Killer Luke Mitchell: Fake Lawyer Scott C Forbes & Those ‘30 Boxes (Part 6)

Scott Forbes

*Guest Blog*

In February 2021 Sandra Lean stated of Mark Kane;

The claim is that footage of him in a shop in Dalkeith at almost 10pm that night “cleared” him – how so?   It’s almost 5 hours after Jodi was supposed to have been murdered.

By Sandra Lean – 24th of February 2021 here

We took a walk around the Sheriff Muir. On the walk he admitted to me he didn’t have a clue where he was the day Jodi was murdered, he did remember running on Newbattle Road, but the rest of the day was a blur

Scott C Forbes (Free insight)


Mark Kane being on the Newbattle Road that night which Scott actually didn’t say because he said Mark Kane couldn’t remember where he was

Sandra Lean

The actual truth, I know, that hard to conceive word for some?

Mark Kane’s day was not a blur prior to “running” to catch the shop to buy booze before it closed.

Again, truth, the ultimate proof from the CCTV footage and of course communication with the employee.

There were no scratches upon Mark Kane’s face at this point. Perfectly fit and able to run to catch that shop. 

He buys his booze and drinks it in the Abbey woods, it is after 10pm at night, not long before darkness falls.

He wakes up in the morning and hears there has been a murder in the woods near to the Abbey.

For goodness sake screw your head on the right way!

Leonard Kelly cycled up that very path and he was worried, agitated even, for he had been in the vicinity! The boys on the moped the same. 

Tap on the button below to read mor about Leonard Kelly;

Does it matter apart from the usual predictive way of taken a slithering of truth and building it into sheer fantasy!

This male (Scott C Forbes) who saw the light this past year, after, by his claims, the zillionth time of studying the case!

It is bye Mark Kane, you are demoted as he has finally solved the murder –

Have a word! 

Donald Findlay had not sorted and prepared copied case files to give to Luke Mitchell until around 2008/9, had he?

They were not handed to a Phil/His student in 2006. Seriously? Who claims they were piled high (“30 boxes”) in his spare room.

Sandra Lean after doing an elective in paralegal work obtained Power of Attorney in 2009 and claims this was her first access to them.

First question.

Are you lying Scott Charles Forbes when you state you had those defence papers in your bedroom/come study? In 2006?

Can we see the sworn statement from Luke Mitchell you say took place in 2006? The one in which he stated he would not lie to you?

And IF you actually did have some form of copies, how therefore legally, did you manage to obtain these? You being a lawyer (cough) know the law, do you not? 

Personally I find ‘grammar police’ lack intelligence albeit well trained. Left school at 14, no qualifications, autistic yet went into B.A (Hons) Phil/His and post Grad Law, top 5% in uni

This was under his (Scott Forbes) alias Ambedkar on the 4/08 here

Are you talking of your friend here Mr Forbes?

We all know without any doubt how one pounces upon others’ grammar.

One thing is for sure, you far outweigh her academically, a clear genius, are you not? People are certainly putting your masterpiece far above anything Sandra Lean has done.

When hers was supposed to be the “everything” people needed to know –

Have a word! 


The censored to the uncensored.

And all the while as the hypocrites soak it all up, there is still nothing directly from Luke Mitchell and his mother.

Which of course defeats all purpose of deflection and placing focus elsewhere.

Working its magic for the intellectually inept.

The die hard elite, who believed everything they read in the rags, who are still believing everything they read in these rags, are they not?

Two kindred spirits both claiming to have been working on Luke Mitchell as a MOJ since day dot almost, one having signed statements and case files long before the other?

Yet claim never to have met the other until 2008? –

Have a word. 

(Original forum post by here )

Link to Part 7 here