Andrew Malkinson Innocent? Don’t Believe The Hype!

*LIVE* From New York City with Roberta Glass, from the True Crime Report, Who is ON the Record

Andrew Malkinson Innocent? Not So Fast…

*LIVE* From New York City with Roberta Glass from the True Crime Report

Killer Luke Mitchell: Scammer Sandra Lean & The Deception Of Convicted Rapist Sean Bw Parker With The Morphing Of The “Prison Officer” Into the “Prison Governor” (Part 251)

Roberta Glass of the Roberta Glass True Crime Report recently published a video called Free Psycho Killer Luke Mitchell!, which can be listened to below;

At around 55:19 of the above video scammer Sandra Lean stated;

The, the prison officer told Luke

I don’t care what the law says

Sandra Lean
Scammer Sandra Lean and convicted rapist Sean Bw Parker

However convicted rapist Sean Parker, who was referred to in Parts 235 and 236 of this ongoing blog series (which can be read by tapping on the buttons below), chose to deceptively morph the “prison officer” into the “prison Governor”;

Personally I think that’s a very justifiable place

And obviously erm is to be fought in a court

But it shouldn’t be done by a prison Governor

Saying I don’t care what the law says

That’s erm of course of interest

In the home of enlightenment in Scotland

Registered sex offender Sean Bw Parker

The above can be heard at around 58:10 of the same video (above)

Link to Part 252 here

Self Confessed Train Robber Bert Kreischer & Innocence Fraudster & Psychopath Amanda Knox On Rudy Guede & Their Meeting On The Bottom Floor Downstairs In The Four Guys Apartment, The Weekend Of 20th/21st October 2007, Shamrocks Bar, Red Zone Nightclub, DJ Quentin Harris & The 5 Cannabis Plants

Shamrocks & Red Zone Nightclub – Amanda Knox Met Rudy Guede Before She Met Raffaele Sollecito

According to the evidence, Amanda Knox met Rudy Guede before she met Raffaele Sollecito.

On Saturday the 20th October 2007 Meredith Kercher was in a bar called Shamrocks with her British friends watching the rugby World Cup final between England and South Africa

After the match Meredith Kercher and one of her British friends, along with Amanda Knox all went to the Red Zone night club just outside of Perugia along with Marco Marzan and Giacomo Silenzi (who lived downstairs).

A DJ from New York called Quentin Harris was spinning that evening, as can be seen and heard in the following videos taken on that night;

Rudy Guede had been in Shamrocks and had apparently seen Meredith Kercher and according to his prison diary, while the others were at the club, he had stopped by their house to visit but found nobody at home.

The following night, Sunday the 21st October 2007, Rudy Guede had visited by the four guy’s place downstairs for the Formula 1 Grand Prix, and he found out from Giacomo Silenzi that everyone had been at the Red Zone night club.

Rudy Guede claimed in his prison diary here;

So then I went to “Le Chic” to ask about Amanda, maybe she knew where they went, but she wasn’t there.

So then I figured that she was with the guys, going out with the hanging around in the center of town.

It was Saturday others. Meanwhile I went with my usual friends, that evening.

The next day, Sunday, I went to the guys’ house and found them.

I told them that I ‘d tried, but couldn’t find them the day before, that I‘d gotten to their house late, etc., etc., then that I hadn’t seen them in the town center, and that I’d gone to “Le Chic” to ask about them and Amanda, but not even she was there.

And they told me that they’d gone after dinner to “The Red Zone”

Rudy Guede

Meredith Kercher’s Boyfriend Giacomo Silenzi’s Testimony

The relationship between Meredith Kercher and Giacomo Silenzi began following their night out at the Red Zone club.

An excerpt from Giacomo Silenzi’s testimony reads;

Rudy had asked information about Amanda because he was interested

Excerpt from Giacomo Silenzi‘s testimony – Source here

When Giacomo was asked “All there, where in the house?” he stated;

We were all in front of a pub in the center

Excerpt from Giacomo Silenzi‘s testimony – Source here

Amanda Knox met Raffaele (Raf) Sollecito on the 25th October 2007

Excerpts from a February 2009 article headed Flatmate saw scratch on Knox’s neck soon after Kercher killing read;

Silenzi, a Perugia University student, lived with three other Italian men in the basement flat below the house Knox and Kercher shared.

Silenzi said he and his flatmates were growing five cannabis plants in their flat and had started smoking joints with their four female upstairs neighbours.

When he went home for the Italian public holiday on 1 November, Silenzi asked Kercher to water the plants for him.

Silenzi and his flatmates also entertained Guede at the downstairs flat twice in October after meeting him while playing basketball on a public court near the house.

Excerpts from a Guardian article by Tom Kingston headed Flatmate saw scratch on Knox’s neck soon after Kercher killing dated 15th February 2009

Beautiful & Innocent Meredith Kercher

Excerpts from an April 2012 article read;

Murder victim Meredith Kercher’s Italian boyfriend told yesterday of the moment he first feared Amanda Knox was her killer.

Giacomo Silenzi, 22, had been dating Meredith, 21, for just ten days when she was found semi-naked with her throat cut in the bedroom of student digs she shared with American Knox, 20.

Speaking publicly for the first time, Giacomo, who described Meredith, from London, as “beautiful and innocent”, said that he first feared Knox was the killer as they waited to be questioned by police.

He told The Mail on Sunday how he and Knox were taken to Perugia police station to be interviewed on Friday, November 2, the day Meredith’s body was found.

It was here he also met her co-accused, Raffaele Sollecito, 23.

Giacomo said:

“I was on the train heading back to Perugia from my parents’ house when I got a call from Meredith’s other flatmate Filomena, who told me what had happened.

“My stomach dropped – I just could not believe it. I had spoken with her for the last time just a couple of days earlier and she had sent me a text saying she was looking forward to me coming back.

“When I got to Perugia station, the police picked me up and took me to the police station.

“I had a cast-iron alibi because I had been at my parents’ house since the Monday – it was a bank holiday in Italy. I was taken to a waiting room and Amanda was there.

“She hugged me and said how sorry she was. Then she introduced me to her boyfriend Raffaele. I had never met him before.

“I couldn’t help thinking how cool and calm Amanda was. Meredith’s other English friends were devastated and I was upset, but Amanda was as cool as anything and completely emotionless.

“Her eyes didn’t seem to show any sadness and I remember wondering if she could have been involved.

“I spoke with her English friends Robyn [Butterworth] and Sophie [Purton] afterwards, and they said the same thing. None of us could quite understand how she was taking it all so calmly.

“I knew that Amanda didn’t get on with Meredith, but I didn’t think that would lead to Amanda killing her.

Holding back tears, Giacomo said:

“Meredith was a beautiful and innocent girl. We had only just started our relationship and maybe it was too early to talk about love, but we really had an affection for each other.

“She moved into the flat above mine at the end of the summer and we would pop into each other’s places just to say hello or have a cup of coffee, the things that neighbours do.

“She was very pretty and I was also impressed with her Italian. We would share CDs and play music together.

“It was my birthday at the end of September but she couldn’t make my party because she was flying back to England for the weekend.

“She gave me a bottle of rum as a present. Most of it was drunk at the party but there is a drop left that I will now keep for ever”

Giacomo added:

“It was a few weeks after that, around the middle of October-that we kissed for the first time at a student party. Then we made love a couple of days later in my flat.

“I’m still having trouble taking this all in. If I could see Amanda, I would just ask her, ‘Why? Why did she kill Meredith?’

Excerpts from an Evening Standard article headed Meredith’s boyfriend reveals the moment he suspected Foxy Knoxy had killed his lover dated 12th April 2012

Self Confessed Train Robber Bert Kreischer & Innocence Fraudster Amanda Knox

On the 10th December 2021 Bert Kreischer spoke to psychopath Amanda Knox about Rudy Guede.

According to Amanda Knox’s book Waiting to be heard, she met someone called Bobby aka Daniel de Luna over the weekend of 20th/21st October 2007.

Daniel de Luna was a friend of the men who lived downstairs.

Amanda Knox stated;

This was the first time I’d invited a guy into my bed since I arrived in Perugia.

We went to my room and had sex, then we both passed out

Amanda Knox

Two nights after Amanda and Raf got involved, she hooked up once more with Daniel de Luna, the friend of the neighbours downstairs, and later included him on the list of sex partners in her prison diary

Excerpt from Barbie Latza Nadeau’s book Angel Face (published in 2010)

Below is a transcribe taken from Bertcast #495 Amanda Knox & ME, beginning from approximately 15:26, where Amanda Knox was seemingly referring to Sunday the 21st October 2007;

This was the guy Rudy

Bert Kriescher (from around 15:26 of Bertcast #495 Amanda Knox & ME)

Yeah Rudy Guede

Amanda Knox

So Rudy

This is another thing I , I don’t think I ever really wrapped my head round

Ru, you guys met Rudy

Let me, let me start from the beginning

So, ‘cos Rudy had come down and like hung out at your house a couple of times right

Bert Kreischer

So Rudy Guede was eh a local

Erm he played basketball

Like did sort of pick up basketball

With erm

In the local like basketball court that was in front of the university

And that was really near by my house

So the guys that lived in the apartment downstairs from us often would play basketball with him

Like pick-up games

Amanda Knox

And those were like two law students right

Bert Kreischer

So no

So the two law students that you’re thinking of are the other two room mates that I had besides Meredith

Amanda Knox


Bert Kreischer

Those are two Italian women

Amanda Knox

Oh, oh okay

I thought those were dudes

I must have clumped them in



Bert Kreischer


So we lived on the top floor of a house

And on the bottom floor there lived four guys

And they were all just doing their thing

Eh it was a separate apartment situation

But we would occasionally go out to dinner together

Or like go out to a club together

Like, it just

You know, household dynamics

But they would go and play basketball

And have pick up games with whoever was there

Including Rudy Guede

And occasionally those people would come over to their house

And one time Rudy Guede came to their house

And they invited us to come downstairs

And that’s when we met Rudy Guede

Amanda Knox

And Rudy, kind of

If I’m not mistaken

He had a crush on you

Bert Kreischer

That’s what they say

I don, I didn’t know that

Apparently after we went and like hung out with them for a few minutes

They were

They sort of

After a while me and Meredith just went back upstairs

It was time to go to bed

And afterwards it was when they were sort of talking about us

And Giacomo one of the guys downstairs had a crush on Meredith

So I’m sure that they brought that up

And maybe Rudy Guede said something about me

That’s at least what was said

When I, I was on trial

But no one ever told me that

I didn’t even actually know his name until I was already arrested

Amanda Knox


Bert Kreischer


Amanda Knox

Roberta Glass Goes Over Peter Hyatt’s Statement Analysis & A Transcript Of Curt Knox’s 20th November 2007 Capanne Prison Visit Referring To Rudy Guede

Roberta Glass from the Roberta Glass True Crime Report has a new 2023 series on Amanda Knox, which can be found by tapping on the button below;

Roberta’s two YouTube videos below go over Amanda Knox’s evidence regarding her and Rudy Guede and are worth watching and listening to.

At around 48:00 of Roberta Glass’s video Amanda Knox Changes Her Story Again! (below), Roberta goes over Peter Hyatt’s statement analysis of Amanda’s statement regarding a shower she said she had with Raffaele Sollecito and how they “..had a shower and we washed ourselves for a long time” and that Raffaele “cleaned my ears, he dried and combed my hair”;

Previous Blogs Including Amanda Knox & The Cult Like “Wrongful Conviction” Movement

Tap on the buttons below to read previous blogs which refer to Amanda Knox;

The Wrongful Exoneration Of Adnan Syed Feat. Andrew Hammel

TOMORROW (24th June 2023) AT NOON (ET)

Roberta Glass of the Roberta Glass True Crime Report will be chatting LIVE with “inactive” lawyer, and writer Andrew Hammel on his 2 part Quillette article headed “The Wrongful Exoneration of Adnan Syed

The Release Of Adnan Syed: Don’t Call It A Fraud!

*LIVE* Roberta Glass reacts to Andrew Hammel on Jason Whitlock’s channel.. Read more here

INNOCENCE FRAUD: Rebranding The Guilty As Innocent (Part 1)

This is the first part of an interview Roberta Glass gave her Ghislaine Maxwell trial buddy Nadia for her substack. Subscribe to “The Offbeat Effect” here

PART 1: Innocence Fraud Watch On Andrew Hammel & His II Part Quillette Article Headed “The Wrongful Exoneration of Adnan Syed”

Andrew Hammel
Psychopathic killer Adnan Syed

On the 22nd May 2023 Quillette online magazine published a long read article written by Andrew Hammel, who apparently is “an American writer, translator, and lawyer living in Germany.

Quillette’s about page here states in part;

Quillette is an Australian based online magazine that focuses on long-form analysis and cultural commentary.

We are politically non-partisan, but rely on reason, science, and humanism as our guiding values.

Andrew Hammel’s long read article was split into two Parts.

His first part was headed The Wrongful Exoneration of Adnan Syed Part I: A Straightforward Murder Case and can be read in full here.

His Part II was headed The Wrongful Exoneration of Adnan Syed Part II: The Legal and Media Circus and can be read in full here.

Hae Min Lee’s Killer Did NOT Have 23 Years Of “Excellent Prison Conduct”

Andrew Hammel stated here; can check my work yourself (corrections gladly invited)

Andrew Hammel – 22nd May 2023 @ 9:57 AM

In Part II of Andrew Hammel’s long read he stated;

Few observers would have objected had a remorseful Adnan been released on parole after 23 years of excellent prison conduct.

Instead, he was freed based on his own false claims and the biased media coverage they generated.

Statements by Andrew Hammel from The Wrongful Exoneration of Adnan Syed Part II: The Legal and Media Circus here

Andrew Hammel had already stated in Part 1 of his article;

Adnan Syed adjusted well to prison. Over subsequent years, he operated an illicit business, acquired an illegal cell phone, and even married a woman named Kanda, whom he presented with a $10,000 dowry (the marriage didn’t last). None of this is particularly damning. Maryland’s prisons were notoriously lax at that time, and any enterprising convict would have followed Adnan’s path. In all other respects, Adnan was a model prisoner. 

Statements by Andrew Hammel from The Wrongful Exoneration of Adnan Syed Part I: A Straightforward Murder Case

In reality Andrew Hammel does not know exactly what the killer got up to behind bars in those 23 years.

And operating an illicit business and acquiring an illegal cell phone can hardly be referred to as model prisoner behaviour and means the killer did NOT have “23 years of excellent prison conduct”!

Plus there could have been other criminal behaviours that the public were not made aware of, so it’s disingenuous of Andrew Hammel to claim he had “23 years of excellent prison conduct”.

Innocence Fraud Watch Questioned Andrew Hammel On His Latter Statement From His Part II

Young Lee Was Hustled

There is no doubt that journalists and the media gave a lot of attention to Hae Min Lee’s killer and in turn his conviction(s) but journalists, the media and Hae Min Lee’s killer played no part in his “wrongful exoneration” as Andrew Hammel claimed.

In September 2022, the State of Maryland; Marilyn Mosby and her office which included Becky Feldman, moved to vacate the killers conviction(s).

And as stated here;

Two days after the State’s motion was filed, the Court apparently conducted an in-
Chambers “meeting” at which counsel for all parties were present and at which the motion was discussed.

Mr. Lee was not notified of this proceeding, had no opportunity to attend or to be heard
at the proceeding.

Source here

Lawyers Freed Hae Min Lee’s Killer NOT The Media Or The Murderers Countless False Claims

It was Marilyn Mosby who dropped the changes against Hae Min Lee’s killer, claiming in October 2022;

There is no appeal.

It’s moot.

The case is over

Marilyn Mosby (reported here)

And it was associate judge Melissa Phinn (a lawyer) who made the decision to ”wrongly exonerate” and release Hae Min Lee’s killer from custody.

Worth listening to Roberta Glass from the Roberta Glass True Crime Report on Hae Min Lee’s killer and also Roberta’s video on innocence fraud below;

PART 2 on Andrew Hammel & His II Part Quillette Article Headed “The Wrongful Exoneration of Adnan Syed” -Dropping Soon..

Hae Min Lee’s Killer’s Murder Conviction(s) Magically Disappears

Hae Min Lee

Roberta Glass @RobertaGlassPod Speaks To Martin Prieb @thewatch42 & Sean Fitzgerald @IamSean90 About #AdnanSyed’s & His Enablers #InnocenceFraud

Roberta Glass @RobertaGlassPod

Martin Preib Wrote & Published Burn Patterns, Crooked City & The Wagon and Other Stories from the City

Martin Preib is a Chicago writer and cop. His first book, The Wagon and Other Stories from the City, was published by the University of Chicago Press.

In 2006, he began investigating wrongful conviction cases in Chicago and determined that many of these exonerations were false. His work led to undermining the most influential wrongful conviction case in the state’s history, chronicled in his second book Crooked City.

In this, his second book about a Chicago murder case in which an offender walked out of death row, award-winning writer and police officer Martin Preib documents his journey from doubt to certainty that the offender in this case should not have been released from prison.

Preib’s earlier book, Crooked City, undermined the central so-called “wrongful conviction” case that was seminal in generating an industry in Illinois aimed at overturning convictions. Now Preib moves beyond that case to the Madison Hobley arson, meticulously unraveling, strand by strand, the convoluted tapestry of Chicago’s corruption that led to a 2003 pardon of Hobley by Illinois Governor George Ryan, allowing Hobley to walk free from the 1987 arson on Chicago’s South Side that left seven people dead, including his own wife and child

In this second collection of connected essays, Chicago cop Martin Preib takes on seemingly unrelated murder cases, all dating from one year, 1982, including some in which offenders were released as part of the wrongful conviction movement. 

This book shatters reader assumptions—about the workings of justice, the objectivity of the media, and the role of the police in the city of Chicago, even calling into question allegations of police torture in the notorious cases against Jon Burge.

Excerpts from the Crooked City Blog here