Killer Luke Mitchell: Troll Sandra Lean’s Nonsense About Innocent Mark Kane (Part 196)

And what about, crucially, what Sandra Lean refers to was in the case files — that he was spotted, specifically, running on Newbattle rd on the early evening of 30.06.03? Not just before 2200 hrs, buying booze at Haddows? Two separate sightings. Well, that’s what I infer from the ‘Mistaken Identity’ portion of ‘IB’ (starting p.233).

Drawing from my own personal understanding of the case, and my own instinct, I think it’s very unlikely that Mark Kane had anything to do with it, but it’s these messy little facets that prevent me from saying, categorically, that Luke is guilty beyond reasonable doubt.

*Guest Blog*

No – there is no witness, here is what passes for the arms and legs of Mark Kane being on Newbattle Road. Innocents Betrayed. P.235 by Sandra Lean. Under “Mistaken Identity. 

Sandra Lean

One witness said in a statement that Mr Kane told him police had spoken to him (Mark Kane) because he had been seen running on the Newbattle Road on the evening of the murder. He had gone to one of the local stores to buy alcohol – either Morning Noon and Night (the store where Corinne stopped to buy cigarettes on her way home and where the boys on the pushbikes, who recognized Luke sitting on the wall at the end of his street, were captured on CCTV footage around ten to six), or Eskbank Trading, a convenience store in the opposite direction. Both of these stores would require Mr Kane to traverse the Newbattle Road in order to get them and return to the Abbey.”

Sandra Lean – IB page 235

Ok, where to start.

Firstly it would appear that Mark Kane is his own witness!!

It is him (claimed) telling someone, that he had been seen running on this road.

There is no actual witness statement from anyone seeing him running on the road.

The, this, “he had gone to one of the local stores” and the supposition and assumption of it being either the one in Newtongrange or in Eskbank. 

Let us stop there, now Mark Kane is stating he was spoken to by the police.

So it is ok to state that everything he therefore said was true, but not that he had been spoken to by the police!!

Now add the actual reality, whatever may have been said to the police, Mark Kane was spoken to.

And whatever was put to Mark Kane he told them exactly where he had went for alcohol and they checked, and he had indeed and was on CCTV confirming this. 

And the contradiction –

of Mark Kane stating someone saw him running on the road and the insert of both these local stores would merit him traversing onto this road.

Now the truth and the reality –

Mark Kane had said he had been seen running for alcohol to a local store.

Running to catch it before it closed for the evening.

This “local store” to the Abbey is in numerous directions.

In 2003 the one in Newtongrange used to close by 9pm.

As did all Scotmids at the time, did they not?

Now the short distance from his student room, is through the Golf house onto Abbey Road and into Dalkeith. 

Now, as I have been stating several times, the author whilst attempting to show different points, consistently contradicts herself with others!

She claims that Mark Kane was not checked for using either the store in Newtongrange or the one in Eskbank – and think.

The boys on the pushbikes, she claims, and love the “around ten to six” were seen on the CCTV footage.

And of course Corinne Mitchell.

And think again, that sighting by Loraine Fleming and Rosemary Walsh and this claimed “mistaken Identity” –

Did they just miss out the areas of that CCTV footage then!!

That had this twin of Luke Mitchell in a parka jacket in that store –

No of course they did not.

What is shows, without a shadow of a doubt, is that Mark Kane was not in that store buying booze.

Thus Mark Kane was not on that stretch of road and there was no “Mistaken Identity” 

And to draw your attention, to just how much any information has been manipulated and morphed as above.

Stemming from, “running to a local store to buy booze” then inserting it had to have been one of only two stores if “local” 

And this does work across the board, as we had with the bike at the break in the wall – morphed from “close to“, to at and at the V – when the break can not be seen from anywhere other than directly beside it.

And we know it was a motorist, and we know they were from Basic tool hire – and the author knows all of this, and it is morphed into something else, and used, even though she can not fail to know that it is categorically wrong!!

(Original forum post here)

Link to Part 197 here

Killer Luke Mitchell: Warped Minded Abuser, Compulsive Liar & Fantasist Scott Forbes – ‘A Puppet In Sandra Lean’s Games’ (Part 144)

Mark Kane

Innocent Mark Kane’s Statement

As highlighted in Part 1 of this blog series (Tap on link above to read more) innocent Mark Kane, who passed away in May 2018, spoke out on the 1st of August 2014, when he made a statement on an Internet forum using the name Mr Rabbit.

Mark Kane’s original statement can be read by tapping on the link below;

Mark Kane’s mother Norma also spoke out in 2021 (Read more Falsely Accused Student Mark Kane) following further false accusations made by liar Scott Forbes and ‘Tweedledee and Tweedledum’ – Aka Mark Sallens and Michael Neill from Intinsol (Integritas Investigative Solutions) during a two part channel 5 TV show which lionised the guilty killer, and his enablers propaganda.

Listen to Roberta Glass to hear more about ‘Tweedledee and Tweedledum’ and the channel 5 TV show by again tapping the link below;

Mark Kane stated the following;

Sandra Lean is a bully as well as a liar.

I was one of the so called accused, not a shred of evidence against me except a statement from a man who has a severe criminal record that has since came to light.

I knew all about it from the start I knew it would eventually catch up with him and Sandra Lean.

Anytime I contacted her on the ‘Luke Mitchell’ is innocent website she got right onto her cronies and I would receive death threats over the phone, be visited n public places by he man with the long and hash criminal record who would make threats against and my family.

He even went to my mothers door, she is her Sixties and disabled  just to show me she could be got at!

What type of human being does such a thing?

He assaulted me in full view of half a dozen people after I had left a comment on Ms.Leans web pag.

All of this I reported to the police.

Just to set a couple of things straight I never had big cuts on my face the day after the murder I had a tiny scratch is all, he did not drive me to the police station the day after and he never said what amount of money we would get but he did say we would get money if we spoke to the press and get a wee holiday out of it.

I never wanted anything to do with it it was sick, the man bullied me.

He got a holiday out of it as the daily record accidentally used his name as the suspect he got just over a grand in damages.

I have never received anything for the mental anguish myself and family have been through.

I think he was merely a puppet in Sandra Leans games which have now came to a head but I’m still stuck with totally untrue accusations against me and haven’t even received a sorry let alone anything else.

I knew about his criminal past but I never mentioned it, I never spoke to reporters, which he wanted me to.

He used to make jokes about it and him and him only ever brought it up as you know it was nearly 4 years before he came forward after a falling out between us, the police didn’t take him serious and he gave a high court statement Han is all lies and I have many witness that can back that up.

He bullied me after he had went to the police, trying to keep me in line and watch who I spoke to but I just didn’t want anything to do with it god I wasn’t even sure he was telling the truth about talking to the police cause like I said he used to make jokes about it.

If they haughty they were right then how come whenever I questioned Sandra lean she would get right on to him to go and do her dirty work which was harass me.

I have a load of witness to prove everything he said is a lie that’s why I was never worried.

I just think it’s shocking that a man can take half truths, 3rd hand stories and just lies then go to the police with this rubbish and before you know it my name is on the 6 o’clock news, in newspapers giving totally false information about me and iv never received any type of closure or apology or anything from the people involved.

Maybe karma has just taken it’s time he’s been exposed for the violent criminal who done jail for armed robbery and Sandra Lean, not for the first time, is wrong.

I went through hell and back because of them but I’m not going to waste my life looking for revenge I knew in time it would all come out.

Here’s to the innocent among us, don’t let the b……..s grind you down. (Sic)

Mark Kane Aka Mr Rabbit

Innocent Mark Kane Ruled Out By DNA

A drug addict named by defence lawyers as a new “suspect” for the murder of Jodi Jones had been cleared by DNA tests, appeal judges have heard.

Everything that was capable of DNA analysis was analysed pre-trial and the sample from Mark Kane was compared against all of these samples and no connection was found,” said Mr Beckett.

It also heard how Mr Kane had been pestered and threatened by another man who claimed a confession to the killing would bring them big rewards.

Mr Beckett quoted from a statement Mr Kane, from Stirling, had given to police about the activities of Scott Forbes – the man who put defence lawyers on Mr Kane’s trail.

Mr Kane told the officers that Mr Forbes had been pestering him for a week after press reports in December about a possible new

Excerpts from article headed Call to ‘ignore’ new Jodi suspect dated 22nd February 2008

The Lecturer Confirmed Mark Kane Wrote No Such Essay At All

But John Beckett QC, for the Crown, revealed that police investigations cast doubt on what Mr Forbes had told solicitors and a BBC Frontline Scotland programme in May last year.

Mr Forbes had alleged that Mr Kane, a student at Newbattle Abbey College at the time of Jodi’s murder, had written an essay on “killing a girl in the woods”.

He also claimed that a teacher at the college could confirm this.

Mr Beckett said:

When this came to light the Crown had police take a statement from the lecturer which confirmed Kane wrote no such essay at all”

Mr Beckett also said Mr Forbes had told Mr Kane to co-operate “and we will get £50,000 from the newspapers

Excerpt from a BBC article headed Mitchell trial hears of ‘suspect’ dated 13th February 2008

If You Have Nothing To Hide – Publish Your January 2008 Sworn Statement Scott Forbes – Along With All The Killers (Luke Mitchell) & His Mothers..

The lawyer told appeal judges that Mitchell’s defence team had been made aware of the addict by another man, Scott Forbes, who had first come forward some 18 months after Mitchell had been convicted of Jodi’s murder and given a life sentence.

Mr Findlay said that Mr Forbes had sworn out a statement last month and his claims were being investigated

Excerpts from Scottish Herald article headed Man named in an appeal tried to sell story to newspapers dated 14th February 2008

Link to Part 145 here

Killer Luke Mitchell: Innocence Fraud Phenomenon Enabler Sandra Lean & To Hell With Truth & Justice (Part 69)

*Guest Blog*

Innocence fraud pusher Sandra Lean

And when Jodi’s family’s statements don’t corroborate each other or the times are slightly out or information was not revealed at the first opportunity or the statements are changed…what then?

Is it just the Mitchell family who are held to such a high standard of recall and transparency?

BTW is it at all possible for us to discuss this case without mentioning Sandra Lean? You know, just rely on the facts.

When things are being put forward almost verbatim to the teachings of Sandra Lean I see no harm in referring to her by name. 

Is it not from this very person the subject we are discussing arose from – that of changing statements, centered by yourself around the search party, making claims that these statements were changed, inferring that they were in harmony with Luke Mitchell’s at the start – information that has come forth from Sandra Lean. Via books, forums, podcasts and lately a documentary. 

I understand, to a degree why Sandra Lean has to do this – when taking the stance of innocence there is no choice but to try and dismantle every piece of evidence.

It is however messy –

Often going down roads that inadvertently do the very opposite of what she claims to be seeking – Truth and Justice.

Continuously sullying the names of factual innocent people – it is wrong. 

Take Mark Kane for example – may he rest in peace, no – it is wrong. 

This persons movements were traced.

It was with Scott Forbes and the greed of money that really brought the truth to light. 

Mark Kane was on CCTV that evening, his face was NOT covered in scratches.

He was not on Newbattle Road for the Lorraine Fleming & Rosemary Walsh sighting, wait no, in the documentary he was running through fields back to the Abbey.


Nothing but mismatched theories with a massive dose of finger pointing.

No sequence of events. Zero. Why?

Because someone must be guilty if Luke Mitchell is innocent, to hell with truth and Justice.

(Original forum post here)

Link to Part 70 here