Killer Luke Mitchell: Creepy Innocence Fraud Phenomenon Grifter, Arrogant Convicted Drug Dealer & Money Launderer Shaun Attwood On Scammer Sandra Lean & Her Book (Part 302)

Shaun Atwood and Sandra Lean 2021

During a video which aired in July 2021 creepy grifter Shaun Attwood, a convicted drugs dealer referred to scammer Sandra Lean as “one of the bravest women in Scotland”.

During the video Shaun Attwood stated he had “not read” Sandra Lean’s 2nd fraudulent book and stated he had “got no where near the level of knowledge that Sandra has” but claimed he “could guarantee” that “10 things that they used to frame Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey are gonna come up when Sandra lays this story down about how they did this to Luke Mitchell”.

Grifter Shaun Attwood also lied and stated;

Sandra, has

When she started to campaign for this she could not leave her house without being pulled over or harassed by the cops

Shaun Attwood – 12th July 2021

Sandra Lean was only ever apparently stopped by the police on one occasion for having no MOT on her motor vehicle.

This motoring offence was obviously not related to killer Luke Mitchell.

When Shaun Attwood had finished his grifting spiel, Sandra Lean chose not to correct him on his allegations regarding “being pulled over and harassed by the cops”.

Towards the end of the video Shaun Attwood stated;

In the introduction I said you’ve been harassment by the police

In your own words can you say what happened 

Shaun Atwood – 12th July 2021

Sandra Lean again did not correct Shaun Attwood’s allegations, choosing instead to state;

It’s not just the police that I was harassed by

Sandra Lean – 12th July 2021

Sandra Lean was driving her car without a valid MOT certificate.

It is illegal to drive a car in Scotland without a valid MOT certificate (Read more here).

Shaun Atwood also stated of Sandra Lean;

She’s stuck with it

She has said on one of her interviews

That if anything happens to her

Her legacy is secure

She’s written her book

She’s put the word out there

And that she hopes her mission will continue

So I know the viewers watching this are going to see exactly how brave she is

And what a absolutely wonderful and worthy course she is championing

Shaun Attwood – 12th July 2021

Scammer Sandra Lean bare faced lied when she stated;

Nobody saw or heard anything

Sandra Lean then went on to mock Leonard Kelly and his evidence stating;

There was a cyclist who cycled up the path

Who said he heard initially he heard eh rustling sound

Like leaves moving

In a woodland strip

You don’t say

Erm and then it changed to a struggling sound

Finally to a strangling sound

Sandra Lean –

Read more on Leonard Kelly by tapping in the button below;

Maybe Shaun Attwood should have read Sandra Lean’s book and compared what she had written in her book to the evidence presented during the murderers trial.

Links to trial transcripts can be found by tapping on the button below:

Link to Part 303 here

** In Memory Of Leonard Kelly **(Part 179)

Leonard Kelly was said to never be the same after he witnessed hearing 14 year old Jodi Jones being violently attacked and murdered on 30th June 2003, by her self-confessed ‘violent goth’ of a cheating boyfriend.

Although Leonard never saw Luke Mitchell commit his murder, he heard it when he was cycling along Roan’s Dyke path in Dalkeith, Scotland at around 5:00-5:05pm.

After finishing work Leonard Kelly had gone out for some exercise on his mountain bike.

It was early the following morning (1st July) when Leonard first learned that a young girl’s body had been found near Roan’s Dyke path.

As soon as Leonard Kelly heard through the local grapevine, he immediately contacted the police.

He told the call handler what he had witnessed, of when and where he had witnessed it and how he had heard the attack taking place – behind the wall.

Leonard Kelly explained to the police how it had alarmed him and given him a fright.

Although at the time he had heard the attack, he thought it might have been “two laddies fighting

I thought somebody had somebody in a headlock

It was a strangling sort of sound – a human

It was a human sound, a restriction

It sounded like a gargling restriction of somebody’s throat

It came from the other side of the wall which ran on my left

I slowed down and kept listening but I never heard anything else so I continued on

I said to police in my statement that I heard a motorcycle in the woods on the other side of the wall. It seemed quite far away from the wall

Leonard Kelly – Edinburgh High Court (30th November 2004)

It was reported at the time of killer Luke Mitchell’s 2004/05 trial that the judge, Lord Nimmo Smith had asked Leonard Kelly whether he had been worried about the fact that he had not stopped at the time, to which he was reported to have replied;

‘Course I was

It was also reported that Donald Findlay QC had told Leonard not to reproach himself.

At this Leonard was reported to have stated;

It’s easy for you to say

But sadly and devastatingly reproach himself he did.

A Changed Man Who Blamed Himself For Never Looking Over The Wall

Leonard Kelly had continuous nightmares and would wake up screaming after witnessing what he had that fateful day.

Due to a lack of aftercare coupled with continuous nightmares and flashbacks, Leonard Kelly began to self medicate with drugs and alcohol.

He was a changed man.

Racked with guilt and blaming himself for never having looked over the wall.

Leonard Kelly passed away prematurely in September 2018 following a tragic accident. He was said to have fallen whilst under the influence of alcohol and died from the fall.

It is believed Leonard Kelly’s decline in mental health and premature death, links back to Luke Mitchell’s murder.

Link to Part 180 here

Killer Luke Mitchell: The Manipulation, Defection & Deceit Around Ms Bryson & Mr Kelly’s Crucial Evidence (Part 15)

Sandra Lean

*Guest Blog*

Nonsense – Leonard Kelly heard noises that made him stop to listen, the noises stopped. Like rustling and movement. Asked to expand on this, he still heard rustling, it did not morph in to something else. He heard rustling/movement and a strangling sound, like someone in a headlock. Not the easiest thing to describe, but the clearest thing in this, it was enough for him to stop, there was something not right about the noise, it did not sit well with him – not just simple rustling. We hear of trauma people suffer from, does one imagine there was no trauma with this man?

Whilst it is all very well highlighting, yet again the defence questioning, of Donald Findlay “you heard noises yet did nothing?” – “yes” And he made it clear of how bad he felt afterwards, he also made it clear had the noises not stopped he would have investigated.

Much like Andrina Bryson, with Leonard Kelly, the noises warranted worry/concern to stop.

Something not right.

Like Andrina Bryson, the male, he instantly caught her attention, something not right. He looked confrontational, beckoning the girl towards him. And she remembered him.

And Leonard Kelly remembered those noises, of how they made him feel and he also went forward. Leonard Kelly was nervous of going forward, of being in the vicinity should he become suspect. This was the pressure he felt, not actual pressure from the police. 

Now let us expand just a little more on this search party: The dog! The claims of going up that path. Firstly that prepped and ready and onto that path by 11pm. There is not doubt just how ready he was. Here again, no deliberation, nothing, straight into that role and off he goes. Those calls. Judith tells him she is phoning the police, she tells him in the call at 10.59pm that she has called the police. This is the call that was made to the emergency services around 10.50pm. Sandra Lean has an uncovered call 6 years later made around 10.45pm. It is the same call! Times marked wrong or otherwise. Only one call to the emergency services, from Judith Jones. In those statements, to Luke that she is going to make it, and to Luke that she had made it. To her mother also. Now Sandra Lean in the book has it, that Jodi could not have been known to be missing by 10.45pm, thus the call could not have been from her, even though she gave her name!? And there is only ever one call mentioned to them pre 11 and only one call logged, not two! But the author tries to grasp at that time of 10.45pm, and those claims of not knowing Jodi was missing – Absolute BS. Judith knew her daughter was missing, immediately those words were spoken from Luke Mitchell, that he had “not seen her” And as soon as she had spoken with her mother, that hope her daughter may be there, she was not. All prior to 10.45pm, and of course the actual time was, at around 10.50pm. 

For now, we do not need to go into the superfluous IF’s the author consistently uses, of – IF we believe John Ferris here, there or anywhere – then we have Jodi missing from around 10pm when the news was on! Just ignore everything else, and go with his guesstimates! – BS

The sequence. The text the response. Jodi is missing. Judith gets her mother out of bed, Janine Jones notes the time, remembers the time, it was near to a Qtr to 11. The others, it is guesstimates. They do not know, they are not clock watching. What we do know from this, irrespective of how many friends were phoned or otherwise – Jodi’s mother was frantic, she knew something was wrong, the very reason she was on to the police in no time. She knew if her daughter had not been with Luke Mitchell then something must have happened. There is a lot more to this, and Nicholas is correct, the author is being a hell of lot less than truthful. And it is all done with deceitful intention – to take all the attention away from Luke Mitchell. Her game of Cluedo and innuendo, deflection from the killer. It is every side of that in depth investigation that she attempts to shore over with waffle. That taster by Nicholas, of statements – Sandra Lean in the book tells us of Judith Jones, of “nine days and seven statements later” just from her, gives you a sense of just how intense that investigation was. 

But Luke Mitchell, prepped and ready and that dog – the family guard dog for the caravan park. Not a tracker a guard dog, this was the side that was a little more than the family pet. A work dog for guarding the business. The claims:

That Luke Mitchell instantly offered his services to Judith, that he would look on the path that Jodi would need to use to get to his, to go to her house to look through his phone with numbers. He/they claim that he just wanted up and off this path as quickly as possible. There is a call whilst this search trio were apart at 11.18pm. Of, the going to meet with Luke Mitchell and all else. Just as the trio were heading out the complex, a couple of minutes prior to the meet. There we have those two clear outside factors of calls. One at 10.59pm where Luke Mitchell tells Judith he is on/at the path. The entrance. The other just prior to the meet. And we have Luke Mitchell on this path for at least 20mins. A journey, by those claims of rushing, should have taken less than ten mins: 11 by police timings walking. And which fitted exactly in with what the search trio accounted for. Of that call just after 11pm in Alice Walker’s, just before they left, to her landline. And those timings to get to the path. 

So Luke Mitchell and that call at 10.49pm where he offers to search, to go to Judith’s. To get ready and claimed to leave his house at 10.52pm. 3mins to get ready and out that door. 7mins later and on that path. 20mins later and he is still on that path. 

The trio. That call to Alice Walker prior to 10.45pm and it is 18mins later before they are ready to leave Mayfield, 17mins later they are at the paths. 

There is no doubt to be had here, these are factors that can not be changed. Luke Mitchell was ready and out that door in a flash. Luke Mitchell did not rush up any path, he was on that path for at least 20mins. Which wipes completely out any claim around that dog, of not having in seek mode due to wanting up and off the path. This is why we have the nonsense, as above, with those IF’s around John Ferris. Of claims of Jodi being known to be missing earlier and every other piece of nonsense, for deflection – for nothing changes those clear facts, it makes absolutely no difference to Mitchells actions, in the slightest. An abundance of time for that dog to pick up anything – equally an abundance of time for Mitchell to be doing anything? 

The dog and this seek mode! First Alice Walker, and in her statements, that they headed to the path rather than go to Judith’s to collect something of Jodi’s at that point (Sandra Lean puts a ? around this, why?, as it was only minutes away) The point here is, that she knew something had been asked for of Jodi’s from Luke Mitchell, prior to meeting with him. That their aim after heading out, was to meet with him, that loose arrangement of half way. And contrary to Luke Mitchell/Sandra Lean, they did not wait about at the junction of the paths, they each saw the others torch light and Alice Walker shouted out “is that you Luke” and they walked to meet each other, slightly down from the Junction. 

Special Knowledge

Seek: After being asked if he had seen anything, and no. Alice Walker wanted to have a proper look, check it thoroughly, she stated in case Jodi had fallen and hurt herself – the reality, they did not expect to be finding anything at all, did they? Caught up in this rapid series of events. And Luke Mitchell asked “did you bring anything of Jodi’s?” So he puts this dog, which is on a tight reign into seek mode!  And it is him with Janine Jones and Stephen Kelly directly behind and Alice Walker directly behind them. Looking into different areas. Why did Luke Mitchell therefore climb the wall at the Gino break? The dog did not seek/scent Jodi, he just did it. He climbed down and again took himself into the front. He wandered slightly into the field. And again, he just did it. And again he took himself into the front. 

And here is where those clear attempts to turn the search trio’s words into something they were not. Not one of that search trio made any such claim of the dog alerting to anything. It had, as with at other points being doing as dogs do, sniffing about, scenting at the path and to the sides, peeing! Which dogs in tracking and seek modes do not do! They are completely focused on the task at hand. They approach that break and both Luke Mitchell and his dog go to it, directly to it. These are the words used – standing up at the V, pulling. Not alerting, not leading to anything. The stark contrasts to Luke Mitchell. Of bounding (on a short lead), Of ears up, alerting, of jumping up at the wall, of air sniffing, of leading them to. And that further stark contrast, of being some distance past where there was a break in the wall. Of having to go back to the break in the wall to access the woodland. On his own with Alice Walker being there to take the lead. No Stephen Kelly, no Janine Jones. – they were all there together, not a foot past that V had, been had. And they saw everything, Of the lead being handed over, of Luke Mitchell in the wood and turning directly left.

So we have three people recollecting those events, and one person with this OTT, over egging the pudding claims of precise details. And they were taken back to that path, and they did have to go over that evenings events. To jog their memory, to give a more expansive account of what had taken place. And they do, and for the trio it is of Luke Mitchell leading that search with his dog. Of him commanding his dog, and getting his dog to obey his actions, on that tight reign. Of Luke Mitchell, he further egged that pudding, where he had his dog and the search trio parallel to where Jodi lay in the woodland, at that exact spot. For he was being asked further questions, of how he knew to go left, and he was making it clear that it was due to his dog being almost upon where Jodi lay. 

And of going over those events, and that clear attempt in the book to implant seeds – “The agreed facts” that blatant manipulation, where the author claims “they all walked several meters past”. Then of the dog and of them all agreeing to it alerting to Jodi – BS. No they did not, the only time Stephen Kelly and Janine Jones mentioned walking past was after Luke Mitchell entered that woodland, and their several metres was around 10ft! And it was whilst they were walking that 10ft or so, that Luke Mitchell was “looking around”. And this raised further flags with the police. For the short distance he could only have walked, he could NOT have seen what he made claim to. Furthermore, when Stephen Kelly and Janine Jones darted back those 10ft or so, Luke Mitchell was yet again on the other side of that V. He made not claim of rushing back, therefore it was unlikely he had even walked as much as ten feet. 

One can not change the events that took place from around 10.38pm. It does not matter a jot what that dog or it’s master was doing on approaching that V – It was in complete contrast to Luke Mitchells claims. There was nothing other that special knowledge, that accounted for Luke Mitchell jumping over and heading directly to his left. To have walked around 10ft through greenery, overhanging branches, in a very narrow passage with no clear view in the dark. That time it took Stephen Kelly and Janine Jones to walk around 10ft, on an unobstructed path, with nothing in their way, with more light.  To miraculously see something and shout out instantly what he knew it to be. To describe the tree and all else. Where Stephen Kelly had to walk around 20ft to have any view, and of Alice Walker going right down to check properly. There was no time in the slightest for any of Luke Mitchells claims. It was rapid and to the point. – He knew exactly where he was going, knew exactly in every detail what was there, there was no unfamiliarity, no trepidation of steps – clear special knowledge. 

And that Jury, taken to the path, hearing all the evidence, even Donald Findlay’s attempts in those meaningless clarifications in statements. It did not change or alter the impossible! 

And you tie in that non alibi, those ludicrous claims of hanging around for 90mins, of waiting for his girlfriend not appearing on the other side of that isolated path. Of not arriving home until 10pm after leaving the boys before 9pm. Of the lies, the denial of being in that woodland before, of never seeing that V break. Of not knowing of the ban on the path. Of saying she was not coming out or grounded. Of those fires. That missing knife, that missing jacket and boots. That calm collectiveness. Those witnesses who saw him and the list goes on. – Tunnel vision?? 

“nine days and seven statements later” – police presence with the Mitchells at all times, they were certainly with the Jones family at all times. Ms Lean claims they were not investigated thoroughly enough, yet she can tell you from those statements, if those first days, every movement of Joseph down to the clothes he was wearing? – Brushed over? Every movement of John Ferris and Gordon Dickie, every movement of Stephen Kelly and Janine Jones – brushed over? – contradictory nonsense! No clothes taken on the first day! Alice Walker and Stephen Kelly’s shoes were taken, Alice Walker’s jacket. 

Why? she claims is there not information on what Judith was texting to her husband prior to him coming home from work, whilst Jodi had just arrived home from school? – A whole page on different phone numbers and who’s belonged to who, not the Mitchells though. – yet nothing at all to merit a ? around those 90mins on Newbattle Road. Nothing to merit a ? or a mention of the rest of the Mitchell phone logs, or phones?  Why did the search trio not search the caravan park, I mean she was not with Luke, surely the sensible thing to do, would be to check his mothers work place?? – waffle to fill pages on others, with no common sense and sheer deflection – it does not pay to concentrate on the above, the clear reasons as to why that guilty verdict was brought about. – let’s instead ‘tunnel in’ on the authors questions of vital importance. What was Andrina Bryson doing AFTER  the sighting? Let’s wonder why no CCTV footage was obtained to make sure the banking system was not accurate? But let’s NOT check or wonder if Andrina Bryson phone time was out, like Mitchells? As above: “nine days and seven statements later” – shows just how much is missing, the context that is everything to the depth of the investigation. And that is only one person and only 9 days.

(Original forum post here)

Link to Part 16 here