Killer Luke Mitchell: TIMELINE Of Scammer Sandra Lean’s Public Relations Spin Campaign & Where Are The Donations From The Profits Of Her Book Going, Funding & Taxes Etc (Part 269)

Scammer Sandra Lean

May 2007: Sandra Lean Published Her First Discredited Book No Smoke: The Shocking Truth About British Justice With Diggory Press

9th May 2007: Sandra Lean Speaks Publicly For The First Time About Her Support For Sadistic Killer Luke Mitchell

“I can’t imagine what Jodi’s family have been through. And for them to have to face the possibility that it wasn’t Luke who did this – how betrayed will they feel? How devastating for them”

“But my girls used a path to walk to Newbattle High School – not the path where Jodi died, but one not unlike it. I wanted to know that they were safe,” she explains.

“The more I looked, the more pieces didn’t fit”

“I wrote this because I was so bloody angry” she explains.

“We were all trotting along thinking things were one way when they are not. I wanted to raise awareness and get change. I want people to get as mad as a box of frogs too, to say they don’t want innocent people locked up and I want to be sure that we are safe”

“Don’t give us this bull that we have locked up someone and that’s it. I want to know that the person they have is the right person so when I go to the shop for a bottle of wine or a loaf of bread he isn’t going jump out at me”

“Everyone says you are safe, he is off the streets. But in so many cases I’ve looked at the person that did it is still free and it could be anyone, it could be the person across the street or over the fence. It might be your or your friends’ kids who are in the wrong place at the wrong time”

Statements by Sandra Lean from a Scotsman article headed Claiming killer innocent part of search for truth dated 9th May 2007

16th February 2008: Sandra Lean Announces On Writers.Net Forum She Is Taking Diggory Press To Court. There Is Zero Evidence That She Ever Did

I’m another of The Seventeen, and I can confirm Gill’s post – we are indeed taking Diggory to court, and, like Gill, I also got suckered into the Platinum Package. Unfortuately, being very naive, I organised and booked a countrywide book tour, at great expense, expecting my book to be in the shops. Worse, I was highlighting several cases of wrongful conviction, so all of these people and their families were extremely hopeful that the publicity would generate interest and public support for them. I have rarely felt so low about anything – these people trusted me with their stories, and I feel i let them down terribly, all because Diggory doesn’t do what it says it will do.
I have not received one penny in royalties, and have had nothing but rudeness from Diggory when I tried to put things right. They eve sent a very rude email to a friend of mine, who had emailed on my behalf because I thought my own emails weren’t getting through. I know my book has sold many copies because of the feedback I have had personally, and because of the ratings and comments on Amazon.
I’ll pop in from time to time to leave updates on the situation.

Sandra Lean – Source here

12th August 2008: Sandra Lean Re-Published Her First Discredited Book No Smoke: The Shocking Truth About British Justice Via Convicted Criminal Stephen T Manning/Checkpoint Press Ireland

13th December 2010: Sandra Lean & Un-Convicted Baby Killer Billy Middleton Obtain Charity Status For The Wrongly Accused Person Organisation No. SC041953 (Source here)

20th July 2012: Sandra Lean & Corinne Mitchell Delivered A 300 Page Dossier To The Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission (Source here)

5th April 2013: Sandra Lean Resigned From Wrongly Accused Person Organisation Charity (No.SC041953)

25th July 2013: Office Of The Scottish Charity Regulator Indicated The Wrongly Accused Person Organisation Charity (No. SC041953) Failed To Make Financial Return (Source here)

February 2014: Sandra Lean Said She Had Been Duped By Sadistic Killer Luke Mitchell & Corinne Mitchell’s Innocence Fraud

26th October 2018: Sandra Lean Announced She Had Self Published Her Second Innocence Fraud Book & Profits From Her Book Are Being Donated To New Organisation “Long Road To Justice Which Does Not Exist (Source here)

26th October 2018: Sandra Lean States On Page 378 Of Her Book Profits Are Being Donated To New Organisation “Long Road To Justice

26th October 2018: Sandra Lean Launched “Long Road To Justice” Website

31st March 2019: Sandra Lean Stated On James English Video;

The reason I put the book out is if I were forced to give up so if anything happened to me I don’t think there’s anybody else in Scotland got the level of knowledge of the case that I’ve got and the idea was put everything in there and then if anybody else wants to come along and take over the informations there   

Statement by Sandra Lean to James English (May 2019) at around 50:24 of video

29th June 2019: Sandra Lean Claimed On Twitter She Was Having “Technical Difficulties” With Her Launch Of “Long Road To Justice

4th October 2019: Sandra Lean Claimed She Had Contacted Stephen T Manning/Checkpoint Press To Withdraw Her First Discredited Book No Smoke From Publication (Source here)

16th October 2019: Sandra Lean Launched A £10k GoFundMe Appeal Stating; (Source here)

Your money will provide the time needed to create a solid foundation for a complete review of the case and the possibility of finally obtaining true justice, for Luke and for Jodi.

We need to move quickly. For the first time since 2003, there is a huge amount of positive interest in the case. Most people don’t realise that Luke’s sentence is “without limit” – unless the conviction is overturned, there is no release date for him. And without a proper foundation, creating the conditions to review the case is an almost impossible task.

Your support will mean that I can dedicate much more time to systematically creating a permanent, searchable record of all the details of the case which, in turn, will mean that we can quickly and accurately provide information for experts who can help review the case.”

It has been frustrating to have to try to do this work in small bursts between other commitments. To be able to concentrate fully, for extended periods of time, means we will finally, once and for all, have permanent records that can be accessed in an instant.

With your help, we have the best possible chance of discovering the truth about what really happened to Jodi … and who was really responsible.

Sandra Lean

19th October 2019: Sandra Lean’s GoFundMe Asking For £10k Deleted For Violating Terms Of Service & She Was Looking For Another Platform (Source here)

24th February 2021: Sandra Lean Appeared On Channel 5’s Innocence Fraud TV Show “Murder In A Small Town

25th February 2021: Sandra Lean Launched Her Gimmick Of A Petition

Erm it will be part of a bundle of moves and events and things that we are trying to do to bring pressure

So the petition on its own won’t be enough

We’ve always known it won’t be enough but it will help for example to get this talked about in Scottish Parliament, things like that

Statements by Sandra Lean via her live video on 14th April 2021

9th March 2021: Sandra Lean Published Part Of GoFundMe Email To One Of Her Facebook Accounts

9th March 2021: Sandra Lean Announced On Facebook She Cannot Set Up A Bank Account For Direct Donations Due To “..all sorts of tax implications”

14th March 2021: Sandra Lean Claimed Via Her Live Video An Audio Book Was In The Process Of Being Recorded “But We Run Out Of Time Before The Film Went Out

14th March 2021: Sandra Lean Announced Via Her Live Video She Was Setting Up A New Company & Yet Another Scottish Charity. The Company Name To Be “Innocents Betrayed Ltd” & The Charity To Be Called “Long Road To Justice” (Source Here)

To the people who have given me business advice and tech advice behind the scenes to help with the funding and things like that

Erm huge thank you to all of you, you’re absolutely amazing

Now a couple of people have been in touch

A couple of people who have business backgrounds and accounting backgrounds and tech backgrounds have been in touch and

The suggestion has been, in order, in order to set up a, a charitable or not for profit organisation it needs time

And in order to get this moving as quickly as possible

One of the suggestions has been that I set up a company “innocents betrayed” and the t-shirts and the hoodies and the car stickers and the face masks and the books and all of that

Can go through “innocents betrayed” while this other organisation this, this charity organisation is being set up

And then all the profits from innocents betrayed will go into this organisation

So I’d like to talk a little bit about that

A few people have commented and sent me links to inside justice which is a charity in England that looks at these cases erm, re-examines them and has lots of experts involved and, and sees if these cases can be taken back to the court of appeal

And I tried to set up an organisation like that for Scotland about 3 years ago I think, might, there abouts

Erm called “Long Road To Justice” and the idea for, for Long Road was to bring together not just experts that can re-examine cases but writers and film makers who can get these stories out

Just like we did with “Murder In A Small Town” and I could never get it off the ground for a number of reasons

Mainly funding, kept getting, fundraisers kept getting taken down eh suggestions that I was somehow trying to profiteer out of it

Yeah ‘cos for 18 years I’ve done it all at my own expense

Erm so the idea now is that a company called innocents betrayed can be set up very quickly and I have someone working on that right now

Erm so after, probably tomorrow now, I’ll, I’ll put out the two new email addresses that I was gonna put out during the week and never had time for, to cover ideas and help, so people with ideas and people that can help

Once innocents betrayed is up and running the company, not the book, is up and running we can start getting all these ideas into action and the, the, the erm accounts for innocents betrayed will be looked at, will be kept by someone else

So that there completely transparent

I’ll pay the tax on all of the donations to Long Road, that come through innocents betrayed but, wha, it’ll take several weeks to get Long Road To Justice set up, which is the charitable organisation which we hope will be able to look at other cases, Luke’s as well, but other cases in Scotland and try to, to help take them forward or to get their stories out there for other people to help

Erm again these things take time and it’s not, neither of them are ready to go just yet but I will let everybody know when they are ready to go

Statements by Sandra Lean via her live YouTube video on 14th April 2021

23rd March 2021: Sandra Lean Sets Up “Innocents Betrayed LtdCompany No. 13091576 (Source here)

14th June 2022: Sandra Lean’s “Innocents Betrayed Ltd” (No. 13091576) Struck Off (Source here)

15th November 2022: Sandra Lean Handed In Her Gimmick Of A Petition To Scottish Parliament, Which She Stated On 14th April 2021 “..on its own won’t be enough” (Source here)

17th June 2023: Sandra Lean Sets Up A Buy Me A Coffee Account

26th June 2023: Buy Me A Coffee Disabled Sandra Lean’s Account For Violating Their Terms & Conditions

23rd July 2023: Sandra Lean Stated “Out of nowhere without me doing anything YouTube monetised my YouTube channel

So erm, I’ve not quite figured out how it all works

So I’ll, I another little list here

People can now donate during lives, we can have background auctions, competitions and things like that

Eh for those of you who want to, you’ll be able to sign up as subscribers for as little as £2.99 a month

Eh and I can add a store where you can order t-shirts and books direct from me, to save buying from Amazon, key rings and erm magnets, all manner of things to help rain awareness raise awareness

I’ve also added a PayPal link in the description ‘cos I couldn’t figure out how to put it on the YouTube channel itself, so it’s in the description for those of you who don’t want to sign up to regular payments, or who can’t be here for live or, or anything like that

Erm so yeah that came at, at quite a nice time

Sandra Lean – 23rd July 2023

Link To Part 270 here