Predator & Con-Artist Aidan #Turtleboy Kearney & Innocence Fraudsters Meredith O’Neil & Larry Foreman Aka The DUI Guy

Good grifters or con artists are excellent intuitive psychologists.

Just like magicians, these swindlers and dishonest gamblers understand enough about how the mind works to exploit its vulnerabilities.

Con artists exploit other’s dishonesty

Tap on the button below to read more about how con-artists like Aidan Kearney can trick, groom and exploit people;

Running With The Wolves

On the 12th of May 2024 innocence fraud phenomenon grifter and con-artist Larry Foreman posted the following to X (here);

Pictured from left to right above is Larry Foreman (blue shirt), Chandler Remington (with her left arm on table), Meredith O’Neil (holding Aidan Kearney’s right arm) and Aidan Kearney.

Meredith O’Neil is said to be Aidan Kearney’s latest partner in crime (and latest target and victim), and claims there’s “never a dull moment with” him.

The below partial copy of an affidavit is from the 15th of June 2018 related to Meredith O’Neil, who appears to be a vulnerable, insecure individual with “issues” and therefore an easy target for someone like Aidan Kearney;


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