Killer Simon Hall: Funding, Fibres, Phoebe Grant & Fading Into The Background – Part 12©️

Phoebe Grant – Photograph courtesy of Sarah Grant

Phoebe Grant, who was actually Hannah Grant but preferred to be called by her middle name, was said to be Simon Hall’s girlfriend at the time of his arrest in July 2002.

Phoebe Grant met Simon Hall at work in a bar shortly before he committed his murder, whilst he was in a relationship with Stephanie Bon, and also whilst Simon was meeting up with other men and woman.

15th December 2001: The Old Rep Public House

On the day of Simon Hall’s arrest, Phoebe Grant told Suffolk police;

I needed another part-time job, so I made enquiries at the Old Rep Public House in Ipswich in November 2001, in order to do some part-time bar work.

When I went into the pub I saw Jamie Barker who had the assistant managers job there.

We exchanged mobile phone numbers to (sic) that we could carry on with our friendship.

I got a job there as a barmaid, and was to work Friday, Saturday evening and all day Sundays.

When I started at the pub, my current boyfriend Simon Hall already worked there behind the bar.

He also worked there on a Friday and Saturday evening and possibly on a Wednesday and Thursday night as well, but that may have been to cover for sickness or staff absence

I became more friendly with Simon, we started ‘flirting’ and I thought he was nice.

He had teased me that his name was ’Teddy’ when I had first worked with him.

I can’t remember the exact date when I started working at the Old Rep but I do know that it was before Christmas 2001, possibly on the 8th December, a Saturday’.

I do know that on the 22nd December, after I had worked there for a couple of weeks, some of the staff from the pub went on after we finished work to ‘Liquids Nightclub’ in Ipswich.

I went, as did Jamie and Simon.

There were other members of staff there too but as I didn’t know them very well I can’t recall their names.

It was usual for members of the pub staff to go to Liquids after work on a Saturday night.

Members of the pub staff could get into ’Liquids’ free if they showed their pub pay slips.

In return, staff from Liquids would come into the ’Old Rep’ most weekends and put flyers round.

On this night at ‘Liquids’ I got very friendly with Simon and he came back to my house in Gladstone Road afterwards.

He went to collect his car, an Audi or an Escort the next morning about 7 or 8 am and found he had been given a parking ticket.

He had left his car in the car park next to Brannigans pub.

On Saturday 15th December 2001, the weekend before, I started work at about 7pm.

I think Simon was working too and would have started at about the same time.

Jamie Barker wasn’t working but I remember him being in the pub and I think he came in at about 8pm.

He got a bit drunk as he had been celebrating a birthday and I remember him taking his top off at some stage and him being ’oiled up’.

It wasn’t unusual for him to take his top off, though!

Excerpts from Phoebe (Hannah) Grant’s police witness statement dated 25th July 2002

Simon Hall did not work at the Old Rep public house on Saturday the 15th December 2001 and was in the Woolpack public house around the time Phoebe Grant believed him to have started work.


Victoria another woman Simon Hall met in the Woolpack pub on Saturday the 15th December 2001, stated;

While I was there I started talking to a man who introduced himself as ’Teddy’.

He came up to me and asked me for my mobile telephone number which I gave to him

I went back to my group and did not speak to him again that night

We left the Woolpack at around 11pm that night after my mother picked us up and took us home.

The next time I saw ’Teddy’ was on Thursday 10th January 2002 when I bumped into him at Liquids nightclub in Ipswich

After that occasion I saw him now and again and I last saw him when he came into Bolton stores, Bolton lane, Ipswich, where I was working

After that occasion I received a telephone call from him.

He kept asking me if I was going to see him again.

We had a normal conversation.

This call was received about a week prior to his arrest

Excerpts from Victoria’s police witness statement dated 4th September 2002

Phoebe Grant also told police;

Simon has not behaved any differently since I have known him and I have not felt concerned about his demeanour in any way

Excerpt from Phoebe (Hannah) Grant’s police witness statement dated 25th July 2002

But Phoebe also stated;

I do remember at the end of December 2001, Simon didn’t come into work.

I thought he had quit, I don’t know why he didn’t come to work and I have never asked him.

I remember him coming in once when I was at work, he spoke to me, bought a drink and then went upstairs to the D.J. section.

He left without speaking to me again.

A couple of weeks later, he did come back to work at the Old Rep.

Excerpt from Phoebe (Hannah) Grant’s police witness statement dated 25th July 2002


Matthew W, who described Simon Hall as his “best friend” told police;

I know that Simon had stayed over 3 – 5 times from when I moved in as stated in my previous statement up until the weekend of the 7th/8th December 2001.

I know this date because it is when I had a Saturday off from working

It was on that Saturday night (7-12-01)* that Simon Hall picked me up from my home in Bentley and took me to The Woolpack Pub in Ipswich where there was a karaoke on

It was on this night that Simon had arranged to meet a female friend who I did not know, at The Woolpack, and it was her that came back with Simon and I to my home at the converted garage in Bentley

Simon had picked me up in his works pool car, the white Citroen Saxo car

All I can remember about this girl was that she is white, about 19-20 years old

Simon and I took this girl back to Ipswich around 6am on the Sunday morning

Excerpts from Matthew W’s police witness statement dated 26th September 2002

*The 7th of December 2001 was a Friday, not a Saturday.

On the day of his arrest for his murder of Joan Albert, Simon Hall attempted to give Suffolk police the impression he had started “going out” with Phoebe Grant in January 2001 (See 1st Record of interview Page 30) and in his 2nd interview he appeared to attempt to reinforce this (See 2nd Record of interview page 4) but in reality the evidence suggests otherwise.


The day after Phoebe Grant made her first police witness statement, her friend Kelsey, who had “moved into student digs” with Phoebe on the 1st December 2001, told Suffolk police about when she had first met Simon Hall and how he had “faded into the background” by early 2002. Kelsey stated;

Simon then faded into the background for a while then, until in about mid February 2002.

I also got a part time job at The Old Rep PH in Ipswich, collecting glasses

It is there at The Old Rep, that Phoebe and Simon got back together again and Simon was working at the pub part time as well

I would describe Phoebe and Simon’s relationship as being initially ‘Firey’ but then steadying down to become stable and ’loving’ in recent time

I recall in late February or early March 2001* (sic) going with Simon alone in his Audi motor vehicle (index mark not known), to his parents home in Capel St Mary, Suffolk, to assist him in collecting some of his things to bring back to our digs.

I recall commenting to him that Capel was a ’pretty’ village and it was at this time Simon told me that a friend of his mothers had recently been murdered nearby

Simon seemed genuinely sad by this.

I do not remember anything else that was said about it

I do remember that Simon’s parents were away at the time and that he showed me his mothers rabbits which he said a neighbour was looking after

Excerpts from Kelsey’s police witness statement dated 26th July 2002
(*The year was 2002 not 2001)

According to Phoebe Grant she only learned of Joan Albert having been murdered in May 2002, after apparently being told about this by Simon Hall’s adoptive mother Lynne Hall.

Phoebe stated;

I was not aware of the murder of Joan Albert until about May of this year.

We were at Simon’s parents home in Capel St Mary and his mother, Lynn Hall started to talk about Mrs Albert’s dog, that she looked after.

It seems she had been good friends with Mrs Albert and saw her or spoke to her several times a day.

I don’t think Simon knew her very well.

I don’t think he had been to her house other than to put a letter or Christmas card through her letterbox

Excerpts from Phoebe (Hannah) Grant’s police witness statement dated 25th July 2002

Phoebe Grant also told the police;

I would describe our relationship as excellent, we are best friends, we spend a lot of time together and get on very well

Simon has had his fair share of problems in the past, but he has tried very hard to make thongs work.

He has never been violent to me and although we have had ’squabbles’ like any couple, he has never lost his temper with me or anyone else in particular

Excerpts from Phoebe (Hannah) Grant’s police witness statement dated 25th July 2002


Phoebe Grant’s father Roger Grant, in contrast to the father of Simon Hall’s previous girlfriend Zoe, told Suffolk police;

Sometime in February and March this year 2002 I met Simon Hall who was seeing my daughter Phoebe and as a result Simon visited our house on several occasions and a couple of times stayed for the weekend.

I first met Simon at Gladstone Road Ipswich where Phoebe was staying at a students house

As a result of my job I did not get to know Simon as much as my wife

My conversations with Simon were of several subjects one of which was to do with decking at the end of the garden which runs along the river where we lived.

We talked about cars etc.

He has mowed the grass and wash (sic) the cars without me asking and also advised me concerning purchase of a stereo unit

As far as I am concerned I found Simon to be polite, charming amicable young man who did not ever swear and also assisted my household to clear up after dinner

He was obviously keen on Phoebe and I know that they are very much in love and eventually will be together

Simon has never given me any cause for concern at all

I would have him in my house at any time and trust him implicitly

Excerpts from Roger Grant’s police witness statement 1st October 2002

According to Phoebe Grant, she and Simon Hall moved into Hill House Road in Ipswich on the 17th May 2002.

Link to Part 12a here

Killer Simon Hall: Brother Shaun Hall: Innocence Fraud, Donations To Keep Website Running, More Confessions, Acting Out Of Character & “Just Remember The Truth Always Comes Out In The End”- Part 11a©️ 

Shaun Hall older brother of Simon Hall

It is not known if Shaun Hall received a police caution in relation to attempting to pervert the course of justice but following his brothers February 2003 trial, and just before Simon Hall was sentenced, Shaun Hall went on to help promote and enable his brothers innocence fraud and set up a website, alongside his adoptive parents Lynne and Phil Hall.

An April 2003 news article reported under the header Website bid to free murderer claimed that Shaun Hall and his adoptive parents were inviting readers of their website to make donations to ‘“keep it running”.

The article reported;

Hall’s legal team has already announced it will appeal against his conviction and a website has now been launched to help the fight to clear his name

The internet site claimed there had been a miscarriage of justice and added campaigners would clear Hall’s name

It also aims to provide support for family, friends and followers of Hall – who is known as Teddy because of his penchant for designer clothes – and invites donations to keep the website running

By John Howard for the East Anglian Daily Times article headed Website bid to free murderer dated 6th April 2003

The same article also reported on a statement made by Lynne Hall;

His mother, 54, of Snowcroft, Capel St Mary, said: 

“We want him to walk free – that’s where he should be.

I can look people in the eye and know my son is innocent.

We believe somewhere out there the real killer is walking free, and that frightens us’

By John Howard for the East Anglian Daily Times article headed Website bid to free murderer dated 6th April 2003

It is not known how much money Shaun Hall and his adoptive parents Lynne and Phil Hall made from their website or what they did with any donations.

However Shaun Hall went on to make numerous telling public statements around the end of 2012 and throughout 2013, after news of his brother Simon and Jamie Barker’s burglary became known about by Simon’s then wife Stephanie (Hall).

Shaun Hall: “Just Remember The Truth Always Comes Out In The End”

A few of the telling public statements made by Shaun Hall read as follows;’s family and it’s personal

Public statement made by Shaun Hall on the 28th of January 2013

If Simon is sticking to the truth then there shouldn’t be a ‘s***-storm’ surely?

Public statement made by Shaun Hall on the 27th of January 2013

just remember the truth always comes out in the end

Public statement made by Shaun Hall on the 27th of January 2013

You love the attention so now you have the attention from people who actually know what goes on behind closed doors

Public statement made by Shaun Hall on the 28th of January 2013

Simon had every chance to confess to his actions on the night of Joan’s death, however he decided to keep quiet.

Saying that anyone else should go to the police is ridiculous as they wouldn’t want Simon to get in to further trouble

Public statement made by Shaun Hall on the 4th of February 2013

He has a history that he shouldn’t be proud of and to be honest, stolen goods from 11 years ago are the least of his worries

Public statement made by Shaun Hall on the 4th of February 2013

Hopefully he will be honest with you for a change, sadly this is something Simon finds hard to do most of the time

Public statement made by Shaun Hall on the 4th of February 2013

I’m sick and tired of you blaming her for things Simon is responsible for

Public statement made by Shaun Hall on the 4th of February 2013

One thing to remember blood really is thicker than water and family ties are a lot stronger than you may think

Public statement made by Shaun Hall on the 8th of February 2013

For the record, we have never been interested in what you do, only that Simon is portrayed in a good way

Public statement made by Shaun Hall on the 14th of February 2013

All of the above, and many more of Shaun Hall’s public statements, messages, emails and other abusive and toxic behaviours at the time were relayed to Simon Hall by his then wife, and on Friday the 22nd February 2013 Simon Hall’s mask finally came off.

Two days later Simon Hall attempted suicide; in the meantime Shaun Hall continued to expose his brothers lies and guilt to his murder of Joan Albert.

Below are a few more telling statements made by Shaun Hall;

He has done many wrong things in his life, most he will never admit too

Public statement made by Shaun Hall on the 12th of April 2013

He is my brother, ask him how many times I covered for him in his life, sorted out his battles for him

Public statement made by Shaun Hall on the 12th of April 2013

I am Simon’s brother, I know a lot of things that Simon has done and I know when he is backed into a corner, he lies.

It’s his nature!

Always has been

Public statement made by Shaun Hall on the 12th of April 2013 for criticising Simon, I can, I am his brother and I have that right. 

He has done many wrong things in his life, most he will never admit too

Public statement made by Shaun Hall on the 12th of April 2013

I can say things like this because I know him.

He may have changed since being in prison, but I seriously doubt it! 

Public statement made by Shaun Hall on the 12th of April 2013

Shaun Hall: Murder = To Act Out Of Character

Several months after Simon Hall’s suicide attempt, Shaun Hall wrote a letter to his brother Simon.

Shaun Hall’s letter was dated the 7th of June 2013 and excerpts from the letter read;

I have just found out about the events in February which led to you being in Ipswich hospital

I really want to put all the past behind us and move forward for your sake

Sometimes I only see the Simon that everyone else believes is you but I know that is not the real you.

You are a the selfish person deep down, you have been a victim from day one where you are and that your situation led you to act in a way out of character

It’s a disgusting situation and should never have happened and I hold my hand up as I have before and admit I am to blame for our situation but I’m sure in the right light both of us would hold our hands up and admit we both have let anger or hurt motivate our actions

I have written to your prison governor to ask that I be notified if anything was to happen to you just as a precaution (sic)

Excerpts from Shaun Hall’s letter to his brother Simon Hall dated the 7th June 2013

Simon Hall went on to make allegations that his older brother Shaun Hall had sexually abused him when he was 10 years old.

Simon Hall made a police witness statement from HMP Hollesley Bay detailing his sexual abuse allegations.

Following the exposure of the innocence fraud and his brothers suicide, Shaun Hall who had never spoken out in public (Apart from on Internet forums and social media pages – in the main using pseudonym’s) chose to set up a memorial site for his brother.

The mother of the killer of Paul Gerard ‘PG’ McGilvray chose to leave a message on Shaun Hall’s memorial website.

Carol Toal stated the following;

Link to Part 12 here

Killer Simon Hall: Shaun Hall: “It’s Family And It’s Personal”, Murder Confession’s, Bare Face Lies & “Controlling Nature” – Part 11©️ 

Shaun Hall older brother of Simon Hall

It is not known if killer Simon Hall admitted to his older brother Shaun Hall that he had murdered Joan Albert back in 2001/02, or at any time thereafter, but Shaun Hall’s behaviour was suspicious and many of the public statements he chose to make were extremely telling.

The most telling of all Shaun Hall’s statements were those he made to his brother in a letter he wrote and sent to Simon in prison several months after his suicide attempt.

The content of Shaun Hall’s letter hinted he had known all along of his brothers guilt to his murder.

Shaun Hall made three sworn witness statements to Suffolk police.

One 6 page statement on the 25th July 2002. Which was the day the police carried out a dawn raid at Hill House Road, in Ipswich, where Shaun Hall was living with his brother Simon and Simon’s girlfriend Phoebe Grant, then two further 1 page statements in August 2002.

The reason Shaun Hall was required to make further statements was because his bare faced lies in his first statement did not tally with the evidence given by the other Hall family members or that of his ex girlfriend Leigh Marshall.

Shaun Hall’s double binds must have set off alarm bells.

The opening 2 sentences of Shaun Hall’s first witness statement read;

I am the person stated above and I reside at the address shown overleaf together with Leigh Marshall and our fifteen month old son, X

I am presently in the process of moving out of that address to other accommodation which better suits our domestic needs.

Leigh will remain with X at the current address

Excerpts from Shaun Hall’s police witness statement dated 25th July 2002 (X = son of Shaun Hall & Leigh)

Phoebe Grant’s “Controlling Nature”

However on page 2 of the same statement, Shaun Hall stated;

In May 2002, due to domestic circumstances, I moved into my brothers and his girlfriends address at 25 Hill House Road, Ipswich.

Simons girlfriend is known to me as Phoebe Grant, although her first name is Hannah.

Whilst staying with them, I would pay for my keep in kind, paying for food and for some bills relating to the premises.

I remained there with them until about 18th July 2002 when I moved to my present address, following a reconciliation with Leigh, my girlfriend

I would describe my relationship with my brother Simon as being a typical brother – brother relationship.

However I recall being jealous of Simon when we were younger as he had more friends than me

I have never really ‘hung out’ with Simon or his friends, either when we were younger, or nowadays

There was only one key to 25 Hill House Road, Ipswich and I found it difficult living there with Simon and ‘Phoebe’ and there was a bit of friction between Phoebe, Simon and I, due to what I think is Phoebes controlling nature

Excerpts from Shaun Hall’s police witness statement dated 25th July 2002

Shaun Hall’s third police witness statement read;

I am the above named person living at the address detailed overleaf.

Further to my previous statement I wish to confirm that I have been at this address since mid July 2002, but also regularly staying at my girlfriend, Leigh Marshall’s flat in Lindbergh Road

Between the beginning of June 2002 and up to the date I purchased this flat in mid July, I stayed at my brother’s Simon Hall, house at 25 Hill House Road in Ipswich.

Prior to this I stayed at my parent’s address, at 8 Snowcroft in Capel St Mary, for just over a week, as Leigh and I had temporarily finished our relationship

Prior to the relationship breaking up, I lived with Leigh, our son X, and Leigh’s dad at *** Lindbergh Road, Ipswich, from around September 2000 until I moved out at the end of May 2002

Shaun Hall’s police witness statement dated 27th August 2002

On the 11th June 2002 Suffolk police carried out further searches of addresses and cars linked to Simon Hall, which Shaun Hall would have been aware of due to the fact he was living with his brother Simon, and Simon’s girlfriend Phoebe Grant at the time.

Shaun Hall’s first police witness statement detailed the previous girlfriends his brother Simon had had or lived with “since he left the family home in Capel St Mary”, as well as detailing the cars his brother had owned “since about June 2001”.

Shaun Hall stated;

When Simon was about eighteen (18) or nineteen years of age (19), he left the family home in Capel St Mary, and eventually lived at The YMCA, Norwich Road, Ipswich where he got into some trouble, which my parents and mother in particular, blames herself in part, in that she feels she let Simon down by not being there for him

Just like his adoptive parents (Lynne and Phil Hall) Shaun Hall also ghosted his brother Simon Hall’s girlfriend Stephanie Bon.

It is not known if conversations were had between Simon and Shaun Hall, and/or Lynne and Phil Hall, in relation to Simon’s jewellery but Simon Hall’s silver neck chain, which he was wearing at the time he committed his murder of Joan Albert, was seized by police on the day of his arrest.

The silver neck chain was screened for the presence of blood and none was found.

However, according to both Shaun and Simon Hall, they swapped bracelets after the police had carried out forensic searches on the 11th June 2002.

Shaun Hall stated;

About three weeks ago, I swapped a bracelet with Simon, for another similar one

The bracelet in question I would describe as being silver metal, of a ’chunky’ design

I have today (Thursday 25th July 2002) handed this bracelet to WPc 997 Wells of the Suffolk Constabulary which she has seized as Police Exhibit TW/25

Excerpts from Shaun Hall’s police witness statement dated 25th July 2002

Shaun Hall’s witness statement did not say why he chose to swap bracelets with his brother.

But given the fact Simon Hall was clearly under suspicion for murder by Suffolk police at this point, it’s not difficult to work out why this may have occurred.

It is not known if Simon or Shaun Hall initiated the idea of swapping bracelets.

Shaun Hall’s Bare Faced Lies

The most blatant of Shaun Hall lies to Suffolk police was during his 1st statement given on the 25th July 2002 in relation to the family Christmas meal.

Shaun Hall stated;

During the weekend of the 15th, 16th December 2001 I recall working overtime at my place of employment from about 8am – 1pm on Saturday 15th December 2001

I further recall having an argument with my girlfriend Leigh when I got home, in relation to a planned family visit to Lincolnshire the next day.

Leigh and X were due to travel with my parents, Simon and I for a family reunion with my mothers side of the family

However X was ill and Leigh was refusing to let him travel as a result of this

I was upset about this, as my mothers parents had not seen X before

I remained at home with Leigh and X for the rest of the day and overnight in to Sunday morning, 16th December 2001, when at about 9.30am my father collected me in his company car along with Simon

We three then returned to Capel St Mary to collect my mother, from where we then continued on to Lincolnshire

We all had lunch together with my maternal Grandparents, Raymond and Joyce *******, and my mothers brother Steve, and his wife and daughter, X and X *******.

There were about eight (8) other persons present whose names I cannot recall

After lunch (at a pub, the name of which I do not recall), we went on to my Grandparents’ home, where we remained until about 5pm

My parents Simon and I then travelled back to Suffolk, where they dropped me off at home at about 7.30pm

I recall later that evening, my mother telephoning me on 01473 ****** and telling me that Joan Albert – a friend of hers from Capel St Mary – had been found dead

Joan was known to my mother as a friend, who she would help out.

Joan lived close to my parents but I never met her nor visited her home

I do not recall anything unusual about Simon over that weekend, other than the usual, he had no money

Excerpts from Shaun Hall’s police witness statement dated 25th July 2002

Phil Hall had already told the police on the 20th December 2001, 4 days after his adoptive son Simon’s murder of Joan Albert, he had only been with one of his adopted sons that day.

Phil Hall stated;

On Sunday 16th December 2001, my wife, son, and myself went out for the day, we arrived home late evening.

I noticed the police ‘Closed’ sign along Boydlands and having listened to our answerphone messages discovered an incident had occurred with Mrs Albert

Excerpt from Phil Hall’s 20th December 2001 police witness statement

Shaun Hall’s on/off girlfriend Leigh Marshall also told police about a month after Shaun made his first police witness statement, that they had stayed at home to care for X, their 10 month old son.

Leigh stated;

Further to my previous statement I wish to add that on Saturday the 15th of December 2001, I believe I remained at my parents address of (redacted) with my young son X who had been quite ill and only released from hospital on the previous Thursday.

I can’t remember if my boyfriend Shaun Hall had been working that day, but in the evening he remained at the house with me and our son.

At this time we were both living with my dad

On 16th December 2001, we were all meant to be attending a large family meal but, due to X being ill, Shaun and I remained at home

Excerpt’s from Leigh Marshall’s police witness statement dated 27th August 2002

Not unlike Simon Hall’s then girlfriend Stephanie Bon, Lynne and Phil Hall also ghosted their grandchild X from their narrative of events surrounding the weekend of Simon’s murder of Joan Albert.

Lynne & Phil Hall Allegedly “Annoyed” Their Unwell Grandchild Didn’t Attend Family Gathering

Lynne and Phil Hall also made no mention to the police about Shaun and Leigh’s argument over not taking their 10 month old son X to the family Christmas meal, even though X had only been discharged from hospital on Thursday the 13th of December.

Shaun Hall also claimed in his 2nd police witness statement that he had allegedly asked his adoptive mother Lynne Hall to call him to let him know they were home safe.

Further to my original statement I wish to state that on Sunday the 16th of December 2001 I did not go, with my mum, dad and brother Simon to Stoke Rochford.

This is an annual event, where my mums side of the family meet up for a meal

Initially I thought I had attended, but remember that my young son X had been quite ill, so I had remained at home with him and my girlfriend.

My mum and dad were a bit annoyed as some of the family had not seen X

I cannot remember exactly what I did on the Sunday, but think I remained at the house with X and my girlfriend.

I can confirm that I did receive a phone call from my mum around 9.30pm Sunday night.

Originally I had asked her to call me, so I knew they were home safe but this is when she told me that Joan was dead

Shaun Hall’s 6th August 2002 police witness statement

Suffolk police call reports show no records of Lynne Hall telephoning Shaun Hall on Sunday the 16th December 2001.

Link to Part 11a here