Killer Simon Hall: More On Innocence Fraud Killers & Their Deceptive Enablers, Including Stephanie Bon, Michael Naughton, Andrew Green, Kevin McMahon, Billy Middleton, Sandra Lean, Barbara Stone & United Against Injustice – Part 17e©️  

Joan Albert’s Killer.
Photograph of Simon Hall taken whilst at large and wanted by Suffolk police for a sexually motivated murder

Andrew Green

A few days prior to Stephanie Bon’s correspondence with Michael Naughton, which was referred to in Part 17a (Tap on button below to read more), Stephanie Bon emailed Andrew Green at the INNOCENT organisation, CC’ing in Michael Naughton.

Andrew Green

United Against Injustice

Andrew Green who says he is a “criminologist” co-founded the Manchester based INNOCENT organisation in 1993 and went on to also co-found United Against Injustice (UAI) with Ann Craven, the mother of Adrian Craven who was convicted for rape.

Andrew Green claimed Adrian Craven was “fully exonerated” for his rape but Innocence Fraud Watch has found no evidence to support this claim.

Kevin McMahon

Kevin McMahon

Kevin McMahon who was convicted of perverting the course of justice for pressurising a witness in the trial of Basil Williams-Rigby who was convicted for “sexual offences”, was also said to be a co-founder of United Against Injustice.

Kevin McMahon was also the founder of Merseyside Against Injustice.

NOTE: Adrian Craven and Basil Williams-Rigbys convictions were deemed “unsafe” by the court of appeal.

Neither men proved their actual, factual innocence.

It states here that Kevin McMahon “is a film producer and former member of the Royal Military Police and Special Branch”.

And it states here that Kevin McMahon “has been an active campaigner for over 25 years, his advice has been sought in many individual and high profile miscarriages of justice cases”.

A video published to vimeo which is said to have been produced by Kevin McMahon, titled ‘In Search Of The Truth’, can be viewed here.

Screenshot of end credits to Kevin McMahon’s ‘film

Un-Convicted Baby Killer Billy Middleton

The vimeo video here includes brief footage of un-convicted baby killer Billy (William) Middleton who set up the now defunct Wrongly Accused Person (WAP) website.

The Wrongly Accused Person website went on to become the Wrongly Accused Person (WAP) organisation, after Billy Middleton and Sandra Lean registered it as a charity.

Sandra Lean

Sandra Lean became a partner alongside Billy Middleton for the WAP organisation.

Billy Middleton was another abusive enabler and gaslighter of actual, factual guilty killer Simon Hall’s fraudulent public relations spin campaign.

Screenshot of one of unconvicted child killer Billy Middleton’s social media posts

Prior to Sandra Lean’s partnership with Billy Middleton, Sandra had been the Scottish representative for the INNOCENT organisation.

Peter Hill

Peter Hill removed his original event post from the world wide web but some of the following could once be found using this link;

Parliament House is just off the High Street, beside St Giles Cathedral – it’s not down beside the new Parliament Building at Holyrood. I’m rubbish at directions, and I’m sure someone will come up with better than this, but the easiest way I know is, from the railway station, go up the North Bridge to the junction where High Street/Royal Mile meet North Bridge, turn right up High Street, and it’s on your left, five or 6 openings up. 

It would be great to see lots of contributors to the forum there, but please remember to contact one of the organisers and get your name on the guest list to avoid security problems. 

John Scott:

Iain McKie:

Peter Hill:

The preliminary work in organizing this initiative has been done by: 
John Scott
John is the leading civil rights solicitor in Scotland. He is the Chairman of the Scottish Human Rights Centre. 
Iain McKie 
Iain is a retired police officer. His interest in law reform springs largely from the problems that his daughter Shirley encountered when she was a police officer, which led to an official inquiry. More details of this can be found at 
Sandra Lean
Sandra is a writer on miscarriages of justice. She is the Scottish representative of INNOCENT. Her book No Smoke contains research on a dozen cases of miscarriage of justice in particular the controversial case of Luke Mitchell. 
Peter Hill 
Peter, now retired, was the producer of the BBC TVs programme Rough Justice. In Scotland he has worked on the case of George Beattie for 25 years, taking it to two appeals. 


Sandra Lean was another abusive enabler and gaslighter of killer Simon Hall’s fraudulent public relations spin campaign.

Perverting The Course Of Justice

Kevin McMahon perverted the course of justice a few months after the launch of his campaigning group.

A June 2004 article by Cheshire live headed Ex-policeman ‘claimed to be private detective’ reported on Kevin McMahon’s behaviour and subsequent arrest in January 2002.

Excerpts read;

Mr Vardon has alleged that on December 11 2002, McMahon visited the witness unannounced and attempted to convince him to make a retraction statement.

The witness contacted the police and officers arranged for the man to be wearing a recording device for the next meeting with McMahon.

Mr Vardon has claimed McMahon returned to his house on December 12 and suggested he was working for Williams-Rigby’s solicitor, Christopher Saltrese.

The court heard that McMahon told the witness, who is a heroin addict and convicted thief, it was in his financial interest to drop the charges.

Mr Vardon said McMahon suggested to him that he should say he had wrongly identified his abuser.

The court heard that McMahon was arrested on January 28 last year.

Excerpts from a 17th of June 2002 article by Cheshire Live headed Ex-policeman ‘claimed to be private detective’

Merseyside Against Injustice was launched in October 2001 and a sister of sadistic serial killer and psychopath Michael Stone, also known as Michael John Goodban, spoke at the launch.

Barbara Stone

Barbara Stone promoted her brother’s innocence fraud public relations spin campaign.

Barbara Stone also set up the now defunct group Kent Against Injustice.

Neil Wilby stated in his June 2020 blog headed Dr Truthseeker loses her moral compass that Andrew Green “was driven out in 2016” from the United Against Injustice organisation.

Note: Neil Wilby also stated in his blog Dr Truthseeker loses her moral compass in relation to a secondary victim of killer Simon Hall’s, namely Stephanie (Hall), that she is “a regular miscarriage of justice commentator”. Stephanie (Hall) is a “regular commentator” on the innocence fraud phenomenon and the killers, rapists, fraudsters and con artists and their deceptive enablers, who choose to perpetuate it.

Link to Part 17f here