Killer Karen Read: Con-Artist & Propagandist MICRODOTS Aka Richie Keough & His Fraudulent Depictions & Misinformation Amplification

Richie Keough Aka Microdots
Richie Keough photographed on right holding a camera

Microdots’ statement “after she’s proven innocent” appears to suggest he subconsciously thinks she’s guilty and his words betray him!

The “I wont amplify misinformation” Lie

On the 21st May 2024 Microdots (Aka Rich Keough) stated on X in part here;

2 Screenshots from our upcoming video where we recreate the scene outside 34 Fairview Road during the 911 call, including the call Jen McCabe made directly after to Nicole Albert that was caught on an open voicemail.

Jennifer McCabe did not speak to her sister Nicole Albert “directly after” she called 911 because her sister was still asleep!

The “Open Voicemail

As already highlighted in a previous blog, Aidan Kearney lied about where Karen Read’s cell phone was when she left a voicemail on John O’Keefe’s phone at 6:03am.

Tap on the button below to read more;

The 2 screenshots referred to by Microdots in his tweet have been copied below;

Microdots and his cartoon depictions wrongly have Jennifer McCabe sat inside Kerry Roberts’ car in the front passenger seat on her phone.

In reality – Jennifer McCabe did not call 911 from inside any car!

She was standing outside – moving back and forth.

Microdots’ cartoon depiction also wrongly has Karen Read’s cell phone in the back seat of the car, near a bag.

In reality – Karen Read’s cell phone was outside on the ground where she put it, when she got out of Kerry Roberts’ car, not in the back by any bag or purse.


Again, around the same time Karen Read pretended to see John O’Keefe’s body hidden in the darkened corner of the yard, under the snow, she called John’s phone so that her performance at her crime scene was recorded via his voicemail.

Karen Read got out of Kerry Roberts’ car and placed her cell phone on the ground before she ran over to John O’Keefe, screaming Kerry Roberts’ name.

The reason parts of Jennifer McCabe’s 911 call were picked up on John O’Keefe’s voicemail as clear as they were, was because Jennifer had run back to Kerry Roberts’ car, looking for the blankets Kerry had told her were in the back.

So when Jennifer McCabe can be heard saying “Where are the blankets, I don’t see blankets Kerry“, she was standing almost directly over Karen Read’s cell phone, which was laying close by on the ground, on the snow.

And the reason the dull thud of the windscreen wipers can be heard reverberating during the voicemail recording, is because Kerry Roberts’ trunk door of her car was lifted wide open, which created a sort of echo chamber.


At around 6:11:25am Karen Read went back to where she had put her phone on the snow, bent down, picked it up and carried on with her orchestrated performance.

Watch the video below which shows Karen Read going back to pick up her cell phone;

Tap on the button below to read the Updated Dynamic, Chronological, Interactive TIMELINE;

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