Killer Karen Read: Fraudster Sleuthie Goosie Is Lying To Herself & Lying To Y’All!

On the 21st August 2023 Sleuthie Goosie published a timeline to X on cop killer Karen Read and her murder of John O’Keefe.

The first thing that stands out in her timeline is the fact that Sleuthie Goosie falsely claims that John O’Keefe “adopts his niece and nephew”, as per screenshot below;

John O’Keefe became his niece and nephews’ legal guardian.

The next thing that stands out is that Sleuthie Goosie does not include an event, or any timings, for where Karen Read was before she headed to CF McCarthy’s on the 28th of January 2022, arriving at 8:51pm.

Sleuthie Goosie also claims that John O’Keefe’s niece “goes to sleep” at “11:00PM” (As per screenshot below), when in reality, it is not known what time she went to sleep.

When questioned about this on X, Sleuthie Goosie stated;

Literally every single part of that timeline has a court document cited as the source……. Same with the niece going to bed at 11.

What the court document states (on p.23) regarding the niece, is as follows;

K.F. stated that she had gone to bed at approximately 11:00 p.m., on January 28, after her friend had left…

It says nothing about her “going to sleep”.

Maybe Sleuthie Goosie should take her own advice below;

Tap on the button below for the Dynamic, Chronological Interactive TIMELINE;

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