Killer Karen Read: Deluded Flying Monkey Ashley Bell & Her Harassment Of A Trial Witness

On the 29th March 2024 Aidan Kearney wrote and published a story about Ashley Bell, under the part header Canton Cover-Up Part 319.

Apparently Ashley Bell is from Bristol county, Massachusetts.

Aidan Kearney stated;

On Tuesday a woman in Bristol County reported to Turtleboy Daily News that her ex-boyfriend was visited at her former residence by MSP Detectives Yuri Bukhenik and Brian Tully, inquiring about her whereabouts.

They apparently want to ask her some questions about this text message she sent Colin Albert in July:


Tuesday would have presumably meant the 26th of March 2024?

Then on the 18th of April 2024, under the header Canton Coverup Part 334:Defense Witness List Features Many Names That Indicate Bombshells Are Coming At Trial, Aidan Kearney alleged the following of Ashley Bell;

Ashley was not a witness to anything, but she was visited and harassed by MSP detectives Yuri Bukhenik and Brian Tully at her home.

They also asked to look at her surveillance video footage, despite not being on the path that Karen Read would’ve taken to get home from 34 Fairview Road.

Natalie Berschneider-Wiweke referred to an Amy Ashley Bell when she was interviewed by state police on the 17th of October 2023.

Natalie stated to Massachusetts state police;

Erm Amy Ashley Bell sent erm

Aidan erm

A text

With pictures of Yuriy on her Ring camera

And erm then

Aidan sent me a screenshot where he sent that to Yannetti

And I sent that to you

So stuff like that

Listen to Natalie speaking to Massachusetts state police in the video below;

Tap on the button below to read and interact with the Updated Dynamic, Chronological, Interactive TIMELINE;

Predator & Con-Artist Aidan #Turtleboy Kearney & Innocence Fraudsters Meredith O’Neil & Larry Foreman Aka The DUI Guy

Good grifters or con artists are excellent intuitive psychologists.

Just like magicians, these swindlers and dishonest gamblers understand enough about how the mind works to exploit its vulnerabilities.

Con artists exploit other’s dishonesty

Tap on the button below to read more about how con-artists like Aidan Kearney can trick, groom and exploit people;

Running With The Wolves

On the 12th of May 2024 innocence fraud phenomenon grifter and con-artist Larry Foreman posted the following to X (here);

Pictured from left to right above is Larry Foreman (blue shirt), Chandler Remington (with her left arm on table), Meredith O’Neil (holding Aidan Kearney’s right arm) and Aidan Kearney.

Meredith O’Neil is said to be Aidan Kearney’s latest partner in crime (and latest target and victim), and claims there’s “never a dull moment with” him.

The below partial copy of an affidavit is from the 15th of June 2018 related to Meredith O’Neil, who appears to be a vulnerable, insecure individual with “issues” and therefore an easy target for someone like Aidan Kearney;


Killer Luke Mitchell: Malicious Troll Heather Brunt & Her Vitriol & Perverted Nonsense Encouraged By Murderers Chief Enabler Sandra Lean (Part 288)

Heather Brunt and her continuous abuse, harassment and perverted nonsense is encouraged by innocence fraud scammer Sandra Lean.

Some of malicious troll Heather Brunt’s continuous abuse, harassment, defamation and perverted nonsense has been referred to by What They Found in their recent video on the murderer and his enablers innocence fraud.

The latest video by What They Found can be listened to below;

Read more by tapping on the buttons below;

Link to Part 289 here