Nadia Sawalha From The TV Show Loose Women & Her Husband Mark Adderley On The Loyalty Of Psychopathic Serial Killer Lucy Letby’s “Deluded” Friends & Violent Rapist, Parasitic Predator & Convicted Fraudster Andrew Malkinson (Part 43)

Bad Judge Of Character

During a 22nd of August 2023 YouTube video partly titled LOYALTY of Lucy Letby’s “Deluded” FRIENDS Mark Adderley and Nadia Sawalha, who are husband and wife, talked about psychopathic serial killer Lucy Letby and the loyalty of her friends.

Referring to a friend of Lucy Letby, Mark Adderley stated;

Can we be such a profoundly bad judge of character

I mean that in of itself is not a crime for them to not believe what’s she done

I mean vast numbers of people could not believe she was doing what she was doing

Which is why you could argue this has happened

But is it the pressures of, of female friendship

Are their pressures around staying friends and loyal

Despite what your friends are and who they are

Mark Adderley – Source here

A male “best friend” of serial killer Lucy Letby spoke to Ricky Killeen here.

Lucy Letby’s friend gives the impression he has accepted she is guilty, but has chosen to remain loyal to her (for now at least).

Ricky Killeen asked Lucy Letby’s friend how he could stick by her, to which Roger (not his real name) stated;

She’s very damaged I think would be the right word

Erm again you’ve sort of asked me why, you know, main question I’d say that you’d be wondering and why a lot of people would be asking why have you actually stuck with her

And my honest thoughts that I will say in the case is that obviously a lot of people will plead guilty to an offence

And then they’ll go down the path of mitigation and try and persuade a court to reduce their sentence on the basis of well I had X, Y and Z going on, this contributed to why I did what I did

Now in my opinion, I mean I don’t particularly talk to Lucy about the case when I see her

But in my opinion if she had gone down that route and pled guilty to the charges and tried to mitigate for them

I think it would have potentially been the difference between a forty, fifty year sentence from a whole life order which she got

I also think it may have been the difference between immediate detention in a prison verses a secure hospital or something like that

Obviously I’m not, you know, I can’t pretend I’m any sort of expert in these matters

I’ve tried to educate myself through the course of the case in these past three or four years to try and find out as much as I can

But as a friend it wouldn’t be fair to her to say some of what I know but there are factors in play that I think would have explained her actions

Not excuse them, you can’t excuse what’s she’s done

But would have explained them

Because she hasn’t had the completely perfect upbringing and you know, eh sort of childhood that’s been painted in the press, that’s what I will say

Statements of male friend of Lucy Letby

Extraordinarily Manipulative

Nadia Sawalha responded to her husband Mark Adderley by stating;

Well I think there’s like a couple of things in there

First of all I think that you should never be attacked if you have had a bad judge of character

Because I think people can be extraordinarily manipulative

I mean a narcissistic psychopath

Or a narcissist is often the most cunning person you will ever come across in your life

And they will stop at nothing to play the game

To make you believe that they are somebody that they’re not

So to ever be attacked for that I think is just, is just wrong

Nadia Sawalha – Source here

Still referring to serial killer Lucy Letby and her friends loyalty, Nadia Sawalha then went on to state;

They really, really believe she didn’t do this

And maybe why they talking out is that they’re very, very scared

Because they believe that whoever did do it is still doing it

That’s the other thing that you’ve got to think about

Like why would you come forward and say it because you know you’re gonna get shit

But A – if you passionately believe that your friend is gonna get wrongly convicted

You’re also gonna have to passionately believe that the person is still out there, who’s done this

And therefore more babies are in danger

Nadia Sawalha – Source here (at around 14:01)

A “Wrongful Conviction” Or Miscarriage Of Justice Does Not Equate To Actual, Factual Innocence

In response to the above husband Mark Adderley agreed with his wife stating “”yes, yes, yeah” to which Nadia Sawalha then stated;

It’s like the guy you know

Who just did seventeen years for rape

Andrew Macklesphere (Malkinson)

You know, I listened to all his podcasts actually before he was released

And his terror at the thought that that man was still out there

I mean he stayed in prison for so much longer than he needed to

Because he’d said if I admitted..

At some point the person that did this must be put away

Because he was so dangerous

And he did like, he did like seven more years because he refused to say he did it when he hadn’t done it

Nadia Sawalha – Source here

Nadia Sawalha went on to state;

But, but not all verdicts are..

I 100% believe that she did it and I’m very glad that she’s gonna be put away for life

But I’ve just given another example of a man that has been put away for seventeen years, not

Verdicts are not always right

So often people are in prison that shouldn’t be

But what if she is

Well she is

A narcissist

Narcissists lie, so

They are the greatest actors

So I feel sorry for her friends

I don’t feel angry for her friends

Because I’ve seen many narcissists in my life

And I’ve seen many people, victims of narcissists

Nadia Sawalha – Source here

Violent rapist, parasitic predator and convicted fraudster Andrew Malkinson was originally arrested for attempted murder and rape.

However he was found guilty of attempting to “choke, asphyxiate or strangle” his victim and two counts of rape.

Andrew Malkinson was released from prison in December 2020.

The first part of the extraordinarily manipulative podcast Seventeen Years did not air until September 2021 – which was the year after Andrew Malkinson was released from North Sea Camp open prison.

Narcissistic Rapist Andrew Malkinson Was & Is Forensically Aware

It is not known exactly why Andrew Malkinson was denied parole and spent extra years in prison, although he has alleged it was because he refused to admit his guilt.

However Andrew Malkinson has never provided any proof to support his claims and has instead chosen to hide the parole boards actual decisions from the public.

Andrew Malkinson comes across as a raging narcissist who could well have attacked other women before he was arrested in August 2003.

As already stated in Part 37 of this blog series here there was an article published in May 2016 which was titled ‘Forensically aware’: Bob Woffinden on the shocking case of Andy Malkinson in which Andrew Malkinson (via writer Bob Woffinden) claimed his violent attack and rapes never happened and his victim had made everything up.

Writers Will Roe and Emily Dugan chose to omit this fact from their manipulative innocence fraud narrative, which was their Seventeen Years podcast series.

It is worth reading here what Andrew Malkinson was saying via Bob Woffinden about his victim back in 2016.

Writer Bob Woffinden also stated in 2016;

In 2003, during one of his occasional trips back to the UK to visit his mother, he was arrested at her home for attempted murder and double rape

Bob Woffinden

In Part 2 of Will Roe and Emily Dugan’s Seventeen Years podcast, this was again changed by Andrew Malkinson, who stated at around 17:00;

I’ll go and see my mum so I went to Grimsby to see my mum ‘cos I hadn’t seen her for a long time.

Changed my plans like I always do you know I’m – I’m a traveller

Andrew Malkinson

It is not known if Andrew Malkinson ever visited his mother Trish Hose or if she ever made a police witness statement.

In reality Andrew Malkinson seemingly fled from the area of his attack after he learned his victim was helping the police compose an E-fit.

None of Andrew Malkinson stories add up, including why he got his work colleague Simon Oakes to drop his off at Manchester airport and told Simon he was going back to Holland.

Andrew Malkinson was apprehended by the police on the 1st August 2003, while he was staying in a salivation army hostel in Grimsby.

To date Andrew Malkinson has failed to explain what he did with the clothing and footwear he wore while working as a security guard in Ellesmere shopping centre, Walkden and which his victim described he was wearing when he attacked her.

Forensically Aware Andrew Malkinson Has Not Proved His Actual, Factual Innocence

The appeal court judge, who told Andrew Malkinson in July 2023 he was “free” to leave the court, did not declare Andrew Malkinson innocent.

As previously stated, Andrew Malkinson had been “free” since December 2020.

The court of appeal quashed Andrew Malkinson’s convictions, which does not equate to a finding of actual, factual innocence.

The mainstream media, and many others, have falsely claimed Andrew Malkinson was “cleared” and many have also stated he “didn’t commit” his violent attack and rapes.

In reality – this was, and is, propaganda.

A minute speck of someone else’s DNA was found on the vest top of Andrew Malkinson’s victim.

Andrew Malkinson’s victims vest top was covered by her fleece jacket, which was still zipped up when she regained consciousness.

Therefore it is extremely likely, the minute speck of DNA, which could have been a minute flake of sloughed off skin, was picked up somewhere else, either hours, days, or weeks earlier and before Andrew Malkinson’s 2003 attack. And was not therefore related to any crime.

The fact the man, referred to as Mr B, who’s DNA has been linked to this minute speck of DNA has not been charged with any crime, suggests this was secondary transfer DNA or background DNA.

The defence expert claimed in their report, which was referred to during Andrew Malkinson’s July 2023 appeal, this minute speck of DNA was “crime specific”.

But again, in reality, this minute speck of DNA also could have been picked up by Andrew Malkinson’s victim anywhere along the route she walked home that morning.

There has been zero evidence presented to suggest violent rapist Andrew Malkinson should not have been in prison.

Andrew Malkinson’s victim has been ghosted by the mainstream media.

The Continuous Manipulation By Emily Dugan & Violent Rapist, Parasitic Predator & Convicted Fraudster Andrew Malkinson, His “Rolling Stone Life” & Living In A Tent (Part 42)

Andrew Malkinson in 2023

Before rapist Andrew Malkinson was convicted for his June 2003 violent attack and rapes in February 2004, he had spent time in a prison in Thailand.

The actual, factual details regarding Andrew Malkinson’s fraudulent crimes, which saw him imprisoned before he flew to the UK in 2003, remain sketchy.

In May 2016 writer Bob Woffinden published excerpts from a letter Andrew Malkinson had written to him from prison.

Referring to his time before being sent to prison Andrew Malkinson stated;

I had a ‘rolling stone’ life.

The work you are doing is generally seasonal, so you’re always looking to move on.

You have your freedom but little else.

Sometimes people are envious when you tell them of your travels, as though you’ve had more advantages in life than they have.

But you aren’t staying at the Ritz. More likely, you’ve paid a few dollars for a stinking hell-hole down the Khao San Road in Bangkok.

The advantage is that there isn’t time for things to go stale.

You are always meeting new people and facing fresh challenges. Some might find it an insecure lifestyle, but it suited me.

I left Amsterdam on 16 May 2003 with a return ticket to Gran Canaria.

Excerpts from a letter written by Andrew Malkinson to Bob Woffinden: The Nicholas Cases, published in May 2016

It is still not known why Andrew Malkinson did not use his return ticket to fly back from Gran Canaria to Amsterdam in 2003.

However on the 18th October 2023, writer Emily Dugan published yet another article in which she quoted Andrew Malkinson, who stated;

I want to know all the details of exactly how and why [this] happened.

Because I can’t rest until I know.

It’s my life and the suffering is incalculable.

Oceans of tears I’ve suffered because of that.

And I want to know why

Statement by Andrew Malkinson via a Guardian article by Emily Dugan headed Andrew Malkinson says wrongful rape conviction inquiry should be statutory dated 18th October 2023

The public still do not know what Andrew Malkinson did with the clothing and footwear he was wearing on the night he attacked his victim.

There has been zero evidence presented to demonstrate that Andrew Malkinson didn’t commit his violent attack and rapes in 2003, however Emily Dugan stated;

Malkinson spent the summer living on his former partner’s houseboat in Holland before going on a road trip through France and Portugal to Seville in a friend’s van.

This was the freedom he dreamed of while spending 17 years in prison for a rape he didn’t commit, but now he has it, it is also a painful reminder of what he lost.

“That sense of freedom was stolen from me for 20 years and very nearly for the rest of my life. I’ll never forgive them for that.”

His home is now a compact grey and orange tent, his one concession to luxury an inflatable airbed. He is subsisting on very little, knowing it is likely to be two years before he sees any compensation because he is planning a civil claim.

“You need financial freedom to be truly free, don’t you? And I don’t have that,” he said, speaking to the Guardian in the London offices of his lawyers at the justice charity Appeal.

“It’s a tough time because there’s so much uncertainty. I’m living in a tent, I’m living on benefits. I want some resolution.”

The toll on him is obvious. He keeps losing his thread in conversation and his hands shake. “It’s definitely affecting my mental health,” he said. “I’m struggling.”

In April 2022 Emily Dugan stated in an article she wrote for the times here, that Andrew Malkinson was living in “a small flat in a seaside town”.

What happened to this flat?

And is the reason Andrew Malkinson “keeps losing his thread in conversation” and that his hands keep shaking down to alcohol withdrawal?

Prior to his arrest in 2003, Andrew Malkinson had been kicked out of the home of the Hardman family, after he urinated on their sofa whilst drunk.

Andrew Malkinson also stated that the reason his relationship with his son’s mother broke down was that he was “drinking (Alcohol) a lot more than” he “should”.

Link to Part 43 here

There Were & Still Are DNA Profiles Which Link Violent Rapist, Parasitic Predator & Convicted Fraudster Andrew Malkinson To His Victim (Part 41)

Edward Henry stated during violent rapist Andrew Malkinson’s appeal at around 35:19 here

Could I ask the court to turn to the appellants skeleton argument please, which is core bundle tab 9 and this was an attempt by us to, as it were, demonstrate to the court pictorially and diagrammatically how compelling the tests were because the CCRC in testing the complainants vest top found the approximate location of the dna of Mr B, erm and it’s in this area, and I place my hand as your lordships can see, just above my left breast erm, so the vest top or the camisole lay on top of the bra and the bra is depicted at paragraph 8 over the page at 186, and there is a positive match, scientific analysis billion times more likely to be Mr B than anyone else as part of that sample, scientific match on that…

Edward Henry

The CCRC (criminal cases review commission) did NOT test Andrew Malkinson’s victims vest top as Edward Henry suggested, as the vest top was not available for testing as allegedly it had been destroyed.

Apparently all what was available for testing was a little bit of material which had been cut out of the vest top back in/around 2003.

There are several seconds of audio missing between Edward Henry’s above statements and his following statements made during the appeal hearing;

….commonly found in saliva, which lies directly above the bra and the reason why the bra is stained in blood is because her attacker virtually severed the nipple of her left breast. No teeth marks were found but presumably biting through clothing, practically severing the nipple of her left breast and as we state at paragraph 9, the images help to illustrate why the jury would have been entitled to conclude that Mr B deposited his dna on the area of potential saliva staining on the upper left front area of the complainants vest top while biting and nearly severing her left nipple and then I, I do not need to go further than that

Edward Henry

Again, Andrew Malkinson’s victims actual vest top was not available for testing and it clear that Miss Cherry, who apparently carried out the testing on the little piece of material cut, and in turn Edward Henry, have guesstimated where exactly the victim’s vest top would have laid on her body.

Edward Henry then went on to state at around 38:04 here;

But then to address paragraph 10. And this is important my lords, paragraph 10 addresses the most recent reports of Miss Cherry the forensic scientist erm who erm was working in conjunction with another expert eh performing eh the forensic testing of those samples which had been preserved in the forensic archive, those samples which may as this court will eh determine eh quash Mr Malkinsons conviction and fortuitously those samples that were preserved over long years because most regrettably the vest top, the bra and other clothing, including the complainants knickers, were destroyed by the greater Manchester police at one time when there was a section 17 order in place eh but that is a different matter

Edward Henry

The public has been provided with zero evidence of what this preserved little piece of material looked like.

And again without Andrew Malkinson’s victims vest top it was, and is, all guess work as to where exactly this little piece of cut out material had been removed from the original top and where exactly this piece of material would have laid on Malkinson’s victims body whilst she was wearing it.

Edward Henry went on to state;

Then various references are given in the appeal bundle and also in the supplementary bundles of exhibits, which is marked by an asterisk before the eh the tab. An area of potential saliva staining on the left breast area of the complainants fleece jacket, fabric pieces from an area of potential saliva staining on the left cup of the complaints bra, a neck swab, the complainant was strangled by her attacker and her neck also displayed what could have been a suction mark, the inner aspects, and this is as a result of the respondents erm considered and conscientious further enquires, the inner aspects of the main body of the speculum used to facilitate the taking of internal vaginal swabs from the complainant, erm because obviously she bore marks of injury consistent with being vaginally raped and also taken from the complaints right arm an area which she sustained puncture marks injuries

It is right to say my lords, eh and we note this, that while these results have less statistical significance, the presence of dna in multiple, argueably crime specific locations from which Mr B cannot be excluded as a contributor is information which considered with the reliable attribution, and I say that as an understatement, of Mr B as the source of the dna on the complainants vest top, supports the proposition that it was Mr B not the appellant who was the complainants attacker eh and in fact Miss Cherry in her final report which the court is invited to receive, erm states that the dna findings are within her range of expectations if Mr B had been in contact eh with the complainant at sometime and that if he had had some sexual activity erm eh with her

She was an undoubted victim in this case 

I’m sorry I have been referring to her as the compliant 

I’ve been corrected..

Edward Henry

Andrew Malkinson could also not be excluded as a contributor to some of the DNA samples.

Link to Part 42 here

If You Were Involved In Violent Rapist Andrew Malkinson’s Case In 2003 Or Were A Witness & Would Like To Make Contact About His INNOCENCE FRAUD – Read More Here (Part 31)

Contacting Innocence Fraud Watch

If you were involved in this case in anyway back in 2003 and would like to contact Innocence Fraud Watch to speak about violent rapist Andrew Malkinson and his enablers innocence fraud – contact can be made by tapping on the button below;

Alternatively we can be contacted on Twitter here

All contact will be dealt with in the strictest of confidence 

Media Spin

The mainstream media are spinning violent rapist, parasitic predator and convicted fraudster Andrew Malkinson’s position.

His violent convictions were found to be “unsafe” by the court of appeal (CoA) on the 26th July 2023.

The CoA did NOT find Andrew Malkinson “innocent” or “clear” him per se.

Some of the evidence that led to violent rapist Andrew Malkinson’s convictions have been explored in this ongoing blog series, the index for which can be found by tapping on the button below;

Link to Part 32 here

Will The Court Of Appeal Judges Address The Misleading Evidence Presented To Them In Relation To Violent Rapist & Convicted Fraudster Andrew Malkinson (Part 29)

As already pointed out in Part 27 of this ongoing blog series, which can be read by tapping on the button below;

Misleading evidence was presented to the three judges presiding over the appeal hearing of violent rapist and convicted fraudster Andrew Malkinson.

Saturday 19th July 2003: Was the date of Andrew Malkinson’s Violent Attack & Rapes

Sunday 20th July 2003: Was the date Edward Henry claimed to the appeal judges police constables (Pc’s) Chris Baybutt & Gary Waite visited Andrew Malkinson at work

Your lordships the very next morning, purely as a result of a hunch, when the description of the attacker had been recited to them, the night before at the scene, police constable Waite and police constable Baybutt, on hearing the description of the attacker said ‘that’s Andrew Malkinson’ because about a month before they had stopped him erm, he hadn’t committed any offence, but he was seen riding pillion on the back of a young Mr Hardman’s moped

And they had stopped him, so as a result of the hunch they went to see him the following day

Immediately the day after the attack at his place of work

Statements by Edward Henry during Andrew Malkinson’s appeal hearing on 26th July 2023 here

Monday 21st July 2003: Said to be the date the VICTIM in this case gave her police witness statement

Monday 21st July 2003: Was the date Andrew Malkinson stated in 2016 (via writer Bob Woffinden) that Pc’s Baybutt & Waite visited him at work

The evidence was that at 2.00pm on the day of the attack two community beat officers, after hearing the description of the attacker, had ‘immediately’ and ‘simultaneously’ named Malkinson as the suspect.

Why would anyone, having heard of the attacker’s ‘smart’ clothes, instantly think of the generally dishevelled Malkinson?

Secondly, two days later, on Monday 21 July, the officers saw Malkinson at work.

Excerpts by Bob Woffinden’s taken from chapter 5 of his book The Nicholas cases

Friday 25th July 2003: The date the CCRC submitted to the appeal court judges that Pc’s Baybutt & Waite visited Andrew Malkinson at work

My learned friend and the respondent says that the commission has over stated this matter

In fact actually if we go to the statement of reason, eh and if I may ask you, and if I do erm ask you very briefly my lords to go to page 114, eh and eh paragraph 165

Forgive me 164, this is what the commission said

‘This is significant because the trial judge raised the question of whether the victim was mistaken about having scratched her attacker at all and told the jury that if she may have scratched her attacker then the person responsible for the attack cannot be the defendant

Dr Anderson’s mistake allowed the judge to suggest that the victim may have been mistaken in her account of scratching her attacker. This undermined an important defence point made by Mr Malkinson’s counsel at trial that the fact that Mr Malkinson was not injured or disfigured in anyway when he was seen by the police on the 25th of July, six days after the attack, meant that he could not have been the attacker’

With the greatest respect to my learned friend but also to the commission, erm the commission erm got that wrong

It was the very next day

Statements by Edward Henry during Andrew Malkinson’s appeal on 26th July 2023 at around 1:14:44 here

Who Was & Is Wrong?

It is not clear who was and is wrong in relation to the date Pc’s Chris Baybutt and Gary Waite visited Ellesmere shopping centre.

However it was reported that both Pc’s Baybutt and Waite were “recommended for a commendation” by Judge Michael Henshall, who presided over the February 2004 trial, for helping to bring violent rapist Andrew Malkinson to justice.

Link to Part 30 here