Killer Simon Hall: Shaun Hall: “It’s Family And It’s Personal”, Murder Confession’s, Bare Face Lies & “Controlling Nature” – Part 11©️ 

Shaun Hall older brother of Simon Hall

It is not known if killer Simon Hall admitted to his older brother Shaun Hall that he had murdered Joan Albert back in 2001/02, or at any time thereafter, but Shaun Hall’s behaviour was suspicious and many of the public statements he chose to make were extremely telling.

The most telling of all Shaun Hall’s statements were those he made to his brother in a letter he wrote and sent to Simon in prison several months after his suicide attempt.

The content of Shaun Hall’s letter hinted he had known all along of his brothers guilt to his murder.

Shaun Hall made three sworn witness statements to Suffolk police.

One 6 page statement on the 25th July 2002. Which was the day the police carried out a dawn raid at Hill House Road, in Ipswich, where Shaun Hall was living with his brother Simon and Simon’s girlfriend Phoebe Grant, then two further 1 page statements in August 2002.

The reason Shaun Hall was required to make further statements was because his bare faced lies in his first statement did not tally with the evidence given by the other Hall family members or that of his ex girlfriend Leigh Marshall.

Shaun Hall’s double binds must have set off alarm bells.

The opening 2 sentences of Shaun Hall’s first witness statement read;

I am the person stated above and I reside at the address shown overleaf together with Leigh Marshall and our fifteen month old son, X

I am presently in the process of moving out of that address to other accommodation which better suits our domestic needs.

Leigh will remain with X at the current address

Excerpts from Shaun Hall’s police witness statement dated 25th July 2002 (X = son of Shaun Hall & Leigh)

Phoebe Grant’s “Controlling Nature”

However on page 2 of the same statement, Shaun Hall stated;

In May 2002, due to domestic circumstances, I moved into my brothers and his girlfriends address at 25 Hill House Road, Ipswich.

Simons girlfriend is known to me as Phoebe Grant, although her first name is Hannah.

Whilst staying with them, I would pay for my keep in kind, paying for food and for some bills relating to the premises.

I remained there with them until about 18th July 2002 when I moved to my present address, following a reconciliation with Leigh, my girlfriend

I would describe my relationship with my brother Simon as being a typical brother – brother relationship.

However I recall being jealous of Simon when we were younger as he had more friends than me

I have never really ‘hung out’ with Simon or his friends, either when we were younger, or nowadays

There was only one key to 25 Hill House Road, Ipswich and I found it difficult living there with Simon and ‘Phoebe’ and there was a bit of friction between Phoebe, Simon and I, due to what I think is Phoebes controlling nature

Excerpts from Shaun Hall’s police witness statement dated 25th July 2002

Shaun Hall’s third police witness statement read;

I am the above named person living at the address detailed overleaf.

Further to my previous statement I wish to confirm that I have been at this address since mid July 2002, but also regularly staying at my girlfriend, Leigh Marshall’s flat in Lindbergh Road

Between the beginning of June 2002 and up to the date I purchased this flat in mid July, I stayed at my brother’s Simon Hall, house at 25 Hill House Road in Ipswich.

Prior to this I stayed at my parent’s address, at 8 Snowcroft in Capel St Mary, for just over a week, as Leigh and I had temporarily finished our relationship

Prior to the relationship breaking up, I lived with Leigh, our son X, and Leigh’s dad at *** Lindbergh Road, Ipswich, from around September 2000 until I moved out at the end of May 2002

Shaun Hall’s police witness statement dated 27th August 2002

On the 11th June 2002 Suffolk police carried out further searches of addresses and cars linked to Simon Hall, which Shaun Hall would have been aware of due to the fact he was living with his brother Simon, and Simon’s girlfriend Phoebe Grant at the time.

Shaun Hall’s first police witness statement detailed the previous girlfriends his brother Simon had had or lived with “since he left the family home in Capel St Mary”, as well as detailing the cars his brother had owned “since about June 2001”.

Shaun Hall stated;

When Simon was about eighteen (18) or nineteen years of age (19), he left the family home in Capel St Mary, and eventually lived at The YMCA, Norwich Road, Ipswich where he got into some trouble, which my parents and mother in particular, blames herself in part, in that she feels she let Simon down by not being there for him

Just like his adoptive parents (Lynne and Phil Hall) Shaun Hall also ghosted his brother Simon Hall’s girlfriend Stephanie Bon.

It is not known if conversations were had between Simon and Shaun Hall, and/or Lynne and Phil Hall, in relation to Simon’s jewellery but Simon Hall’s silver neck chain, which he was wearing at the time he committed his murder of Joan Albert, was seized by police on the day of his arrest.

The silver neck chain was screened for the presence of blood and none was found.

However, according to both Shaun and Simon Hall, they swapped bracelets after the police had carried out forensic searches on the 11th June 2002.

Shaun Hall stated;

About three weeks ago, I swapped a bracelet with Simon, for another similar one

The bracelet in question I would describe as being silver metal, of a ’chunky’ design

I have today (Thursday 25th July 2002) handed this bracelet to WPc 997 Wells of the Suffolk Constabulary which she has seized as Police Exhibit TW/25

Excerpts from Shaun Hall’s police witness statement dated 25th July 2002

Shaun Hall’s witness statement did not say why he chose to swap bracelets with his brother.

But given the fact Simon Hall was clearly under suspicion for murder by Suffolk police at this point, it’s not difficult to work out why this may have occurred.

It is not known if Simon or Shaun Hall initiated the idea of swapping bracelets.

Shaun Hall’s Bare Faced Lies

The most blatant of Shaun Hall lies to Suffolk police was during his 1st statement given on the 25th July 2002 in relation to the family Christmas meal.

Shaun Hall stated;

During the weekend of the 15th, 16th December 2001 I recall working overtime at my place of employment from about 8am – 1pm on Saturday 15th December 2001

I further recall having an argument with my girlfriend Leigh when I got home, in relation to a planned family visit to Lincolnshire the next day.

Leigh and X were due to travel with my parents, Simon and I for a family reunion with my mothers side of the family

However X was ill and Leigh was refusing to let him travel as a result of this

I was upset about this, as my mothers parents had not seen X before

I remained at home with Leigh and X for the rest of the day and overnight in to Sunday morning, 16th December 2001, when at about 9.30am my father collected me in his company car along with Simon

We three then returned to Capel St Mary to collect my mother, from where we then continued on to Lincolnshire

We all had lunch together with my maternal Grandparents, Raymond and Joyce *******, and my mothers brother Steve, and his wife and daughter, X and X *******.

There were about eight (8) other persons present whose names I cannot recall

After lunch (at a pub, the name of which I do not recall), we went on to my Grandparents’ home, where we remained until about 5pm

My parents Simon and I then travelled back to Suffolk, where they dropped me off at home at about 7.30pm

I recall later that evening, my mother telephoning me on 01473 ****** and telling me that Joan Albert – a friend of hers from Capel St Mary – had been found dead

Joan was known to my mother as a friend, who she would help out.

Joan lived close to my parents but I never met her nor visited her home

I do not recall anything unusual about Simon over that weekend, other than the usual, he had no money

Excerpts from Shaun Hall’s police witness statement dated 25th July 2002

Phil Hall had already told the police on the 20th December 2001, 4 days after his adoptive son Simon’s murder of Joan Albert, he had only been with one of his adopted sons that day.

Phil Hall stated;

On Sunday 16th December 2001, my wife, son, and myself went out for the day, we arrived home late evening.

I noticed the police ‘Closed’ sign along Boydlands and having listened to our answerphone messages discovered an incident had occurred with Mrs Albert

Excerpt from Phil Hall’s 20th December 2001 police witness statement

Shaun Hall’s on/off girlfriend Leigh Marshall also told police about a month after Shaun made his first police witness statement, that they had stayed at home to care for X, their 10 month old son.

Leigh stated;

Further to my previous statement I wish to add that on Saturday the 15th of December 2001, I believe I remained at my parents address of (redacted) with my young son X who had been quite ill and only released from hospital on the previous Thursday.

I can’t remember if my boyfriend Shaun Hall had been working that day, but in the evening he remained at the house with me and our son.

At this time we were both living with my dad

On 16th December 2001, we were all meant to be attending a large family meal but, due to X being ill, Shaun and I remained at home

Excerpt’s from Leigh Marshall’s police witness statement dated 27th August 2002

Not unlike Simon Hall’s then girlfriend Stephanie Bon, Lynne and Phil Hall also ghosted their grandchild X from their narrative of events surrounding the weekend of Simon’s murder of Joan Albert.

Lynne & Phil Hall Allegedly “Annoyed” Their Unwell Grandchild Didn’t Attend Family Gathering

Lynne and Phil Hall also made no mention to the police about Shaun and Leigh’s argument over not taking their 10 month old son X to the family Christmas meal, even though X had only been discharged from hospital on Thursday the 13th of December.

Shaun Hall also claimed in his 2nd police witness statement that he had allegedly asked his adoptive mother Lynne Hall to call him to let him know they were home safe.

Further to my original statement I wish to state that on Sunday the 16th of December 2001 I did not go, with my mum, dad and brother Simon to Stoke Rochford.

This is an annual event, where my mums side of the family meet up for a meal

Initially I thought I had attended, but remember that my young son X had been quite ill, so I had remained at home with him and my girlfriend.

My mum and dad were a bit annoyed as some of the family had not seen X

I cannot remember exactly what I did on the Sunday, but think I remained at the house with X and my girlfriend.

I can confirm that I did receive a phone call from my mum around 9.30pm Sunday night.

Originally I had asked her to call me, so I knew they were home safe but this is when she told me that Joan was dead

Shaun Hall’s 6th August 2002 police witness statement

Suffolk police call reports show no records of Lynne Hall telephoning Shaun Hall on Sunday the 16th December 2001.

Link to Part 11a here

Killer Simon Hall: The Zenith Windows Burglary ‘Secret’, Jamie Barker, John Curtis & The Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC) – Part 10b©️ 

Jamie Barker

Jamie Barker

Simon Hall wrote about his and Jamie Barker’s burglary of Zenith Windows in Ipswich, which they carried out after Simon had left a message on his adoptive parents Lynne and Phil Hall’s answer phone at 5.01am.

A list of telephone calls made by Simon Hall can be read at Part 9a by tapping on the button below;

Simon Hall stated in his 28th January 2013 blog;

I left a message on my parents answer phone at 5.01am, to say don’t worry I will be back in time for the journey to Grantham for our Christmas dinner with the extended family

Excerpt from Simon Hall’s blog 28th January 2013 blog

Link to full blog below;

It is not known if Simon Hall had argued with one or both of his adoptive parents about their decision to not allow his girlfriend Stephanie Bon to attend the family Christmas meal on Sunday the 16th of December.

And it is not known whether or not Simon had told one, or both of his adoptive parents he would not be attending the Christmas meal in Lincolnshire.

But in his Proof of evidence statement Simon Hall stated in relation to his sleeping arrangements on that night/morning;

I am starting to wonder where I am going to stay for the night

Excerpt from page 8 of Simon Hall’s Proof of evidence statement

It is also not known if the reason Stephanie Bon claimed in February 2013 (See Part 10a) that Simon Hall had “disappeared” that weekend, was because he had originally planned to stay at her house and/or because they had argued over Stephanie Bon apparently not being allowed to attend the Hall family Christmas meal.

Sleeping Arrangements

But during his police interviews following his arrest, Simon Hall told Suffolk police he wanted to get out of his adoptive parents house “as soon as possible” that evening.

The following is an extract from Simon’s 1st record of interview from the 26th of July 2002 (Page 15);

  • Dc 461 Just a couple of things Simon. I remember in the first interview you said that when you got ready to go out we asked you, I think, you know, are you or when were you going out, and you said as soon as possible
  • SJH Hmm
  • Dc 461 What did you mean by that?
  • SJH Being at home is all well and good
  • Dc 461 Right
  • SJH Erm but, It’s a very unusual atmosphere

And in his 2nd interview on that day referring to sleeping arrangements, Simon Hall stated;

I was going to hint to Jamie to see if I could stay at his gaff

Statement of Simon Hall from page 33 of 2nd Record of interview dated 26th July 2002

Although Jamie Barker did choose to speak out publicly following Simon Hall’s February 2003 trial, Jamie Barker has not spoken publicly about his burglary of his previous employers.

The media reported on the Zenith windows burglary revelation two days after Simon Hall’s blog was published.

A Suffolk police spokesperson was reported to have stated;

[We] can confirm a burglary was reported at a property in St Helens Street overnight between 15 and 16 December 2001. 

This incident was considered at the time by the team investigating the murder, but no link was found

Suffolk Police will liaise with CCRC in relation to Mr Hall’s claims

Excerpts from BBC article headed Joan Albert murder: Simon Hall’s Ipswich burglary claim dated 30th January 2013

And the CCRC (criminal cases review commission) reportedly stated;

The commission is aware of the new information that has come to light and it will be considered in our ongoing investigation into Mr Hall’s case

BBC news article dated the 30th January 2013

The CCRC were due to meet with Simon Hall sooner than they eventually did but Simon Hall attempted suicide sometime on Sunday the 24th February 2013 and was admitted to Ipswich hospital in the early hours of Monday the 25th of February.

Simon Hall’s suicide attempt was not linked to the side effects of Zyban, as was reported to and by the media, and was instead down to the fact his mask finally came off and his guilt to his murder of Joan Albert was being exposed.

John Curtis & The Criminal Cases Review Commission

However, after 4 days in hospital Simon Hall was returned back to HMP Hollesley Bay open prison and he made arrangements to meet with the CCRC.

John Curtis ~ Case review manager at the criminal cases review commission

Below is a transcript of John Curtis’s letter;

Dear Mr Hall,

Thank you for your letter of 16 March 2013 and your consent for the Commission to obtain your medical records.

Thank you also for agreeing to meet with us on Thursday 4 April. 

The meeting will be with Mrs Celia Sophal and Mr Charles Moffat. 

As previously mentioned both are members of Commission staff and neither has any direct involvement in your case previously (although both have now been briefed for the purposes of the interview). 

They will aim to be at Hollesley Bay with a view to starting the interview at 11:00 am. 

We have been in touch with Mr Garner as Head of Residence and understand that a room is being made available. 

We also understand that lunch is at midday so depending on how much is covered by then, there may be some further matters to discuss in the afternoon.

We note also your comments about mentioning events to the duty nurse following the trial and will certainly keep this in mind when reviewing the documents.

Once you have met with my colleagues and they have reported back, we will decide how best to proceed with the review.

Thank you again for the prompt response

On the 4th April 2013 Celia Sohpal a solicitor and case review manager and Charles Moffat a retired police detective superintendent, working as an investigations adviser for the CCRC, met with Simon Hall at HMP Hollesley Bay.

Following the meeting, John Curtis sent a brief letter and “typed summary” to Simon Hall.

The typed summary can be read in full here.

Below is a transcript of John Curtis’s letter;

Dear Mr Hall,

Further to your meeting with Charles and Celia, I enclose a typed summary of the discussion held on 4 April 2013.

I also include a pre-paid envelope for any further comments you may have.

As I have indicated to Stephanie, we aim to write with an update on the review towards the end of next week together with information concerning the timescales (26 April 2013).

I hope that you feel the enclosed summary fairly represents your account but please let us know if there are any matters arising from it.

Transcript of letter from John Curtis to Simon Hall dated 19th April 2013

Jamie Barker’s Idea To Commit Zenith Windows Burglary (?)

Simon Hall indicated to the CCRC it was Jamie Barker’s idea to burgle his previous place of employment, as can be seen in the following extracts;

  • Celia Sophal: Whose idea was it?
  • Simon Hall: I am 99% sure that Jamie opened the window of Zenith Windows. I wouldn’t do that sort of thing. Nor him; but he had knowledge. I don’t know what made him do it. We weren’t thinking straight. We had been drinking since 7.30 the night before
  • Celia Sophal: Did either of you say anything?
  • Simon Hall: I remember Jamie complaining about Zenith Windows, saying he had worked there. He called the bosses ’wankers’. That could have been the inspiration
  • Celia Sophal: Do you remember what the window opened into?
  • Simon Hall: The window we went in by was to a telesales office. It was the main room as you go into Zenith Windows off the street
  • Celia Sophal: Who did what?
  • Simon Hall: I think we kind of split up inside the office and had a look around, looking in drawers and that
  • Celia Sophal: Independently?
  • Simon Hall: Yes there was no chit chat. We just grabbed and picked thing’s up in there independently
  • Celia Sophal: Do you remember the locker?
  • Simon Hall: It was about a metre tall. I remember shaking the locker and thinking there was something in it. It was locked away so I thought it could be something good
  • Celia Sophal: What happened to the locker?
  • Simon Hall: We went to the Woolpack. After this I put everything (all 4 CD players and the locker) in the back of my car. Jamie had none of it. I parked up my car. We had a family meal on the Sunday and I don’t think I took the stuff out until Monday. I had been to work to ask for time off to look after my Mom because she was in bed poorly; upset (about the murder). I took it out of the car and went to the garage for tools to open the locker. To my surprise, when I got it open there was nothing in it, just a bit of metal inside doing all the banging. It was just a grey locker with nothing distinctive on it
  • Celia Sophal: How long were you in Zenith Windows again?
  • Simon Hall: We were only in Zenith Windows for 10 minutes at the most
  • Celia Sophal: Had you been in Zenith Windows before?
  • Simon Hall: No. Jamie worked there. I didn’t have any other connection with Zenith Windows (apart from Jamie). I had no reason to go there. My girlfriend Phoebe worked at Zenith at some stage but I’m not sure when that was. I had no reason to go there
  • Celia Sophal: Had you done anything like that before?
  • Simon Hall: Not me. I had no need to do it. I had previous for fighting, not theft
  • Celia Sophal: How did you feel when you were in there?
  • Simon Hall: I remember it was a little bit exciting when we went into Zenith. It was scary at times as well. Like when you know you are doing something wrong. I don’t remember any conversation with Jamie about it. I had never done anything like that before
  • Celia Sophal: What happened to the locker?
  • Simon Hall: I disposed of the locker in a skip in the works car park – State Chemicals. I threw the pieces of the locker in there
  • Celia Sophal: And the CD players?
  • Simon Hall: I offered the CD players to Stephanie Bon and her brother
  • Celia Sophal: What did they say?
  • Simon Hall: They wanted to know where they came from. I’m not sure what I said; probably said that they fell off the back of a lorry. They took the CD players
  • Celia Sophal: Did they pay for them?
  • Simon Hall: No. I gave them to them. I didn’t want or need them and they didn’t give me any money
  • Celia Sophal: In the timeline what time did you leave the Old Rep?
  • Simon Hall: 4.10. I know times. I’m always conscious of time. I don’t remember if I looked at my watch but there is a clock by the fruit machines in the Old Rep
  • Celia Sophal: So you leave the Old Rep at 4.10. What happens till 5.01?
  • Simon Hall: We were just wandering around-ambling
  • Celia Sophal: Are you happy with the time of 5.01 for the phone call?
  • Simon Hall: Yes it makes sense to me. I had an arrangement with my Mom that I would phone and leave a message however late it was so she would know where I was
  • Celia Sophal: So you’re on the bench a bit longer. Show me how it works (on the map)
  • Simon Hall: Zenith is right by Majors Corner. It was just me & Jamie. We were milling around
  • Celia Sophal: 10 minutes inside Zenith but you just wandered around picking things up at random?
  • Simon Hall: If there was anything in the desk drawers I looked in I would have taken it. I thought the locker might be a cash box
  • Celia Sophal: Any further discussions about stealing?
  • Simon Hall: I don’t remember anything like let’s look for this or that. I just thought there could be something worth taking
  • Celia Sophal: You didn’t find cash?
  • Simon Hall: No
  • Celia Sophal: Did you have a locker each?
  • Simon Hall: I only remember 1 locker. We each had 2 CD players. When we went back to the Woolpack the gate to the car park at the back was shut. I hid the CD players and locker round the side of the pub so Scott (the landlord) wouldn’t see them. This was at about 6. Scott was angry when he came down to us. I think I remember him saying ”what are you doing? It’s 6 o’clock”
  • Celia Sophal: This timeline is important so we are trying to get it accurate. Was Scott asked about this?
  • Simon Hall: Yes he said it was between 5 & 6
  • Celia Sophal: Anything you can think of to help prove these events?
  • Simon Hall: Not sure. The timing is confusing. I know the account at trial is wrong. It was not 6.28 till I sat down with Mom
  • Celia Sophal: The 5-6 window?
  • Simon Hall: I don’t believe so. I got the car and drove to Jamie’s house. Takes 5 minutes then I headed home. Then it was 20 minutes to go home from Jamie’s. When Mom got up she said it was 6 by the clock and the video which is set by radio frequency. She went downstairs and put the kettle on to boil. When it boiled I was back. I think I was home at 6.10 going by my Mom’s clock. The clock and the video were showing the same time. I’m not sure about the time I was going to bed not the time I got home. I got sucked into the 6.28 thing. I thought it must be right. I didn’t tell my lawyers anything other than the time on the microwave could have been wrong
  • Celia Sophal: So what promoted you to tell us about the burglary now?
  • Simon Hall: Stephanie prompted me to tell about the burglary. She was angry with me for not telling her till last November. I said the burglary and the murder weren’t linked. She said you must tell someone
  • Celia Sophal: Have you ever discussed this with your legal representatives at trial, at your appeal or the members of the Innocence project who helped ypu?
  • Simon Hall: I didn’t tell my legal representatives about the burglary. I have not told anyone in the legal team at any stage
  • Celia Sophal: Have you told anyone?
  • Simon Hall: The only people I told was when I was on a visit with Mom Dad and Phoebe – and it might have been Shaun. I can’t remember what I said but told them we went into Zenith and took a few things. Mom was upset. We all agreed it wouldn’t help to tell anyone. I thought anything that happened before 5.30 wouldn’t help or influence things. I had put this to the back of my mind. I had kind of forgotten about it. It had gone. I’m only raising it now because Steph said it could help

Below is a copy of Simon Hall’s reply to John Curtis’s letter and typed summary;

Simon Hall had already told Suffolk police during his 1st interview on the 26th July 2002 (Page 18) that his watch was broken.

Following Simon Hall’s suicide in 2014, a letter from his adoptive mother Lynne Hall was discovered.

Lynne Hall had sent Simon the letter in October 2009, after learning the CCRC were referring his murder conviction back to the court of appeal.

Lynne Hall’s letter read in part;

I’m carrying on reading through all the statements here again as we can’t rest on our laurels yet & questions still keep coming that need answering & I have to jog my memory 8 years down the line, brain not as young as it was! Ha!

Last question was about The Police & The Investigation into other crimes in area that could have been related

Excerpt from Lynne Hall’s letter to Simon Hall, following the CCRC’s public announcement they were referring his murder conviction to the court of appeal, dated October 2009
Copy of part of letter from Lynne Hall’s letter to her adoptive son Simon Hall dated October 2009

Lynne Hall’s statement regarding “The Police & The Investigation into other crimes in the area that could have been related’ was clearly about her knowledge of the Zenith Windows burglary.

Link to Part 11 here

Killer Simon Hall: When The Mask Begins To Slip, The Zenith Windows Burglary ‘Secret’, Scott Lomax, David McCorkle & Inside Doubt – Part 10a©️ 

Simon Hall’s mask began to slip following the Zenith Windows burglary revelation and his guilt to his murder of Joan Albert, along with the lies and concoctions of those closest to him at the time he chose to commit murder, began to be exposed.

Simon Hall was transferred to an open prison just under a month after his lies about his movements in the early morning hours of Sunday the 16th December 2001 were made known to Stephanie (Hall).

Prior to his trial in February 2003 a forensic psychologist collated a pre-sentence report and concluded Simon Hall presented with a dissocial personality disorder.

But by early 2008 Simon duped another forensic psychologist into disagreeing with the original psychologists findings.

Then by early 2008 the original findings were seemingly all but cancelled out, with Simon Hall no longer having a personality disorder or any mental health issues.

This new clean bill of mental health aided Simon Hall to fabricate a Guittard application, assisted by a willing prison solicitor called David McCorkle.

Not long before the Zenith Windows burglary revelation, Simon Hall had applied for a downgrade in his prison status and an early move to open prison conditions, by-passing the parole board in the process.

Prison solicitor David McCorkle aided Simon Hall’s deception in completing the Guittard application, which Simon’s then wife had strongly objected to at the time.

David McCorkle and Simon Hall had indicated in their Guittard application, which was subsequently signed off by a representative for the then secretary of state for justice, that Simon had the support of his family.

But in reality Simon Hall had not seen his adoptive parents Lynne and Phil Hall and older brother Shaun Hall for several years by this point. And none of them had been supportive during this time.

The successful but deceptive Guittard application allowed Simon Hall to be downgraded to a D-category status prisoner on the 1st of November 2012, 4 days before his then wife Stephanie (Hall) learned he and others had lied about the Zenith Windows burglary.

Simon Hall moved to an open prison on the 30th of November 2012, which was quicker than most other lifer prisoners, in part because the prison he was moving from, HMP Kingston was closing down.

Simon Hall’s prison move took 4 days due to there being no spaces available at HMP Hollesley Bay open prison until the 3rd of December 2012, so Simon was required to spend a couple of nights in HMP Chelmsford in between the move.

Simon Hall had originally received a life sentence for his murder of Joan Albert, which was eventually calculated to work out at 13 years, minus time spent on remand.

Although the 2011 Court of Appeal judgment also wrongly stated;

The appellant was sentenced to a term of life imprisonment and ordered to serve a minimum period of 16 years

 [2011] EWCA Crim 4

Had Simon Hall been rightly convicted for the crimes he actually committed ie; a sexually motivated murder, it is likely his starting sentence would have been set at a minimum of 20 years or more.

Throughout the time the Hall family (Lynne, Phil and Shaun) and Stephanie Bon had publicly campaigned on Simon Hall’s behalf they all claimed Simon Hall had never committed a burglary before.

Scott Lomax who refers to himself as a “campaigner and true crime author”, and who also promoted other guilty killers innocence fraud, wrote and published a blog on Simon Hall’s false protestations of innocence stating;

Why would someone with no history of burglary suddenly decide to take a detour on his way home to commit a burglary or murder? 

Excerpt from Scott Lomax’s public blog reproduced here
Scott Lomax

It is not known who Scott Lomax’s source was for this false claim.

However following the publication of a blog on the 28th January 2013 written by Simon Hall, in which he gave his first public explanation for why he chose to not tell Suffolk police about the burglary, an orchestrated, malicious and ferocious smear campaign focused on Simon Hall’s then wife, intensified.

The two main protagonists of this smear campaign were Simon Hall’s older brother Shaun Hall and Stephanie Bon, who were by this point boyfriend and girlfriend.

Shaun Hall and Stephanie Bon made numerous statements on internet forums, websites and social media.

It was through their numerous statements where Simon Hall’s, the Hall family and Stephanie Bon’s lies and concoctions were exposed and the truth began to surface.

Stephanie Bon

Following the publication of Simon Hall’s blog on his and Jamie Barker’s burglary of Zenith Windows, Simon’s brother Shaun Hall made the following public statement aimed at Stephanie (Hall), in relation to Shaun’s deceptive girlfriend Stephanie Bon;

She’s just going to put her side to your story finally…

Just remember, it’s YOUR show, YOU made this happen because YOU love the attention so now you have attention from people who actually know what goes on behind closed doors.

Public statement by Shaun Hall made on the 28th January 2013
Shaun Hall

Shaun Hall also stated in relation to his girlfriend Stephanie (Steph/Steffie) Bon;

 I did indeed speak to Steph yesterday and she’s putting something together just for you so keep checking 

Statement made by Shaun Hall dated the 28th January 2013

Shaun Hall was referring to public statements Stephanie Bon was putting together to publish on her now defunct website called Inside Doubt;

Screen grab of Stephanie Bon’s ‘Inside Doubt’ website

some of which read as follows;

My only interest in Simon’s case is and always has been to see justice be done for Mrs Albert

I feel that malicious gossip and bad press did not help Simon when he was first arrested and to replicate it on a website to help free him just doesn’t make sense to me

It is a shame that J4S had to be taken down as it had a lot of supportive messages from people to Simon as well as a lot of good press showing support and progress and also the turnaround of people’s opinion back then, despite the allegations made by mrs h, it did help Simon and brought attention to his case

I am disappointed that Simon didn’t feel he could share his latest revelation with me at the time I started J4S or during my work campaigning as I would definitely have advised him to seek the best advise and own up to the appropriate people as opposed to being speculated and gossiped about until it got leaked on a public forum

Despite mrs h’s allegations, Simon did not disclose this information to me as he well knows

Some of the public statements made by Stephanie Bon in February 2013

When Stephanie Bon was interviewed by Suffolk police in September 2002, she chose to make no mention of the stolen CD players Simon Hall had taken to her house

Screen grab – Dated 4th February 2013

but in a private message (PM) to Stephanie (Hall), after her public statements where she claimed she did not know of the burglary revelations, Stephanie Bon stated;

If you ask your husband, he will tell you that he brought 2 cd players to my house when we were going out after he had disappeared for a weekend and noone knew where he was.

He’d been nicked for the night but this was way before Joan was murdered, nothing to do with the case, so do you want to add another robbing to the list?

maybe he’s lying to you?

My brother was there and other people saw them, I went mental and threw them out!

You stupid cow, are you going to announce another fuck up of his publicly?

Shall i?

unlike you, its not Simon i want to damage, its you! (sic)

Message from Stephanie Bon dated 4th February 2013

The weekend Stephanie Bon was referring to, where she claimed Simon Hall had “disappeared” and had “been nicked for the night” was the weekend of the 15th and 16th December 2001.

The same weekend Simon Hall had chosen to murder Joan Albert and the same weekend he had travelled to Lincolnshire with his adoptive parents Lynne and Phil Hall for a family Christmas meal a few hours after he had committed his murder.

Stephanie Bon’s brother Olivier Bon also made no mention to Suffolk police about “being there” when Simon Hall had taken the stolen Zenith Windows CD players to his sister Stephanie’s house in Colchester (the night after his murder of Joan Albert) and Olivier Bon also made no mention about his sister Stephanie Bon going “mental” on that night.

Link to Part 10b here

Killer Simon Hall: The Zenith Windows Burglary ’Secret’- Part 10©️

In the early hours of the Sunday morning, before committing his murder, Simon Hall and his work colleague Jamie Barker had carried out a burglary at a company called Zenith Windows.

Zenith Windows was located at 19 St Helen’s Street in Ipswich and was not far from where Simon Hall had parked his car on the previous night.

Jamie Barker
Phoebe Grant – Photograph courtesy of Sarah Grant

Zenith Windows was also Jamie Barker and Phoebe Grant’s previous place of employment.

Suffolk police were aware of the Zenith Windows burglary in Ipswich town centre, but seemingly it was not until after they learned Simon Hall and Jamie Barker had walked past Zenith Windows, on theirway back to collect Simon’s car, that police suspected Simon and Jamie could have been responsible for the burglary.

A note contained within an Operation Magdala forensic science service (FSS) report form stated;

The third item submitted are tapings from a burglary that occurred in Ipswich town centre, in the area walked by the defendant and an associate on the night of the offence

A further note, on the same FSS form stated;

The third item should again be screened for the same fibres, together with the green/grey fibres also of interest.

This is to establish the potential involvement of the defendant in this crime, and hence establish a possible motive for the offence at 15 Boydlands

A scenes of crime report linked to the fibre tapings of the Zenith Windows burglary, dated the 5th August 2002, can be viewed by tapping on the link below;

Jamie Barker and Simon Hall stole several items from Zenith Windows, including CD players and a “microwave oven” sized locker, which according to Lynne Hall apparently ended up in her garden at 8 Snowcroft, Capel St Mary.

And according to Simon Hall, Lynne Hall apparently told her adoptive son Simon to “get rid of it”.

The microwave size description were the words used by Lynne Hall when she finally disclosed to Simon Hall’s then wife Stephanie (Hall), on the 5th November 2012, what the stolen locker had looked like.

Simon Hall’s admission to the Zenith Windows burglary came about after news of the burglary was leaked by a previous girlfriend of Shaun Hall, Simon’s older brother.

Sarah, an ex girlfriend of Shaun Hall, had apparently bumped into a woman called Karen outside of the Co-op food store in Capel St Mary in November 2012.

Karen, who also lived in the village of Capel St Mary, and who had been following and supporting Simon Hall’s innocence fraud campaign (As it turned out to be) contacted Simon Hall’s then wife Stephanie (Hall) and asked her what she knew about a “safe”.

Stephanie (Hall) had no idea what Karen was referring to and when Karen told her about the Zenith Windows burglary she was shocked by this revelation.

After breaking into Zenith Windows, Simon Hall and Jamie Barker had apparently carried the stolen items back to Simon’s car, which was parked up in the car park of the nearby Woolpack public house run by Scott Doughty.

Simon Hall claimed the stolen goods were then put into the boot of his car before he dropped Jamie Barker home in Ipswich and drove back to Capel St Mary, where he went on to commit his murder of Joan Albert.

Karen went on to tell Stephanie (Hall) how Lynne Hall had apparently told Sarah (An ex girlfriend of Shaun Hall’s) words to the effect of;

Simon could not have murdered Joan Albert because at the time he was committing a burglary in Ipswich

Simon Hall claimed that he and Jamie Barker had gained access to the Zenith windows premises through a “sash window”.

After learning Simon Hall (and many others) had lied to her about the Zenith Windows burglary Stephanie (Hall) questioned what else Simon Hall (and all these other people) had lied about and also questioned could Simon Hall have been responsible for murdering Joan Albert.

Following the Zenith Windows burglary revelation in November 2012 more revelations would follow.

At the time of the Zenith Windows burglary revelation, Simon Hall had already sacked his solicitor Correna Platt and was instead being represented by Michael Naughton of Bristol University.

Gabe Tan and Michael Naughton. Photograph courtesy of Jim Naughton for the Observer

As soon as she learned about the Zenith Windows burglary, Stephanie (Hall) notified Michael Naughton and Gabe Tan.

Gabe Tan was then the executive director of the Innocence Network UK (INUK) and the University of Bristol Innocence Project, working alongside Michael Naughton.

Stephanie (Hall) telephoned and emailed Michael Naughton and Gabe Tan on the 5th November 2012.

Stephanie (Hall) had already telephoned Lynne Hall to ask her what she knew about the Zenith Windows burglary and asked her why she, and Simon Hall (And others) had not told the police about this during their investigation into the murder of Joan Albert.

Lynne Hall had initially said to Stephanie (Hall) if she told anyone about the burglary Lynne Hall would call Stephanie “a liar”.

It was during this initial telephone conversation when Lynne Hall also told Stephanie (Hall) that she had seen the microwave size locker in her garden on the morning of Sunday the 16th December 2001 and had apparently asked her adoptive son Simon what it was.

Lynne Hall also stated she had told Simon to “get rid” of the stolen locker as she had apparently said she “did not want it in her garden”, which Simon claimed he did on Monday the 17th December 2001.

It was at this time killer Simon Hall also disposed of the clothing, shoes and leather jacket he had been wearing when he committed his murder of Joan Albert.

Gabe Tan sent Stephanie (Hall) an email on the 16th November 2012, and copied in Michael Naughton.

Gabe Tan stated in response to the Zenith Windows burglary admission;

In light of this new revelation, we feel that it is all the more important to get a first hand account from Simon himself

Excerpt from Gabe Tan’s email dated 16th November 2012

Gabe Tan also stated in her email to Stephanie (Hall);

I’ve attached the letter that we have sent him today.

For the time being, we will continue with what we are doing in relation to the fibres and will re-consider our approach to his case when we obtain a full account from him

Please can you NOT notify the CCRC about this for the time being as we feel that it might have a negative impact on their review

Excerpt from Gabe Tan’s email dated 16th November 2012

Excerpts from Michael Naughton and Gabe Tan’s letter to Simon Hall read;

In addition, please provide us with the following information:

What was in the locker you and Jamie had stolen?

When did you dispose of it and how?

Did you speak to Jamie about this since the 16th December and since your arrest and conviction?

What did you and Jamie do after you had stolen the locker?

What time did you drop Jamie off on 16th December?

Have you told any one else about this break in? If so, please tell us who you have told and when you have told them

Why did you not disclose this at the time of your arrest and since your conviction?

We look forward to hearing from you in due course

Excerpts from Gabe Tan & Michael Naughton’s letter to Simon Hall dated November 2012

At the time of the November 2012 Zenith Windows burglary revelation, the criminal cases review commission (CCRC) were reviewing Simon Hall’s murder conviction for a second time.

In their 19th December 2012 letter addressed to Michael Naughton, a CCRC commissioner called Julie Goulding stated;

In general terms, we can inform you that one piece of further work will relate to the chemometric analysis of the fibres.

Although it appears this technique has not been used in relation to fibre evidence in British courts, some of the British experts we have consulted believe that it may be possible to take this forward.

In doing so, we will have to be mindful of the issue set out in our letter dated 23rd November 2012

We will continue to consider the input from the American experts that you have mentioned but if your own research on this (or any other) matter has yielded any further information you feel may be relevant, please do let John Curtis know so that we can take account of that

Excerpt from Julie Goulding’s letter to Michael Naughton dated 19th December 2012

Link to Part 10a here

Killer Simon Hall: The “Affair”, Ghosting & Reinvention of Stephanie Bon & Observations Of Behaviour – Part 9b©️ 

Observations Of Simon Hall’s Behaviour

Stephanie Bon’s observations of Simon Hall’s behaviour appeared to be in stark contrast to Simon’s adoptive mother Lynne Hall.

Stephanie Bon stated to the police;

Simon was very close to his mum, and I think he was quite worried about how she would cope, as I believe she was on anti depressants prior to the murder.

He talked about the incident, but mainly about concern for his mum

We began to visit his parents quite regularly, taking over flowers and chocolates and checking up on his mum.

Simon was quite emotional person (sic) and seemed upset by the incident, which I would expect him to be

I didn’t notice any dramatic change in Simon after the murder.

He was obviously upset, shocked and concerned for his mother but this did not seem out of the ordinary.

He was still himself and there wasn’t any clothing that he suddenly stopped wearing.

In fairness he did not have much clothing after Zoe had refused to give it back.

Despite his lack of clothing, Simon was always well dressed and smartly turned out, wearing suits at work and usually jeans and nice shirts out of work

In January 2002, the company ’State Industrial Products’ started to struggle.

They ended up making a large number of people redundant including Simon and my bother (sic) Olivier.

I remained with the company until the end of February 2002, when I was also made redundant and the company went into liquidation

Following our redundancies Simon and my relationship began to fizzell out.

We did not see each other regularly and began to lose contact.

There were no hard feelings, as I think we both realised it was not working out.

Simon was not ready to settle down completely and I understood that.

He gradually collected all his belongings and we did not really have any more contact

I do remember I passed my driving test in May 2002 the first person I called was Simon, as he had taught me to drive. We had a short chat and got on fine

I thoroughly enjoyed my relationship with Simon.

We laughed and got on well.

I just think he was not ready at that time to settle down. Maybe if we had met five or ten years down the line, things would have been different

I think it was the end of 2001, Simon spoke to me about doing a parachute jump, myself,

Simon and a couple of colleagues from State Industrial Products agreed to take part.

It was a charity event and we had to raise a certain amount, before we could do the jump. Simon had decided he wanted to jump in favour of a girl who had died whilst they were at school together.

I cannot remember the charity, but unfortunately we did not raise enough money to participate.

Along with the company going into Liquidation, I think it all got forgotten about

Following the break up of our relationship Simon did collect all his belongings.

The only item I still have is a blue and white long sleeved work shirt

During our relationship I never met the victim Joan, nor visited her house

Excerpts from final part of Stephanie Bon’s police witness statement dated 4th September 2002

It is not clear when exactly Simon Hall collected all his belongings from Stephanie Bon’s house in Colchester and if this happened when Simon had told Stephanie she could not attend the Hall family Christmas meal.

But by the time of Simon Hall’s February 2003 trial, the relationship between Simon Hall and Stephanie Bon had been reduced to them only ever being just “friends” as opposed to being “an item” ie; boyfriend and girlfriend, which Stephanie Bon and Simon Hall had initially said they were.

An excerpt from page 36 of the Judges summing up read;

Between the end of Zoe, bonfire nightish 2001, and Christmas he did not sleep exclusively at Snowcroft, he split his time between that and the home of a friend, Stephanie Bonn (Sic), but by December 2001 his clothes would be predominantly at Snowcroft rather than at her home

It is also not known when Stephanie Bon chose to decide to go along with the lie about her relationship with Simon Hall.

But Stephanie Bon also chose to claim publicly that her and Simon Hall were just “close friends” around the time Simon Hall murdered Joan Albert, as is evidenced by a 16th April 2007 article in the Colchester Gazette reported under the headline Stephanie fights to clear friends name;

A woman campaigning to clear a convicted killer’s name spoke of her battle to end what she claims is a huge miscarriage of justice.

Stephanie Bon became close friends with Simon Hall when they worked at a chemical company in Colchester’s East Hill.

He even taught her to drive, but they lost touch when the firm closed down.

Then, Hall was charged with the murder of pensioner Joan Albert at her home in Capel St Mary.

Stephanie attended the murder trial with Hall’s family, confident he would be cleared.

When the guilty verdict came in, we were absolutely devastated,” she said.

“It was like the floor opening up under you.

“I was the first person to speak to him after he was convicted. He was absolutely distraught.

“I said we’ll just have to fight. You can’t give up’.”

Stephanie’s brother designed the Justice4Simon website, which argued Hall’s case and started to attract media attention.

The campaign brought her into contact with other miscarriage of justice cases, including members of the Birmingham Six.

MPs – including Colchester’s Bob Russell – have also backed the campaign Hall is serving a life sentence in Swaleside Prison on the Isle of Sheppey. He refuses rehabilitation courses because he insists he is innocent.

But, denying guilt could delay any chance of parole.

On the outside, efforts continue to clear his name. He was featured on the BBC’s Rough Justice programme last week.

Excerpts by Chris Wilkin for Colchester Gazette article headed Stephanie fights to clear friends name dated 16th April 2007

The lie about Stephanie Bon and Simon Hall’s relationship was repeated in an October 2009 article, following the Criminal Cases Review Commission referral;

Stephanie Bon, from Colchester, who launched the Justice for Simon Campaign with Simon’s mum Lynne, who now runs it, still believes he is innocent.

She became close friends with Hall when they work-ed (Sic) at a chemical company in East Hill, Colchester

Colchester Gazette 18th October 2009

Throughout Stephanie Bon’s public relations innocence fraud spin campaign on behalf of Simon Hall, Stephanie Bon not only chose to lie about her relationship with Simon prior to and following his murder of Joan Albert.

Stephanie Bon also chose to utilise a plethora of diversionary tactics and deceptions to cover up and obscure the truth, not dissimilar to Simon Hall and all the Hall family members.

Around the time Simon Hall’s then wife Stephanie (Hall) learned Simon Hall, and others, including Stephanie Bon, had lied to her, Suffolk police and the public about the Zenith windows burglary, Stephanie Bon was said to be living with Simon Hall’s older brother Shaun Hall and engaged to be married to him.

Link Part 10 here

Killer Simon Hall: The “Affair”, Ghosting & Reinvention of Girlfriend Stephanie Bon, The Key To Snowcroft & The Bonfire Night Incident – Part 9©️

Covering Up For A Killer

Five months after Joan Albert’s murder, detective superintendent(DS) Roy Lambert made the following public statements;

Someone in Capel is withholding information, maybe deliberately.

Capel St Mary is where the final piece of the jigsaw lies

We are using every tool available to us to find the killer in this brutal murder

DS Roy Lambert via the Evening star article headed OAP’s killer being shielded say police dated 12th May 2002

But it was not just someone in Capel St Mary who withheld information deliberately from the police.

There were numerous other people in Capel St Mary, Ipswich and Colchester, which included Lynne, Phil and Shaun Hall, Jamie Barker and Stephanie Bon (At the very least).

All of whom were willing to obscure the truth to protect killer Simon Hall and protect their own reputations.

Stephanie Bon believed her and Simon Hall had become “an item” by ’October 2001’, whilst he was still in a relationship with Zoe.

Stephanie Bon stated to police;

Around October 2001, Simon and I became an item.

He used to stay at my house in Colchester, regularly, as it was so much more convenient for work.

Over time he left various items at my house

After a few weeks of being together, Simon introduced me to his parents Lynn and Phil.

Lynn was really friendly, and it was obvious she thought highly of Simon.

Phil always chatted to me too, I think they saw something quite serious in me and we all got on so well

Excerpts from Stephanie Bon’s police witness statement dated 4th September 2002

No Mention Of Girlfriend Stephanie Bon

Lynne, Phil and Shaun Hall were each asked by Suffolk police about previous relationships Simon Hall had had.

But all three of them chose to lie and omit Stephanie Bon from their evidence.

There was not a single mention of Stephanie Bon’s name in any of their police witness statements.

It was as though Stephanie Bon did not exist.

Two days after Joan Albert’s murder, Lynne Hall made her first sworn police witness statement.

Lynne was the first member of the Hall family to make a statement, she told police;

I live at an address which is known to police along with my husband Philip and son Simon

First sentence taken from Lynne Hall’s police witness statement dated 18th December 2001

Phil Hall was the next member of the Hall family to make a statement, and not unlike his wife Lynne, Phil told police;

I am the above named person and I live at my home address with my wife, Rosemary Lyn Hall, and my son, Simon Hall

First sentence from Phil Hall’s police witness statement dated 20th December 2001

But on the day of his adoptive son Simon Hall’s arrest, Phil Hall had changed his tune.

Instead of Simon living with him and his wife Lynne, Phil Hall told the police Simon “had a key” for 8 Snowcroft (Lynne and Phil’s house) but that Simon would often stay at “friends” houses.

Phil Hall stated;

Although neither of the boys lives with us at present Simon did stay last year between October and the end of December when I say stay I mean had a key to our house, it was often the case he would stay at friends houses

Excerpt from Phil Hall’s police witness statement dated 25th July 2002

In reality Simon Hall stayed over at his girlfriend Stephanie Bon’s house regularly, although it is not known on exactly what dates Simon stayed over at her house.

All three of the Hall family members (Phil, Lynne and Shaun Hall) went into details with regards Simon Hall’s previous relationships, but they all avoided mentioning Stephanie Bon.

A woman who started working for State Chemicals in July 2001, and who eventually worked opposite Simon Hall, told police;

In September 2001 a male called Simon Hall joined the company and he worked within the Accounts department.

Simon worked opposite myself and I found him to be fairly friendly

Simon began an affair with a Stephanie Bon, who worked for State Chemical, and I didn’t really think this was a very nice thing to do

Excerpts from police witness statement of woman who ‘worked opposite’ Simon Hall dated 20th August 2002

Another woman who also started working at State Chemicals in September 2001, told police;

On 15th September 2001 I joined State Chemicals as a Marketing Assistant.

About a month after I joined a new male member started with the firm called Simon Hall.

He started in the Accounts department, which was in a different office to mine.

I remember that Simon was good looking and seemed a nice genuine guy.

He was laid back and always well dressed

Most Wednesday evenings, a group of us would go out into town for drinks and I could remember that Simon came out with us a couple of times

I believe that Simon was a bit quiet on these occasions, but would join in on the conversations.

Simon apparently had a girlfriend when he started at State Chemicals

While he was at State Chemicals he started seeing one of the employees, Stephanie Bon

Stephanie was not well liked by most of the staff so that is why Simon did not come out with us very often

Excerpts from police witness statement from another woman who worked with Simon Hall dated 22nd August 2002

Lynne Hall told police about the girlfriend her adoptive son Simon had been living with prior to Stephanie Bon;

That relationship began in March or April 2001

That relationship lasted until just before Christmas 2001, I had even bought presents for Zoe and X

Excerpts from Lynne Hall’s police witness statement dated 25th July 2002

The Abuse Of Zoe

But “that relationship” did not last until before Christmas.

Simon Hall was in a relationship with Stephanie Bon by October. He was cheating on Zoe with Stephanie Bon.

Zoe’s father, who said in a previous statement that he “tolerated” Simon Hall, told police that Lynne Hall had telephoned his house just before Christmas.

Zoe’s father stated;

Further to the statement I made on Tuesday 30th of July 2002.

I would like to add that I remember receiving a phone call from Lynn (sic) Hall around Christmas.

I believe ***** and Zoe spoke to her but I did not speak to Lynn on this occasion

Excerpts from police witness statement of Zoe’s father dated 7th August 2002

And one of Zoe’s brothers stated, regarding Christmas presents;

One particular occasion, I noticed Simon seemed upset.

On asking him what was wrong he told me about his childhood, and the fact he had been physically abused by his parents.

He mentioned being hit and burnt by cigarettes, but I did not pry too much

Whilst Simon and Zoe were together, I got on well with Simon and he seemed a genuine nice guy

After the break of the relationship between Simon and Zoe, I remember a time just before Christmas when my parents asked me to go outside to meet Simon, as they didn’t want him in the house.

I met him outside in the street and he handed me some Christmas presents for Zoe’s son, X.

Simon was visibly upset crying and kept apologising for hurting Zoe and the family.

He was by himself and quickly stated that he had to go, got into his grey Volkswagen Golf and drove off

I have only seen him once more, since that incident, which was at the end of last year 2001 or the beginning of this year.

I was out one evening in Kartouche nightclub, Ipswich with some family members when I bumped into Simon.

He was very aminable (sic) and again apologised for the hurt he had caused the family.

Because I knew him before the relationship there was no reason for me to show any animosity and we had a quick chat

Since that incident I have had no further contact with Simon Hall

Excerpts from a brother of Zoe’s police witness statement dated 20th August 2002

Lynne Hall continued in her statement;

I think Zoe kicked him out towards the end

There was a lot of problems because Jo continued phoning Zoe and Simon and causing problems.

Zoe herself became very jealous and arguments ensued. In the end I think Simon could no longer deal with it, we have spoken about since (sic).

I tried to save the relationship as did Zoe’s parents

Excerpts from Lynne Hall’s police witness statement dated 25th July 2002

It is not known if Zoe’s parents “tried to save the relationship” as Lynne Hall claimed but Zoe’s father stated; (Read more at Part 2)

The only time I spent a lot of time in his company was when he gave me a lift to London to pick up my new car.

It is fair to say I tolerated him rather than liked him

Excerpts from police statement of Zoe’s father dated 30th July 2002

Lynne Hall also told police;

As far as Zoe is concerned I remember they had one particularly bad argument on the Saturday night last year when the village celebrated bonfire night.

In fact just prior to that Saturday night last year they had argued and split up and Simon was living back home.

They went to the village bonfire night with me to attempt a reconciliation, the night went well and everything was OK

Simon ended up taking Zoe home and coming back by himself to our house.

After that he went round to a friends house, I can’t remember where or to who, he did get home late.

Zoe rang the following morning and because Simon was late up she got very angry about his lack of commitment

I would say that over the Christmas Simon was in a fairly good frame of mind even though he had had the problem with Zoe

Excerpts from Lynne Hall’s police witness statement dated 25th July 2002

During Simon Hall’s police interviews, following his arrest, he told police he had ended up going to Colchester after the Fireworks in Capel St Mary.

Therefore he was not “up late” as his adoptive mother Lynne Hall had told police.

Simon Hall had spent the night in Colchester with Stephanie Bon and Lynne Hall had lied for him.

Below are extracts from Simon Hall’s 3rd police interview from the day of his arrest (Page 27 of Record of interview) referring to Zoe and bonfire night;

  • SJH And when trying to reconcile, everything was great, she said ”OK we’ll give it a go” and then that was Fireworks Night, she came down to the little Fireworks in Capel
  • Dc 1023 Yes
  • SJH With X her son, and everything was great and then she went home and she, her mate was with her, and her mate felt a bit ill. So I, I felt a little bit ill so I decided to go home and then on the way I felt a little bit better, so I just thought I’d go out and see my mates in Colchester
  • Dc 1023 Ah OK. Right. Sorry to hear that. OK. When, just to go on a stage further from there really, I’m just trying to, I just want to sum up. Stephanie BON wasn’t a serious relationship, it was just what they call an ’off and on relationship’ but Zoe was almost a permanent relationship
  • SJH Mmm
  • Dc 1023 Etc and the relationship was terminated due to the fact you went off to Colchester etc and you said that you were ill and you went home, but you didn’t go home you went to Colchester, so it was..
  • SJH She was very paranoid

Simon Hall’s line manager stated to police;

On Monday 23rd July 2001 I started working at State Chemicals MFG Europe Ltd 1 to 4, Eaglegate, East Hill, Colchester as the Finance Manager there

Simon came for an interview and was interviewed for the position by me but on that occasion he was not successful and we took on someone else

He spoke of having a girlfriend called Zoe

…. and wanted to settle down and that he’d taken on several jobs because of that

A further position for a purchase ledger clerk came up at State Chemicals a couple of weeks later so I contacted Cooper Lomaz Employment Consultants to see if Simon was still available

Simon came for the interview and was offered the position which he accepted and started at the East Hill offices on Monday 24th September 2001 as a purchase ledger clerk

About a month after Simon started working there he started seeing the Managing Director’s PA Stephanie Bonn, (sic) I don’t know exactly when their relationship became more than friends but it did become apparent that it was so after a while

In November/December 2001 Simon was involved in the company stock take which took place both in the UK and France. He went to France with four others from the company as our finance representative, Pascal ********, the Operations Manager, went together with other junior staff.

They went the first week of December 2001 for about 3 days, going over on the Monday afternoon and returning on the Thursday afternoon I think

Simon had responsibility for the float of French Franc whilst they were away and when they returned he gave me all the receipts and everything seemed to be in order

During the stock take Simon did work one Saturday over at the warehouse in Sudbury, Suffolk.

I think that is one of the only occasions he worked a weekend although he could of come in on other occasions that I wasn’t aware of.

All of the managers had keys to the premises and could have let him in as did Stephanie Bonn (sic)

We had a dress code at work which was that the first three days of the week we wore smart clothes, suits etc and then the last two days of the week we wore casual clothes and could wear jeans etc on the Friday

…Simon was made redundant and he left the company in January 2002

As I have said Simon was a difficult character to read, I don’t think from what he said that he got on with his dad he thought he was a bit strict and didn’t seem to go out of his way to help Simon when he had monetary problems.

He did as I have said seem quite close to his mum but had nothing nasty to say about her. He did say he had a brother

His relationship with Stephanie Bonn (sic) I think was very on/off and I would say from what I know of her that she was probably quite demanding in a relationship

Looking back his work did start to suffer in November/December 2001 when his relationship with Stephanie Bonn started to break up, his work wasn’t as good as it had been previously

I also found that he had a hot-mail address with MSN.Co.UK so he could get E-Mail messages for himself from any computer linked to the internet which the company computer was. He also had the MSN Messenger facility

Its possible he and Stephanie Bonn may have used the hot-mail system to communicate at work as they had been using the internal E-Mail system and we had become aware that they were using that when they should have been working, they also became aware that we knew what they were doing so they may have used the hot-mail system as we were not able to monitor that

I did see some of the E-mails they were sending each other on the company systems which were really only the sort of romantic boyfriend/girlfriend type messages

Excerpts from police witness statement of Simon Hall’s line manager from State Chemicals dated 13th September 2002

During Simon Hall’s first police interview, following his arrest, he initially gave them the impression Stephanie Bon had been his girlfriend, as can be seen from the following extract; (Page 30 1st Record of interview)

  • Dc 1023 How long have you known Phoebe
  • SJH Since about December time
  • Dc 1023 December and when did you start going out together
  • SJH January
  • Dc 1023 January. Any previous girlfriends that you’ve had before Phoebe at all?
  • SJH Yes. A girl called Stephanie who worked at State Chemical
  • Dc 1023 Right. What’s her last name
  • SJH Bon. B-O-N, she’s French
  • Dc 1023 Stephanie Bon, French?
  • SJH Yes
  • Dc 1023 Right. Anybody else?
  • SJH Before that would be Zoe

But by Simon Hall’s 3rd interview, on the same day, Stephanie Bon had gone from being his girlfrien to being his friend (Pages 25 and 26 Record of interview);

  • Dc 1023 OK. I’d just like to go on to a young lady you mentioned called Stephanie BON
  • SJH Yes
  • Dc 1023 When did you meet her?
  • SJH What for the first time?
  • Dc 1023 Mmm
  • SJH That was when I was interviewed for the job at State Chemicals
  • Dc 1023 Right OK. And was it a relationship friend or was it more than that?
  • SJH It was friends. It was friends, she wanted a little bit more but I wasn’t, I’d just split up with the other girl and I wasn’t
  • Dc 1023 Oh yes,, which was Zoe yes?
  • SJH Yes, really like that
  • Dc 1023 So it was nothing more than friends with Stephanie?
  • SJH We were closer than friends, but for everyone (inaudible)
  • Dc 1023 To put it bluntly ’occasional’
  • SJH Yes

However Stephanie Bon gave police a different impression, she stated:

I am the above named person and live at the address detailed overleaf with my brother Olivier Bon, originally from France, I moved to England about ten years ago.

Spending my first few years in London, I then moved to Colchester, and have lived at my present address for the last two years

..prior to this I worked for ‘State Industrial Products’ in East Hill, Colchester.

Whilst working as the personal assistant for the directors of the company, I first met Simon Hall

Around August or September 2001, Simon joined the company.

I remember seeing him walk into the office and immediately thought he was very good looking.

Initially we did not have much contact, as he worked upstairs and I was downstairs, but after a short time got talking during our breaks.

One of my bosses had informed me Simon could do sign language, this was also one of my interests having learnt it two or three years ago and also spent some time voluntarily helping at a school for the deaf

During our first meeting we just seemed to click.

I found it easy to talk to Simon and we got on well.

From then on we would often meet up during the day.

Both being smokers, Simon would often phone or message me on the computer to meet him for a cigarette break

During our chats, Simon appeared very open and honest.

He told me how he had been adopted, and the fact that he didn’t want to contact his real parents.

We discussed all sorts of topics, and Simon often told me how he was having problems with his relationship which at the time was to a girl called Zoe

If I would describe Simon in one word, it would be ’Lad’.

He was young, good looking and intelligent, and I believed that Zoe wanted more than Simon could give.

They often had arguments over the phone, if Simon was late or had not called her

At this time I was seeing a colleague from my office. Simon and my relationship was purely as friends.

He made me laugh and we both found it easy to chat to each other, although I would agree that we did flirt with each other too

Gradually we spent more and more time together; cigarette breaks, lunch breaks and sometimes after work.

Both working for the company we were insured to drive the company cars.

I had not passed my test and was having difficulties with my instructor, so Simon offered to give me some driving lessons.

I remember he originally had a Volkswagen Golf, which he sold.

He then got a company white Saxo car, which we both drove.

Simon used to encourage me to drive and we would go out at lunch times, or after work when I would drive him back to my house.

Simon was a very patient teacher, and never once lost his temper.

I also remember Simon buying a black Audi, although I think he had problems with thar car too, and didn’t drive it much

Around the end of September 2001, Simon informed me that Zoe and him, had broken up.

I was not surprised as Simon had not been happy for a while, and Zoe was always checking up on him.

Following their break up, Simon told me that Zoe had threatened to burn his clothes.

I don’t know if she ever did, but I believe he had problems and couldn’t get them back.

Zoe’s brother also threatened Simon, which really annoyed him, although on my advise he did not get involved and just let it go

Simon then moved back to his parents house in Snowcroft, Capel St Mary.

We were still really good friends at this time.

His mum helped him out and ordered a number of items of clothing from her catalogue, as he still had not got any clothes back from Zoe

Around October 2001, Simon and I became an item.

He used to stay at my house in Colchester, regularly, as it was so much more convenient for work.

Over time he left various items at my house, so he (sic) changes of clothes and wash things.

I would describe our relationship as generally good, we did argue occasionally, but nothing significant.

Simon was a kind and funny person and hated arguing

After a few weeks of being together, Simon introduced me to his parents Lynn and Phil. Lynn was really friendly, and it was obvious she thought highly of Simon.

Phil always chatted to me too, I think they saw something quite serious in me and we all got on so well

Simon appeared to get on particularly well with him mum, and I think he desperately wanted to settle down so his dad would think higher or him, although that was not his nature.

Simon’s older brother Shaun, seemed very settled.

He lived with his girlfriend and their child and also seemed to get on better with Phil.

I think Simon thought that if he could settle down and start a family, his dad would think him more responsible and therefore perhaps their relationship would improve

I would describe Simon as very emotional.

He was sensitive and did not like to hurt people.

Although his youth shone through and he would regularly let me down, by being late, always apologising afterwards.

I would say he was in touch with his emotions, and was openly affectionate, often telling his mum that he loved her.

Simon was also very intelligent and capable when he applied himself

On Saturday the 15th of December 2001 I remember being at home in Colchester with my brother and old flat mate, Lionel *****, who lived at the house for a year.

We remained in all night and I clearly remember this time, as I was meant to be going to a family meal the following day. On the Sunday Simon was off for a meal with relatives and asked me to go along as well.

I instantly agreed, looking forward to meeting the rest of the family but, unfortunately Simon did not get around to asking his mum until it was too late.

By the time Simon asked Lynne, there was not enough room at the table and I was unable to go along

This had annoyed me and I remember questioning whether the relationship was worth continuing with.

I believe Simon said he was going out with some friends on the Saturday night, although I am not sure

Excerpts from first part of Stephanie Bon’s police witness statement dated 4th September 2002

However the relationship between Stephanie Bon and Simon Hall did continue.

Link to Part 9a here

Killer Simon Hall: The Murderer, His Holiday To France & His Multiple Relationships – Part 2©️ 

Joan Albert’s Killer.
Photograph of Simon Hall taken whilst ’at large’ and ‘wanted’ by Suffolk police for a sexually motivated murder

15th January 2002: House To House Enquiries

Due to his previous criminal convictions for violence and because he had lived nearby in Snowcroft with his adoptive parents Lynne and Phil Hall, Simon Hall’s name had been flagged by the HOLMES(2) information technology system used by police for investigations.

As a result Simon Hall was automatically categorised as a TIE suspect (trace, interview, eliminate) in relation to the murder of Joan Albert.

Suffolk police first spoke to killer Simon Hall on the 15th January 2002, following house to house enquiries.

This was also 10 days before Joan Albert’s funeral took place.

During this interview killer Simon Hall was asked to account for his movements between 9pm on Saturday the 15th December 2001 up to 9am on the Sunday 16th December.

He was asked by police where he was during these hours, who could verify it and what he was wearing.

Below is a transcript of some of what killer Simon Hall first told Suffolk police;

Starts work 7pm worked till midnight at the Old Rep P/H Ipswich

Travelled past Boydlands at about 0600hrs 16/2* alone having been out in Ipswich at Liquid N/C. Saw nothing

Other staff at Old Rep P/H, Tower St Ipswich

Dark jeans, Dark top with No 4 on front

Dark Grey fleece

Transcript of Suffolk police notes from door to door enquiries re: Simon Hall
*the date was actually the 16/12

The police also made a note of any “noticeable jewellery” worn by Simon Hall, it read;

Silver chain on right wrist

Killer Simon Hall lied to police.

He did not work on the evening of Saturday the 16th December 2001.

He left his adoptive parents house in Capel St Mary at around 6:30pm wearing a new pair of black mole skin type trousers, which he had purchased not long before at Tesco’s, Copdock, along with a shirt with red in it, black office type shoes and a black leather jacket.

7th March 2002: Formal Statement

On the 7th March 2002 Suffolk police asked killer Simon Hall to make a formal statement, which consisted of 3 pages.

The statement was written by a police officer and read;

I reside at the address shown overleaf, together with my mother Rosemary and father George.

At about 6.30pm on Saturday 15th December 2001 I left my home in Capel St Mary Suffolk, in my Black Audi 80 Motor Vehicle and drove to Ipswich Town Centre, where I parked in the Social Services premises in Tower Street, Ipswich, but was not due to work this particular evening.

I went there with the intention of meeting others who work at the pub, and joining in with them, doing whatever seemed appropriate and was arranged.

I arrived at the Old Rep PH at about 655pm, where I stayed Untill (sic) about 9.15pm, when I, left with a colleague from the pub called Gareth. We walked to my vehicle and then drove to The Woolpack Public House on Tuddenham Road Ipswich, where we attended a Karoake evening that was going on there. I knew the licencee of the Woolpack pub as Scott Doughty and I arranged with him to leave my vehicle keys for safekeeping.

At about 10.40pm, Gareth and I left the Woolpack, and walked back to The Old Rep pub in Tower Street arriving at about 1055pm, just before last orders.

I remained with other members of staff after members of the public had left at closing time. They would include the manager Glenn *******, ‘Jamie’, ‘Nicole’, Dave ******** and ’Oli’.

We waited for everyone to finnish (sic) clearing up, before Jamie, Nicole and I walled through the Town Centre, to Cardinal Park Ipswich, where we went into ‘Liquid’ Night Club, arriving at about 1215am On Sunday, 16th December 2001.

I remained at ’Liquid’, untill (sic) about 215am to 2.30am when I left together with ’Jamie’ and we walked back to The Old Rep P.H, where we stayed talking to the manager Glenn *******, untill (sic) about 4am.

Jamie and I then left together walking about Ipswich Town Centre untill (sic) about 4am.

Jamie and I them left together, walking about Ipswich Town Centre untill (sic) about 6am, when we went back to The Woolpack P.H, to collect my vehicle keys and car itself.

As it was early in the morning, the premises were locked up and in darkness, and I threw stones at an upstairs window, in an effort to attract Scott Doughty’s attention to let me in to collect my keys.

He eventually came to the back door of the premises, and had strong words with me for waking his mother and he up at that time of the morning, before giving me my vehicle keys.

Jamie and I then left in my vehicle, and I drove him to his home address in Myrtle Road, Ipswich, before setting off for my own home in Capel St Mary.

My journey home was via the A12 main Road, turning in to The Street off the A12 Under the bridge and then right into Thorney Road and left into Snowcroft, where I arrived home at about 630am.

My mother was awake when I got home and I spoke with her before going to bed. I did not leave home then prior to about 9am.

During my drive through Capel St Mary, I did not see or hear anything of note.

Transcript of Simon Hall’s 7th March 2002 police witness statement

25th July 2002: Simon Hall & Jamie Barker Arrested

On day 221 of what was known by police as ‘Operation Magdala, which was Thursday the 25th July 2002, both killer Simon Hall and a man called Jamie Barker were arrested.

It is not known if Shaun Hall and Phoebe Grant were also arrested that morning.

However police carried out early morning raids at an address in Hill House Road in Ipswich, where killer Simon Hall had been living with Phoebe Grant, since May 2002.

Along with an early morning raid at Jamie Barker’s mother Angela Barker’s house, in Myrtle Road, Ipswich.

When the police entered the premises of Hill House Road, Ipswich, some items of Simon Hall’s clothing were laid out on a bed, his passport was in folder.

28th July 2002: Booked Holiday To France

Killer Simon Hall and Phoebe Grant, along with members of Phoebe Grant’s family and a friend of Phoebe’s sister, were due to set off on holiday to France on Sunday the 28th July 2002.

Simon Hall told police during his 3rd interview, on the 26th July 2002, he was ‘the driver’ (Read Pages 22 & 23).

Instead all four of the Hall family members (Simon, Shaun, Lynne & Phil) were interviewed by the police in connection with Simon Hall’s murder Joan Albert, as was Phoebe Grant.

Sarah Grant, Phoebe Grant’s mother told police;

In summer this year, 2002, Simon and Phoebe mentioned about going on a family holiday.

Unfortunately my husband works away a lot so Phoebe and Simon organised the whole holiday via the internet.

They discovered a villa large enough for Simon, Phoebe, my other daughter C********, her friend A, Roger and I.

We were all really excited and looking forward to the break away together

Unfortunately a few days before our arranged departure for holiday I received news from Phoebe of Simon’s arrest, and neither were able to go

As far as Simon’s parents were concerned, I only met them after Simon’s arrest and not before

Excerpts from Sarah Grant’s police witness statement dated 3rd October 2002

Sudbury, Felixstowe & Ipswich Police Stations

Following killer Simon Hall and Jamie Barker’s arrests, they were taken into custody at separate police stations where they were both interviewed in relation to Simon Hall’s murder of Joan Albert.

Jamie Barker was taken to Felixstowe police station, approximately 11-12 miles from Ipswich, where a mouth swab and hair samples were taken from him for forensic examination, and killer Simon Hall was taken to Sudbury police station, approximately 24-25 miles from Ipswich.

Both men were then interviewed under caution.

It is not known exactly what Suffolk police asked Jamie Barker during these interviews or exactly what Jamie Barker said to the police, as the transcript’s for his interviews do not appear to have been requested by killer Simon Hall or any of his legal representatives.

However, Simon Hall was questioned by police on Thursday the 25th of July 2002 and Friday the 26th July 2002, charged with his murder and remanded in custody on Saturday the 27th July 2002.

Again, it is not known if Shaun Hall, Phoebe Grant and Lynne and Phil Hall were also arrested by Suffolk police and taken to police stations in other locations, but a reference by a police constable (PC) Wells read as follows;

On Thursday the 25th July 2002 I was on plain clothed duty at Force Headquarters in Martlesham Heath, Suffolk

At 1240 hours I was in an interview room at Ipswich Police Station in company with DC *** Hutson and Shaun David Hall

Excerpt from police witness statement of PC Well’s dated 25th July 2002

Records Of Interview

Copies of all transcripts of Simon Hall’s police interviews can be found at the following links;

Thursday 25th July 2002:

Friday 26th July 2002:

Multiple Relationships Around Same Time

Suffolk police learned on the 25th July 2002 killer Hall had started a relationship with Phoebe Grant (who was initially a friend of Jamie Barker’s) around the time he had committed his murder of Joan Albert.

The police also learned Simon Hall was also in a relationship and living “regularly” with a woman named Stephanie Bon in Colchester, Essex, at the time of his murder.

Phoebe Grant told police on the day of killer Simon Hall’s arrest;

During the summer of 2001 I got a part-time job with Zenith windows. I had seen an advertisement and from March to July 2001 I worked for them as a telephone sales operator. This meant ’cold calling’ numbers from a list and trying to engage the subscriber into purchasing double glazing.

It was a crap job really and a bit of a joke. While I was working there, I met another telephone operator called Jamie Barker, with whom I became friends. We both treated the job as a bit of a laugh really

I needed another part-time job, so I made enquiries at the Old Rep Public House in Ipswich in November 2001, in order to do some part-time bar work.

When I went into the pub I saw Jamie Barker who had the Assistant Manager’s job there. We exchanged mobile ’phone numbers to (sic) that we could carry on with our friendship

When I started working at the pub, my current boyfriend Simon Hall already worked there

I can’t remember the exact date when I started working at the Old Rep but I do know that it was before Christmas 2001, possibly on the 8th December, a Saturday.

I do know that on Saturday 22nd December, after I had worked there a couple of weeks, some of the staff from the pub went on after we finished work to ’Liquid Nightclub’ in Ipswich. I went, as did Jamie and Simon. There were other members of staff there too but as I didn’t know them very well I can’t recall their names.

It was usual for members of the pub staff to go to Liquids after work on a Saturday night. Members of the pub staff could get into ’Liquids’ free if they showed their pub payslips. In return, staff from Liquids would come into the ’Old Rep’ most weekends and put flyers round.

On this night at ’Liquid’ I got very friendly with Simon and he came back to my home at Gladstone Road afterwards

On Saturday 15th December 2001, the weekend before, I started work at about 7 pm. I think Simon was working too and would have started at about the same time. Jamie Barker wasn’t working but I remember him being in the pub and I think he came in at about 8pm. He got a bit drunk as he was celebrating a birthday and I remember him taking his top off at some stage and him being ’oiled up’. It wasn’t unusual for him to take his top off though!

Excerpts from Phoebe Grants police witness statement dated 25th July 2002

As well as living regularly with his then girlfriend Stephanie Bon, Simon Hall was also meeting up with and dating other women, and men, throughout December 2001 and up to his arrest on the 25th July 2002.

This included Phoebe Grant, but wasn’t exclusive to her or any one relationship, as the police established as their investigation progressed.

More On The Various Relationships

The extent of many of these relationships were denied by killer Simon Hall, and others, until around 2012/13.

After being remanded in prison and prior to standing trial, killer Simon Hall was asked by the police to provide the names of the telephone numbers of the people he had contact with over the time period when he committed his murder of Joan Albert.

One telephone number linked back to Lucy W, who Simon referred to as an ’old girlfriend’.

Simon Hall stated via his legal team;

With reference to the exhibited list of call made from my mobile phone, on a brief cursory look I can identify certain mobile telephone numbers as follows:

Telephone number 01473 ****** is to Lucy W*** an old girlfriend from Hadleigh, Suffolk

Essentially, Lucy and Phoebe were vying for my attention. Phoebe does not like the name Lucy W*** as a consequence

Statements made by Simon Hall via legal notes

As a result of the above Lucy W was contacted by the police and interviewed by the police,

Lucy W stated;

On the evening of 1st February 2002 I went to the Old Rep Public House

I went there with a group of my friends

We’d gone there to celebrate the 18th Birthday of another friend

Whilst I was in there that evening I met a man who I know as Simon Hall, he was working in the pub as part of the bar staff. They had a promotional evening for a particular drink called Sidekick and Simon was going round the pub trying to get people to buy it.

He came over and spoke to me and during the evening we got chatting. My friends and I thought he was good looking. Before I left that night Simon asked me if he could have my telephone number and if he could text me on it and I said yes and gave him my number

From then on we texted each other on a regular basis on our mobile phones and gradually got to know each other by sending messages. I went to the pub nearly every week and would see him in there working. We did for about three weeks go without any contact between us. Our relationship was more by phone than by going out regularly together and was not a sexual relationship apart from kissing each other on occasion when we did meet

I remember that on Tuesday 5th March 2002, Simon and I went to Toys R Us in Ipswich. I remember the date because it was the day before the open day at the University.

Before going to Toys R Us he took me to his mum’s house in Capel St Mary.

That was the one and only occasion that he spoke about the murder at Capel St Mary, he was chatting to his mum who was saying that the police wanted to speak to Simon and were phoning to see if he was there.

Mrs Hall said it was about the lady who lived in Capel and that she couldn’t understand as she used to be really friendly with her

Simon said he was driving around quite late that night and that was why the police wanted to talk to him, also that he had gone over on a few occasions to do odd jobs. His mum also said they had gone over and been friendly with her and chatted

I did speak to him on one occasion some weeks afterwards on the phone when I was at college and he said he was with the police

Our relationship didn’t last very long as he was seeing someone else at the same time he was seeing me, a girl called Phoebe and we had a few fallings out over it. I saw them together in the Old Rep one night and I asked him about it and he admitted he was seeing her.

This was probably at the end of February beginning of March. From then on when he didn’t pick up the phone or he couldn’t meet me I assumed he was seeing her. He was very aloof about Phoebe and his relationship with her

The last time I saw him was late April this year in The Old Rep when he asked how I was and we just had a polite conversation. Our relationship was gradually ending for a while and I can recall him saying that we lived in two completely different worlds and that I wouldn’t fit into his with me being at college and living in a nice house.

I put it down to the age difference because there was about seven years age gap between us

He did come to my house once, on the same day as we went to Christchurch Park to feed the ducks, I don’t know the date

He always seemed really friendly and cheerful and I never saw him behave aggressively. I remember he had an old green Ford Escort or Sierra type car but I am not 100% sure of the make, it was ’D’ registration I think, light green in colour.

He said he wanted to buy an Audi and he was going to do a part exchange. He said he used to have an Audi and he wanted to get another

His nickname was ’Teddy’ because when he was younger he used to wear a lot of ’Teddy Smith’ clothes. He was always well dressed, smart and fashionable

He did take me to the Woolpack pub in Ipswich for lunch when we were seeing each other, he was really friendly with the manager there. I can’t recall his name but Simon said if he’d got something to talk about he’d go to him. He did joke about being gay but he didn’t ever give me any cause to believe that he was

I think he was living with Phoebe and a girl called Kelsey somewhere in Ipswich when I knew him.

He told me he didn’t want to live there anymore and that he wanted to move back with his mum and dad but he didn’t know whether they’d have him

I have had no contact with Simon since the end of April this year

Excerpts from Lucy W’s police witness statement dated 25th October 2002

Lucy W went on to become a witness for the prosecution during killer Simon Hall’s February 2003 trial.

Scott Doughty

Other questions were also posed in the lead up to killer Simon Hall’s trial, with regards to some of the evidence gathered by the police relating to the relationships Simon Hall had had.

Stuart Appleby, who worked for Scott Doughty at the Woolpack public house, had told police;

During the summer of 2000, a male I now know to be Simon Hall, started coming into the Woolpack and I knew him, at that stage, to be called ‘Teddy’

Simon lived at Martlesham at the time and Scott would receive phone calls from Teddy in the early hours and then ask to borrow my car so he could go over and see Teddy.

Teddy would, on regular occasions, turn up in the early hours of the morning, bang on Scott’s bedroom window and Scott would go downstairs and let Teddy in and they would go into Scott’s bedroom

Scott would tell me all about his relationship with Teddy and he told me that they had full sex and oral sex with each other

Scott told me that they would both take the dominant role when having sex

Teddy would still bring various girlfriends to the pub but this would not bother Scott at all and I do not think they argued about this

Excerpts from Stuart’s 3rd September 2002 police witness statement

Scott Doughty, who ran the Woolpack public house, where Simon Hall had left his car keys behind the bar on the night of the 15th/16th December 2001, told police;

My nature is outgoing and friendly, and due to my trade I regularly flirted with my customers both male and female. I would describe this as my act and my customers knew me and would respond. On one occasion, I did kiss Simon Hall. I can’t remember exactly when, but knew I was quite drunk and nothing further happened. I have never had a sexual relationship with Simon, despite flirting with him

Excerpt from Scott Doughty’s 17th September 2002 police witness statement

Another statement made by killer Simon Hall via his legal team, in response to evidence gathered read;

Regardless of what Hurn and Appleby are alleging I am not homosexual nor have I ever engaged in homosexual activity with Scott Doughty beyond the occasion noted by Scott where, along with another lad present at the time Matt, Scott did kiss me

I have in the past indulged in sexual experimentation but remain heterosexual

Phoebe my girlfriend is fully aware. My parents on the otherhand are not and I would not wish them to be

As regards Appleby and Hurn, they are a gay couple currently in a relationship. Appleby is the more dominant partner whilst Hurn is the more outwardly camp and feminine in his demeanour

Simon Hall statement 2002

Prior to his murder trial, having been asked about the extent of his relationship with Scott Doughty, and following further evidence coming to light, killer Simon Hall made a further brief statement which included the following;

One of the reasons I would go round to see Scott on a regular basis late at night over this period is the fact that Scott through his contacts was able to get cannabis for me. This would have happened on about 4 occasions

I would not want this information to become public in a way which might threaten Scott’s position as a licensee

There was obviously nothing more to our relationship than what I have set out above but I do believe, if anything, Appleby and Hurn may have been jealous of my friendship with Scott and perhaps that would explain in part the content of their statements

Simon Hall statement 2002

Seemingly as a result of Simon Hall’s disclosures above regarding the cannabis story, two public house’s linked to Scott Doughty were subsequently searched by police and items were seized.

In 2013 killer Simon Hall disclosed in some detail, he and Scott Doughty did meet regularly for sex.

In 2018 Scott Doughty was convicted of sexually assaulting two teenage boys, as can be read by tapping on the button below;

Immobiliser Gaslighting Incident

An ‘immobiliser’ incident stood out to the father of the girlfriend Simon Hall had been in a relationship with prior to Stephanie Bon, he told police;

Zoe who has a son called X began a relationship with a man called Simon Hall during 2001, it lasted until around the end of October 2001

Fairly early on in the relationship I became aware through my children that Simon had been in prison for assault. Simon also liked to be known as Ted or Teddy because he thought that Simon sounded gay, he only ever used Simon when his parents were around. Simon intimated without ever saying it directly, that he had been buggered while in prison

Initially Simon seemed okay and very quickly moved into Zoe’s flat, he was still going to see his ex Jo. That caused some trouble as Jo then used to ring Zoe up. As the relationship progressed I was aware that Simon was telling Zoe a lot of things that I did not consider to be true, such as moving furniture till late at work, car breaking down all stories that allowed him to stay out

On one occasion I was called out to fix his car, this was when he worked at National Chemicals in Colchester. When I got to the car two or three hours later it appeared to me that the immobiliser had been switched on, I was easily able to get it started

During the relationship Simon had a grey Volkswagon (sic) Golf possibly a GTI which was either F or G registered. I know since the relationship ended he has got rid of that vehicle

The only time I spent a lot of time in his company was when he gave me a lift to London to pick up my new car. It is fair to say I tolerated him rather than liked him

My son ****** had coincidentally shared a flat with him in East Bergholt some three years previous and had told me he was a ’wrong-un’. I agreed with ******

Some time after I heard that Mrs Albert had been murdered in Capel, immediately I thought that Simon could be responsible and said as much to my wife

Excerpts from police statement of Zoe’s father dated 30th July 2002

Link to Part 3 here