Killer Luke Mitchell: Court Of Appeal Judgement Suggests Inconsistency In Murderers Mother Corinne Mitchell’s Story Via Channel 5’s 2021 “Murder In A Small Town” Innocence Fraud TV Show, Narrated By Lucy Briers (Part 263)

Corrine Mitchell’s Version Of Events

During Part 1 of the 2021 channel 5 TV innocence fraud show entitled Murder In A Small Town killer Luke Mitchell’s mother Corinne Mitchell stated;

I sprinted up to the police station

Eh asked where my child and my dog were

I was shown into a room

And the sight was just horrendous

Luke was sitting in ah white forensic suit

He had been stripped naked

Corinne Mitchell (At approx 25:06)

Court Of Appeal Judges Judgment Demonstrates Inconsistencies In Corinne Mitchell’s Story

However the 2008 court of appeal judgement had previously described a different version of events.

The appeal court judges indicated in their written judgement that killer Luke Mitchell did not give his permission for his clothing to be taken until after he had concluded his 22 page written witness statement.

An excerpt from paragraph 159 of the 2008 court of appeal judgement stated:

At the conclusion of the interview with the accused, which was not under caution and in respect of which evidence had been led without objection, he agreed to the taking of his clothes by the police and the examination of his person and the taking of a blood sample by a police surgeon

Paragraph 159 of the 2008 court of appeal judgement

Tap on the button below to read the updated TIMELINE of almost 15 year old killer Luke Mitchell’s murder;

Link to Part 264 here

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