Killer Luke Mitchell: Fraudster, Convicted Robber & Violent Con Scott C Forbes & His Alleged Threats To Solicitor Graham Mann (Part 275)

Reporter turned MSP Russell Findlay meeting with con-artists Sandra Lean & Scott Forbes outside Scottish Parliament – 15th November 2022

The following is a reproduced article by Russell Findlay for the Sunday Mail dated 29th April 2012


“A lawyer probed by police over threats made to his boss has been revealed as a violent ex con who was jailed for robbery.

Scott Forbes, 46, is accused of sending menacing texts to Graham Mann, 43.

After police were called in it emerged that Forbes has previous convictions for robbery, assault and possessing an offensive weapon.

Stirling University graduate Forbes was a trainee with Mann Solicitors but Mann refused to sign off the first year of his two year traineeship.

A series of texts to Mann’s mobile from several numbers followed that decision.

One stated that “ruin would be met with ruin” and described Mann’s legal colleague Jim Kelly as “your fat partner“.

Another thought to be a reference to the refusal to sign off Forbes’s first year read: “Now for the last time, shut the f*** up and move on and you have until next week to do the right thing.

Mann reported the alleged threats to Central Scotland Police, who are investigating.

Meanwhile, Kelly has raised a civil action against Forbes at Stirling Sheriff Court.

Sheriff William Gilchrist granted an interim interdict which bans Forbes from contacting or threatening Kelly and making false statements about him.

The bust up led to revelations about Forbes’s convictions.

They include a five year jail sentence, later reduced to 30 months, for robbery in 1992.

Others included an assault and robbery conviction in 1989 and possession of an offensive weapon in 2001.

A Law Society of Scotland committee voted by majority to grant his entrance certificate into the profession in 2010 despite his past.

A source said: “It’s quite right that people should be given the chance of rehabilitation but is it really appropriate that a violent ex con should be considered an appropriate person to become a lawyer?

Members of the public would have been completely oblivious about this man’s criminality.

Another text received by Mann threatened that information would be passed to police, HM Revenue & Customs, the Scottish Legal Aid Board and Law Society.

It stated: “Listen you, will you not take a telling? Your emails copied, phone downloaded, files copied. Where you like us to start, police, taxman, legal aid or Society?”

The writ lodged by Kelly accused Forbes of having an “extensive network of criminal associates” and that he is “not a fit and proper person” to be a solicitor.

Forbes, who lives in Stirling, said: “Be careful what you print because Mr Kelly is prone to exaggeration.”

Central Scotland Police said: “We are investigating allegations under the Communications Act involving a 46 year old man.”

The Law Society said: “We have rigorous procedures which are applied to those entering the profession. Each case is decided on its own merits.”

Link to Part 276 here

Killer Luke Mitchell: Scammer Sandra Lean & The DNA On The Murderers Trousers Hidden In A Bag (Also Referred To As A Hold-All) “From The Previous Weekend” (Part 260)

The Lies Around The Murderers Hold-All

In Part 253 of this ongoing blog series (which can be read by tapping on the button below) it was evidenced how scammer Scott Forbes had confirmed via his Twitter social media account that killer Luke Mitchell had NOT stayed at his father Philip Mitchell’s house “for weeks” before he committed his murder;

On the 6th of October 2015 scammer Sandra Lean stated;

The DNA on Luke’s trousers was actually on a pair of trousers which had been in a bag in his room for several days

Source here

On the 7th March 2021 Sandra Lean again referred to killer Luke Mitchell’s trousers with Jodi Jones🌻 DNA found on them.

The police found the trousers hidden in a hold-all in killer Luke Mitchell’s home on the 4th July 2003.

Scammer Sandra Lean stated ;

They were still in the hold-all from the previous week-end

Statement by Sandra Lean made on 7th March 2021 (from around 8:58 of her video)

In October 2018 Sandra Lean stated;

The DNA to which this expert referred was, in fact, on another pair of trousers taken from Luke’s home – there was no way of telling how long the DNA trace from Jodi had been there

Sandra Lean – from p.196 of her second Innocence fraud book

killer Luke Mitchell had not stayed at his father Philip Mitchell’s house “for weeks”.

There was no evidence produced to show killer Luke Mitchell had stayed at his father Philip Mitchell’s house “the previous weekend”.

This was and is another bare faced lie!

Link to Part 261 here

Killer Luke Mitchell: Fake “Lawyer” Scott Forbes Confirmed Murderer Had NOT Stayed At Father Philip Mitchell’s House In Livingston “For Weeks” (Part 253)

Scammer Scott Forbes

Fake lawyer, scammer and abuser Scott Forbes has recently confirmed via his Twitter social media account that killer Luke Mitchell had NOT stayed at his father Philip Mitchell’s house “for weeks” before he committed his murder;

Impression Management, Corinne Mitchell & Wording Of The 2011 Court Of Appeal Judgement

In 2019 during a video with James English, Corinne Mitchell stated;

..‘cos Luke used to go and stay with his father every weekend

Corinne Mitchell

Why Didn’t The Court Of Appeal Judges Specify The Exact Dates Killer Luke Mitchell Visited His Father Philip Mitchell

The 2011 court of appeal judgement also gave the impression that killer Luke Mitchell would stay at his father Philip Mitchell’s house in the lead up to his murder.

His parents separated when he was 11 years old.

He lived with his mother and his older brother, and spent time with his father at weekends.

Excerpt from judgement of appeal against sentence in Luke Mitchell v Her Majesty’s advocate dated 2nd February 2011 paragraph 9

However paragraph 6 of the 16th May 2008 court of appeal judgement headed Relationship between the deceased and the appellant stated;

[6] The appellant and the deceased both attended St David’s High School in Dalkeith.

They began a relationship in around March 2003. From an early stage that relationship involved sexual intercourse.

By June 2003 they were seeing each other most week nights, and at the weekend.

Excerpt from Luke Mitchell Vs Her Majesty’s Advocate dated 16th May 2008

According to scammer Sandra Lean in her second innocence fraud book she stated;

The portrayal of Jodi at trial was one dimensional and restricted to the few months, prior to her death, that she had been seeing Luke.

There was nothing to clarify what Jodi did on the weekends when Luke was at his dad’s..

Excerpt from Sandra Lean’s second innocence fraud book from page 49

The media did not report on each and every detail heard through out the 42 day trial and scammer Sandra Lean did not attend killer Luke Mitchell’s trial, therefore in reality Sandra had no idea of how Jodi Jones🌻 was “portrayed”.

What dates exactly was Sandra Lean referring to when she stated “There was nothing to clarify what Jodi did on the weekends when Luke was at his dad’s..” ?

As already stated by Scott Forbes, killer Luke Mitchell did not stay at his father Philip Mitchell’s house “for weeks” leading up to when he committed his murder.

DNA On Trousers

Also according to Sandra Lean;

..the only “evidence” found was a single DNA profile for Jodi from a tiny sample on a pair of trousers not worn on the day of the murder – it could not even be ascertained how old the sample was

Excerpt from Sandra Lean’s second innocence fraud book from page 106

Sandra Lean could not and would not have known what trousers killer Luke Mitchell was wearing on that day.

Sandra Lean also stated;

The DNA to which this expert referred was, in fact, on another pair of trousers taken from Luke’s home – there was no way of telling how long the DNA trace from Jodi had been there

Sandra Lean – p.196 of her 2nd innocence fraud book IB

On what date exactly was killer Luke Mitchell given the Marilyn Manson calendar by his father and step-mother for his birthday, which was found in a bin in the Mitchell’s house on the 4th of July 2003?

Scammer Sandra Lean has never explained any of this!?

Why has Sandra Lean chosen to omit Philip Mitchell and his partners evidence from her narrative?

What dates did Philip Mitchell and his partner tell the police Luke Mitchell had stayed at their home in Livingston?

According to Scott Forbes, killer Luke Mitchell’s trousers were hidden in a holdall with Jodi Jones🌻 DNA on them at his father Philip Mitchell’s house.

This was and is a yet another bare faced lie!

Scott Forbes stated;

Jodi Jones’ DNA was found on a pair of trousers belonging to Luke Mitchell.

The trousers were in a holdall at his father’s house in Livingston, a home he hadn’t been to for at least a fortnight prior to the murder of Jodi.

The evidence was, therefore, deemed irrelevant and agreed to be dismissed.

Scott Forbes – page 24 of his nonsense of a book

Also according to Scott Forbes, without Sandra Lean and her “fact checking” his “book would not have been possible” – as can be seen by the following excerpts;

Excerpt from page 3 of Scott Forbes self published defamatory book

Tap on the button below to read about reporting Scott Forbes self published defamatory book;

Excerpts from a BBC article, reporting on the killers 2004 trial stated;

Jodi’s DNA was found on the accussed’s trousers but this could have occurred through an “innocent transfer”.

Tayside Police forensic scientist Susan Ure spoke about the work carried out comparing bloodstains found at the murder scene and other reference samples, taken from members of her family and Luke Mitchell.

DNA from Steven Kelly, the fiancé of Jodi’s sister, Janine, showed up on the t-shirt Jodi was wearing. But the trial has heard that the t-shirt actually belonged to Janine.

It was also explained about the ways in which DNA could be transferred, for example, between strangers sitting close on a train. 

Donald Findlay QC, defending Luke Mitchell, suggested to Ms Ure that DNA could be found in a completely “sinister place but have a wholly innocent explanation” to which she agreed.

Mr Findlay said the court had heard in some detail of Jodi and Luke’s relationship and added: “Boyfriend, girlfriend, being intimate with each other.

“Looking at that picture, in all the DNA analyses you carried out one, and only one, bit of Jodi’s DNA was found on Luke’s trousers and that could be a perfectly innocent transfer.”

Ms Ure replied: “Yes it could.”

Source here

Was The DNA On The Killers Trousers Blood?

What trousers did killer Luke Mitchell tell police he had worn to school on the 30th June 2003?

Sandra Lean also bizarrely stated in her book;

That left the prosecution free to roll out all and any DNA evidence they had to prove their case, but they failed to do so.

With the exception of the innocent transfer sample on a pair of trousers not even related to the murder

Excerpt from Sandra Lean’s second innocence fraud book from page 198

Where is the evidence that the DNA of Jodi Jones 🌻 found on killer Luke Mitchell’s trousers hidden in a bag in his house from Newbattle Abbey crescent came from “innocent transfer”?

Link to Part 254 here

Killer Luke Mitchell: Warped Minded, Deluded Abuser Nicki Mac (McIntyre) & Her Deluded, Fantasy Lawyer & “Sweetie Wife” Boyfriend Scott C Forbes (Part 143)

Nicki Mac

The Sheer Foolishness Of Nicki Mac

Around a week or so ago, in response to a comment made on a Scottish newspapers Facebook page, Innocence Fraud posted a link to this website, which included a link headed Once You Are Caught In A Web Of Deceit It Is Almost Impossible To Escape;

As is evidenced in the above screenshot, someone called Nicki Mac chose to post a comment under Innocence Fraud’s Facebook post (and attached link) stating “Let’s talk about Joan Albert”.

It turns out that Nicki Mac is the girlfriend of pretend lawyer and warped minded, fantasist Scott Forbes.

On 6th of July 2022 Nicki Mac (McIntyre) announced on the cult-like Facebook group supporting sadistic killer Luke Mitchell, that Scott Forbes was her bf = boyfriend.

Nicki Mac’s Boyfriend & His Projections

On 4th of September 2022, during a YouTube rant with con-artist Sandra Lean, Scott Forbes stated;

I’ve got a stalker Stephanie Hall, I’ll come back to.. and erm.. genuine stalker.. genuinely like to family and friends and erm..

I’ll take her to court..

I welcome anyone to take me to court, please, Jane Hamilton, the Daily Record, anyone, please we”ll go to court and take the stand and take an oath and and I’ll question them, they’re all fucked, they’re in for trouble

Scott Forbes – 4th September 2022 here (Reproduced for evidential purposes)
Scott Forbes (Right)

On 4th October 2022 a video was published to YouTube by someone called Premeditated Patter in which (At around 1:56:15 of the video) Scott Forbes refers to his imaginary “stalker(s)” and made the following statements;

And I’ve got a couple of stalkers, genuine stalkers. I’ve got one called Stephanie Hall right, just a quick one. She married a man called Simon Hall years ago. Simon Hall was a convicted rapist murderer, he killed an old age pensioner and then she married him. And then allegedly he killed himself, allegedly he confessed to this murder so she feels scorned. She, she got taken in by a murderer, married him and now everybody that claims to be a miscarriage of justice erm are all liars (sic)

Scott Forbes – October 2022 (Reproduced for evidential purposes)

Note how pretend lawyer Scott Forbes used the word “allegedly” before he stated the words “he killed himself” and “confessed to this murder”.

The word allegedly is “used to convey that something is claimed to be the case or have taken place, although there is no proof”.

Actually, factually guilty killer Simon Hall did admit to his murder and did kill himself.

Therefore there is nothing “allegedly” about these two events.

Both events occurred and there is proof that both events occurred.

In fact on the day he killed himself charlatan and con-artist Sandra Lean took it upon herself to announce killer Simon Hall’s death on a couple of Internet forums;

Allegedly” should have been used by pretend lawyer Scott Forbes before he made his defamatory, false statements about Stephanie (Hall).

“Let’s Talk About Joan Albert”

The link to the blog headed Once You Are Caught In A Web Of Deceit It Is Almost Impossible To Escape included some of the following statements;

Common sense and intellect are not evident

For some people there is no attempt at changing horses mid stream. 

Once you are caught in a web of deceit it is almost impossible to escape.

Allowing oneself first and foremost to become entangled out of sheer foolishness will not change.

It didn’t appear Nicki Mac had bothered to click on the link to read and absorb the content of the blog, because she continued to make a slew of Facebook posts, tagging in Innocence Fraud with deluded statements about “stalking” and being “obsessed with Scott”, and even made one bizarre statement of ‘..away and obsess over your murdering rapist husband’.

Joan Albert was a woman who was brutally murdered on 16th of December 2001 by a man called Simon Hall.

Read more on Joan Albert, and how her close friends and neighbours Mr and Mrs Twoose found her lying “at the bottom of the stairs” of her home early on Sunday morning of 16th of December 2001, by tapping on the below link to Part 1 of The Truth Behind Killer Simon Hall & His Enablers #InnocenceFraud Phenomenon Scam ongoing blog series;

Warped minded abuser and deluded fantasist Nicki Mac’s, equally deluded boyfriend Scott Forbes also stated during his “chat” with Sandra Lean;

And she claims he made a confession so he’s made a fool of her by telling her he’s really an innocent man and then years later he tells her he done what he did now

I don’t know what happened I’ve not examined the case to pass it

Scott Forbes – 4th September 2022 (Reproduced for evidential purposes)

Some more of Scott Forbes lies, smears and delusions were published in Part 49 of this blog series, which can be read by tapping on the button below;

Sandra Lean Wrote About Killer Simon Hall & His Murder Through Out Her First Innocence Fraud Book No Smoke

As stated previously, “professional” con-artist Sandra Lean wrote about actually, factually guilty killer Simon Hall through out her first discredited book – which is still for sale.

Chapter 5 of said book can be read by tapping on the button below;

Mr Twoose, who found Joan Albert, spoke to a reporter in June 2002 and stated the following;

She was lying at the bottom of the stairs. I never for one second imagined foul play. Even when I saw the knife next to her body I thought she must have got up in the night to feed her dog Rusty using the knife to cut up his food and then had a heart attack

My eyesight isn’t very good so when I saw a patch of red in the lower part of her stomach I thought it was a pattern on her night dress

I believe it must have soaked into the carpet. The position of the body was very strange

Her head was against the wall and both her arms were raised above her head in two “C” shapes

At that time I still thought it must have been an accident. She was on warfarin and I thought the fall could have caused the blood

I pulled the kitchen blind up to get some light. That was when I saw some broken glass by the kitchen window. There were no other signs of a break in

Excerpts from an Evening Star article headed Friend relives finding murdered OAP dated 14th June 2002

By the time con-artist Sandra Lean wrote and published her 1st innocence fraud book in 2007 the “broken glass by the kitchen window” (which was on a window sill below the window, as well as a sink and large worktop), had miraculously moved by itself the following year, when killer Simon Hall’s adoptive mother Lynne Hall had been taken to Joan Albert’s home by Suffolk police to check to see if anything had been stolen.

Cover of Sandra Lean’s discredited book ’No Smoke’ published in 2008 by fraudster Stephen T Manning/Checkpoint press

Sandra Lean stated in her book;

Lynne Hall, Simon’s mother, was taken to the victims house by two officers on January 8th to check whether anything was missing. (Mrs Hall was a friend of Mrs Albert’s, and often helped the older lady out).

Neither Mrs Hall nor the police officers were wearing protective clothing (although full forensic examination of the house had not been carried out), but things were touched, and broken glass trodden in.

Therefore, the house and its content are likely to have been contaminated by Mrs Hall, and the officers.

Excerpt by Sandra Lean from her first discredited book No Smoke (foot of page 70 – top of page 71)

Forensic examination of Joan Albert’s property had already been completed by the time Lynne Hall was taken to the property, and there was no glass on the floor to be “trodden in”.

At the end of her chapter 5 Sandra Lean went on to state;

Given the purely circumstantial nature of the Simon Hall case, it would seem pertinent to introduce other circumstantial events that may require further examination.
At 12.30pm, Sunday 25th November 2005 (exactly 3 weeks prior to the discovery of Mrs Albert’s body) Mabel Leyshon (90) was found dead in her home in Lon Pant, Llanfairpwll, on Anglesey. She had been stabbed repeatedly, following a break-in.
The similarities are striking, both were elderly women living alone, both were subjected to brutal and frenzied knife attacks, both had their houses broken into, and both were killed on a Saturday night and discovered on a Sunday.
Both were also security conscious, Bothere confirmed alive and well on the Saturday.

Excerpt by Sandra Lean from her first discredited book No Smoke (foot of page 80 top of page 81)

Psychopathic killer Mathew Hardman was arrested and convicted of his murder of Mabel Leyshon in 2002 – 5-6 years BEFORE Sandra Lean published her book!

“Mrs Beasty Brain” & “Sicko” Nicki Mac

All of Nicki Mac’s gaslighting Facebook posts made to Innocence Fraud demonstrated Nicki Mac was/is an abusive, warped minded, deluded fantasist, similar to how her boyfriend Scott Forbes continues to show himself to be.

Nicki Mac wasn’t at all interested in talking about Joan Albert, as when Innocence Fraud replied with the following Facebook post;

deluded Nicki Mac replied stating “Ive at no stage mentioned the case”;

Nicki Mac also made it quite clear she couldn’t care less about Joan Albert – she couldn’t even be bothered to get her age correct, even after Nicki Mac herself had posted a media link which clearly displayed Joan Albert’s correct age;

Interested To Hear What Nicki Mac Has To Say About Charlatan & Con-Artist Sandra Lean & What “Attracted” Nicki Mac To Psycho Killer Luke Mitchell

Nicki Mac then appeared to delete her Facebook posts and/or blocked Innocence Fraud.

Below is what Sandra Lean wrote about actual, factual, guilty murderer Simon Hall in 2011;

‘skeleton statements’

Conviction Upheld
This decision is an affront to justice. The CPS knows that there was another burglary that evening in Capel. They know that the SOCOs went directly from that crime scene to the murder scene. They know that there was DNA on the knife that did not belong to Simon, that the original fibre investigation concluded no match for the fibres, and that the jury was misled into believing that the knife that was used to kill Mrs Albert must have come from an opened drawer in her own kitchen.
They also know that another man confessed to this murder. So why do they insist on keeping an innocent man in prison, and refusing to acknowledge the existence of this other evidence? What can possibly be gained by allowing the real perpetrators to remain free and unpunished?
We will not rest until the whole truth of this case has been made public, and that includes the collusion and cover-up which has allowed this gross miscarriage of justice to persist for so long, and which, sadly, in light of today’s decision, will be allowed to continue.
We will never give up the fight for justice for Simon. The truth will come out – all of it. The DPP himself said that without the fibre evidence, there was no case. The fibre evidence has now been discredited – why is Simon to remain in prison for another man’s crime?
Sandra Lean, who featured Simon’s case in her book “No Smoke” said this morning, This is a dark day for British Justice. This decision tells us that the justice system in this country would rather allow murderers to walk among us, and innocent men to languish in prison for crimes they did not commit, than simply admit, “We got it wrong.” Any other industry behaving in this way would be closed down – the justice industry is answerable to no-one. The fight for Simon Hall’s freedom goes on.

Sandra Lean – 1st January 2011

Read more by tapping on the button below to Part 13 of this blog series;

Link to Part 144 here