Killer Barry George Suffered With Intense Anger, Had A Grudge Against Women, Feigned Illness & Was Far More Competent Than Tests Suggested #Netflix #WhoKilledJillDando? (Part 25)

Brother-in-law Derek Edward Towler
Killer Barry George & his sister Michelle Diskin Bates

The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From The Tree

The following statements were made by killer Barry George’s sister Michelle Diskin Bates on Facebook on the 2nd October 2023;

Sister Susan Towler (nee George)

The police knew Barry George was a danger to women and that he was a prolific sexual predator and rapist.

As already stated in Part 3 of this blog series The Ghosting Of Sister Susan & Brother-In-Law Edward Derek Towler, Barry and Michelle’s sister Susan Towler passed away in April 1986 during the early stages of pregnancy.

Caroline Logan

Caroline Logan said Barry George feigned illness in a bid to influence the case and stated;

He may have a degree of control when he feels threatened by a process like a court case.

He may exaggerate to protect himself from a situation in which he feels threatened.

Excerpts by Stephen Wright for the Daily Mail article headed Blonde doctor’s £25,000 to comfort Dando killer dated 29th June 2002

Philip Joseph

Philip Joseph found Barry George far more competent than he made himself out to be to.

A media article stated;

Dr Philip Joseph, another leading psychiatrist who was called by the prosecution, said George was “far more competent” than tests would suggest and capable of lying in police interviews.

While some of his behaviour could be attributed to his epilepsy and cognitive impairment, his stalking of women appeared to stem from an “intense anger” caused by rejection, Dr Joseph said.

Source here

Killer Barry George Admitted His Guilt To His Murder In 2002 #Netflix #WhoKilledJillDando? (Part 24)

HMP Belmarsh

Killer Barry George’s uncle Mike Burke stated in his book;

Belmarsh is a holding prison for prisoners awaiting trial so shortly after his conviction Barry was moved to HMP Whitemoor, in Cambridgeshire.

Mike Burke

2002 – HMP Whitemoor

Referring to the 7th April 2002 Mike Burke stated;

Uncle Mike Burke

On Sunday April 7th I heard on BBC Radio 4 news that the News of the World had a cassette tape of Barry apparently confessing to the murder.

I bought the paper and read the story which I found difficult to believe.

It alleged that Barry said to other prisoners ‘…because I was the man who committed the murder’.

I phoned the number given and listened to the tape recording which sounded like Barry though the sound quality was very poor.

I had warned him that something like that could happen.

The source of the tape was a by then deported Polish thief who claimed he used his tape recorder to record fellow prisoner’s music.

Mike Burke from his book Mike’s Story: The Battle to Clear Barry George of the Murder of Jill Dando first published in June 2011

Excerpts from the Irish Examiner read;

Detectives are set to study a tape on which Barry George is claimed to admit murdering Jill Dando.

The News of the World reports George was recorded by a fellow prisoner during a conversation.

George was convicted last year of the BBC presenter’s murder but has always maintained his innocence.

His appeal against the conviction will be heard soon.

On the tape a voice asks:

“Why did the police arrest you in the first place, do you think?”

Another voice, said to be George’s, replies:

“Why? Because I, I was the person who committed the murder.”

There is no confirmation yet that the voice is George’s and the dialogue on the tape is muffled, indistinct and even inaudible in parts.

It is also said to contain an involved discussion about the timing of alibis and the nature of the trial judge’s directions to the jury, reports The News of the World .

The tape is said to have been recorded accidentally by Rafal Gutarewicz while he and George were in Whitemoor Prison.

He was trying to record himself playing a keyboard and accidentally left the tape running.

A Scotland Yard spokesman said:

“We will study any potential new evidence carefully. We are not prepared to discuss the issue further while the case is subject to appeal.”

Excerpts from an Irish Examiner article headed Police to study Dando killer’s ‘confession tape’ dated 7th April 2002

Link to Part 25 HERE

Killer Barry George Was Said To Have Fled To Ireland In 2009 After Someone Allegedly Held A Gun To His Head & Told Him To “Watch Your Back” – Why Has His Sister Michelle Diskin Bates Recently Claimed Otherwise? #Netflix #WhoKilledJillDando? (Part 23)

David Wells & The Allegation Made To The Police About A Gun Threat Whilst Staying In Emergency Accommodation In Hackney

In late August 2008 the Evening Standard reported that killer Barry George had been stopped and searched after apparently being seen acting suspiciously and “hanging around parked cars carrying a holdall”.

Excerpts from the article read;

Barry George, 48 – who was acquitted just three weeks ago of killing the BBC Crimewatch presenter – was approached by two officers in a patrol car near his home in North London.

The male and female officers used stop-and-search powers after Mr George was seen ‘hanging around’ parked cars carrying a holdall. 

He was searched by the male PC, who found nothing suspicious, and was allowed to leave when the officers were called away to a traffic accident.

Solicitor David Wells

Last night Mr George’s solicitor David Wells said:

‘Nobody has said to me that he was doing anything wrong, and there doesn’t seem to be anything that singled him out from anybody else.

‘Today is the first example I have of how the police are treating him as an innocent man. Some form of complaint will be made.’

Scotland Yard last night refused to comment, but a senior police source defended the officers’ actions. 

‘They believed he was acting suspiciously and that is why they stopped him,’ the source said.

Excerpts from an Evening Standard article headed Police stop ‘suspicious’ Barry George – just three weeks after he was acquitted of killing Jill Dando dated 24th August 2008

Barry George made the allegation that someone had put a gun to his head and told him to ‘watch your back’.

Solicitor David Wells was apparently with Barry George when he reported his allegation to the police;

He had moved to Hackney, east London, and it was there that the threat was made a year after he was freEd

Barry says:

‘When I was in emergency accommodation in Hackney, I was stood in a long hallway and I had a gun put to my head and was told ‘Watch your back’.

‘I went to the police station and told them and they gave me lip service. I was living in fear.

‘There were two things in my mind: I’ve been acquitted of this crime and then I get a gun to my head.’

The Met police confirmed that a man in his 40s had reported such an incident in Hackney during 2009.

However, they were unable to give full details of the probe.

David Wells, a criminal defence specialist from Wells Burcombe Solicitors, was at the police station when Barry reported the sinister threat.

David said:

‘He was incredibly distressed… sweating, out of breath and in quite a state.

I’d seen Barry on many occasions and I had never seen him this distressed.

Later that year Barry fled to Ireland where he hoped the harassment would end.

Excerpts by Alex Green for the Daily Mail article headed Barry George – the loner acquitted of killing Jill Dando – reveals he is still looking over his shoulder, almost 20 years after he walked free before being told at gunpoint: ‘Watch your back’ dated 17th July 2018

Stories Not Adding Up

Recently Michelle Diskin Bates contradicted the above story and made the claim her brother had moved to Ireland “to escape the police”.

Excerpts from Niamh Horan’s article for the Irish Independent read;

She says her brother moved to Ireland not to escape media attention, but “to escape the police”..

“… I had to almost secrete Barry out of the country of his birth and get him into Ireland where he would be safe.”

Niamh Horan for the Irish Independent article headed ‘My brother was cleared of Jill Dando’s murder, but he won’t be free until the real killer is caught’ dated 1st October 2023

Mark Hughes for the Independent previously stated;

Upon his release he lived in a flat in Hackney which cost him £310 a week in rent.

He paid for it not, as was suggested, by claiming benefits, but by using the proceeds he was paid to do a tabloid interview on the day of his release..

Excerpts from an article by Mark Hughes for the Independent article headed Barry George: ‘I am not angry, certainly not at society. But I would use the word disgusted‘ dated 31st May 2010

Barry George was apparently paid £80,000 for his story following his release from custody.

He would therefore not have been eligible for help towards his rent due to the fact his savings were over £16,000. Read more here

Link to Part 24 HERE

The Surjit Singh Clair Effect, Fantasist Michelle Diskin Bates, Sister of Killer Barry George, Innocence Fraud Killer Warren Slaney, Serial Killer Steve Wright & Kay Burley #Netflix #WhoKilledJillDando? (Part 22)

Michelle Diskin Bates & killer Barry George
Surjit Singh Clair

Innocence Fraud Promoter & Groomer Michael Naughton, Russ Spring & Psychopathic Killer Warren Slaney

Gary Thompson (32) and John Weston (29) were shot and killed on the 10th of October 1990 in the front garden of the house Gary Thompson lived in with his wife and children in Oadby, Leicestershire.

Gary Thompson
John Weston

Gary Thompson ran a successful hot dog and burger van fast food business and his friend John Weston worked alongside him.

Psychopath Warren Slaney and Terence Burke stole up to £60,000 of bank holidays takings from Gary Thompson’s Bentley motor vehicle after shooting dead Gary Thompson and John Weston.

Innocence fraud killer Warren Slaney’s co-defendant Terence Burke attempted to pretend that victim Gary Thompson “was in on the raid” as part of an insurance scam.

However it was established Gary Thompson was uninsured.

In 2000 killer Warren Slaney made allegations here that staff at Woodhill prison had “attacked” him “at least six times” and in 2011 Private Eye magazine published an article headed The Hot Dog Hit in which it stated;

Slaney’s case has now been taken up by the University of Bristol Innocence Project where law students investigate claims of injustice

Excerpt from a Private Eye magazine article headed The Hot Dog Hit dated 11th September 2011

Another article on psychopathic innocence fraud killer Warren Slaney stated;

The campaign has the support of Dr Michael Naughton of The Innocence Project based at Bristol University who showed that miscarriages of justice were costing the public purse as much as £200m a year in 2002.

Source here

Someone called Russ Spring was also involved in the innocence fraud public relations spin campaign and was referred to in 2005 here as a “campaign support worker for the Miscarriages of Justice Organisation”.

Russ Spring from Mojo said: “We feel that the scale of the inquiry that is needed into his conviction really is beyond the scope of the Criminal Case Review Commission and they need to appoint an independent outside investigators.

BBC news article headed Balloons lift murder appeal bid dated 27th September 2005

Michael Naughton, who was involved in the innocence fraud of killer Simon Hall, founded Bristol university’s innocence project.

Read more on innocence fraud groomer and promoter Michael Naughton by tapping on the button below;

The Surjit Singh Clair Effect

Referring to just after killer Barry George was released from custody in 2008 following his retrial, his uncle Mike Burke stated;

It was now open season on Barry and the press set about destroying any hope of him settling into any kind of normal life in his home city of London.

I watched dispassionately as his reputation, such as it was, nosedived over the last days of 2008 under a welter of tabloid fantasy.

They ran stories on what he ate, what bookshops he visited, his temporary accommodation.

They claimed incorrectly that he was stalking a nurse, that Sky’s Kay Burley was frightened sick by him, that he was interested in Cheryl Cole of X Factor, that he was involved with the partner of a convicted killer etc.

To make things even better a ‘spokesman’ for him allegedly confirmed some of those manufactured stories.

Pat Reynolds said to me one day: ‘with friends like those who needs enemies?’

Excerpts from Mike Burke’s book Mike’s Story: The Battle to Clear Barry George of the Murder of Jill Dando first published in June 2011

The “spokesman” Mike Burke referred to was Surjit Singh Clair.

Read more on Surjit Singh Clair here, here and here.

Michelle Diskin Bates chose to omit to tell the readers of her book the fact that Surjit Singh Clair was a convicted fraudster who attempted “to obtain property by deception by selling the story of the bogus attack to a national newspaper”.

False Phone Monitoring Allegations & Pam Wright

Referring to Surjit Singh Clair and some of the various news stories regarding her psychopathic killer brother, Michelle Diskin Bates stated;

It was arranged that Barry would travel from London to Birmingham, where he would be met by volunteers from MOJO.

They would take him to a secret location and keep him safe.

In two days, he and a volunteer, Russ, would meet me in Leeds.

When Russ returned to his family, Surj would take over, taking Barry along to a meeting he was having at another hotel.

We really hoped that all of these precautions would mean Barry would not appear in any more disgraceful headlines, but no.

They were being followed everywhere, even camping outside of Russ’ home looking for Barry, though they were not there.

Russ’ wife and family felt intimidated by the media’s presence.

The only way they could have known about Russ was if our phones were being monitored.

Of course, this was all before the Leveson Inquiry and the News of the World’s well-earned downfall. Story upon story was published.

There was one story that alleged Barry had terrified a nurse in the hospital carpark, and that he was in an agitated state demanding drugs at the hospital.

The truth was that he was with Russ and they had gone to A&E to replace Barry’s epilepsy meds, as he’d had to abandon his supply at the flat when the police came.

Another story alleged that he was now obsessed with Cheryl Cole as well as Kay Burley, and that he was dating a convict’s wife, the person Surj went to a business meeting with!

Statements by Michelle Diskin Bates from her book Stand Against Injustice published in October 2018

Surjit Singh Clair accompanied Pam Wight, who had been groomed, conned and exploited by serial killer Steve Wight, during her February 2008 Sky news interview with Kay Burley.

It was during this interview where Kay Burley asked Pam Wright;

Do you think if you’d had a better sex life, he wouldn’t have done this?

Kay Burley – February 2008

A December 2008 media article stated of killer Barry George;

He is also reportedly besotted with Pam Wright, the fiancée of Suffolk Strangler Steve Wright.

Excerpt from a Birmingham Sunday Mercury article headed My relationship with Barry George dated 6th December 2008

As referred to in Part 18 of this blog series here, Surjit Singh Clair had stated to David Jones of the DailyMail;

I can tell you there is somebody new, though.

I think there have been three or four meetings

Surjit Singh Clair – Source here

Was the woman Surjit Singh Clair referred to Pam Wright?

During a 2021 channel 5 TV show Pam Wright stated, after realising Steve Wright was a psychopathic serial killer;

He was just a nice, quiet, kind guy

I just, no, no way, I couldn’t believe it.

He wasn’t a violent person

This is my life sentence, I’ll never know the truth… I do honestly think there’s a lot more to the story.

I just didn’t want to wake up, I drank ridiculously and I was on anti-depressants.

Anything just to go to sleep and not think about it

Pam Wright via Entertainment Daily article headed The Suffolk Strangler: Why did Steve Wright kill his victims and where is he now? dated 21st August 2021

Surjit Singh Clair can be seen walking behind Pam Wright in the opening of the February 2008 video with Kay Burley below;

Link to Part 23 HERE

Sadistic Psychopath & Assassin Barry George & His Countdown To Murder TIMELINE #Netflix #WhoKilledJillDando?

15th April 1960 – Barry Michael George Was Born. He Was Said To Be “..a difficult child, wild, unpredictable and other-worldly. His parents, former soldier and special constable Paddy – now 71 – and care assistant Margaret, brought him into the world in a last-ditch attempt to save their stormy marriage. The relationship was doomed to fail and George spent his early years hiding from blistering domestic rows in the family’s cramped council flat in a deprived area of Acton” (Source Here)

1967 – Paddy walked out on Margaret, who was having an affair, to set up home with current wife Babs. Confused and unhappy he fought at school and even turned on his fragile epileptic sister Susan, who he had always guarded” (Source Here)

1970 – Sister Michealina (Michelle Diskin Bates) Moved To Barnes To Live With Their Father Alfred, His New Wife Barbara & Their Chiwawa Dog. “As Her relationship with her mother was not easy and by the age of 15 she was living with her father. ‘My mother was warmer earlier in the marriage,’ she says. ‘And less warm towards the end of it.‘ When Barry asked to move in with his father, he was refused. ‘I’m sure Barry saw it as a rejection. Probably the first of many,’ she says” (Source Here)

1970 – Barry George Was Expelled From Primary School At Aged 10 For Hitting A Teacher

1971 – Barry George Was Sent To Council-Run Heathermount Boarding School In Ascot While His Sister Susan Was Put Into Care

1972 – Heathermount Boarding School Built A Small Bore Rifle Range For Students, Which Barry George Probably Used. It Closed The Following Year (Source Here)

1973 – Michealina George Moved To Ireland. Michealina Is Now Known As Michelle Diskin Bates. According To Statements Made By Her She Saw Her Brother Barry A Total Of 4 Times In 27 Years

A Former Pupil At Heathermount School Claimed Barry George Was A Bully & Had Sexually Assaulted Him (Source Here)

1974 – Alfred George Moved To Australia With His Second Wife Barbara

May-September 1976 – Aged 16 Barry George Worked As A Messenger For The BBC At Television House, Wood Lane, London

Barry George Moved Into A High-Rise Tower Block Overlooking Shepherd’s Bush Roundabout, West London. His Step-Sister Maria Went On To State “It stank and you could hardly get in the door for rubbish. But most disturbing of all were the piles of gun magazines that stretched in columns to the ceiling. There must have been hundreds of them

March 1980 – Using The Name Paul Gadd, Fraudster Barry George Tried To Con His Way Into A Woman’s Home In Surrey Pretending To Be A Police Officer (Source Here) He Asked The Judge Who Sentenced Him To Take Into Consideration 5 Other Similar Offences (Source Here)

The West London Observer Exposed Barry George (When He Was Known As Paul Gadd) As A Fraudster When He Stole A Trophy & Then Used It To Pretend He Was A British Karate Champion

Countless Attacks On Women, Including Actress June Elvin & Another Woman Who Was Working As A Civil Servant (Source Here)

18th March 1980 – Arrested For Indecent Assault

5th May 1980 – Iranian Embassy Siege Concluded

5th August 1980 – Arrested For Indecent Assault

1981 – Aged 21, Barry George’s Application To Join The Regular Army Was Turned Down

1981 – Barry George Met 17 Year-Old Girlfriend Margot Bovell. The Relationship Lasted Around 2 Years. Friends Claimed Barry George Was A ‘Control Freak’ (Source Here, Here & Here)

11th June 1981 – Barry George Stood Trial For Two Separate Indecent Assault Charges. He Got Off For His Indecent Assault Attack Of June Elvin But Found Guilty Of Another Indecent Assault Charge. He Only Received A Suspended Prison Sentence

17th September 1981 – Alan Warriner Of Tubitt Scaffolding Sponsored Barry George, Who Had Changed His Name By Deedpoll To Steve Francis Majors, To Jump Over 4 Buses On Rollerskates At Nottingham’s Long Eaton Stadium (Source Here)

It Is Not Known If Barry George Was Working For Tubbit Scaffolding For Cash In Hand

5th December 1981 – Joined Territorial Army Under Alias Steve Majors (Source Here) Former Sergeant Major Leslie Lindsay, who gave evidence during Barry George’s 1st trial, said that “Mr George would have been involved in stripping and assembling self-loading rifles and machine guns

When Alfred George Discovered His Son Barry George Had Access To Guns In The Territorial Army He Asked Him To Quit (Source Here)

7th February 1982 – Barry George Raped A 20 Year-Old Woman, Pretended He Was In The Royal Air Force (RAF) Then Claimed As His Defence He Was Allegedly “Lonely & Rejected

August-15th September 1982 – Barry George Joined Kensington & Chelsie Gun Club & Attended On 8 Occasions Which Would Have Involved Pistol Shooting (Source Here)

17th November 1982 – Left Territorial Army (Source Here) “A senior regimental leader said: “He wasn’t Para material. He was just a wanabee. The system is designed to weed out people like him who think they can get in, look cool in a beret and play with guns” (Source Here) His Records Stated “ was decided he would not make an effective soldier” (Source Here)

10th January 1983 – Caught By The Royal Protection Squad In Kensington Palace Grounds Wearing His TA Uniform & In Possession Of A Large Knife, Length Of Rope & Poem. He Was Not Charged With Any Offence. Barry George Had Been Seen Loitering Near The Princess Of Wales Home A Total Of Four Times In The Same Year (Source Here)

21st January 1983 – Arrested & Charged With Rape

29th March 1983 – Convicted At The Old Bailey For His Rape Of Lesser Offence Of Attempted Rape (Source Here)

1985 – Following His Release From Prison Barry George Began Using The Alias Thomas Palmer, Going On To Meet Janice Dobbins & Her 13 Year Old Son David Dobbins, Along With Susan Coombe (Source Here)

July 1985 – Sister Susan George Married Edward Derek Towler

1986 – Barry George Crept Up On Janice Dobbins With A Gun In Her Pelham Street, Fulham Home, On Another Occasion He Also Fired A Handgun Into The Dobbins Home

April 1986 – Susan Towler (Nee George) Died During The Early Stages Of Pregnancy, Following An Epileptic Seizure. Alfred George Returned To England To Attend His Daughters Funeral, Which Barry George Did Not Attend

1988 – Barry George Moved Into His Crookham Road Flat In Fulham

1988 – Barry George Was Questioned By Police In Relation To A Series Of Rapes (Source Here)

2nd May 1989 – Married Japanese Student Itsuko Toide So That She Could Get A Work Permit. Barry George Went On To Assault Her & She Reported His Assault To Police

29th October 1989 – Arrested & Charged For His Assault Of Itsuko Toide, Who Claimed Barry George Had Tried To Kill Her, But Case Not Pursued To Court (Source Here)

April 1990 – Arrested & Charged For Indecent Assault But Case Not Pursued To Court (Source Here)

1991 – Applied To Become A Member Of The Royal Green Jackets & Field Ambulance Volunteers

January 1992 – Arrested & Charged With Indecent Assault But Case Not Pursued To Court (Source Here)

1992 – Questioned In Relation To Murder Of Rachel Nickell

Barry George’s Abuse Of Women Continued Throughout The 90’s But He Was Not Convicted For Any Of His Offences

1996 – Barry George Visited A Jewellers In Carnaby Street & Claimed To The Assistant He Was Freddie Mercury’s Cousin. The Assistant Had Asked Him If He Had Met Anyone Famous & He Said Diana, Princess Of Wales & The Woman From Crimewatch (Source Here)

28th October 1997 – GP Noted Barry George “Quite Clearly Has A Personality Disorder, Otherwise He Is Of Normal, Average Intelligence”. The Doctor Recommended That He Have A Proper Psychiatric Assessment But George Didn’t Attend His Appointment

Staking, Intimidation, Harassment & Assault Of Angela Gordon, Amanda Scriven & Claudia Casey (Source Here)

Stalking, Intimidation & Harassment Of Margaret Milortholland & Fiona Maffeo (Source Here)

Over 15 Years Barry George Secretly Tracked 419 Women Making Reams Of Notes Of Their Movements (Source Here)

6th & 9th April 1999 – Barry George Purchased A Number Of Items Of Military Equipment (Source Here)

26th April 1999 – Jill Dando Murdered By Lone Gunman Barry George

27th April 1999 – Killer Barry George Purchased Some Flowers & Laid Them Near His Crime Scene, With A Card Saying He Felt “Concern & Remorse” (Source Here & Here)

28th April 1999 – Killer Barry “George had told a journalist his name was Barry Bulsara, a persona the jury has been told he used when passing himself off as the cousin of the Queen singer Freddie Mercury. George told the reporter he used to see Dando on Crimewatch and “she seemed a lovely lady” (Source Here)

9th May 1999 – Killer Barry George Told Fellow Bus Passenger Vicky Murphy He Was Going To Jill Dando’s Memorial “Laidlaw said Georgewas fiddling with a piece of paper which he claimed he was going to read from at the service. He said he did not know Miss Dando well, but that she had interviewed his cousin Freddie Mercury’ said the prosecutor” (Source Here)

June 1999 – Barry George Went To Hammersmith & Fulham Council’s Planning Office To Register An Objection With An Officer Regarding A Neighbours Plan To Alter Their Home (Source Here)

11th January 2000 – Killer Barry George Had Stated In His Police Notice Of Alibi That He Had Left His Crookham Road Home On 26th April 1999 At 10.30-10.45pm (Source Here)

24th February 2000 – Police Action No 1637 – Trace, Interview & Eliminate Barry Bulsara

11th April 2000 – DC Gallagher Visited Barry George & Took A Police Witness Statement

‘Detective constable John Gallagher said after his arrest (Barry) George Stated On The Day Of His Murder He Had Been At Home All Morning Before Going To HAFAD At 12.30pm-12.45pm. He Also Stated  “I wore either my dark suit with a white shirt and a red tie and a black overcoat or… jeans

“Police believe George followed Miss Dando on several occasions before he killed her. Eighteen months before Miss Dando was shot, George told a complete stranger that he had a famous friend, “a very special lady“, and pointed out the road where Miss Dando lived” (Source Here)

25th May 2000 – Arrested For His Murder Of Jill Dando

Barry ‘George had claimed to have seen a Range Rover “acting suspiciously” on the day Miss Dando was killed’ (Source Here)

Barry George “..told police in a video-taped interview after his arrest in May 2000 that he had written an entry in a notebook about a “GI 45 8mm blank firing government automatic”. Asked: “The price £55, is noted. Is that the price that you paid for the gun?” George replied: “It was in and around that price.” He said he thought he had bought the gun by mail order from a shop in Sussex. “It came in a box,” he said (Source Here)

29th May 2000 – Charged For His Murder Of Jill Dando

NOTE Found In Killer Barry George’s Crookham Road Flat Reading – “I have difficulty handling rejection. I become angry … it starts a chain of events which is beyond my control

26th February 2001 – Killer Barry George’s Trial For His Murder Of Jill Dando Began

2nd July 2001 – Killer Barry George Found Guilty

August 2001 – Key Prosecution Witness David Dobbins Found Dead (Source Here)

2002 – Killer Barry George Admitted His Guilt To His Murder (Source Here)

29th July 2002 – Court Of Appeal Upheld Killer Barry George’s Murder Conviction

20th June 2007 – Criminal Cases Review Commission Announced It Was Referring Killer Barry George’s Murder Conviction To Court Of Appeal

22nd August 2007 – Killer Barry George Refused Bail

5th-7th November 2007 – Killer Barry George’s Appeal Heard

15th November 2007 – Court Of Appeal Announced It Would Allow Killer Barry George’s Appeal – Judgement [2007] EWCA Crim 2722 Here

8th July 2008 – Jury Told Barry George’s £55 Bruni Handgun Could Have Been Murder Weapon (Source Here)

13th July 2008 – Jury Shown Photo Of Barry George Holding His £55 Gun Wearing Military Respirator (Source Here)

1st August 2008 – Killer Barry George Found Not Guilty Following A Re-Trial

11th May 2011 – Supreme Court Judgement [2011] UKSC 18 Here

Link to Part 12 HERE

Innocence Fraud Killers Barry George & Sion Jenkins, Portsmouth & The Isle Of Wight Holiday & More On Niamh Horan’s Article For Irish Independent & Fantasist Michelle Diskin Bates #Netflix #WhoKilledJillDando? (Part 21)

Killer Barry George & his mother Margaret Bourke
Innocence fraud killer Sion Jenkins

Michelle Diskin Bates Fantastical Storytelling

Niamh Horan, who’s 1st of October 2023 article for the Irish independent was referred to in Part 16 here and Part 17 here, also made the following statements – in which she quoted Michelle Diskin Bates;

Following his acquittal, the family — including George — visited the Isle of Wight for a holiday.

She says her brother moved to Ireland not to escape media attention, but “to escape the police”.

“A horrible thing happened to a 16-year-old girl in the area where we were staying.

She was attacked,” Diskin Bates recalls.

“Weeks later I had gone back to Ireland and the [British] police wanted to speak with Barry.”

Diskin Bates says after the Isle of Wight attack her brother’s solicitor had asked the police if George was a suspect and they had said no.

But then, “the police went to my mother’s home anyway where they thought Barry was staying.

“She said, ‘If you want to know what happened, speak to my daughter.’

Nobody ever came near me, but I had to almost secrete Barry out of the country of his birth and get him into Ireland where he would be safe.”

Niamh Horgan for the Irish Independent article headed ‘My brother was cleared of Jill Dando’s murder, but he won’t be free until the real killer is caught’ dated 1st October 2023

As already stated in Part 20 of this blog series here, Barry George spent the night of the 8th August 2008 in a hotel in London.

On the 9th August 2008 he then travelled to Southsea, which is near Portsmouth with his sister Michelle and mother Margaret, where they met up with innocence fraud killer Sion Jenkins and his wife Tina.

Barry George, his sister and mother then travelled across to the Isle of Wight for around thirteen days, where they stayed in the Farringford house hotel.

Michelle Diskin Bates stated that it was Barry Loveday from Portsmouth university who had recommended Farringford house to her. Michelle stated in 2018;

Barry Loveday had suggested a hotel to me on the Isle of Wight. It was on the other side of the island, furthest away from the ferry ports, but that was not the only reason for the recommendation. He had felt that we would benefit from a little luxury, and also the peace and privacy this hotel complex could provide. It would be the perfect retreat for our little family to start getting to know each other again.

Michelle Diskin Bates from her book Stand Against Injustice published in October 2018

There is no evidence anywhere that Barry George was a suspect in relation to the alleged attack on a 16 year-old girl.

However what there was evidence of – was someone (or more than one person) feeding the media with numerous stories.

Birds Of A Feather

A 30th August 2008 media article stated;

Barry George and Sion Jenkins, both wrongly convicted of two of Britain’s most notorious murders, have struck up an unlikely close friendship.

He had vowed to return to his flat in Fulham, South West London, after wrongly serving seven years in jail.

Mr Jenkins, 50, was sentenced to life in 1998 for the murder of his 13-year-old foster daughter Billie-Jo, who was battered to death with a metal tent spike in the garden of their home in Hastings, East Sussex.

He was released on appeal in 2004. Two retrials failed when neither jury could agree a verdict and Mr Jenkins was formally acquitted of murder in February, 2006.

His first wife Lois divorced him after his conviction and moved to Tasmania with their four daughters. After Mr Jenkins’s release he married Tina, a nurse and mother of one, who wrote to him while he was in prison. 

She sold her £1million mews home in Belgravia and the couple moved to Southsea. 

A source said that Mr Jenkins first met Ms Diskin at a seminar on miscarriages of justice run by Barry Loveday, a reader in criminal justice administration at the University of Portsmouth.

The source added that Mr Jenkins had told Ms Diskin that her brother could stay with him if he needed a place away from media attention after his release.

A spokesman for Mr George said: ‘I am aware they are good friends and I can confirm they have spent time together since Barry’s release.’

Excerpts from a DailyMail article by Daniel Cochlin article headed The Odd Couple: Freed Barry George finds a place to stay… with his friend Sion Jenkins dated 30th August 2008

Another media article stated;

Mr George, who lives in Hackney, East London, is said to have spent a week on holiday with Mr Jenkins on the Isle of Wight last month.

He also stayed at the home Mr Jenkins shares with his second wife Tina in Southsea, Hampshire, for three days. 

Last night, the Mail was told it was not a permanent arrangement.

Mr George, who has spent seven years in jail, still plans to move back to Fulham, West London, where Miss Dando was murdered. 

Mr George’s spokesman, Surjit Singh Clair, said: ‘The men are friends, I can confirm that. I think the friendship started around six months ago and it was cemented when Barry came out.’ 

After his release, Mr George admitted he could not have shot dead Miss Dando on the doorstep of her Fulham home, as he was stalking another woman at the time. 

Two weeks ago, the convicted sex attacker was stopped and searched by police after making several visits to the BBC Crimewatch presenter’s former home. 

Excerpts from a DailyMail article headed Barry George find himself a friend in Sion Jenkins dated 1st September 2008

How Long Was Surjit Singh Clair Stirring Things Up For?

Surjit Singh Clair’s name came up in further media articles around this time, including one in which it was stated Barry George had visited his “murder scene twice;”

Last night George’s agent confirmed he had visited the murder scene twice since his release.

Surjit Singh Clair said: “Yes, it’s true Barry has been back to Gowan Avenue twice.

“In his mind he wants to clear what he says are the demons from his past.

“His supporters have also urged him to do it, saying it would be a healthy thing to do for him to help him move on with his life.

“Friday was a routine stop and search in Hackney, nothing more.

“Earlier he had been to Fulham to see a friend but wouldn’t tell me any more I’m afraid.”

Barry George: I’ve been back there twice dated 24th August 2008

There was also an article written by David Jones for the DailyMail in which Surjit Singh Clair had again stated Barry George had mentioned visiting his victims “grave a few times”.

David Jones also referred to receiving an “angry email” from Michelle Diskin Bates.

Excerpts from David Jones article read;

During the interview he gave (or rather sold for £80,000) to a down-market tabloid after his release, George insisted he was never fixated with the 37-year-old star, as the prosecution had alleged. 

Yet if George wasn’t obsessed with Jill at the time she was murdered, he certainly is now. 

He spends hour upon hour poring over books and websites about her  –  and, now, with a breathtaking lack of insight into the likely furore, he aims to travel 150miles from London to the West Country. 

‘Barry has mentioned visiting the grave a few times,’ his spokesman Surjit Singh Clair told me this week. 

‘It’s something he definitely wants to do. He just feels there’s a connection between them  –  they’ve been tragically brought together.’ 

George has also discussed his plans with his confidante, his sister, Michelle Diskin. 

‘Barry spent eight years in jail for a murder he didn’t do,’ Mr Singh Clair said.

‘He’s become entwined with her life and she has played a huge part in his. He wants to exorcise Jill’s ghost, and say: “I don’t want you to think I hold any hard feelings against you.” 

Regrettably, it is. George’s spokesman says he might request permission from Jill’s family  –  and if so, he could receive a surprisingly favourable reaction. 

For with remarkable magnanimity, Nigel Dando said that he would not object to the visit. ‘It might give Mr George cause to ponder and reflect,’ he said, when told of George’s plans. 

‘If he looks respectable and takes flowers, and perhaps goes with a friend or relative rather than slinking around on his own, then it wouldn’t look too bad. It’s his personal choice.’ 

Regrettably, it is. George’s spokesman says he might request permission from Jill’s family  –  and if so, he could receive a surprisingly favourable reaction. 

For with remarkable magnanimity, Nigel Dando said that he would not object to the visit. ‘It might give Mr George cause to ponder and reflect,’ he said, when told of George’s plans. 

Mr Singh Clair is a Midlands-based freelance journalist who was enlisted by the Miscarriages of Justice Organisation (MOJO) to promote George’s cause four years ago, when he was battling to overturn his murder conviction. 

He brokered the £80,000 interview deal after George’s acquittal, and he is now among the trusted inner circle who proffer assistance to George…

Others in ‘Team Barry’ include his sister, who flits between London and her home in Cork, his careworn 72-year-old mother, Margaret, and an old friend named Robert Charig, who can’t work because he suffers a neurological complaint, and so has time to dispense sympathy and homespun advice. 

Fringe members of the coterie include Sion Jenkins, who was cleared of murdering his own 13-year-old foster daughter Billie-Jo in 2006, after serving six years of a life sentence.

This week, Mr Jenkins denied reports that George has stayed at his Hampshire home, but admitted having met him and lent his support. 

Meanwhile, a few weeks later, a 26-year-old woman complained to the police that a man fitting George’s description had pestered her as she served in an upmarket speciality tea and coffee shop in West London. 

The most recent story surfaced only last weekend.

George was reported to have cycled seven miles across London in the rain to the HQ of Sky News, marched in unannounced and insisted on meeting the woman who interviewed him after his release  –  glamorous news anchor Kay Burley. 

George’s people dismiss all these damaging claims as a concoction of lies and half-truths. 

Their man was on a pelican crossing when he was stopped on suspicion of ‘casing’ cars in Hackney, they say. He has complained to the Independent Police Complaints Commission, and two of his support workers, who just happened to be watching, will be his witnesses. 

In an angry email to me this week, Michelle Diskin claimed her brother was the victim of a media-driven plot designed to smear and intimidate him.

Excerpts from a DailyMail article by David Jones headed Obsessed with visiting Jill Dando’s grave and acting more erratically than ever, Barry George is a man on the edge dated 10th October 2008

Link to Part 22 HERE

Scammer Michelle Diskin Bates Claimed Her Killer Brother Barry George, A Prolific Sexual Predator, Was Like A “9 Year Old Boy” Living In A Mans Body & Psychopathic Serial Killer Michael Stone #Netflix #WhoKilledJillDando? (Part 20)

killer Barry George in 2000
Michelle Diskin Bates & brother Barry George

Lost Touch In 1988

As already highlighted in Part 1 of this blog series here, morally duplicitous Michelle Diskin Bates has told numerous differing stories over the years.

In 2018 she stated that her and her brother Barry George had “lost touch” by 1988, as is evidenced by her following statements;

Having moved to Ireland, it was rare for me to travel back to London.

Fares were prohibitive, especially if you were travelling with children, so the next time I recall meeting up with Barry was in 1988 when I brought my two children to stay with Mum in London.

Sadly, Barry and I lost touch after this

Excerpts by Michelle Diskin Bates from her book Stand Against Injustice published in October 2018

However by the following year, a 2019 premier christianity magazine article written by Megan Cornell here, had reduced these twelve years down to “almost ten years”.

Excerpts read;

“I heard the name Barry Bulsara and I knew that Barry used that as an email address…I thought: how many of them can there be?”

She called her mum, who was in England, and her worst fears were confirmed: her brother, whom she hadn’t seen for almost ten years, was the main suspect in Britain’s most high-profile murder case.

Excerpts by Megan Cornell for premier christianity magazine article headed ‘My brother was wrongly convicted of murdering Jill Dando’ dated 19th March 2019

Referring to when she allegedly visited her brother in prison in 1983, following his rape of a 20 year-old student (Read more here) Michelle Diskin Bates stated;

 I’m afraid he was given quite a tough time from me; he didn’t enjoy that visit one bit

But I think it needs to be understood that Barry is like a nine-year-old boy living in an adult’s body.

These things should not happen, and he knows right from wrong, but at the same time, he has a whole host of disabilities

Michelle Diskin Bates via a 2019 premier christianity magazine article

£80,000 Newspaper Deal Brokered By Surjit Singh Clair

Referring to when Barry George left custody on the 1st August 2008, following his retrial, Michelle Diskin Bates stated;

He left prison with absolutely nothing as a result: no compensation, no home to return to…. and with no belongings.

The entire contents of his flat had been disposed of without consultation with Barry or his family

Michelle Diskin Bates

In reality Surjit Singh Clair, who was referred to in Part 16 here and Part 18 here had brokered an apparent £80,000 newspaper deal for Barry George.

This money was paid to Barry George fairly quickly by all accounts.

Megan Cornell also stated;

The Miscarriage of Justice support services (part of Citizens Advice) helped Barry to find emergency accommodation and purchase the essentials, but as media scrutiny and intrusion continued, in the end, Michelle supported a move to Ireland.

Excerpts by Megan Cornell

Barry George stayed in a hotel on the night of 8th August 2008 – which was the day he was released from custody.

He then travelled with his sister Michelle and mother Margaret Bourke to Southsea in Portsmouth, where they met up for a meal with innocence fraud killer Sion Jenkins and his wife Tina.

Farringford house, Freshwater, Isle of Wight

From Portsmouth they headed over to the Isle of Wight, where they stayed in the Farringford house hotel.

After “thirteen days” on the Isle of Wight, Michelle and Barry dropped their mother Margaret off in London then the pair of them travelled to Ireland.

Ireland, Irish Passport & The £310 A Week Flat In Hackney

Referring to when they arrived in Ireland after their trip to the Isle of Wight, Michelle Diskin Bates stated;

Barry was entitled to an Irish passport because Mum was Irish by birth, so we applied, receiving it quickly, much to Barry’s dismay.

He was certain that his name alone would ensure he was turned down.

Then he was worried the media would highlight that he had an Irish passport and the police would take it away.

Barry so wanted to start his free life, but he felt he’d never be allowed to.

He was afraid that if he returned to Britain, the police would pick him up on trumped-up charges and he would disappear without a trace.

On one such trip back to London, he was meeting up with his friend and QC Ian Glen at a central London coffee shop, when he was stopped and searched for no reason.

Ian witnessed the officers stopping Barry, although he wasn’t doing anything, and wasn’t behaving in a worrying or threatening way.

They left when Barry pointed Ian out to them.

Why, then, was he being harassed in the street?

We believe it was the conviction for the murder of Jill Dando.

Barry had been put under a Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangement order, or a MAPPA order, whilst still in prison.

Barry took a case against this decision but lost, having to pay the costs himself.

Michelle Diskin Bates from her book Stand Against Injustice published in October 2018

What Exactly Did The MOJ Support Services Do?

An 18th August 2008 article for the Irish Times by Olivier Kelleher here stated “Michelle Diskin (51) flew into Cork Airport at lunchtime yesterday..”.

However Barry George didn’t have a passport so he and his sister travelled to Ireland by bus.

Michelle Diskin Bates stated;

Our journey to Cork took twenty-four hours from Leeds through to Ballincollig.

It was a nerve-wracking marathon expedition.

It’s just an hour’s plane trip away, but I couldn’t take Barry by plane because he had no passport.

Michelle Diskin Bates from her book Stand Against Injustice published in October 2018

A 2010 article by Mark Hughes stated that Barry George lived in a £310 a week flat in Hackney but his article is not clear when exactly this was or for how long.

Excerpts read;

Upon his release he lived in a flat in Hackney which cost him £310 a week in rent.

He paid for it not, as was suggested, by claiming benefits, but by using the proceeds he was paid to do a tabloid interview on the day of his release (the one which described him as “bug-eyed” and an “oddball”).

Excerpts from an article by Mark Hughes for the Independent article headed Barry George: ‘I am not angry, certainly not at society. But I would use the word disgusted‘ dated 31st May 2010

If Barry George stayed in a hotel on the night he was released from custody in August 2008 and then travelled to Portsmouth and onto the Isle of Wight for thirteen days, then travelled to Ireland to obtain an Irish passport.

What exactly did the miscarriage of justice support services help Barry George with?

What “emergency accommodation” was required if Barry George had rented a flat?

Mass Murderers & Child Killers Michael Stone & Jeremy Bamber

Megan Cornell’s 2019 premier christianity article went on to state;

As for Michelle, she now attends All Party Parliamentary Groups in parliament to advise on miscarriages of justice and share her story, but she’s humble about her role:

“I have never felt that I have enough knowledge to look at somebody’s case and say: ‘Oh, clear miscarriage of justice’

Excerpts by Megan Cornell for premier christianity magazine article dated 19th March 2019

As already stated in Part 2 of this blog series here, Michelle Diskin Bates is a ‘patron’ to mass murderer, child killer and rapist Jeremy Bamber’s spin campaign.

On the 6th of February 2022, using one of her numerous social media accounts, “humble” Michelle Diskin Bates made the following statement in support of psychopathic killer Michael Stone;

Serial killer Levi Bellfield has recently admitted he apparently received a £5,000 payment for admitting to Michael Stone’s murders. Read more here

Read more on psychopathic serial killer Michael Stone and his and his enablers innocence fraud by tapping on the button below;

Link to Part 21 HERE

Jill Dando’s Killer Barry George & The Ghosting Of Eyewitness Julia Moorhouse #WhoKilledJillDando? (Part 19)

Julia Roberts

Witness Julia Moorhouse

On the day he murdered Jill Dando, killer Barry George was seen by Julia Moorhouse at around 12.33pm.

Julia Moorhouse said that Barry George had crossed the road to talk to her around an hour after he had committed his murder.

Excerpts from a Guardian article read;

Mrs Moorhouse said she had been standing on the corner of a street close to the murder scene at 12.30pm on April 26 when a man approached and started talking to her about the helicopters hovering overhead.

“He said they were police helicopters. He gave details of what kind they were. He appeared to have technical knowledge… I turned to go. He came with me. I did not expect that.

“The whole situation struck me as slightly odd. He mentioned the Territorial Army. I think he may have said he had done training or was associated with it… either as an instructor or something”

Excerpts by Nick Hopkins for the Guardian article headed Dando accused ‘set up alibi’ at health centre dated 15th May 2001

Excerpts from another Guardian article stated;

Ms Moorehouse described the man as being in his 30s, nearly 6ft tall, relatively heavy in build, paunchy and with very dark hair.

He was also wearing a bright yellow jacket.

The prosecution alleged that he had changed his clothes.

She said: “I was left with the impression that he might have had at some point a hare-lip or cleft palate at some time which had been mended.”

She added that she rang the police when she heard Dando had been attacked.

Excerpts from a Guardian article headed Witness ‘spoke to suspect after Dando shooting’ dated 14th May 2001

Uncle Mike Burke referred to a conversation he had with his nephew Barry George’s barristers William Clegg and Jeffrey Samuels and stated;

Uncle Mike Burke

Outside the courtroom I spoke with Mr Clegg and Samuels.

We discussed Julia Moorhouse, the women who described being spoken to by a man who could have been Barry approx an hour after Jill Dando’s murder.

I felt her description of the man was too like Barry to be coincidence, and as she reported the meeting to the police straight away on that day it sounded genuine.

We agreed the man she met probably was Barry but disagreed as to whether they met before of after he had visited HAFAD.

The Crown claimed before, which would support their case

Excerpts from Mike Burke’s book Mike’s Story: The Battle to Clear Barry George of the Jill Dando Murder first published in June 2011 – Source here

Barry George admitted he had spoken to Julia Moorhouse when he spoke to the media following his retrial.

As previously referred to in Part 18 of this blog series here, Mike Burke also highlighted this fact stating;

In their ‘World Exclusive’ he was quoted as saying ‘After leaving HAFAD I bumped into a woman who was later a prosecution witness and said I was stalking her…That was at 12.33pm…’

That was obviously a reference to Julia Moorhouse who he had always denied meeting.

Excerpts by uncle Mike Burke

One Of Umpteen Innocence Fraud Red Flags

Michelle Diskin Bates chose to ghost Julia Moorhouse and her evidence from a book she had published in 2018, preferring instead to refer to the actress Julia Roberts.

Yet she repeatedly claims;

When he was released from custody in August 2008, Barry George publicly stated he had met with Julia Moorhouse. He stated;

I walked with her for a bit and, from her perspective, maybe it was unwanted attention. But she didn’t make that clear.

It didn’t seem like she was telling me to go away.

If she’d told me to leave I’d have done so straight away. 

That was at 12.33pm.

I know because just a minute before I’d made a call from my mobile to check how much credit I had left.

Statements by Barry George on 1st August 2008 – Source here

Michael Naughton, who was involved in the innocence fraud of killer Simon Hall, wrote the foreword for Michelle Diskin Bates.

Read more by tapping on the button below;

Link to Part 20 HERE

Michelle Diskin Bates, Sister Of Barry George, Attempts To Rebrand Her Brothers Sexual Predatory & Serial Stalking Behaviour & Claims His Victims Were “Posing” #Netflix #WhoKilledJillDando? (Part 17)

Michelle Diskin Bates
Killer, rapist, serial stalker & con artist Barry George
Niamh Horan

In Niamh Horan’s 1st October 2023 article for the Irish Independent headed ‘My brother Barry George was cleared of Jill Dando’s murder, but he won’t be free until the real killer is caught’ she stated;

When police searched his flat they found rolls of camera film which contained 2,248 photographs of 419 young women

Niamh Horan

Niamh Horan does not provide any sources for the numbers she has quoted in her article, however other media outlets have stated that the rolls of film contained 2,597 photographs.

Michelle Diskin Bates is even quoted, on the 27th August 2002, by Rebecca Hardy here as stating it was 2,597 photographs.

The ages of each of the 419 victims has never been made known.


Referring to Michelle Diskin Bates, Niamh Horan stated;

Although people may see the hordes of photographs as suspicious, she stresses they were undeveloped.

“He was not poring over them night after night.

They were not pornographic,” she says.

Michelle Diskin Bates stated to Niamh Horan that she was “dismayed at what the film-makers left out”.

David Dobbins, who met Barry George after he came out of prison in 1985 for his rape of a woman, said that;

George showed the youngsters porn pictures and took them to venues frequented by Japanese tourists, like Hammersmith’s Cunard Hotel.

Here, he would make clumsy attempts to chat up women.

Most asked him to leave, or called police.

Excerpts by Justine Smith for the Mirror article headed Killer Chameleon; Barry George; Paul Gadd; Steve Majors; Thomas Palmer; Barry Bulsara dated 3rd July 2001

What volume of pornographic material was seized from Barry George’s Crookham Road flat?

Sister Attempts To Rebrand Her Brothers Predatory Behaviour

Referring to the thousands of photographs taken by her sex offender brother Barry George, Michelle Diskin Bates attempted to suggest her brothers prolific stalking, sexual harassment and intimidation of women was his way “to make conversation;”

Rather than stalking the women, the photographs were “a way to make conversations with people, for a man with communication difficulties”

Niamh Horan for the Irish Independent article headed ‘My brother was cleared of Jill Dando’s murder’ dated 1st October 2023

Michelle Diskin Bates even suggested that Barry George’s unsuspecting victims had been “posing;”

Seeing the photographs, Diskin Bates says she thought:

“Oh, Barry, that woman didn’t want her photograph taken. I could tell. But the others were posing”

Excerpts from Niamh Horan’s 1st October 2023 article for the Irish Independent

Again – as already highlighted in Part 8 of this ongoing blog series (Read more here), Michelle Diskin Bates allegedly saw her brother 3 times in 27 years;

On one occasion when he attended her first wedding in Ireland, on another occasion when she allegedly visited him in prison in the early eighties and on a final occasion when she made a “rare” visit to see her mother Margaret in London.

The following TIMELINE details some of Barry George’s crimes;

Link to Part 18 HERE

Niamh Horan On Fantasist & Innocence Fraudster Michelle Diskin Bates & Her Killer Brother – Prolific Sexual Predator & Offender, Serial Stalker & Con Artist Barry George #Netflix #WhoKilledJillDando? (Part 15)

Niamh Horan
Killer Barry George alongside his oldest biological sister Michelle Diskin Bates

Lack Of Due Diligence, MAPPA Restrictions & Unsubstantiated Claims

Writer Niamh Horan has today (1st October 2023) had an article published for the Irish Independent headed ‘My brother Barry George was cleared of Jill Dando’s murder, but he won’t be free until the real killer is caught’

The byline reads;

The sister of the man acquitted of killing TV presenter Jill Dando speaks of his fear over Netflix documentary and of his life in Co Cork

Niamh Horan stated that Jill Dando’s killer Barry George;

…was released in 2008 after being unanimously acquitted at a retrial

Niamh Horan

One factor Niamh Horan failed to highlight to her readers was that Barry George was released from custody in 2008 under MAPPA (multi-agency public protection arrangements) restrictions due to his dangerousness – especially towards women.

Niamh Horan stated of Barry George;

Today George lives in a quiet village in Co Cork.

He spends his days visiting shops, chatting to locals who have become familiar with him. And — until last week — he went about his business without much attention.

With the Netflix documentary, it seems that is about to change.

Niamh Horan

Michelle Diskin Bates is then quoted as stating;

It was always a risk.

We had to ask ourselves is the gain going to be bigger than anything we might lose?

Michelle Diskin Bates

Niamh Horan then stated;

Since the series began streaming, George,….. has been phoning his sister several times a day in panic

However Ms Horan does not substantiate her claim with any proof and Michelle Diskin Bates statement of “He contacted me straight away that day” suggests Michelle only received the one phone call from her brother.

Where is the evidence from Niamh Horan that “George, has been phoning his sister several times a day in panic”?

Michelle Diskin Bates is then quoted as stating;

He is looking over his shoulder because somebody took photographs of him in his village as he went to the doctor’s

Michelle Diskin Bates

The Netflix docu series did not begin streaming until the 26th of September 2023.

Two weeks before this – on the 12th of September – Michelle Diskin Bates made the following post on one of her numerous social media accounts;

Source here

On the 1st October 2023 Michelle Diskin Bates published the following statement on X, formally known as twitter;

Niamh Horan also wrongly stated in her article;

British barrister Michael Mansfield KC, once described as “the king of human rights work”, represented George at his retrial.

Niamh Horan

William Clegg represented Barry George at his retrial, not Michael Mansfield!

Niamh Horan went on to state of Michelle Diskin Bates;

Diskin Bates was living in Co Cork when a news report flashed on the radio.

It said a man had been arrested for Dando’s murder.

Her relief turned to horror when her brother was named.

Niamh Horan

As already stated in Part 8 of this blog series, which can be read here, some months before her brother committed his murder of Jill Dando, Michelle Diskin Bates had “signed” herself into a psychiatric facility.

This apparently occurred because her life had become “humdrum, tedious and unfulfilling”.

Michelle Diskin Bates stated;

Life became humdrum, tedious and unfulfilling.

I was a mental wreck, psychologically impaired.

I’d signed myself into the psychiatric ward a few weeks ago when I felt like my mind was imploding.

The young doctor who’d interviewed me to assess my condition had asked, “Michelle, are you suicidal?”

Struggling up through the pain and fog, I thought for a moment before I answered, “No, but if I go home, I will die!”

Excerpts from Michelle Diskin Bates book Stand Against Injustice published in October 2018

Michelle Diskin Bates moved to Ireland, from England in 1973.

Michelle has publicly claimed she only saw her brother 3 times in those 27 years, going on to claim she lost touch with Barry George completely by 1988.

Link to Part 16 HERE