Partners In Crime: Abusers Sandra Lean & Billy Middleton & The WAP Org – Part 18i©️

Joan Albert’s Killer
Photograph of Simon Hall taken whilst at large and wanted by Suffolk police for a sexually motivated murder

As stated in the previous Part 18h of this blog series; Stephanie (Hall) was not aware of the fact she had been/and was being groomed, conned and exploited by actual, factual guilty killer, sexual deviant, predator and dangerous, psychopathic innocence fraudster Simon Hall (And others – which included Sandra Lean), as well as the very real innocence fraud phenomenon.

Stephanie (Hall) wrongly believed Simon Hall was actually, factually innocent and A N others were responsible for his murder.

It wasn’t until around early 2011 that Stephanie (Hall) glimpsed an extremely cold, inconsiderate and manipulative side to Simon Hall, and she wrongly dismissed this at the time – making excuses and putting this behaviour down to the fact Simon Hall had just lost his appeal.

But by the November 2012 when Stephanie (Hall) learned Simon Hall (and the Hall family members and people like Stephanie Bon) had lied by omission about the Zenith windows burglary (Read more by tapping on the links to Parts 10, 10a and 10b below), Simon Hall’s cold, inconsiderate and manipulative character came out more frequently.

Over the next few months Stephanie (Hall) began to recognise Simon Hall’s personality didn’t add up and she would regularly catch him in the lie.

Shaun Hall older brother of Simon Hall

And it was during this time that Simon Hall’s older brother Shaun Hall was exposing his brother Simon, and the Hall families, various types of lies – as was Stephanie Bon, who dated Simon Hall at the time of his murder.

Read more in Parts 9, 9a, 11,11a and 11b by tapping on the links below;

Billy Middleton
Sandra Lean

Following the exposure of killer Simon Hall, and his enablers innocence fraud, which again included Sandra Lean as well as un-convicted baby killer, sexual deviant and abusive predator Billy Middleton, Billy wrote and published a blog he headed What now for MOJs following Simon Hall’s confession?

It is not known if Sandra Lean aided con-artist and fraudster Billy Middleton with any of the contents of the blog, or if Sandra Lean proof read it (like she did with Billy’s 2010 ‘United Against Injusticespeech) but the blog was published on the WAP website on the 13th of August 2013 and read as follows;

Unsurprisingly, the MOJ community has been damaged with many feeling bitter and betrayed as they stand up for those they believe are innocent.

It’s understandable, particularly for those who played no part in the train crash that was the latter stages of his online presence or behind the scenes in some cases too, or the many who tried in vain to stop it. 

Many people put a lot of time and effort into researching the case, trying to help find the truth in any way they could, and who can blame any of them for feeling they should’ve spent the years on someone/something else instead – that it was a waste of time and effort?  They are not to blame for their carefully considered opinions, and shouldn’t be condemned for having the courage and commitment to look beyond the trial verdict when it’s made so incredibly hard find support for doing so. Nor should any other potential MOJ victims be further vilified for their own plights or the people who support them, and the media shouldn’t be criticised for doing what a society with a free press requires that it should – to probe and question an otherwise effectively unaccountable system.

There is worry about other cases being taken seriously in future, and the many who know of someone who was investigated by SIO Roy Lambert they believe is innocent in particular are finding it hard to witness his gloating whether he’s right or not. Change is always disconcerting, and things will certainly be different now, though for some the effects will be deeper and longer lasting than for others. Simon’s family have dealt with this remarkably well and people shouldn’t be too quick to condemn their continued belief in his innocence, after all it might very well be true. The Ministry of Justice said a confession by a person serving a life sentence would have “no impact” on the minimum tariff they would have to serve before being considered for release. But it knows perfectly well, as does anyone who knows anything about miscarriages of justice, that maintaining innocence does impact on how far beyond the minimum tariff a person would ultimately serve and others have confessed for that specific reason only to go on and challenge their convictions upon release. Simon might well have been progressing better than others through the prison system in that respect despite maintaining innocence, and it very much looked like he was about to join the exceptionally rare few who were released on or close to minimum tariff despite it, but there is little doubt in my mind that someone sending the parole board an abusive letter over a dispute where he could be reintegrated into society upon release shortly before his confession will have done that progress absolutely no good whatsoever.

So what do the MOJ community, the media and other related parties have to do now in the wake of this? In reality despite the damage it has caused far and wide, everyone needs to do the same thing they’ve always had to do – consider the evidence separate from their emotions and judge it for what it is, present it as it is and not stop looking and questioning everything until the answers have been found as they should have been in the first place – beyond reasonable doubt. People supporting someone incarcerated for something they believe they haven’t done need to look at how Simon was supported and learn from the mistakes, whether his confession is true or not, because while it’s easy to blame him in isolation for the harm done, if it’s a false confession your loved ones never ever ever need put in the position he was in to end up with and you can’t do that looking only at the 10 letter word confession and his other perceived option may well have been suicide if he really just couldn’t take it anymore. You need to look at the evidence and all that went on before it and see how wrong it was. The media need do the same before dropping the evidence box and giving too much air space to irrational certainty, they still need to hold accountable the justice system which has a proven track record of getting it wrong and being openly willing to admit that in their view it’s better an innocent person is kept in prison than the system’s “integrity” is affected, otherwise they become no better than the pseudo press found in countries controlled by dictators and there will be nothing to prevent any authority in the country doing whatever it wants regardless of the evidence

So did everyone who actually knows the case with the exception of retired SIO Roy Lambert, who has now found a voice on the subject and started proclaiming arrogantly in the media to have never once doubted Simon’s guilt, did everyone else including myself, those involved in the Rough Justice documentary, the CCRC, the DPP and many, many others get it wrong?

It’s possible, and without knowing the circumstances and details of the confession it can’t be and mustn’t be ruled out.

However despite how readily people think ‘no one would confess if they didn’t do it’, that can’t be ruled out either, not least because just one of the many pieces of evidence pointing away from Simon’s guilt is that someone else confessed many years ago before Simon was convicted.

DNA, fingerprints, footprints along the accepted escape route found at the scene, none of which matched Simon’s, stomach contents pointing to an earlier time of death which coincided with a disturbance heard by many neighbours, not a trace with the exception of the infamous flock fibres which formed the sole basis of the prosecution’s case against him hence Mr Starmer’s continued quote “The one crucial link is the fibre evidence. Break this and the case disappears.”

You would expect then that the fibre evidence was strong and compelling, yet one slide claimed by the original experts to contain 1000+ such fibres actually contained absolutely none, zero, zilch, de nada, squat, when the CCRC’s expert reviewed it, other slides were broken and stuck together with sticky tape, and what had been described as lime green polyester was actually carbon black. That is the credibility of the fibre evidence and the only evidence Roy Lambert could present so sure as he was of Simon’s guilt in the face of everything else, and it is that level of contradiction of the original evidence that the appeal courts upheld his conviction on describing the original forensics as ‘incomplete’ rather than completely and utterly false.

Which is more probable, that after Simon’s last appeal was rejected, knowing that it was the best chance he was ever going to have, which was followed my months and months of psychological abuse and mind games by the person who drove every last one of the thousands of supporters he had away with vile and malicious on and offline feuds such that he finally couldn’t take any more, he cracked, or that Roy Lambert was right all along despite all of the evidence to the contrary and everyone else was wrong? I don’t discount the possibility that I’m wrong, but I remain as yet unconvinced that I am and if further details are forthcoming I will reassess it then

That doesn’t mean I don’t respect the fact that a confession has been made or refuse to accept it no matter what, I’m simply unconvinced on the evidence that it’s true or that it was made by a sound mind – particularly considering he was in receipt of medication for depression and had recently been rushed to hospital following an overdose which may or may not have been accidental.

I personally lost respect for Simon some time ago but I didn’t lose the compassion and humanity I would need to before I could ignore the above, the facts of the past don’t get erased by the words of the present.  

By Billy Middleton – 11th August 2013 (Originally published here)

Billy Middleton last tweeted out a link to the above blog in 2017 – as can be seen by tapping on the link below;

Following killer Simon Hall’s suicide a few months later, abuser and con-artist Billy Middleton posted the following to his WAP website claiming “he may well have been innocent after all”;

Next Part to Sandra Lean’s Fabricated ‘PhD’ ~ Dropping Soon

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