Killer Luke Mitchell: Roddy McKendry, Suzy Hall & Abusive Troll Heather Brunt Choose To Continue To Drag Innocent James Falconer’s Name “Into The Mud” 15 Years After The 2008 Appeal (Part 264)

In 2007 scammer Sandra Lean made comparisons to guilty killers John Taft and Simon Hall’s cases to that of guilty killer Luke Mitchell.

Sandra Lean stated;

Like Simon Hall and John Taft, a central aspect to the case involves a piece of clothing claimed to have belonged to the defendant, but that claim is never, at any point, backed up by proof.

Also, as with Simon Hall, the lack of a definitive time of death allows a presumption to be presented almost as fact – neither Luke nor Simon had a cast iron alibi at a specific time, therefore the prosecution presumes that to be the time of death.

Failure of forensic experts to attend the scene in a timely manner allowed evidence to be lost in both of these cases.

Finally, as with Derek Christian and Simon Hall, we are asked to believe that Luke Mitchell suddenly and inexplicably “flipped,” behaving in a manner which is completely uncharacteristic, then almost instantly returns to normal.

Excerpts from Sandra Lean’s 1st discredited book No Smoke: The Shocking Truth About British Justice (first published in May 2007)

Tap on the button below to read a copy of scammer Sandra Lean’s chapter on guilty killer Luke Mitchell;

Common sense would surely suggest that people would question Sandra Lean’s credibility and that if she got so much so wrong in cases like guilty killers John Taft and Simon Hall’s cases, how much has she got wrong in killer Luke Mitchell’s case.

Suzy Hall
Roddy McKendry
Heather Brunt

Heather Brunt, Roddy McKendry and Suzy Hall do not appear concerned by Sandra Lean’s misleading and false innocence fraud narratives.

Abusive troll Heather Brunt recently published a copy of a photograph of her latest target – an innocent man called James Falconer.

Roddy McKendry and Suzy Hall chose to comment underneath with their own deluded nonsense.

As much as these people say the worst thing ever is “accusing an innocent person”, they choose to do it anyway – as is evidenced below;

A February 2008 media article here stated that a “used condom was found 50 metres from the spot where Jodi was killed”.

Another article here stated;

As for Falconer, the defence say a recently used condom was found 50 metres from the murder scene.

DNA swabs matched a sample taken from Falconer two months ago.

The defence papers declare:

“His explanation given to police for semen in a condom lacked credibility and aspects of his statement have proven to be false.

Common sense would again surely suggest that innocent James Falconer may have met up with someone back in June 2003 and had “safe sex” by choosing to use a condom.

It is not known if James Falconer wrote his own witness statement or if a police officer wrote it for him.

However what is known is that James Falconer was ruled out of the investigation and his name was dropped from the 2008 appeal.

Innocent James Falconer had nothing whatsoever to do with killer Luke Mitchell’s murderous crimes.

Link to Part 265 here