberley

Somebody else

And do you know what made her wonder about that

Her mum suggested it

There was another good friend that, female friend, that they went about with

All the time

And her mum suggested that maybe Luke had something going with the friend as well

Jo, eh Jodi approached both of them

They were both absolutely horrified

And reassured her that that was absolutely not the case

Sandra Lean

Target/Girlfriend Laura Wightman

Killer Luke Mitchell was “cheating on” Jodi Jones with numerous other girls and in reality Sandra Lean has no idea why Jodi Jones “wondered if Luke was cheating on her”.

The “good friend” referred to by Sandra Lean was Laura Wightman.

Kirsten Ford, one of Jodi Jones closest friends, spoke to reporter Jane Hamilton about Laura Wightman and Luke Mitchell “cheating” on Jodi Jones.

Jane Hamilton’s article stated in part;

Months before she was killed, the 14-year-old told closest pal Kirsten Ford: ‘Luke has all these knives in his bedroom. Isn’t that weird?’ 

Last night, Kirsten, now 16, said: ‘Jodi was disturbed by it. She wouldn’t have said it otherwise. 

But only weeks into the relationship, Jodi became worried about (Luke) Mitchell’s close friendship with Laura Wightman, a girl he would later take to her graveside. 

Laura was with Luke a lot and once Jodi heard that he might have been cheating on her but I think she spoke to him and they sorted it out

Excerpts by Jane Hamilton for the Sunday Mail article headed JODI JONES: HER SOULMATES My Luke has all these knives in his bedroom.. isn’t that weird? Exclusive: Jodi’s words to her best friend just weeks before she was butchered dated 22nd January 2005

When he interviewed the killer on the 14th of August 2003, during a section 14 interview, detective constable George Thomson asked sadistic killer Luke Mitchell about whether or not he had “two-timed” Jodi with other girls – this included Laura Wightman.

As was usual for killer Luke Mitchell – he bare faced lied!

A BBC article stated;

Detective Constable George Thomson carried out the interviews with Luke Mitchell in August 2003, when the boy was just 15.

During the time you were going out with Jodi did you see other girls?

Did you two-time Jodi?”

Mr Mitchell told him:


He said he had not seen Kimberley since New Year and the last time he had phoned her was “about January-ish”.

Excerpts from a BBC article headed Jodi boyfriend ‘not two-timing’ dated 24th December 2004

Killer Luke Mitchell invited reporter Grace McLean to speak with him a few days after his section 14 police interview.

Below are a couple of excerpts from Grace McLean’s article on her meeting with the teen killer;

He said:

The cops asked me about my relationship with Jodi’s friend Laura.

“They asked me about Laura and if I wanted it to be just the two of us and asked if that was why I killed Jodi”

Excerpts by Grace McLean for the Daily Mail article headed I’m simply not a normal teenager EXCLUSIVE: Luke Mitchell’s chilling boast to the Mail dated 22nd January 2005

By the time of this meeting killer Luke Mitchell and Laura Wightman were known to be having a sexual relationship, as is clear from the following excerpts by reporter Maggie Barry;

KILLER Luke Mitchell was a violent thug – but girls flocked to be his lover. 

The teenager’s reputation as a moody rebel captured the hearts of girls in Dalkeith. 

But behind his mask, (Luke) Mitchell was a woman-hater who tried to force his lovers to have sex at the point of a knife. 

Within days of Jodi’s murder he had replaced her with another girl. 

Jodi had been unaware when she began dating (Luke)Mitchell that he already had a girlfriend who looked “almost identical”. 

Mitchell conned both girls into thinking their relationship was special and exclusive. 

He introduced her to cannabis, she got a lip piercing and had sex with him. 

Within weeks of Jodi’s death, (Luke) Mitchell was having sex with one of her best friends. 

Sadistic killer Luke Mitchell (right) with “girlfriend” Laura Wightman (left) on 3rd September 2003

When he was banned from Jodi’s funeral, (Luke) Mitchell took his new girlfriend to her graveside knowing it would attract attention. 

The blonde teenager clutched a red rose as she stood, wearing a Nirvana T-shirt, beside (Luke) Mitchell.

Ever the showman, (Luke) Mitchell knelt down to comfort her as she wept while reading cards and tributes from Jodi’s classmates. 

Excerpts by Maggie Barry Jodi Jones: The verdict: Luke was a dark and dangerous character.. he was irresistible to teenage girls; BUT TEEN TURNED EVIL WHEN TOLD ‘NO’ dated January 2005

Sadistic, Sexual Deviant Luke Mitchell Tagetted, Conned & Abused Many Girls

Laura Wightman appears to have made two police witness statements, one in July 2003 and one in September 2004.

It also appears it was sometime before the killers trial that Laura Wightman became “estranged” from Luke Mitchell, as was reported by Lucy Bannerman;

one friend sided with (Luke) Mitchell forming an intimate relationship with him in the aftermath of the killing

Despite her initial loyalty, she and (Luke) Mitchell became estranged and the 15-year-old was later diagnosed with a severe depressive disorder, exacerbated by the heavy use of cannabis and the trauma of her friends murder.

Increasing doubts over (Luke) Mitchell’s innocence may have contributed to her condition. 

Excerpts from a Herald article by Lucy Bannerman headed “A truly evil murder – you will rightly be regarded as wicked” Lucy Bannerman finds how a teenage love of music and rebellion ended with a walk to a horrific death dated 22nd January 2005

It also seems that Laura Wightman was exempt from giving evidence during killer Luke Mitchell’s trial after being diagnosed with a “severe depressive disorder”.

Target/Girlfriend Kara Van Null

Sadistic killer Luke Mitchell appears to have targeted Kara Van Null around the same time he targeted Jodi Jones.

It is not known if Luke Mitchell ever told Laura Wightman about Kara Van Null or about any of the other girls he had targeted.

However reporter Grace McLean’s following article on Kara Van Null told of how he had also attacked Kara with a knife to her throat in the lead up to his murder;

A teenager last night told how killer Luke Mitchell held a knife to her throat just a month before he killed and mutilated girlfriend Jodi Jones.

(Luke) Mitchell, then only 14 years old, pulled on a balaclava, grabbed Kara van Nuil from behind and warned her not to move as he pressed the blade to her neck.

Last night she said: ‘I was absolutely terrified. He was so strong. I didn’t hear him coming. He just came up behind me, grabbed me around the neck with one arm and held the knife with the other.

‘He told me: “Move and you are f***ing dead”.’

Miss van Nuil, now 17, met (Luke) Mitchell at the Army Cadet HQ in Bonnyrigg, Midlothian, when she joined his cadet unit in February, 2002.

They started dating a few weeks later, even though (Luke) Mitchell was already going out with Jodi and seeing another girl, Kimberley Thomson, in Perthshire.

Miss van Nuil told how she was at first mesmerised by (Luke) Mitchell and how he wooed her with romantic text messages.

But she brought the relationship to an end after he followed her into the cadet hut one night and threatened her with the knife.

She told the Scottish Daily Mail: ‘

‘He used to wear a balaclava and pull it up over his head like a hat.

‘We were at cadets in May when I went into the hut on my own. The instructors were out having a cigarette with the other cadets. I was messing about with the blackboard and I didn’t hear Luke coming but there was suddenly an arm around my neck.

I got a glimpse of him as I looked back and he had pulled his balaclava over his face. He then put a knife to my throat and said I would be dead if I moved an inch.

‘I was really scared and couldn’t move.

He was so strong. I couldn’t move my arms but I kept nipping his knees with my fingernails and begging him to let me go. He kept me like that for about a minute.

‘When he put the knife down I turned to face him and he said,

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

He tried to pretend it was a joke but my neck was red and I was genuinely scared. I was crying my eyes out.’

(Luke) Mitchell never returned to cadets after the attack. A month later he strangled 14-year- old Jodi and cut her throat.

Miss van Nuil regrets not telling her parents Angela, 39, and Bill, 55, about the attack until after the murder.

She said: ‘I never knew Jodi but when I found out Luke was her boyfriend I knew straight away that he had done it. I told my dad what happened in the cadet hut and he called the police.

‘They came around and took hours of statements but I was never called to court’

‘I’m so relieved – I couldn’t have faced him in the court. I’m so sorry for what happened to Jodi. When it first happened, I used to feel such guilt and think “that could have been me”.’

Miss van Nuil, of Gorebridge, Midlothian, said: ‘We never met anywhere but cadets, so I only saw him on Monday and Wednesday nights – I suppose because he was going out with Jodi.

‘One of my friends said he had five girls on the go but I didn’t care because I was crazy about him. He was so polite. I suspected he might have been a bit of a geek. But he always sent me lovely text messages.’

But Miss van Nuil said she also saw flashes of his temper: ‘One time he was on the shooting range and got told off by one of the instructors. All of a sudden he shouted something, threw down his gun and stormed off.

‘There were other times, too. If someone so much as criticised him, he would lose his temper and shout and swear at them.’ After the knife attack, she dumped (Luke) Mitchell.

But two days after he was first questioned about Jodi’s murder, Miss van Nuil saw him walking down her street. She said: ‘I was looking out the window. He was parading around like a cockerel. His friends all came out and started hugging him as if he was a hero.

I was terrified. I hid behind the curtain, shaking, and hoped he would not see me.’ Last night Miss Van Nuil broke down in tears on hearing the verdict.

By Grace McLean for the Daily Mail article dated 22nd January 2005 – Source here

Target Kimberley Tait

Reporter Lucy Bannerman made reference to another girl called Kimberley, who had also been threatened by Luke Mitchell with a knife after refusing “to sleep” with him;

Another fling ended on a more threatening note, with another West Lothian girl, Kimberley Tait, claiming (Luke) Mitchell once pulled a knife on her after she refused to sleep with him.

(Luke) Mitchell claimed the knife incident was only a joke.

Excerpts from a Herald article by Lucy Bannerman headed “A truly evil murder – you will rightly be regarded as wicked”; Lucy Bannerman finds how a teenage love of music and rebellion ended with a walk to a horrific death dated 22nd January 2005

Another 14 Year Old Girl & Her 5 Month Relationship With Killer Luke Mitchell Where He Also Threatened Her With A Knife In The Lead Up To His Murder

The following article by Chris Mooney refers to another 14 year old target of Luke Mitchell’s, who was also threatened by him with one of his knives;

A FORMER girlfriend of Luke Mitchell has told how he held a knife to her throat and threatened: “Dont move . . . or Ill gut you.”

Just months before he stabbed Jodi Jones to death, (Luke) Mitchell grabbed the girl and pressed his prized Swiss Army knife against the frightened 14-year-olds neck.

The terrifying incident was just one example of (Luke) Mitchells aggressive and unpredictable behaviour which disturbed his friends.

The pretty 14-year-old, who dated (Luke) Mitchell for about five months in 2003, told how the teenage killer pounced on her in a community hall in the Dalkeith area.

The girl – who asked to remain anonymous – was walking alone through the hall, where the pair attended a youth club together, when he grabbed her from behind.

He held the knife to her throat as he dragged her into a side room.

“I didnt know if he was joking around or not to begin with,” she said.

He said: Dont move or Ill gut you. At first I thought he was just mucking about, but then I started to feel threatened.

“I was sore round my neck, it was bright red afterwards. He had grabbed me round the neck with his arm and held the knife at my throat, saying he was going to cut me and stuff like that.

“I was nipping his arm to get him off me and after a couple of minutes he let me go. I went outside and just tried to ignore him, but then he came out as if it was all a laugh and said sorry.

“There was no reason for him to do it. He just pulled the knife from his pocket and grabbed me. I thought it was really strange.”

Soon after the incident, in May, 2003, the girl ended the fledgling relationship – just a month before (Luke) Mitchell killed Jodi.

She broke things off after increasingly seeing a darker side to his personality. The final straw came when a friend told her (Luke) Mitchell was seeing another girl – who she is now sure was Jodi.

It now appears (Luke) Mitchell was seeing at least three different girls at the same time.

The murder trial jury heard that the teenage killer had also been seeing Kim Thomson, a 15-year-old from Kenmore, Perthshire, who looked strikingly like Jodi.

(Like) Mitchell had stayed in touch with Kim, who considered him as her boyfriend, after meeting her on holiday in the summer of 2002.

The ex-girlfriend who (Luke) Mitchell threatened with a knife told the Evening News she had initially found him charming, attractive and “basically a nice bloke”.

The pair were both 14 and went to the same youth club.

“When I first saw him, everybody in the room was chatting and we started talking – asking whats your name? and that sort of thing,” she said.

“We got each others phone numbers and started texting each other quite a lot. He was good-looking and I liked talking to him. I thought he was really nice.”

The teenager followed the same goth-style fashion as (Luke) Mitchell at the time, but shrugged it off as a fad and changed her image as she got older. She said they had got on well for a while, but then things had started to change.

“He sometimes showed a side that wasnt him. He was quite aggressive to me and to other people,” she added.

“He was really bad-tempered and he was totally unpredictable. He didnt want to be told what to do. I knew he carried weapons with him and he had a Swiss Army knife. I did wonder why he had it, but I never questioned him at all.”

The ex-girlfriend said shed had little contact with (Luke) Mitchell since they broke up, but that he had threatened her friends when he saw them in the street.

She added: “When I heard he was a suspect I knew he must have been going out with Jodi when he was seeing me.

“I was really upset when I heard what he was supposed to have done.

“At first, I never thought he could have done it. But, as all the stuff started to come together, I started to think it was possible, that he could do this, because of the way he acted and what hed done to me.”

Excerpts by Chris Mooney’s article for Edinburgh evening news dated 21st January 2005

The Other Younger Kimberley Thomson

In reality killer Luke Mitchell appears to have been targeting and abusing a minimum of 5-6 other girls, as well as Jodi Jones.

He also targeted another girl called Kimberley Thomson.

This Kimberley is believed to have been 2-3 years younger than Kimberley Thomson from Kenmore, Perthshire.

In 2021 Kimberley made the following Internet post;

I was one of 3 girls he was seeing at the time, unbeknown to us of course, including Jodi.

1 blatant lie I keep hearing is that he didn’t have a parka jacket before the incident. YES HE DID.

And he carried his knives in it and bragged about it…

Also, the CID interviewed other victims of his

Kim – March 2021 (Source here)

Killer Luke Mitchell’s Violent Nature & Knife Attacks Increased Before He Committed His Murder

Killer Luke Mitchell’s knife attacks on girls are reported to have started when he was 12 years old, as is evidenced by Kenny Farquharson in the below excerpts;

When he was 12, (Luke) Mitchell had used a knife to threaten the daughter of a family who were guests in the Mitchell house.

He had climbed onto her bed, held the knife to her throat and asked for a kiss.

Excerpt from the Times article by Kenny Farquharson headed The murderous art that unmasked a cruel killer dated 23rd January 2005

Tap on the button below to read a TIMELINE which includes some of killer Luke Mitchell’s reported violent and disturbed nature and previous knife threats, beginning from when he was aged 7;

Link to Part 272 here

Sadistic Killer & Sexual Deviant Luke Mitchell & The Numerous Other Targeted Girlfriends & Knife Attacks, Including Kara, The 3 Kimberley’s & The Mystery Still Surrounding Laura Wightman (Part 271)

Photo of a replica of one of killer Luke Mitchell’s missing knives
Sadistic killer Luke Mitchell

Target/Girlfriend Kimberley Thomson

At around 44:35 during a 1st May 2023 youtube video titled keeping the record straight scammer Sandra Lean stated;

The previous relationship with Kimberley

They had a holiday romance

She did come to see him in the January

The December to January of 2003

Before he met Jodi

And that was the end of the contact

Sandra Lean

This is yet another of Sandra Lean’s bare faced lies!

Sadistic killer Luke Mitchell visited Kimberly Thomson on Valentine’s Day in February 2003 and was due to physically see her again around the time he committed his murder.

Luke Mitchell continued to give Kimberley Thomson the impression that he was her boyfriend, right up until he committed his murder on 30th June 2003.

A December 2004 BBC article stated;

Kimberley Thomson told the jury she had been the girlfriend of Luke Mitchell, the youth accused of murdering Jodi.

Miss Thomson said that when she read about Jodi’s death and the fact that Jodi had been Mr Mitchell’s girlfriend, she was annoyed.

She said: “I was upset. I knew he had obviously been cheating on me”

When asked how she would describe her relationship with Mr Mitchell, she said:

“Boyfriend and girlfriend.”

Mr Mitchell visited Kenmore in the autumn of 2002 and Miss Thomson stayed at the Mitchell home in Dalkeith from Boxing Day until just after New Year.

The accused also visited her on St Valentine’s Day 2003.

Excerpts from a BBC news article headed Jodi ‘look-alike’ gives evidence dated 30th December 2004

There were also telephone records and text messages which supported the fact that killer Luke Mitchell was giving Kimberley Thomson this impression.

Another media article read;

The judges were informed (Luke) Mitchell told police investigating the murder he had not spoken to Kimberley since January 2003, but records showed 79 calls between then and the end of June.

There was also a Valentine’s Day visit.

Just two days before her murder, Jodi left (Luke) Mitchell’s house, by taxi, about 10pm.

After that there was a series of long telephone calls, totalling more than three hours.

Mr Beckett said it was an example of how (Luke) Mitchell was prepared to lie, even in the face of known evidence.

Excerpts from a Glasgow times article headed Judges told Mitchell lied about affair dated 15th February 2008

Sandra Lean went on to state in her keeping the record straight video;

So whatever kind of relationship he was having with Kimberley

After that was not sexual

Sandra Lean

The video then played a sound bite by YouTuber What They Found, who stated;

Jodi at one point believed that Luke was cheating on her when confiding with best friend Kirsten Ford

What They Found

Sadistic Killer Luke Mitchell Was Targeting Numerous Girls All At Once

Sandra Lean replied in response to this statement;

That makes me very sad

There was a point at which Jodi wondered if Luke was cheating on her

Not with Kimberley

Somebody else

And do you know what made her wonder about that

Her mum suggested it

There was another good friend that, female friend, that they went about with

All the time

And her mum suggested that maybe Luke had something going with the friend as well

Jo, eh Jodi approached both of them

They were both absolutely horrified

And reassured her that that was absolutely not the case

Sandra Lean

Target/Girlfriend Laura Wightman

In reality Sandra Lean has no idea why Jodi Jones “wondered if Luke was cheating on her”.

The “good friend” referred to by Sandra Lean was Laura Wightman.

Kirsten Ford, one of Jodi Jones closest friends spoke to reporter Jane Hamilton about Laura Wightman and Luke Mitchell “cheating” on Jodi.

Jane Hamilton’s article stated in part;

Months before she was killed, the 14-year-old told closest pal Kirsten Ford: ‘Luke has all these knives in his bedroom. Isn’t that weird?’ 

Last night, Kirsten, now 16, said: ‘Jodi was disturbed by it. She wouldn’t have said it otherwise. 

But only weeks into the relationship, Jodi became worried about (Luke) Mitchell’s close friendship with Laura Wightman, a girl he would later take to her graveside. 

Laura was with Luke a lot and once Jodi heard that he might have been cheating on her but I think she spoke to him and they sorted it out

Excerpts by Jane Hamilton for the Sunday Mail article headed JODI JONES: HER SOULMATES My Luke has all these knives in his bedroom.. isn’t that weird? Exclusive: Jodi’s words to her best friend just weeks before she was butchered dated 22nd January 2005

When he interviewed the killer on the 14th of August 2003 during a section 14 interview, detective constable George Thomson asked sadistic killer Luke Mitchell about whether or not he had two-timed Jodi with other girls – this included Laura Wightman.

As was usual for killer Luke Mitchell – he bare faced lied!

A BBC article stated;

Detective Constable George Thomson carried out the interviews with Luke Mitchell in August 2003, when the boy was just 15.

During the time you were going out with Jodi did you see other girls?

Did you two-time Jodi?”

Mr Mitchell told him:


He said he had not seen Kimberley since New Year and the last time he had phoned her was “about January-ish”.

Excerpts from a BBC article headed Jodi boyfriend ‘not two-timing’ dated 24th December 2004

Killer Luke Mitchell invited reporter Grace McLean to speak with him a few days after his section 14 police interview.

Below are a couple of excerpts from Grace McLean’s article on her meeting with the teen killer;

He said:

The cops asked me about my relationship with Jodi’s friend Laura.

“They asked me about Laura and if I wanted it to be just the two of us and asked if that was why I killed Jodi”

Excerpts by Grace McLean for the Daily Mail article headed I’m simply not a normal teenager EXCLUSIVE: Luke Mitchell’s chilling boast to the Mail dated 22nd January 2005

By the time of this meeting Luke Mitchell and Laura Wightman were known to be having a sexual relationship, as is clear from the following excerpts by reporter Maggie Barry;

KILLER Luke Mitchell was a violent thug – but girls flocked to be his lover. 

The teenager’s reputation as a moody rebel captured the hearts of girls in Dalkeith. 

But behind his mask, (Luke) Mitchell was a woman-hater who tried to force his lovers to have sex at the point of a knife. 

Within days of Jodi’s murder he had replaced her with another girl. 

Jodi had been unaware when she began dating (Luke)Mitchell that he already had a girlfriend who looked “almost identical”. 

Mitchell conned both girls into thinking their relationship was special and exclusive. 

He introduced her to cannabis, she got a lip piercing and had sex with him. 

Within weeks of Jodi’s death, (Luke) Mitchell was having sex with one of her best friends. 

Sadistic killer Luke Mitchell (right) with “girlfriend” Laura Wightman (left) on 3rd September 2003

When he was banned from Jodi’s funeral, (Luke) Mitchell took his new girlfriend to her graveside knowing it would attract attention. 

The blonde teenager clutched a red rose as she stood, wearing a Nirvana T-shirt, beside (Luke) Mitchell.

Ever the showman, (Luke) Mitchell knelt down to comfort her as she wept while reading cards and tributes from Jodi’s classmates. 

Excerpts by Maggie Barry Jodi Jones: The verdict: Luke was a dark and dangerous character.. he was irresistible to teenage girls; BUT TEEN TURNED EVIL WHEN TOLD ‘NO’ dated January 2005

Sadistic, Sexual Deviant Luke Mitchell Tagetted, Conned & Abused Many Girls

Laura Wightman appears to have made two police witness statements, one in July 2003 and one in September 2004.

It also appears it was sometime before the killers trial that Laura Wightman became “estranged” from Luke Mitchell, as was reported by Lucy Bannerman;

one friend sided with (Luke) Mitchell forming an intimate relationship with him in the aftermath of the killing

Despite her initial loyalty, she and (Luke) Mitchell became estranged and the 15-year-old was later diagnosed with a severe depressive disorder, exacerbated by the heavy use of cannabis and the trauma of her friends murder.

Increasing doubts over (Luke) Mitchell’s innocence may have contributed to her condition. 

Excerpts from a Herald article by Lucy Bannerman headed “A truly evil murder – you will rightly be regarded as wicked” Lucy Bannerman finds how a teenage love of music and rebellion ended with a walk to a horrific death dated 22nd January 2005

It also seems that Laura Wightman was exempt from giving evidence during killer Luke Mitchell’s trial after being diagnosed with a “severe depressive disorder”.

Target/Girlfriend Kara Van Null

Sadistic killer Luke Mitchell appears to have targeted Kara Van Null around the same time he targeted Jodi Jones.

It is not known if Luke Mitchell ever told Laura Wightman about Kara Van Null or about any of the other girls he had targeted.

However reporter Grace McLean’s following article on Kara Van Null told of how he had also attacked Kara with a knife to her throat in the lead up to his murder;

A teenager last night told how killer Luke Mitchell held a knife to her throat just a month before he killed and mutilated girlfriend Jodi Jones.

(Luke) Mitchell, then only 14 years old, pulled on a balaclava, grabbed Kara van Nuil from behind and warned her not to move as he pressed the blade to her neck.

Last night she said: ‘I was absolutely terrified. He was so strong. I didn’t hear him coming. He just came up behind me, grabbed me around the neck with one arm and held the knife with the other.

‘He told me: “Move and you are f***ing dead”.’

Miss van Nuil, now 17, met (Luke) Mitchell at the Army Cadet HQ in Bonnyrigg, Midlothian, when she joined his cadet unit in February, 2002.

They started dating a few weeks later, even though (Luke) Mitchell was already going out with Jodi and seeing another girl, Kimberley Thomson, in Perthshire.

Miss van Nuil told how she was at first mesmerised by (Luke) Mitchell and how he wooed her with romantic text messages.

But she brought the relationship to an end after he followed her into the cadet hut one night and threatened her with the knife.

She told the Scottish Daily Mail: ‘

‘He used to wear a balaclava and pull it up over his head like a hat.

‘We were at cadets in May when I went into the hut on my own. The instructors were out having a cigarette with the other cadets. I was messing about with the blackboard and I didn’t hear Luke coming but there was suddenly an arm around my neck.

I got a glimpse of him as I looked back and he had pulled his balaclava over his face. He then put a knife to my throat and said I would be dead if I moved an inch.

‘I was really scared and couldn’t move.

He was so strong. I couldn’t move my arms but I kept nipping his knees with my fingernails and begging him to let me go. He kept me like that for about a minute.

‘When he put the knife down I turned to face him and he said,

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

He tried to pretend it was a joke but my neck was red and I was genuinely scared. I was crying my eyes out.’

(Luke) Mitchell never returned to cadets after the attack. A month later he strangled 14-year- old Jodi and cut her throat.

Miss van Nuil regrets not telling her parents Angela, 39, and Bill, 55, about the attack until after the murder.

She said: ‘I never knew Jodi but when I found out Luke was her boyfriend I knew straight away that he had done it. I told my dad what happened in the cadet hut and he called the police.

‘They came around and took hours of statements but I was never called to court’

‘I’m so relieved – I couldn’t have faced him in the court. I’m so sorry for what happened to Jodi. When it first happened, I used to feel such guilt and think “that could have been me”.’

Miss van Nuil, of Gorebridge, Midlothian, said: ‘We never met anywhere but cadets, so I only saw him on Monday and Wednesday nights – I suppose because he was going out with Jodi.

‘One of my friends said he had five girls on the go but I didn’t care because I was crazy about him. He was so polite. I suspected he might have been a bit of a geek. But he always sent me lovely text messages.’

But Miss van Nuil said she also saw flashes of his temper: ‘One time he was on the shooting range and got told off by one of the instructors. All of a sudden he shouted something, threw down his gun and stormed off.

‘There were other times, too. If someone so much as criticised him, he would lose his temper and shout and swear at them.’ After the knife attack, she dumped (Luke) Mitchell.

But two days after he was first questioned about Jodi’s murder, Miss van Nuil saw him walking down her street. She said: ‘I was looking out the window. He was parading around like a cockerel. His friends all came out and started hugging him as if he was a hero.

I was terrified. I hid behind the curtain, shaking, and hoped he would not see me.’ Last night Miss Van Nuil broke down in tears on hearing the verdict.

By Grace McLean for the Daily Mail article dated 22nd January 2005 – Source here

Target Kimberley Tait

Reporter Lucy Bannerman made reference to another girl called Kimberley, who had also been threatened by Luke Mitchell with a knife after refusing “to sleep” with him;

Another fling ended on a more threatening note, with another West Lothian girl, Kimberley Tait, claiming (Luke) Mitchell once pulled a knife on her after she refused to sleep with him.

(Luke) Mitchell claimed the knife incident was only a joke.

Excerpts from a Herald article by Lucy Bannerman headed “A truly evil murder – you will rightly be regarded as wicked”; Lucy Bannerman finds how a teenage love of music and rebellion ended with a walk to a horrific death dated 22nd January 2005

Another 14 Year Old Girl & Her 5 Month Relationship With Killer Luke Mitchell Where He Also Threatened Her With A Knife In The Lead Up To His Murder

The following article by Chris Mooney refers to another 14 year old target of Luke Mitchell’s, who was also threatened by him with one of his knives;

A FORMER girlfriend of Luke Mitchell has told how he held a knife to her throat and threatened: “Dont move . . . or Ill gut you.”

Just months before he stabbed Jodi Jones to death, (Luke) Mitchell grabbed the girl and pressed his prized Swiss Army knife against the frightened 14-year-olds neck.

The terrifying incident was just one example of (Luke) Mitchells aggressive and unpredictable behaviour which disturbed his friends.

The pretty 14-year-old, who dated (Luke) Mitchell for about five months in 2003, told how the teenage killer pounced on her in a community hall in the Dalkeith area.

The girl – who asked to remain anonymous – was walking alone through the hall, where the pair attended a youth club together, when he grabbed her from behind.

He held the knife to her throat as he dragged her into a side room.

“I didnt know if he was joking around or not to begin with,” she said.

He said: Dont move or Ill gut you. At first I thought he was just mucking about, but then I started to feel threatened.

“I was sore round my neck, it was bright red afterwards. He had grabbed me round the neck with his arm and held the knife at my throat, saying he was going to cut me and stuff like that.

“I was nipping his arm to get him off me and after a couple of minutes he let me go. I went outside and just tried to ignore him, but then he came out as if it was all a laugh and said sorry.

“There was no reason for him to do it. He just pulled the knife from his pocket and grabbed me. I thought it was really strange.”

Soon after the incident, in May, 2003, the girl ended the fledgling relationship – just a month before (Luke) Mitchell killed Jodi.

She broke things off after increasingly seeing a darker side to his personality. The final straw came when a friend told her (Luke) Mitchell was seeing another girl – who she is now sure was Jodi.

It now appears (Luke) Mitchell was seeing at least three different girls at the same time.

The murder trial jury heard that the teenage killer had also been seeing Kim Thomson, a 15-year-old from Kenmore, Perthshire, who looked strikingly like Jodi.

(Like) Mitchell had stayed in touch with Kim, who considered him as her boyfriend, after meeting her on holiday in the summer of 2002.

The ex-girlfriend who (Luke) Mitchell threatened with a knife told the Evening News she had initially found him charming, attractive and “basically a nice bloke”.

The pair were both 14 and went to the same youth club.

“When I first saw him, everybody in the room was chatting and we started talking – asking whats your name? and that sort of thing,” she said.

“We got each others phone numbers and started texting each other quite a lot. He was good-looking and I liked talking to him. I thought he was really nice.”

The teenager followed the same goth-style fashion as (Luke) Mitchell at the time, but shrugged it off as a fad and changed her image as she got older. She said they had got on well for a while, but then things had started to change.

“He sometimes showed a side that wasnt him. He was quite aggressive to me and to other people,” she added.

“He was really bad-tempered and he was totally unpredictable. He didnt want to be told what to do. I knew he carried weapons with him and he had a Swiss Army knife. I did wonder why he had it, but I never questioned him at all.”

The ex-girlfriend said shed had little contact with (Luke) Mitchell since they broke up, but that he had threatened her friends when he saw them in the street.

She added: “When I heard he was a suspect I knew he must have been going out with Jodi when he was seeing me.

“I was really upset when I heard what he was supposed to have done.

“At first, I never thought he could have done it. But, as all the stuff started to come together, I started to think it was possible, that he could do this, because of the way he acted and what hed done to me.”

Excerpts by Chris Mooney’s article for Edinburgh evening news dated 21st January 2005

The Other Younger Kimberley Thomson

In reality killer Luke Mitchell appears to have been targeting and abusing a minimum of 5-6 other girls, as well as Jodi Jones.

He also targeted another girl called Kimberley Thomson.

This Kimberley is believed to have been 2-3 years younger than Kimberley Thomson from Kenmore, Perthshire.

In 2021 Kimberley made the following Internet post;

I was one of 3 girls he was seeing at the time, unbeknown to us of course, including Jodi.

1 blatant lie I keep hearing is that he didn’t have a parka jacket before the incident. YES HE DID.

And he carried his knives in it and bragged about it…

Also, the CID interviewed other victims of his

Kim – March 2021 (Source here)

Killer Luke Mitchell’s Violent Nature & Knife Attacks Increased Before He Committed His Murder

Killer Luke Mitchell’s knife attacks on girls are reported to have started when he was 12 years old, as is evidenced by Kenny Farquharson in the below excerpts;

When he was 12, (Luke) Mitchell had used a knife to threaten the daughter of a family who were guests in the Mitchell house.

He had climbed onto her bed, held the knife to her throat and asked for a kiss.

Excerpt from the Times article by Kenny Farquharson headed The murderous art that unmasked a cruel killer dated 23rd January 2005

Tap on the button below to read a TIMELINE which includes some of killer Luke Mitchell’s reported violent and disturbed nature and previous knife threats, beginning from when he was aged 7;

Link to Part 272 here

Killer Luke Mitchell: Scammer & Bare Faced Liar Sandra Lean & Her Keeping The Record Straight Nonsense About The Murderer & Sexual Deviants Numerous Other Targeted Girlfriends & Knife Attacks, Including Kara, The 3 Kimberley’s & The Mystery Still Surrounding Laura Wightman (Part 271)

Scammer Sandra Lean
Sadistic killer Luke Mitchell

Target/Girlfriend Kimberley Thomson

At around 44:35 during a 1st May 2023 youtube video titled keeping the record straight scammer Sandra Lean stated;

The previous relationship with Kimberley

They had a holiday romance

She did come to see him in the January

The December to January of 2003

Before he met Jodi

And that was the end of the contact

Sandra Lean

This is yet another of Sandra Lean’s bare faced lies!

Sadistic killer Luke Mitchell visited Kimberly Thomson on Valentine’s Day in February 2003 and was due to physically see her again around the time he committed his murder.

Luke Mitchell continued to give Kimberley Thomson the impression that he was her boyfriend, right up until he committed his murder on 30th June 2003.

A December 2004 BBC article stated;

Kimberley Thomson told the jury she had been the girlfriend of Luke Mitchell, the youth accused of murdering Jodi.

Miss Thomson said that when she read about Jodi’s death and the fact that Jodi had been Mr Mitchell’s girlfriend, she was annoyed.

She said: “I was upset. I knew he had obviously been cheating on me”

When asked how she would describe her relationship with Mr Mitchell, she said:

“Boyfriend and girlfriend.”

Mr Mitchell visited Kenmore in the autumn of 2002 and Miss Thomson stayed at the Mitchell home in Dalkeith from Boxing Day until just after New Year.

The accused also visited her on St Valentine’s Day 2003.

Excerpts from a BBC news article headed Jodi ‘look-alike’ gives evidence dated 30th December 2004

There were also telephone records and text messages which supported the fact that killer Luke Mitchell was giving Kimberley Thomson this impression.

Another media article read;

The judges were informed (Luke) Mitchell told police investigating the murder he had not spoken to Kimberley since January 2003, but records showed 79 calls between then and the end of June.

There was also a Valentine’s Day visit.

Just two days before her murder, Jodi left (Luke) Mitchell’s house, by taxi, about 10pm.

After that there was a series of long telephone calls, totalling more than three hours.

Mr Beckett said it was an example of how (Luke) Mitchell was prepared to lie, even in the face of known evidence.

Excerpts from a Glasgow times article headed Judges told Mitchell lied about affair dated 15th February 2008

Sandra Lean went on to state in her keeping the record straight video;

So whatever kind of relationship he was having with Kimberley

After that was not sexual

Sandra Lean

The video then played a sound bite by YouTuber What They Found, who stated;

Jodi at one point believed that Luke was cheating on her when confiding with best friend Kirsten Ford

What They Found

Sadistic, Sexual Deviant Luke Mitchell Was Targeting Numerous Girls All At Once

Sandra Lean replied in response to this statement;

That makes me very sad

There was a point at which Jodi wondered if Luke was cheating on her

Not with Kimberley

Somebody else

And do you know what made her wonder about that

Her mum suggested it

There was another good friend that, female friend, that they went about with

All the time

And her mum suggested that maybe Luke had something going with the friend as well

Jo, eh Jodi approached both of them

They were both absolutely horrified

And reassured her that that was absolutely not the case

Sandra Lean

Target/Girlfriend Laura Wightman

In reality Sandra Lean has no idea why Jodi Jones “wondered if Luke was cheating on her”.

The “good friend” referred to by Sandra Lean was Laura Wightman.

Kirsten Ford, one of Jodi Jones closest friends spoke to reporter Jane Hamilton about Laura Wightman and Luke Mitchell “cheating” on Jodi.

Jane Hamilton’s article stated in part;

Months before she was killed, the 14-year-old told closest pal Kirsten Ford: ‘Luke has all these knives in his bedroom. Isn’t that weird?’ 

Last night, Kirsten, now 16, said: ‘Jodi was disturbed by it. She wouldn’t have said it otherwise. 

But only weeks into the relationship, Jodi became worried about (Luke) Mitchell’s close friendship with Laura Wightman, a girl he would later take to her graveside. 

Laura was with Luke a lot and once Jodi heard that he might have been cheating on her but I think she spoke to him and they sorted it out

Excerpts by Jane Hamilton for the Sunday Mail article headed JODI JONES: HER SOULMATES My Luke has all these knives in his bedroom.. isn’t that weird? Exclusive: Jodi’s words to her best friend just weeks before she was butchered dated 22nd January 2005

When he interviewed the killer on the 14th of August 2003 during a section 14 interview, detective constable George Thomson asked sadistic killer Luke Mitchell about whether or not he had two-timed Jodi with other girls – this included Laura Wightman.

As was usual for killer Luke Mitchell – he bare faced lied!

A BBC article stated;

Detective Constable George Thomson carried out the interviews with Luke Mitchell in August 2003, when the boy was just 15.

During the time you were going out with Jodi did you see other girls?

Did you two-time Jodi?”

Mr Mitchell told him:


He said he had not seen Kimberley since New Year and the last time he had phoned her was “about January-ish”.

Excerpts from a BBC article headed Jodi boyfriend ‘not two-timing’ dated 24th December 2004

Killer Luke Mitchell invited reporter Grace McLean to speak with him a few days after his section 14 police interview.

Below are a couple of excerpts from Grace McLean’s article on this meeting;

He said:

The cops asked me about my relationship with Jodi’s friend Laura.

“They asked me about Laura and if I wanted it to be just the two of us and asked if that was why I killed Jodi”

Excerpts by Grace McLean for the Daily Mail article headed I’m simply not a normal teenager EXCLUSIVE: Luke Mitchell’s chilling boast to the Mail dated 22nd January 2005

By the time of this meeting Luke Mitchell and Laura Wightman were known to be having a sexual relationship, as is clear from the following excerpts by reporter Maggie Barry;

KILLER Luke Mitchell was a violent thug – but girls flocked to be his lover. 

The teenager’s reputation as a moody rebel captured the hearts of girls in Dalkeith. 

But behind his mask, (Luke) Mitchell was a woman-hater who tried to force his lovers to have sex at the point of a knife. 

Within days of Jodi’s murder he had replaced her with another girl. 

Jodi had been unaware when she began dating (Luke) Mitchell that he already had a girlfriend who looked “almost identical”. 

(Luke) Mitchell conned both girls into thinking their relationship was special and exclusive. 

He introduced her to cannabis, she got a lip piercing and had sex with him. 

Within weeks of Jodi’s death, (Luke) Mitchell was having sex with one of her best friends. 

Sadistic killer Luke Mitchell (right) with “girlfriend” Laura Wightman (left) on 3rd September 2003

When he was banned from Jodi’s funeral, (Luke) Mitchell took his new girlfriend to her graveside knowing it would attract attention. 

The blonde teenager clutched a red rose as she stood, wearing a Nirvana T-shirt, beside (Luke) Mitchell.

Ever the showman, (Luke) Mitchell knelt down to comfort her as she wept while reading cards and tributes from Jodi’s classmates. 

Excerpts by Maggie Barry Jodi Jones: The verdict: Luke was a dark and dangerous character.. he was irresistible to teenage girls; BUT TEEN TURNED EVIL WHEN TOLD ‘NO’ dated January 2005

Sadistic, Sexual Deviant Luke Mitchell Tagetted, Conned & Abused Many Girls

Laura Wightman appears to have made two police witness statements, one in July 2003 and one in September 2004.

It also appears it was sometime before the killers trial that Laura Wightman became “estranged” from Luke Mitchell, as was reported by Lucy Bannerman;

one friend sided with (Luke) Mitchell forming an intimate relationship with him in the aftermath of the killing

Despite her initial loyalty, she and (Luke) Mitchell became estranged and the 15-year-old was later diagnosed with a severe depressive disorder, exacerbated by the heavy use of cannabis and the trauma of her friends murder.

Increasing doubts over (Luke) Mitchell’s innocence may have contributed to her condition. 

Excerpts from a Herald article by Lucy Bannerman headed “A truly evil murder – you will rightly be regarded as wicked” Lucy Bannerman finds how a teenage love of music and rebellion ended with a walk to a horrific death dated 22nd January 2005

It also seems that Laura Wightman was exempt from giving evidence during killer Luke Mitchell’s trial after being diagnosed with a “severe depressive disorder”.

Target/Girlfriend Kara Van Null

Sadistic killer Luke Mitchell appears to have targeted Kara Van Null around the same time he targeted Jodi Jones.

It is not known if Luke Mitchell ever told Laura Wightman about Kara Van Null or about any of the other girls he had targeted.

However reporter Grace McLean’s following article on Kara Van Null told of how he also attacked Kara with a knife to her throat in the lead up to his murder;

A teenager last night told how killer Luke Mitchell held a knife to her throat just a month before he killed and mutilated girlfriend Jodi Jones.

(Luke) Mitchell, then only 14 years old, pulled on a balaclava, grabbed Kara van Nuil from behind and warned her not to move as he pressed the blade to her neck.

Last night she said: ‘I was absolutely terrified. He was so strong. I didn’t hear him coming. He just came up behind me, grabbed me around the neck with one arm and held the knife with the other.

‘He told me: “Move and you are f***ing dead”.’

Miss van Nuil, now 17, met (Luke) Mitchell at the Army Cadet HQ in Bonnyrigg, Midlothian, when she joined his cadet unit in February, 2002.

They started dating a few weeks later, even though (Luke) Mitchell was already going out with Jodi and seeing another girl, Kimberley Thomson, in Perthshire.

Miss van Nuil told how she was at first mesmerised by (Luke) Mitchell and how he wooed her with romantic text messages.

But she brought the relationship to an end after he followed her into the cadet hut one night and threatened her with the knife.

She told the Scottish Daily Mail:

‘He used to wear a balaclava and pull it up over his head like a hat.

‘We were at cadets in May when I went into the hut on my own. The instructors were out having a cigarette with the other cadets. I was messing about with the blackboard and I didn’t hear Luke coming but there was suddenly an arm around my neck.

I got a glimpse of him as I looked back and he had pulled his balaclava over his face. He then put a knife to my throat and said I would be dead if I moved an inch.

‘I was really scared and couldn’t move.

He was so strong. I couldn’t move my arms but I kept nipping his knees with my fingernails and begging him to let me go. He kept me like that for about a minute.

‘When he put the knife down I turned to face him and he said,

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

He tried to pretend it was a joke but my neck was red and I was genuinely scared. I was crying my eyes out.’

(Luke) Mitchell never returned to cadets after the attack. A month later he strangled 14-year- old Jodi and cut her throat.

Miss van Nuil regrets not telling her parents Angela, 39, and Bill, 55, about the attack until after the murder.

She said: ‘I never knew Jodi but when I found out Luke was her boyfriend I knew straight away that he had done it. I told my dad what happened in the cadet hut and he called the police.

‘They came around and took hours of statements but I was never called to court’

‘I’m so relieved – I couldn’t have faced him in the court. I’m so sorry for what happened to Jodi. When it first happened, I used to feel such guilt and think “that could have been me”.’

Miss van Nuil, of Gorebridge, Midlothian, said: ‘We never met anywhere but cadets, so I only saw him on Monday and Wednesday nights – I suppose because he was going out with Jodi.

‘One of my friends said he had five girls on the go but I didn’t care because I was crazy about him. He was so polite. I suspected he might have been a bit of a geek. But he always sent me lovely text messages.’

But Miss van Nuil said she also saw flashes of his temper: ‘One time he was on the shooting range and got told off by one of the instructors. All of a sudden he shouted something, threw down his gun and stormed off.

‘There were other times, too. If someone so much as criticised him, he would lose his temper and shout and swear at them.’ After the knife attack, she dumped (Luke) Mitchell.

But two days after he was first questioned about Jodi’s murder, Miss van Nuil saw him walking down her street. She said: ‘I was looking out the window. He was parading around like a cockerel. His friends all came out and started hugging him as if he was a hero.

I was terrified. I hid behind the curtain, shaking, and hoped he would not see me.’ Last night Miss Van Nuil broke down in tears on hearing the verdict.

By Grace McLean for the Daily Mail article dated 22nd January 2005 – Source here

Target Kimberley Tait

Reporter Lucy Bannerman made reference to another girl called Kimberley, who had also been threatened by Luke Mitchell with a knife after refusing “to sleep” with him;

Another fling ended on a more threatening note, with another West Lothian girl, Kimberley Tait, claiming (Luke) Mitchell once pulled a knife on her after she refused to sleep with him.

(Luke) Mitchell claimed the knife incident was only a joke.

Excerpts from a Herald article by Lucy Bannerman headed “A truly evil murder – you will rightly be regarded as wicked”; Lucy Bannerman finds how a teenage love of music and rebellion ended with a walk to a horrific death dated 22nd January 2005

Another 14 Year Old Girl & Her 5 Month Relationship With Killer Luke Mitchell Where He Also Threatened Her With A Knife In The Lead Up To His Murder

The following article by Chris Mooney refers to another 14 year old target of Luke Mitchell’s, who was also threatened by him with one of his knives;

A FORMER girlfriend of Luke Mitchell has told how he held a knife to her throat and threatened: “Dont move . . . or Ill gut you.”

Just months before he stabbed Jodi Jones to death, (Luke) Mitchell grabbed the girl and pressed his prized Swiss Army knife against the frightened 14-year-olds neck.

The terrifying incident was just one example of (Luke) Mitchells aggressive and unpredictable behaviour which disturbed his friends.

The pretty 14-year-old, who dated (Luke) Mitchell for about five months in 2003, told how the teenage killer pounced on her in a community hall in the Dalkeith area.

The girl – who asked to remain anonymous – was walking alone through the hall, where the pair attended a youth club together, when he grabbed her from behind.

He held the knife to her throat as he dragged her into a side room.

“I didnt know if he was joking around or not to begin with,” she said.

He said: Dont move or Ill gut you. At first I thought he was just mucking about, but then I started to feel threatened.

“I was sore round my neck, it was bright red afterwards. He had grabbed me round the neck with his arm and held the knife at my throat, saying he was going to cut me and stuff like that.

“I was nipping his arm to get him off me and after a couple of minutes he let me go. I went outside and just tried to ignore him, but then he came out as if it was all a laugh and said sorry.

“There was no reason for him to do it. He just pulled the knife from his pocket and grabbed me. I thought it was really strange.”

Soon after the incident, in May, 2003, the girl ended the fledgling relationship – just a month before (Luke) Mitchell killed Jodi.

She broke things off after increasingly seeing a darker side to his personality. The final straw came when a friend told her (Luke) Mitchell was seeing another girl – who she is now sure was Jodi.

It now appears (Luke) Mitchell was seeing at least three different girls at the same time.

The murder trial jury heard that the teenage killer had also been seeing Kim Thomson, a 15-year-old from Kenmore, Perthshire, who looked strikingly like Jodi.

(Luke) Mitchell had stayed in touch with Kim, who considered him as her boyfriend, after meeting her on holiday in the summer of 2002.

The ex-girlfriend who (Luke) Mitchell threatened with a knife told the Evening News she had initially found him charming, attractive and “basically a nice bloke”.

The pair were both 14 and went to the same youth club.

“When I first saw him, everybody in the room was chatting and we started talking – asking whats your name? and that sort of thing,” she said.

“We got each others phone numbers and started texting each other quite a lot. He was good-looking and I liked talking to him. I thought he was really nice.”

The teenager followed the same goth-style fashion as (Luke) Mitchell at the time, but shrugged it off as a fad and changed her image as she got older. She said they had got on well for a while, but then things had started to change.

“He sometimes showed a side that wasnt him. He was quite aggressive to me and to other people,” she added.

“He was really bad-tempered and he was totally unpredictable. He didnt want to be told what to do. I knew he carried weapons with him and he had a Swiss Army knife. I did wonder why he had it, but I never questioned him at all.”

The ex-girlfriend said shed had little contact with (Luke) Mitchell since they broke up, but that he had threatened her friends when he saw them in the street.

She added: “When I heard he was a suspect I knew he must have been going out with Jodi when he was seeing me.

“I was really upset when I heard what he was supposed to have done.

“At first, I never thought he could have done it. But, as all the stuff started to come together, I started to think it was possible, that he could do this, because of the way he acted and what hed done to me.”

Excerpts by Chris Mooney’s article for Edinburgh evening news dated 21st January 2005

The Other Younger Kimberley Thomson

In reality killer Luke Mitchell appears to have been targeting and abusing a minimum of 5-6 other girls, as well as Jodi Jones.

He also targeted another girl called Kimberley Thomson.

This Kimberley is believed to have been 2-3 years younger than Kimberley Thomson from Kenmore, Perthshire.

In 2021 Kimberley made the following Internet post;

I was one of 3 girls he was seeing at the time, unbeknown to us of course, including Jodi.

1 blatant lie I keep hearing is that he didn’t have a parka jacket before the incident. YES HE DID.

And he carried his knives in it and bragged about it…

Also, the CID interviewed other victims of his

Kim – March 2021 (Source here)

Killer Luke Mitchell’s Violent Nature & Knife Attacks Increased Before He Committed His Murder

Killer Luke Mitchell’s knife attacks on girls are reported to have started when he was 12 years old, as is evidenced by Kenny Farquharson in the below excerpts;

When he was 12, (Luke) Mitchell had used a knife to threaten the daughter of a family who were guests in the Mitchell house.

He had climbed onto her bed, held the knife to her throat and asked for a kiss.

Excerpt from the Times article by Kenny Farquharson headed The murderous art that unmasked a cruel killer dated 23rd January 2005

Tap on the button below to read a TIMELINE which includes some of killer Luke Mitchell’s reported violent and disturbed nature and previous knife threats, beginning from when he was aged 7;

Link to Part 272 here

Killer Luke Mitchell: What Innocence Fraud Scammers & Liars Sandra Lean & Scott Forbes Won’t Tell You About The Receipt For The Missing Brown Wooden Handled Skunting Knife, Bought For The Murderer As A 2002 Christmas Present (Part 270)

It is not known if it was Philip, Corinne or Shane Mitchell who bought sadistic killer Luke Mitchell the wooden brown handled skunting knife for Christmas 2002, which he used to commit his murder 6 months or so later.

However what is known is that the jury who heard the 42 days worth of evidence during the killers 2004/05 trial were shown a 2002 receipt for this still missing knife.

A media article, which was published 15 days after sadistic killer Luke Mitchell committed his murder, stated;

However, yesterday a police spokesman declined to comment on reports that a 14-year-old youth had been questioned in connection with a missing knife.

It is understood the boy had shown the knife off to friends after receiving it as a Christmas present, but it has since disappeared

Excerpts from a Herald headed Jodi’s aunts make TV appeal to trace teenager’s killer dated 15th July 2003

A 22nd January 2005 article stated that killer Luke Mitchell had threatened another young girl with his new knife, because she had refused to have sex with him.

Excerpts from the article by Lucy Bannerman also stated;

Mitchell’s enthusiasm for blades is well-remembered in Livingston.

He was particularly proud of one knife he received as a present

“He said: ‘Look what I got. Do you think it’s cool?” recalls one female friend.

He thought it was something brilliant. We thought it was a bit weird.”

Excerpts from a Herald article by Lucy Bannerman here dated 22nd January 2005

Corinne Mitchell bought her killer son Luke Mitchell a replacement skunting knife, around a year after the wooden brown handled knife had been purchased.

What They Found has recently published another video focusing on killer Luke Mitchell’s missing wooden brown handled skunting knife, which can be watched and listened to below;

Killer Luke Mitchell: TIMELINE Of Scammer Sandra Lean’s Public Relations Spin Campaign & Where Are The Donations From The Profits Of Her Book Going, Funding & Taxes Etc (Part 269)

Scammer Sandra Lean

May 2007: Sandra Lean Published Her First Discredited Book No Smoke: The Shocking Truth About British Justice With Diggory Press

9th May 2007: Sandra Lean Speaks Publicly For The First Time About Her Support For Sadistic Killer Luke Mitchell

“I can’t imagine what Jodi’s family have been through. And for them to have to face the possibility that it wasn’t Luke who did this – how betrayed will they feel? How devastating for them”

“But my girls used a path to walk to Newbattle High School – not the path where Jodi died, but one not unlike it. I wanted to know that they were safe,” she explains.

“The more I looked, the more pieces didn’t fit”

“I wrote this because I was so bloody angry” she explains.

“We were all trotting along thinking things were one way when they are not. I wanted to raise awareness and get change. I want people to get as mad as a box of frogs too, to say they don’t want innocent people locked up and I want to be sure that we are safe”

“Don’t give us this bull that we have locked up someone and that’s it. I want to know that the person they have is the right person so when I go to the shop for a bottle of wine or a loaf of bread he isn’t going jump out at me”

“Everyone says you are safe, he is off the streets. But in so many cases I’ve looked at the person that did it is still free and it could be anyone, it could be the person across the street or over the fence. It might be your or your friends’ kids who are in the wrong place at the wrong time”

Statements by Sandra Lean from a Scotsman article headed Claiming killer innocent part of search for truth dated 9th May 2007

16th February 2008: Sandra Lean Announces On Writers.Net Forum She Is Taking Diggory Press To Court. There Is Zero Evidence That She Ever Did

I’m another of The Seventeen, and I can confirm Gill’s post – we are indeed taking Diggory to court, and, like Gill, I also got suckered into the Platinum Package. Unfortuately, being very naive, I organised and booked a countrywide book tour, at great expense, expecting my book to be in the shops. Worse, I was highlighting several cases of wrongful conviction, so all of these people and their families were extremely hopeful that the publicity would generate interest and public support for them. I have rarely felt so low about anything – these people trusted me with their stories, and I feel i let them down terribly, all because Diggory doesn’t do what it says it will do.
I have not received one penny in royalties, and have had nothing but rudeness from Diggory when I tried to put things right. They eve sent a very rude email to a friend of mine, who had emailed on my behalf because I thought my own emails weren’t getting through. I know my book has sold many copies because of the feedback I have had personally, and because of the ratings and comments on Amazon.
I’ll pop in from time to time to leave updates on the situation.

Sandra Lean – Source here

12th August 2008: Sandra Lean Re-Published Her First Discredited Book No Smoke: The Shocking Truth About British Justice Via Convicted Criminal Stephen T Manning/Checkpoint Press Ireland

13th December 2010: Sandra Lean & Un-Convicted Baby Killer Billy Middleton Obtain Charity Status For The Wrongly Accused Person Organisation No. SC041953 (Source here)

20th July 2012: Sandra Lean & Corinne Mitchell Delivered A 300 Page Dossier To The Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission (Source here)

5th April 2013: Sandra Lean Resigned From Wrongly Accused Person Organisation Charity (No.SC041953)

25th July 2013: Office Of The Scottish Charity Regulator Indicated The Wrongly Accused Person Organisation Charity (No. SC041953) Failed To Make Financial Return (Source here)

February 2014: Sandra Lean Said She Had Been Duped By Sadistic Killer Luke Mitchell & Corinne Mitchell’s Innocence Fraud

26th October 2018: Sandra Lean Announced She Had Self Published Her Second Innocence Fraud Book & Profits From Her Book Are Being Donated To New Organisation “Long Road To Justice Which Does Not Exist (Source here)

26th October 2018: Sandra Lean States On Page 378 Of Her Book Profits Are Being Donated To New Organisation “Long Road To Justice

26th October 2018: Sandra Lean Launched “Long Road To Justice” Website

31st March 2019: Sandra Lean Stated On James English Video;

The reason I put the book out is if I were forced to give up so if anything happened to me I don’t think there’s anybody else in Scotland got the level of knowledge of the case that I’ve got and the idea was put everything in there and then if anybody else wants to come along and take over the informations there   

Statement by Sandra Lean to James English (May 2019) at around 50:24 of video

29th June 2019: Sandra Lean Claimed On Twitter She Was Having “Technical Difficulties” With Her Launch Of “Long Road To Justice

4th October 2019: Sandra Lean Claimed She Had Contacted Stephen T Manning/Checkpoint Press To Withdraw Her First Discredited Book No Smoke From Publication (Source here)

16th October 2019: Sandra Lean Launched A £10k GoFundMe Appeal Stating; (Source here)

Your money will provide the time needed to create a solid foundation for a complete review of the case and the possibility of finally obtaining true justice, for Luke and for Jodi.

We need to move quickly. For the first time since 2003, there is a huge amount of positive interest in the case. Most people don’t realise that Luke’s sentence is “without limit” – unless the conviction is overturned, there is no release date for him. And without a proper foundation, creating the conditions to review the case is an almost impossible task.

Your support will mean that I can dedicate much more time to systematically creating a permanent, searchable record of all the details of the case which, in turn, will mean that we can quickly and accurately provide information for experts who can help review the case.”

It has been frustrating to have to try to do this work in small bursts between other commitments. To be able to concentrate fully, for extended periods of time, means we will finally, once and for all, have permanent records that can be accessed in an instant.

With your help, we have the best possible chance of discovering the truth about what really happened to Jodi … and who was really responsible.

Sandra Lean

19th October 2019: Sandra Lean’s GoFundMe Asking For £10k Deleted For Violating Terms Of Service & She Was Looking For Another Platform (Source here)

24th February 2021: Sandra Lean Appeared On Channel 5’s Innocence Fraud TV Show “Murder In A Small Town

25th February 2021: Sandra Lean Launched Her Gimmick Of A Petition

Erm it will be part of a bundle of moves and events and things that we are trying to do to bring pressure

So the petition on its own won’t be enough

We’ve always known it won’t be enough but it will help for example to get this talked about in Scottish Parliament, things like that

Statements by Sandra Lean via her live video on 14th April 2021

9th March 2021: Sandra Lean Published Part Of GoFundMe Email To One Of Her Facebook Accounts

9th March 2021: Sandra Lean Announced On Facebook She Cannot Set Up A Bank Account For Direct Donations Due To “..all sorts of tax implications”

14th March 2021: Sandra Lean Claimed Via Her Live Video An Audio Book Was In The Process Of Being Recorded “But We Run Out Of Time Before The Film Went Out

14th March 2021: Sandra Lean Announced Via Her Live Video She Was Setting Up A New Company & Yet Another Scottish Charity. The Company Name To Be “Innocents Betrayed Ltd” & The Charity To Be Called “Long Road To Justice” (Source Here)

To the people who have given me business advice and tech advice behind the scenes to help with the funding and things like that

Erm huge thank you to all of you, you’re absolutely amazing

Now a couple of people have been in touch

A couple of people who have business backgrounds and accounting backgrounds and tech backgrounds have been in touch and

The suggestion has been, in order, in order to set up a, a charitable or not for profit organisation it needs time

And in order to get this moving as quickly as possible

One of the suggestions has been that I set up a company “innocents betrayed” and the t-shirts and the hoodies and the car stickers and the face masks and the books and all of that

Can go through “innocents betrayed” while this other organisation this, this charity organisation is being set up

And then all the profits from innocents betrayed will go into this organisation

So I’d like to talk a little bit about that

A few people have commented and sent me links to inside justice which is a charity in England that looks at these cases erm, re-examines them and has lots of experts involved and, and sees if these cases can be taken back to the court of appeal

And I tried to set up an organisation like that for Scotland about 3 years ago I think, might, there abouts

Erm called “Long Road To Justice” and the idea for, for Long Road was to bring together not just experts that can re-examine cases but writers and film makers who can get these stories out

Just like we did with “Murder In A Small Town” and I could never get it off the ground for a number of reasons

Mainly funding, kept getting, fundraisers kept getting taken down eh suggestions that I was somehow trying to profiteer out of it

Yeah ‘cos for 18 years I’ve done it all at my own expense

Erm so the idea now is that a company called innocents betrayed can be set up very quickly and I have someone working on that right now

Erm so after, probably tomorrow now, I’ll, I’ll put out the two new email addresses that I was gonna put out during the week and never had time for, to cover ideas and help, so people with ideas and people that can help

Once innocents betrayed is up and running the company, not the book, is up and running we can start getting all these ideas into action and the, the, the erm accounts for innocents betrayed will be looked at, will be kept by someone else

So that there completely transparent

I’ll pay the tax on all of the donations to Long Road, that come through innocents betrayed but, wha, it’ll take several weeks to get Long Road To Justice set up, which is the charitable organisation which we hope will be able to look at other cases, Luke’s as well, but other cases in Scotland and try to, to help take them forward or to get their stories out there for other people to help

Erm again these things take time and it’s not, neither of them are ready to go just yet but I will let everybody know when they are ready to go

Statements by Sandra Lean via her live YouTube video on 14th April 2021

23rd March 2021: Sandra Lean Sets Up “Innocents Betrayed LtdCompany No. 13091576 (Source here)

14th June 2022: Sandra Lean’s “Innocents Betrayed Ltd” (No. 13091576) Struck Off (Source here)

15th November 2022: Sandra Lean Handed In Her Gimmick Of A Petition To Scottish Parliament, Which She Stated On 14th April 2021 “..on its own won’t be enough” (Source here)

17th June 2023: Sandra Lean Sets Up A Buy Me A Coffee Account

26th June 2023: Buy Me A Coffee Disabled Sandra Lean’s Account For Violating Their Terms & Conditions

23rd July 2023: Sandra Lean Stated “Out of nowhere without me doing anything YouTube monetised my YouTube channel

So erm, I’ve not quite figured out how it all works

So I’ll, I another little list here

People can now donate during lives, we can have background auctions, competitions and things like that

Eh for those of you who want to, you’ll be able to sign up as subscribers for as little as £2.99 a month

Eh and I can add a store where you can order t-shirts and books direct from me, to save buying from Amazon, key rings and erm magnets, all manner of things to help rain awareness raise awareness

I’ve also added a PayPal link in the description ‘cos I couldn’t figure out how to put it on the YouTube channel itself, so it’s in the description for those of you who don’t want to sign up to regular payments, or who can’t be here for live or, or anything like that

Erm so yeah that came at, at quite a nice time

Sandra Lean – 23rd July 2023

Link To Part 270 here

Killer Luke Mitchell: Scammer & Liar Sandra “Isn’t it amazing how quickly we forget“ Lean, Mark McKeown & The 10:20pm Text Message (Part 268)

Sandra Lean
Mark McKeown

The 10:20pm, or Just Before This Time, Text Message

In Part 259 of this ongoing blog series (which can be read by tapping on the button below) it was pointed out that Judith Jones texted killer Luke Mitchell’s mobile telephone at 10:20pm.

Again Sandra Lean stated in her 2nd innocence fraud book;

Judith insisted she was “clock watching” from 10.00pm, when Jodi should have come home

Excerpts taken from page 169 of Sandra Lean’s 2nd innocence fraud book IB (Self published via Amazon in October 2018)

Sandra Lean also stated in her book;

22:40pm: When Luke called Judith and told her he hadn’t seen Jodi all evening, the call lasted just over two minutes (ending at 10:42:40) and was the call in which it was agreed by all parties that both Judith and Luke discovered that Jodi had been out of contact for almost six hours.

Excerpts taken from page 138 of Sandra Lean’s 2nd innocence fraud book IB (Self published via Amazon in October 2018)

Mark McKeown Aka Mark M Ryan Aka “Janine Did It” Aka Stookiebhoy Aka Scottish Bike Squad AKA The Seer Etc ..

During liar and scammer Sandra Lean’s live video on the 14th March 2021 Mark McKeown, who went by numerous aliases, asked the following question;

Was Judy ever asked why she waited more than 40 minutes to text Luke 

Mark McKeown – 14th March 2021 (at around 5:28 here)

“Isn’t it amazing how quickly we forget“

Sandra Lean stated in response to Mark McKeown’s question;

She said she’d lost track of time

I think


That might have been earlier 

No that was earlier 


When Luke called 

To, to see if Jodi had left 



That was 40 minutes as well

And Jodi’s mum said she’d lost track of time 

So I don’t think we ever got an explanation for the, the 40 minutes past her, her curfew time that night 

Sandra Lean – 14th March 2021

Judith Jones did not speak to killer Luke Mitchell at 5:40pm, that was Allen Ovens.

What was Sandra Lean referring to when she stated “that was 40 minutes as well”?

As well” as what?

Judith Jones was “clock watching” from 10.00pm, when Jodi should have come home”.

Judith Jones sent her text message at 10:20pm, or just before this time.

Link to Part 269 here