Why Has Richard (Rich) Green From United States Forensics Omitted So Much In His EXHIBIT 6 On Killer Karen Read?

Richard Green, who calls himself a “data forensics expert” with United States Forensics, submitted an affidavit in support of Karen Read in April 2023.

Below is a copy of Richard Green’s EXHIBIT 6 from his 2023 affidavit relating to Karen Read’s IPhoneXS data from the 29th January 2022;

Screenshot of Richard Green’s Exhibit 6

EXHIBIT 6 can be found on page 20, by tapping on the button below;

Where Is Karen Read’s 5am “On The Dot” Call?

There are calls missing from Richard Green’s EXHIBIT 6!

Karen Read first called Kerry Roberts at around 4:58am, Kerry didn’t hear this call.

Karen Read called Kerry Roberts again at 5:00amon the dot” and said “John’s dead – Kerry Kerry Kerry” then hung up.

Did Karen Read delete these calls from her phone history?

Listen to Kerry Roberts below;

Where Are Katherine Camerano’s Calls?

Karen Read called Katherine Camerano at 4:45am.

Katherine Camerano called Karen Read at 5:00am, 5:32am, 5:34am and at 6:44am.

Were these calls also deleted by Karen Read?

Listen to Katherine Camerano in the two videos below;

Where Is Karen Read’s Call To Her Mother Janet?

Karen Read was caught on dashcam footage leaving her crime scene in Kerry Roberts’ SUV at around 6:37am.

Watch at around the 6 minute 30 second mark in the video below;

Around this time Karen Read spoke to her mother Janet Read.

Kerry Roberts evidence was that Janet Read had then said to Kerry “Please make sure she does not have her purse, she has medication in her purse I don’t want her to take”.

Why has Richard Green omitted this call from his EXHIBIT 6?

Listen to Kerry Roberts in the video below;

Where Is Erin O’Keefe’s Call?

Then at around 6:45am, while Kerry Roberts was sitting in her car outside of 34 Fairview with Karen Read, Erin O’Keefe called Karen.

Karen told Erin “John’s dead”, subsequently Kerry took the phone and told Erin “no he’s not, he’s at the hospital, they’re working on him”.

Listen to Erin O’Keefe in the two videos below;

Why Has Richard Green Omitted These Calls?

Where are all the calls and why aren’t they included in Richard Green’s EXHIBIT 6?

How many phones did Karen Read have with her on the 29th of January 2022 and what other calls are missing from Richard Green’s EXHIBIT 6?

Karen Read’s 6:03am Call To John O’Keefe’s Voicemail

Karen Read also called John O’Keefe’s phone at around 6:03am, around the same time she pretended to see his body hidden in the dark corner, under the snow.

This call went to John O’Keefe’s voicemail.

When Karen Read got out of Kerry Roberts car, Karen put her phone on the ground near the back of Kerry’s SUV.

John O’Keefe’s voicemail picked up bits of Jennifer McCabe’s 911 call and Karen Read’s performance at her crime scene.

Listen to the voicemail below;

Why was this call also not included in Richard Green’s EXHIBIT 6?

Karen Read picked her phone up at around 6:11am, as can be seen in the video below;

David Yannetti, Karen Read’s lawyer stated on 2nd February 2022, during an arraignment hearing, that his client ”was placing probably about 10 calls” to John O’Keefe’s cell phone (Listen to David Yannetti here)

Why has Richard Green only listed 8 calls from Karen Read’s phone?

Lieutenant Brian Tully confirmed Karen Read made 53 calls to John O’Keefe’s cellphone between 12:33am to 6:03am on the 29th of January 2022.

He also confirmed Karen Read called her parents preceding the calls to Jennifer McCabe and Kerry Roberts.

Tap on the button below to read and interact with the Dynamic, Chronological, Interactive TIMELINE;

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