Killer Luke Mitchell: Sandra Lean Has Spent The Last 20 Years Gaslighting & She Is A Monstrous Human Being Who Appears To Have All The Personality Traits Of A Classic Psychopath (Part 216)

Pat Brown

In a video published on YouTube (on the 19th of May 2023) about charlatan and fraudster Sandra Lean’s 2nd book, Pat Brown stated;

She wrote a book called No Smoke, eh about the truth about British justice

So she’s very much on the innocence side of things and proving people innocent

Pat Brown – 19th May 2023

If Pat Brown had carried out her due diligence she would have learned that Sandra Lean claimed in October 2019 that she had contacted fraudster Stephen T Manning/Checkpoint press, Ireland to have this book withdrawn.

The reason Sandra Lean claimed she was withdrawing her 1st book was because of what she referred to as “one typo”.

Reality Verses Fantasy

In reality – Sandra Lean’s 1st book was full of bare faced lies, misinformation, disinformation and misrepresented many of the facts of each case she wrote about.

Also her 1st innocence fraud book (like her 2nd innocence fraud book) omitted large swathes of evidence heard during the trials of the seven killers – which was never reported on by the media.

And Sandra Lean did not attend any of the trials of the seven killers; ergo she was not and never has been aware of all the facts of each of the cases.

Some of Sandra Lean’s lies, misinformation and disinformation etc have been highlighted throughout this blog series. The index for which can be found by tapping on the below button;

In response to Pat Brown’s statement above, Sandra Lean stated in her latest video;

20 years work summed up in a couple of seconds

Proving people innocent

Sandra Lean – 21st May 2023

In reality – Sandra Lean has spent the past “20 years” gaslighting.

And she has most definitely NOT proved any of the killers she has shilled for “innocent”!

Pat Brown also stated;

Although I have heard that a couple of people she thought were innocent, actually weren’t

Pat Brown – 19th May 2023

In response to the above Sandra Lean lied and stated;

There’s only one case that I’ve been directly involved with, in which a confession was finally obtained

The circumstances of that confession were extremely dubious and questions remain to this day about the veracity of it

Sandra Lean – 21st May 2023

Sandra Lean and her former boyfriend and un-convicted baby killer Billy Middleton, were both involved in the innocence fraud campaign of psychopathic killer Adrian Prout.

Together with Billy Middleton, her former lover and now co director at the Wrongly Accused Person charity thingy they actively pursued and promoted the drivel that Kate Prout had run off and was hiding somewhere.  They actively promoted the false contention that Adrian Prout was innocent and provided a platform for Prout and his fiancee Debbie Garlick to attack Kate.

John – 14th August 2012 here

Killer Adrian Prout confessed to his then fiancé Debbie Garlic and in November 2011 he took police to the place where he had hidden Kate’s body. Read more here

Another innocence fraud campaign Sandra Lean was also involved with was that of psychopathic killer Simon Hall.

His guilt to his murder and innocence fraud campaign, began to be exposed from early November 2012 – around a year after killer Adrian Prout’s.

Tap on the button below to read some of the facts on killer Simon Hall’s innocence fraud scam;

Link to Part 217 here

Killer Luke Mitchell: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown On The Appeals To Credentials Fallacy & Charlatan, Fraudster & Morally Duplicitous Sandra Lean (Part 215)

Screenshot of Pat Brown from her video on sadistic killer Luke Mitchell’s main protagonist Sandra Lean (right)

Note: Sunflowers were Jodi Jones🌻 favourite flower and during her daughters funeral, Judith Jones, Jodi’s🌻 mother wore a sunflower emblem. Fourteen sunflowers were also laid in tribute by Judith after her daughter’s death – “one for every year of sunshine you gave”.  Innocence Fraud Watch did not include a screenshot of Sandra Lean’s second innocence fraud book with the distasteful photo of a whilted and dying sunflower on the front, as this appeared to have been yet another attack on Jodi Jones memory and her loved ones.

On the 19th of May 2023 criminal profiler Pat Brown published a video on YouTube where she gave the impression she would “analyse” charlatan and fraudster Sandra Lean’s second innocence fraud book.

Innocence Fraud Watch blogged briefly on the appeals to credentials fallacy in Part 4 of this blog series, which can be read by tapping on the button below;

Prior to her second innocence fraud book, scammer Sandra Lean had written her first book, which was published in 2007 by Diggory press Ltd.

Sandra Lean and fraudster and convicted criminal Stephen T Manning (STM) were allegedly taking legal action against Diggory press Ltd.

Below is a copy of a forum post made in 2008 on the WritersNet forum by Sandra Lean where she stated “..we are indeed taking Diggory to court”;

In 2008 Stephen T Manning, under the name Checkpoint press, Ireland published Sandra Lean’s 1st book for the second time;

My first book, “No Smoke, the Shocking Truth about British Justice,” was published by Checkpoint Press, Ireland in 2008.

Sandra Lean here

There is a “testimonial” by Sandra Lean on Stephen T Manning’s website here, where she claimed to be “Dr” Sandra Lean;

In 2008 however, when No Smoke was published for the second time, Sandra Lean did not have her bogus PhD.

Criminal & fraudster Stephen T Manning
Screenshot of copy of Stephen T Manning fake PhD certificate

Stephen T Manning also claimed to have a PhD, and referred to himself as Dr Stephen T Manning.

Excerpts from one of Wondereraround’s blogs headed Dr Manning, Ph.D. An Academic Fraud read as follows;

STM is obviously aware that calling himself a Doctor and putting a Ph.D. after his name gives him an air of credibility and intelligence, earning himself respect he wouldn’t otherwise get. It makes it seem he knows what he’s talking about. And it makes people trust him more. But STM is a fake and doesn’t deserve either the public’s trust or respect.

STM is not a real doctor. STM doesn’t have a doctorate from an accredited academic institution. He bought his combined masters degree and doctorate from a notorious American diploma mill in Hawaii

Wondereraround here

Wondereraround wrote and published several blogs on Stephen T Manning (STM) and his fraudulent claims against Diggory press.

One of Wonderaround’s blogs, headed Proof of Stephen T Manning’s fraudulent court claims against Diggory Press and Rosalind Miriam Franklin. Illegally Using Someone Else’s Name can be read here

Another of Wondereraround’s blogs headed Stephen T Manning’s and his Checkpoint Press’s Theft On Diggory Press Book Cover can be read here.

Sandra Lean’s Web Of Deceit & Preposterous Claims

Below are excerpts from Sandra Lean’s second innocence fraud book Innocents Betrayed, published by her via Amazon in October 2018;

The piles and piles of documents I amassed in my search for answers somehow turned themselves into a book; No Smoke, the Shocking Truth about British Justice, which highlighted seven cases of convic- tions where the evidence either clearly pointed to someone else or was so flimsy that it would not have passed a “slight doubt” test, far less a “beyond reasonable doubt” standard.

Even laying aside questions of guilt or innocence (as they are understood in layman’s terms) in these cases, it would have been clear to a five-year-old child that these convictions were not safe, in the legal context. They had not been proven beyond a reasonable doubt, because simply reading through the material raised so many doubts.

Excerpts from Sandra Lean’s 2nd innocence fraud book IB (from pages 19 & 23 respectively)

Sandra Lean never had “piles and piles of documents” on killer Simon Hall’s case, and it’s doubtful she ever did in any of the other 6 cases she wrote innocence fraud narratives for in her first fraudulent book.

Killer Simon Hall’s actual, factual guilt to his murder and his and his deceptive enablers innocence fraud scam were exposed in 2012/13.

This was 5-6 years before Sandra Lean (self published) her second fraudulent book.

The evidence never, ever “pointed to someone else” having been responsible for dangerous killer Simon Hall’s murder.

And the evidence against him was most certainly NOT “flimsy” as Sandra Lean claimed.

There was, and is no evidence anywhere to suggest killer Simon Hall’s conviction was “unsafe”, and most certainly not in October 2018 when charlatan Sandra Lean made the preposterous claims in her 2nd book.

Reading through all “the material” pointed to killer Simon Hall and only Simon Hall!

Why did Pat Brown not consider any of these facts when carrying out her analysis on Sandra Lean’s second Innocence fraud book?

Pat Brown & Her Double Binds

Pat Brown stated of the 2nd book;

I do not think the book is well written, there are no footnotes

I don’t know where this information comes from

Pat Brown 19th May 2023

Pat Brown also stated;

Mind you, right here we are pretty well aware this is not a balanced book

Sandra Lean is working with the defence, for the defence and this is the defence

Pat Brown – 19th May 2023

Sadistic killer Luke Mitchell does NOT have a defence team!

Sandra Lean is NOT a defence lawyer!

Pat Brown also reads from Sandra Lean’s book stating:

“If the pursuit of true justice is sacrificed to the pursuit of true justice alone, where does that leave those that are convicted as a result and the families and the victims and their families and us as ordinary members of the public”

Then Pat Brown bizarrely stated;

She’s correct in that

You want, you want justice to be pursued objectively and not something just, you want a notch in your belt, you wanna close your case down

I agree with her on that

Pat Brown – 19th May 2019

Justice was “pursued objectively” in all the cases Sandra Lean has written about!

And if Pat Brown viewed Sandra Lean words and her behaviours objectively and stopped projecting, she may see what many of us see.

Sandra Lean is a charlatan and fraud who promotes the “very real” innocence fraud phenomenon!

Maybe Pat Brown will do another video on the nonsense written by Sandra Lean, contained within her fraudulent PhD thesis here.

Innocence Fraud Watch blogged on some of Sandra Lean’s fraudulent PhD thesis;

Pat Brown also stated;

The next issue that Sandra Lean goes into, and she puts it right here called “how the stories changed”

Basically she attacks the family of Jodi

Pat Brown – May 2023

Which is indeed what Sandra Lean has been doing for 20 years!

Pat Brown made the following statement in the comments section of her video on Jodi Jones🌻;

They had parents but neither Jodi or Luke had their dad in the home. But, if Jodi hadn’t been murdered, perhaps, she would have matured. Or she might even have gotten pregnant and been a teen mom! As to Luke, well, he seemed to have major issues, ignoring the murder thing.

Pat Brown – May 2023

There is no evidence anywhere to suggest Jodi Jones🌻may have become a “teen mum”.

Evidence suggests Jodi Jones🌻 had had sexual intercourse less that half a dozen times before she was murdered.

Jodi Jones was described as being “very level headed” and also “very strong minded“.

Also, neither of Jodi Jones🌻 siblings became parents in their teens.

There was however a wealth of evidence to suggest sadistic killer and sexually aggressive deviant Luke Mitchell could have become a teen father.

The evidence suggests he may have been having sexual intercourse with several young girls around the same time period leading up to when he committed his murder.

In another of her videos titled Patron Hangout #89 #BrianKohberger #JoranvanderSloot Pat Brown stated at around 17:15, referring to killers and/or Brian Kohberger;

So what they do, is they can’t win now, but as time goes on, he gets convicted and then he’s sitting in prison and he starts getting the love letters, which he is already by the way

He’s getting love letters from women, who think he’s innocent and of course they want to be his wife and his girlfriend, and you know this incel dude (laugh) is finally getting dates.

Women finally like him because he’s got enough screwed up narcissistic females who are perfectly happy to hook up with a killer, an alleged killer, eh to get their own narcissistic feed.

Pat Brown (two days ago) from her video headed Patron Hangout #89 #BrianKohberger #JoranvanderSloot from approx 17:15

Maybe Pat Brown can explain the difference between the ”screwed up females” she mentions in her video (referred to above) and their alleged “narcissistic feed”, with the narcissistic feed of someone like charlatan and fraudster Sandra Lean?

Link to Part 216 here

Killer Simon Hall: Charlatan, Fraudster & Propagandist Sandra Lean, Stephanie Bon, Smoke & Mirrors & The Propaganda & Gaslighting Of The Very Real Innocence Fraud Phenomenon – Part 17h©️

Since the exposure of killer Simon Hall’s actual, factual guilt to his murder of Joan Albert and the exposure of his fraudulent public relations spin campaign, most of the people and organisations who were once involved with the case and campaign (With the exception of Simon Hall’s former wife) have never publicly held their hands up and said they were wrong.

These people and organisations have never acknowledged or addressed the very real innocence fraud phenomenon as opposed to the outdated “miscarriage of justice” phenomenon, which Simon Hall’s claims of innocence and fraudulent public relations spin campaign turned out to be.

Killer Simon Hall married at the end of 2008, coincidentally to another woman named Stephanie, who he had worked with in 2002.

Stephanie (Hall) was duped by a lot of the propaganda related to the miscarriage of justice phenomenon.

Stephanie (Hall) was also naive to psychopathic personality disordered people, which made her an easy target for someone like killer Simon Hall to groom, con and exploit.

She also wasn’t aware of just how many people were prepared to lie, deceive and grift on behalf of actually, factually guilty killers like Simon Hall.

Charlatan & Fraudster Sandra Lean

It is not known who Sandra Lean was allegedly “compelled to help” in 2002 but the About page of Sandra Lean’s online bio for her 2008 website here (and reproduced at the foot of this blog) was written by someone called P Hughes.

P Hughes stated of Sandra Lean;

Since 2002 Sandra has felt compelled to help innocent victims who have suffered a major injustice.

Without payment, she has spent thousands of hours going through evidence and trial transcripts with a fine toothed comb, helping the legal teams out with her time and expertise.

She does this because she is passionate about helping these falsely accused and wrongfully convicted people in any way she can, and because she is appalled that the British Judicial system is as flawed as it is, letting so many people down.

P. Hughes (Source here)

P Hughes’s comment about Sandra Lean was liked by two bloggers.

One called JCW (Photograph below);

Another was Roy Catchpole who stated he was;

Roy Catchpole from the dockside slum to a corporation housing estate in Ipswich.

It was on this estate that I was to live a semi-rural life until the end of my teenage years.

At ten years old, which was also the age of criminal responsibility, I had joined the ranks of young runaways early.

Sandra Lean spoke to Roy Catchpole in 2020 here.

Excerpts from an article by the Bournemouth Daily Echo headed Retired vicar accused of assault tells court: “I don’t recognise woman who spoke… it seemed like two different people to me” read;

Retired Roy Catchpole, formerly of St Paul’s Church in Sherborne, said he didn’t understand why the victim made the accusations which have led to him facing three counts of sexual assault and one of exposure on a series of occasions between August 2013 and June 2014.

Jurors were told about the collapse of his first marriage in 1994 which was reported at the time in the national press.

Catchpole told the hearing yesterday he and his then wife became estranged over how to treat their schizophrenic son before he left the family home and started seeing another woman – a then member of his congregation – and his second wife of 17 years.

By Lauren Howard for the Bournemouth Daily Echo headed Retired vicar accused of assault tells court: “I don’t recognise woman who spoke… it seemed like two different people to me” dated the 13th October 2015

P Hughes went on to state on the home page of Sandra Lean’s website;

When a person suffers a false allegation or a wrongful conviction, it is not just the victim who suffers.

Their whole families also become innocent victims, and relationships are pushed to their limits.

P Hughes – source here

Propagandist Sandra Lean & Her First Discredited Book

Actual, factual guilty killer Simon Hall was not falsely accused, he was always guilty as charged!

And killer Simon Hall’s family members (Lynne, Phil and Shaun), and many other people chose to lie and concoct stories in an attempt to pervert the course of justice.

Many of them also committed perjury.

It is not known exactly how Sandra Lean came to be involved in killer Simon Hall’s fraudulent public relations spin campaign.

It is also not known who spoke to Sandra Lean in order for her to put together a chapter in a book she wrote and had published.

Cover of Sandra Lean’s book ’No Smoke’ published in 2007 by Diggory press

Sandra Lean’s first discredited book called No Smoke: The Shocking Truth About British Justice, was first published in 2007 by Diggory press (Read more here).

Cover of Sandra Lean’s book ’No Smoke’ published in 2008 by Stephen T Manning/Checkpoint press

Sandra Lean’s first discredited book was published again in 2008 by Stephen T Manning.

Tap on the button below to read about some of the fiasco regarding Sandra Lean’s first discredited book;

Sandra Lean claimed in her first book No Smoke on page xiii in her introduction (Read more here):

Until two years ago, I had no idea that anything was broken.

I believed in the justice system, although I knew it had its faults.

A chance meeting with someone who believed that a family member was a victim of a miscarriage of justice was to change all that.

Excerpt from page xiii of Introduction of Sandra Lean’s first discredited book No Smoke: The Shocking Truth About British Justice

Which suggests P Hughes claim on Sandra Lean’s About section of her website where P Hughes stated “Since 2002 Sandra has felt compelled to help innocent victims” is another bare faced lie.

Tap on the button below to read more on Sandra Lean’s “until two years ago” statement;

Sandra Lean & Stephanie Bon & The Stolen Items From Zenith Windows

Stephanie Bon

It is thought Sandra Lean came into contact with Stephanie Bon during Stephanie’s fraudulent public relations spin campaigning for actual, factual guilty killer Simon Hall.

Stephanie Bon is referred to throughout this blog series, the index for which can be found by tapping on the button below;

It is not known if Stephanie Bon ever told Sandra Lean about the stolen items from the Zenith windows burglary, which killer Simon Hall took to Stephanie’s house in Colchester on Monday the 17th of December 2001.

It is also not known if Stephanie Bon ever spoke to Sandra Lean about her relationship with Simon Hall, and of any, or all, of the details regarding the Christmas family meal in Lincolnshire.

Tap on each of the buttons below to read more about the Zenith windows burglary and the Hall family Christmas meal in Lincolnshire;

Sandra Lean & Fraudster & Convicted Criminal Stephen T Manning

In 2007 Private Eye Magazine (Edition 1202) published an article headed Diggory Pockery which referred to Sandra Lean and Stephen T Manning. who was referred to here as ‘the evil liar”.

Fraudster and convicted criminal Stephen T Manning was named in the article by one of his many pseudonym’s Jack Havana.

Below is a copy of the Private Eye article;

Stephen T Manning stated of Sandra Lean’s first discredited book;

Sandra Lean’s NO SMOKE offers a vitally-important contribution to British social awareness.

Stephen T Manning

Already the subject of much debate within the judicial system, this book reviews seven specific real-life cases and in doing so exposes some truly shocking practices within the UK justice system.

The cases are exhaustively researched and documented in an easy-to-read contemporary style, and the conclusions presented in an articulate and professional format.

Review copies have been highly praised, and the book has already been recommended by sitting judiciary as an insightful (if rather disturbing) guide to the inner workings of British justice.

Stephen T Manning here

Sandra Lean’s book was not “exhaustively researched” as Stephen T Manning claimed because Sandra never had access to all the case files.

Sandra Lean did not attend any of the murder trials of any of the 7 killers she wrote about in her book.

In the case of actually, factually guilty killer Simon Hall, Sandra Lean relied on media articles and the word of liars like Stephanie Bon and the Hall family members (Lynne, Phil, Simon and Shaun).

There is also no evidence anywhere that Sandra Lean’s book was “recommended by sitting judiciary”.

This was yet another bare faced lie.

Jodi Jones killer’s mother also attempted to suggest something similar in April 2010 on an Internet forum here.

Liar Corinne Mitchell stated in part;

It also comes recommended by the c.c.r.c.!.

Sandra received an e~mail from a female saying the c.c.r.c. had recommended her book and could she get a copy.

Corinne Mitchell – 9th of April 2009

Someone contacted the CCRC (criminal cases review commission) around the same time to ask if Sandra Lean’s book had been recommended by them and their reply (Which can be read here) is reproduced in part below:

I asked:

“Could you please tell me if CCRC recommends a book named No Smoke by Sandra Lean to its clients?”

The answer to your question is no, the Commission does not recommend this book to its applicants.

Justin Hawkins

Stephanie Bon commented underneath Stephen T Manning, stating in part;

Justice 4 Simon, Justice for all

Miscarriages of justice are happening all around us, everyday, it’s fact!!

Sandra Lean eloquently explores various areas of the legal system and details a few cases amongst so many others.

The current British legal system does not allow people to maintain their innocence without paying the price:- bullying and abuse, “psychological reports” claiming an “in denial” attitude and refusal to admit guilt therefore take responsibility for their actions ending ultimately with no chances of parole.

DON’T make the mistake of thinking that you can rely on the system to put things right, you will be waiting a very long time.

Thank you Sandra for your hard work (sic)

Stephanie Bon

As stated in Part 17 here manipulative killers who falsely claim to be innocent and who choose to launch fraudulent public relations spin campaigns, utilise a plethora of psychological tactics like coercive persuasion, the illusory truth effect and gaslighting to help promote their propaganda – as do many of their enablers.

It was not only the ruthless lies and deception of Joan Albert’s killer Simon Hall that allowed his innocence fraud to begin and continue on for as long as it did.

It was also because he was enabled by many other deceptive people, including charlatan and fraudster Sandra Lean.

Source here

Link Part 18©️here