Killer Luke Mitchell: Partial Transcript Of Murderers Flying Monkey & Rabble Rouser Sandra Lean & Her Sunday 18th June 2023 Gaslighting & Word Salad Video (Part 227)


And here we are again (laugh) surprisingly 

Erm thanks to everybody for, for all the messages over the weekend

Erm it was a bit 


Eh I’d just like to clarify, because there have been a few claims made about why I left on Friday 

Erm I did not say that there was a, a warrant out for me

I said I’d been told that they could come after me 

And being a Friday I didn’t want to risk losing the weekend 

Especially with everything that was happening 

Erm I wanted to be here to be able to keep people up to date 

And if they’d come for me here on Friday I might not have been able to do that

Erm somebody said I looked scared yesterday

I’m sorry if I looked scared 

Erm I didn’t mean to look scared

I was 


At the whole situation 

Erm sorry to waste every bodies time

And just another attempt to stop this information getting out

“One quick question for today where are the legal protections for Leek (laugh) sorry for Luke, and you Dr Lean against this blatant intimidation of Luke?”

I’m just coming to that Barry if you give me two seconds


I have a letter 

From Luke


And I wanna share it with you because that was what he intended me to do

Erm he just said they’ve cut off all telephone access for me under rule 62 paragraph 5

By direction, now we said

We said they’ll be no place to hide now okay

Get your pens out, you’re gonna know what to do with this

By direction of David Allen acting head of operations at Greenock


Now let’s be absolutely clear about this 

This was all done with permission from the very top in Greenock

But Luke couldn’t have been spirited away over night

To another prison 

Unless that other prison agreed to take him

Until now we said we’ll do the complaints to the prison service and to the inspectorate 

But not directly to Greenock while Luke was there

Well he’s not there anymore 

You know what to did peeps

Have at it

Erm “I’ve not been allowed out on recreation despite recreation withdrawal having expired”

So basically they’ve just left him in a cell 

Spirited him out

And kept him locked in a cell

“They’re now setting out to completely silence me

And his instruction to me

“You now have full autonomous authority to tell everybody everything” 

On Luke’s behalf 

Okay so for the people that are saying I’m doing this 

I’m putting Luke in a worse position and all of that


This is entirely Luke’s desire

Luke’s intention for all of this

And I pointed out in the last erm video

That just in case anybody hasn’t picked up on it

Luke has not seen his lawyer throughout all of this 

He’s had no access 

So wait a minute

Where have we heard this before

No access to legal advise or representation

Where have we heard that before

How can that still be the case 20 years down the line

But it is



A little, a little message from Luke 

“This is what happens when you speak out again, against your abuser. They isolate, silence, then disappear you. We are the Scottish prison service. Transforming life’s. Unlocking potential”

Unlocking potential by locking people up 23 hours a day


Not entirely sure how that one works


In an attempt to make sure

‘Cos Luke had no idea if I would get this 

He, he had no idea if he’d be able to have communication with me

So in an attempt to make sure that the message got to me 

I’m not gonna read out the names

But he had emails prepared for about a dozen random friends 

And he got them sent out to everybody to make sure that that (laugh) message got to back me 


Very proud of him for that



What we’re gonna come to next 



You remember back in 

The end of April and in May

When we were talking about the destruction of evidence 

And eh the crown office chucking it at the police 

And the police chucking it at the the. 

And everybody was trying to blame everybody else

And, and eventually we narrowed it down and we narrowed it down

And it turned out that erm the chief constable was in charge of destroying the, the eh productions 

Eh and we then got a letter saying that the productions that had survived were held by police Scotland in secure conditions in Edinburgh 

And you will remember I said good at least we know where they are now 

And then we got all these ridiculous conditions about how they were gonna be trust

Eh eh tested

And where they were gonna be tested 

And what demands the police were making 

And everything else 


On the same day that this all started kicking off

Luke, or Luke’s solicitor got a letter 

Which said 

Police Scotland will not provide the documents in relation to, to previous examination 

As they do not hold the information requested 

The information is held 

By the Scottish police authority 

And round and round and round we go


Now I, I was thinking about this, this afternoon 

And this is not only horrendous abuse and torture of Luke 

It shows you the utter absolute contempt that they hold us in

They’re putting this information out 

We’re saying the crown office said they didn’t tell the police to destroy it

The police are now saying 

Well they did sort of but we kind of mistakingly got rid of the rest 

But they said we could do this and we

And then they said right you can have some of it for testing

But you’re not getting all of it

This is police Scotland 

You, you can get some of it 

But you’re not getting here are the condition 

So go back to this

Right okay, okay 

We’re making a list of the ones that we want 

The ones that we need 

The ones that we can get tested 

And they went

Arh sorry did we say that was ours

We had it 

Nah, nah we’ve not got anything

It’s the Scottish police authority that have got it now

Even though we’ve got it in black and white 

Saying that they’ve got it

And this 

Lu, Luke got this letter the day all of this is kicking off

How much is one person supposed to take


Eh there was one other bit about this

Erm “it should not be a double negative” 


Don’t even know what that means 

Are they saying don’t, don’t give it out

Are they saying do give it out 


So still all these months

It was November 2022 we found out they were destroying evidence 


And, and we’re all these months later and not a single step forward

In plain view, in plain view

How are they getting away with it


That’s, that’s where we’re at 

It’s, it’s not just erm the abuse of Luke 

It’s the utter contempt for us the public 

They’re doing this on our behalves ostensively

And they, they’re just telling it

They know it’s out here, they know everybody knows about it

And they’re just going

Oh know we didn’t say that

Yes you did (Sandra claps her hands) here it is

Nah nah it was nee us

So you’ll forgive my slight frustration this evening

I want to move on to the literally inglorious custards fraternity that is erm the tabloid media

I’m gonna go with the sun article, the one that was out today first

Now if you’re one of, if your one of the fraternity, pin back your ears guys and learn something

‘Cos you’re supposed to be journalists, you’re supposed to know this, so here’s a little, you know, quick lesson for ya

They said Luke was enjoying days out amongst unsuspecting, the unsuspecting public

Like every long term prisoner ever, who’s been coming up to release

How else do these guys get reintegrated with society

What we just, we just kick them out the door and, and you know

We’re supposed to be helping them to reintegrate to become, you know well rounded members of society

So this, this is not unusual procedure

This happens with every single prisoner progressing through the system

And then they say he’s been enjoying the two hours jollies for months

Well which is it, is it days out or two hour jollies

Can’t make their mind up on that one

But , this is, this is where I take excep, exception to that

Two hour jollies or months since at least last year

Actually Luke had three outings

January 2022, April 2022 and the last one on the 5th of May 2022

He has never been in the community since, not once

So, stop with the nonsense

They then go on about he bragged about strolling ahead of the guards

Yeah that’s the point, that’s the point

He has been escorted everywhere for the best part of twenty years

And now he has to come to the outside and learn how to just go about his day normally

Without being escorted everywhere

Now there is a special place in hell reserved for Chris Taylor and Harry Williamson who wrote this article

For the claim that Luke moaned about being refused visits to his mum

Because of her health and because she was not well enough to visit him

Moaned about it, these, these people have no humanity, none

How, how, how can they have


The Edinburgh news most of you will know now that I put out an open letter ‘cos that was just ridiculous

His community access was withdrawn, withdrawn after he failed two drugs tests

Makes it sound like one after the other

They were eight months apart and both of them on the result of horrendous abuse

And the second one after he’d been told yet again that his progression was being delayed, yet again

So it the, it was first delayed in April 2022 supposedly for eight weeks

And at the beginning, the end of May, beginning of June 2023 there was still no resolution and he was told it was being delayed again

So that’s the first thing, his community access was not withdrawn down, due to his own actions

And I’d like to know who is the prison source who spoke to these journalists

Luke did it under his own name 

He had the balls to come out and say it under his own name

And these guy oh prison source

Stand by your words huh

I should not get too erm wound up by this stuff but this weekend has been a bit of a windup

Jodi’s family have been subjected to awful abuse by Luke’s supporters

Never, never

We, we can’t help that the police did what they did back in 2003 and 2004 

That is not the supporters fault 

Jodi’s family would not be having to deal with this if the police had done it properly in the first place 

That is the point 

But it’s easy for them to turn it back on us 

Oh look what their doing, look what their doing

Because that means people don’t go and look at what their doing 

And that, that’s really important, what we need to look at is what their doing 

Because what we have here is a media encouraging erm members of the public to demand that these progression processes are some how removed or shut down or made more difficult 

What, what do we do with long term prisoners if we can’t reintegrate them

What do we do with them, and eh, it’s this level of hate, it’s this level of judgement that’s continually whipped up by the media

But this is changing, people are no longer buying it, you guys are no longer buying it 

And, and you know this, this is what will eventually bring it down

We, we just gotta keep going

So this whole thing now with where are the samples again

Like he needed this on top of everything else

I will be on to that tomorrow 

Erm chase down what I can, find out what I can 

We need to try and get his solicitor in to see him

Now one,one erm development over this weekend 

It has been difficult because as, as you know 

I, my power was not great, my internet kept dropping out

But we do have, thanks to some of the supporters and, and other people who have worked really hard on this

We do have two organisations who are now willing to take up the human rights aspect of this on Luke’s behalf

Which is fantastic news 

The other thing, and again thanks to Mike O’Brien for this

A lot of people are saying, oh these cases are English law and it’s different in Scotland 

Human rights legislation applies in the same way whether in England or Scotland 

And these things are breaches of Luke’s human rights 

So the protection against eh degrading and inhumane punishment 

Where’s Luke’s protection, nowhere to be seen 

So that’s a breach 

Erm the right to communication with family and friends and free speech 

Hello, not only did his free speech lose him his lower category condition’s

It’s lost him the right to speak to his family, with his mother so ill

He, you, that is so callous 

Erm there’s another, obviously his, his right to legal advise and representation 

Huh Straight out the window 

So, so eh we have people that are willing to take this forward for us now

Erm which is one way, or one less thing we have to do

So it’s not all bad news guys, it’s not all bad news

We are getting there, we’re trying to get something organised for the next protest

This weekend again made things a bit more difficult but erm we’re looking at different places for protests, different ways of doing protests

We’re also trying to pull together now the, the people who said they’d sit in town centres and give out information packs and all that sort of thing

We’re working on that as well, so we’ll get that back to you ASAP

Finally erm before I go ‘cos I’ve taken up far too much of your time already between Friday and now

Erm the buy me a coffee

Now I said at the time 

We can’t fundraise for a convicted person 

We all know that, we all know that

If it’s got Luke’s name in it they take it down, every single time 

So what I said, well, we can’t fundraise for Luke’s case but if anybody wants to support my work 

Because I work on lots of cases and lots of different organisations and everything 

And I be very grateful if, if anybody would be willing to do that 

Seemed like, a good idea 

And of course it would help with lots of different things

I believe someone has made a complaint

And that complaint made on the bases that I am breaching the platforms rules by engaging in unlawful activity

That unlawful activity being the four part series that I’ve got out on YouTube

Well if it was unlawful it wouldn’t be on YouTube, they’d have taken it down

Number one, number two I probably with a handful of e, emails could have a dozen people confirming that I work with them on their cases, educating people on, on the different stuff

So, all I’m saying is, there may be delay with the buy me a coffee stuff erm because these people with nothing better to do with their time

We are determined that this case and other cases like it will not go forward, just keep meddling and poking and, yeah, that kind of just makes me more determined

I don’t know about you guys but that kinda makes me just a little bit more determined to carry on doing what we’re doing

Sandra Lean – 18th June 2023

Link to Part 228 here

Killer Luke Mitchell: Transcribe Of Scammer & Murderers Flying Monkey Sandra Lean & Her Friday 16th June 2023 Facebook Live Gaslighting; Including Her Double Binds, Lies & Disinformation (Part 226)

Good afternoon everybody I’m sorry there was no advanced warning for this 

Erm it’s taken me by as much surprise as it has you

Erm, at 

Luke called me yesterday to say that they had laid a charge on him for misuse of the prison communication system by allowing his conversations to be recorded knowing that they were gonna be erm, published

That’s not an offence 

He’s perfectly within his right to do that

Erm however, eh we found out this morning that he was no longer in Glennock

Couldn’t find out where he was

He did manage to get a message out 

To say that he has been moved back to Shotts 

And they have cut all of his phone communication 

Erm  there is also a suggestion, a potentional 

That they may come after me

So I am now leaving (pause) my home 

Leaving Scotland for the time being 

Erm, ‘cos I’m no good to Luke if I’m locked up

It’s to let everybody know this is what they’ve done to him

This is his punishment 

For speaking out

It is absolutely outrageous 

I don’t know if people will be able to see this 

Later Jeanette, Angela

I don’t know how much you’ve seen

I’m just gonna erm, repeat again

Luke was told yesterday that he was gonna be punished for speaking out, using the prison phones

He said that he used them unlawfully by knowing that his communication was being taped for publication

That is not an offence 

He’s entitled to do that

Erm (pause) but they, they moved him over night  

Nobody knew where he was 

We found out this morning 

He did manage to get a message out this morning 

That he is back in Shotts

And they have removed all his phone access as punishment 

Erm, there is a suggestion that they will also come after me for unlawfully publishing those recordings 

So I am now leaving my home 

Eh getting out of Scotland at the minute 

Erm until we know what’s happening

I’d like, I’d like to say on Lukes behalf a huge thank you  to everybody

Who managed to erm, get the word out

And, and everybody communicating with each other, to let them know

I will be back on later once I am out of the area 

Erm, thanks everybody that, that’s been able to see this 

And please please please share this information as far and wide as you possibly can

He is being punished for using a legitimate prison phone 

For a legitimate interview 

That was legitimately published 

And, that’s where we’re at right now 

I will come back to you in a few hours, once I’m out of the area 

Thanks guys, speak soon

Link to Part 227 here

Twisted Reciprocal Relationships: Actual, Factual, Guilty Murderer Luke Mitchell Says “Put It All Out There” Whilst Scammer & “Fugitive” Sandra Lean Claims She Is On The Run From Police Scotland In The Van She Has Allegedly Already Told Them & The Public All About (Part 224)

Sandra Lean

Scottish Prison Service

As previously stated in Part 221 of this blog series, which can be read by tapping on the button below;

It is the role of the Scottish prison service to observe and monitor the security and behaviour of high risk offenders like deceptive, manipulative and abusive killer Luke Mitchell.

The Scottish prison service are also meant to identify and respond to breaches of security and order.

Psychopathic killer Luke Mitchell said to look like “Shaggy” from Skooby Doo

PSI 37/2010 & A Prisoners Access To The Media

As stated in a previous Part of this blog series, Sandra Lean yesterday (16th June 2023) published a short live video to her Facebook social media accounts confirming that the actual, factual psychopathic murderer Luke Mitchell has finally been returned to closed prison conditions.

Scammer Sandra Lean went on to do another live video in which she alleged she was fleeing Scotland in her camper van.

This is the camper van which she has allegedly already told the police and the public all about in her alleged previous communications with the police and the public (See here).

More on charlatan and fraudster Sandra Lean’s behaviour regarding this can be read in Part 211 of this blog series, which again can be read by tapping on the button below;

Sandra Lean stated to all the people she is duping via her live video;

I’m no use to Luke if I’m locked up

Sandra Lean – 16th June 2023

Sandra Lean also stated that the reason killer Luke Mitchell was transferred back to closed prison conditions was for;

Unlawful use of eh prison communication devices

Sandra Lean – 16th June 2023

Killer Luke Mitchell broke prison rules!

At section 1.2 of PSI 37/2010, which can be read by tapping on the button below;

It states “Prisoners can communicate with the media in three ways”.

One is via written correspondence, a second way is by prison visits and another way is via telephone.

Section 1.2 of PSI 37/2010 states;

..if a prisoner wishes to contact the media by telephone and the call is intended or likely to be published or broadcast by radio or television or posted on the Internet the prisoner must first apply in writing to the Governor for permission.

The Governor must decide whether to permit the application in liaison with Press Office.

This will only be allowed in exceptional circumstances where the prisoner intends to make serious representations about matters of legitimate public interest affecting prisoners, including where appropriate an alleged miscarriage of justice in the prisoners’ own case, and where the other criteria in Section 3 are met

Link to Part 225 here

Killer Luke Mitchell: Con-Artist Sandra Lean’s Latest Dirty Tricks & Lies, Shilling For The Actual, Factual, Guilty Psychopathic Murderer Who Was Said To Look Like “Shaggy” From Skooby Doo (Part 223)

Psychopathic murderer Luke Mitchell

Scottish Prison Service

As previously stated in Part 221 of this blog series, which can be read by tapping on the button below;

It is the role of the Scottish prison service to observe and monitor the security and behaviour of high risk offenders like deceptive, manipulative and abusive killer Luke Mitchell.

The Scottish prison service are also meant to identify and respond to breaches of security and order, which on this occasion they appear to have done.

Will There Be A Thorough Investigation By The Scottish Prison Service & Police Scotland Now That The Manipulative Murderer Has Been Moved Back To Closed Prison Conditions?

Sandra Lean

Con-artist Sandra Lean has today (16th June 2023) published a short live video to her Facebook social media accounts confirming that the actual, factual psychopathic murderer Luke Mitchell has finally been returned to closed prison conditions.

How and why he was ever deemed suitable for semi open prison conditions and given access to a mobile phone should be thoroughly investigated!

A reason why offenders like psychopathic murderer Luke Mitchell are sent back to closed prison conditions, is because they pose a high risk to the public and cannot be trusted or properly monitored in semi or open prison conditions.

Sandra Lean previously stated;

Luke has the absolute right to engage with media about his case

Sandra Lean’s Blatant Lies

Again, what Sandra Lean failed to highlight to all those people she is duping is the fact that Sandra is not a member of the media!

Not only is Sandra Lean not a member of the media she is also not a member of any media union, like the national union for journalists (NUJ).

The NUJ were referred to in Part 222 of this blog series which can be read by tapping on the button below;

Sandra Lean has today stated;

We found out this morning that he was no longer in Greenock, couldn’t find out where he was, he did manage to get a message out to say that he has been moved back to Shotts

Sandra Lean is pretending to all the people her and the dangerous, psychopathic murderer Luke Mitchell are duping with their innocence fraud phenomenon narratives, that he has been moved back to closed prison conditions because of the “system”.

Again in reality, killer Luke Mitchell has been moved back to closed prison conditions (HMP Shotts) because he poses a high risk to the public and he cannot be trusted in semi or open prison conditions!

Sandra Lean concluded her 3 minute Facebook live video stating;

He is being punished for using a legitimate prison phone

For a legitimate interview

That was legitimately published

There was nothing legitimate in what the manipulative murderer Luke Mitchell did!

Sandra Lean does not represent or work for the media!

And at no time was a legitimate media interview held or legitimately published!

Link to Part 224 here

Killer Luke Mitchell: The Scottish Prison Service Respond To Security Breaches, Grifter Sandra Lean Is Not A Member Of The Media & Therefore Has Zero Ethics, His Mobile Phone & More On The Murderers 20 Year Psychological Abuse & Torture Campaign of His Secondary Victims & Lies About The Media & Prison Staff (Part 222)

HMP Greenock
Sadistic, psychopathic killer Luke Mitchell

Scottish Prison Service

As previously stated in Part 221 of this blog series, which can be read by tapping on the button below;

It is the role of the Scottish prison service to observe and monitor the security and behaviour of offenders like manipulative killer Luke Mitchell.

The Scottish prison service are also meant to identify and respond to breaches of security and order, which on this occasion they appear to have done.

Charlatan & Fraudster Sandra Lean Is NOT A Member Of The Media!

Sandra Lean has today (14th June 2023) published the following to her Facebook social media accounts;

Sandra Lean Is NOT A Member Of The Media

Why did the highly manipulative killer Luke Mitchell, who clearly cannot be trusted, have access to a mobile phone in the first place?

Sandra Lean stated;

Luke has the absolute right to engage with media about his case

This may well be the case, but Sandra Lean is NOT a member of the media!

Not only is Sandra Lean not a member of the media she is also not a member of the national union of journalists (NUJ), therefore their codes of conduct do not apply to Sandra Lean – and in turn the convicted killer.

Journalists Codes Of Conduct & The NUJ

The national union of journalism website states in part (here);

The code of conduct has set out the main principles of UK and Irish journalism since 1936.

The code is part of the rules of the union.

The code’s purpose is to advise members, and other journalists, on how to carry out their work ethically. It has been used by journalists over the decades to challenge unethical instructions and produce content that is “honestly conveyed, accurate and fair”.

The NUJ website also states the following;

Grief & Distress To The Killers Secondary Victims

Killer and pathological liar Luke Mitchell’s long and whinging rant from HMP Greenock could not be fact checked and the public were not given the prison’s side of the story.

The untrustworthy killer mentioned the name of an “expensive burger chain” which was an unnecessary advertisement and possibly done for self serving means.

Some of the content of the killers long and whinging prison rant could “lead to hatred or discrimination” and could well lead to yet more “grief and distress” for his secondary victims.

If killer Luke Mitchell is unhappy with the Scottish prison service he should seek advice from a lawyer.

Ronnie Mothersole who is referred to in Part 130 of this ongoing blog series, which can be read by tapping on the button below, already appears to be making yet further threats – this time to the prison Governor;

Ronnie Mothersole aka Ron M

Link to Part 223 here

Killer Luke Mitchell: Sandra Lean & WAP – A Forum That Did The Very Thing It Was Titled As, Wrongly Accusing Multiple People (Part 161)

*Guest Blog*

This knowing a case inside out and upside down, no you don’t.

Where you should of course know the every movement by the Mitchell’s, you don’t and it is this that tells people a lot.


Someone puts something up and you are on it with the biggest hypocrisy ever –

There has been nothing but lies put out around Luke Mitchell v Her Majesty’s Advocate

This psychological approach of placing focus elsewhere, pushing out a false narrative, to have the unsuspecting public, fools for the most part swallow it up without batting an eye.

And when I say fools I mean those from the comments such as Ron M.

Tap on links below to read more on Ron M;

The nonsense around, this is going to be the year, the truth is finally out there –

Done to bloody death, same shit different day, different set of unsuspecting fools.

Same BS of the time is up, the real killer/s must be frantic with worry now –

Was doing the rounds in the day of WAP, a forum that did the very thing it was titled as, wrongly accusing multiple people of all sorts. It is not new, it only has more fools pushing it out.

What the public actually want, those with sense, is evidence!

They want to be shown without any doubt, they want to be shown without any doubt, that the evidence that convicted Luke Mitchell was wrong.

It cannot be done which is why this focus is placed elsewhere, to prevent discussion around the actual evidence that brought about Luke Mitchell’s conviction.

So, for all of you here who say you know this case inside out and upside down –

Let’s discuss evidence and see what it is you actually feel you do know?

Instead of deflecting on to every Tom, Dick and bloody Harry.

Sandra Lean is lurking so out you come Ms Lean and let us talk evidence openly for all to see.

Scott Forbes, sadly the invite is not to you, you know less about the evidence in this case than your average Joe Bloggs.

A vessel purely to push out exactly what Luke Mitchell commands.

And spare us the, nothing to do with him – it has everything to do with him, it is exactly what he stated he was going to do just after that TV show.

Where you and Sandra Lean, just like Corinne Mitchell and Sandra Lean, are contradicting each other on repeat!

Or if the wonderful Sandra Lean does not openly want to openly discuss where there is nothing controlled, then any of the minions here will do to kick it off.

Let us actually hear what you actually know about this case, of the actual case of Luke Mitchell v HMA.

Or alternatively, one can join a forum to do so, there is the Bamber forum or the MOJ one with John Lamberton.

Or Sandra Lean can come back to the blue forum to continue our discussions –

Nothing to be afraid of now, is there?

Not interested in a controlled to the max Facebook group, a jumped up version I hear of what the WAP used to be…

I’ve been asking them for years, No-one can give me an answer. Strange considering they know all the “facts”. No-one can tell me Luke’s timeline for that evening.

(Original post/s here)

Link to Part 162 here