Killer Luke Mitchell: Fake “Lawyer” Scott Forbes Confirmed Murderer Had NOT Stayed At Father Philip Mitchell’s House In Livingston “For Weeks” (Part 253)

Scammer Scott Forbes

Fake lawyer, scammer and abuser Scott Forbes has recently confirmed via his Twitter social media account that killer Luke Mitchell had NOT stayed at his father Philip Mitchell’s house “for weeks” before he committed his murder;

Impression Management, Corinne Mitchell & Wording Of The 2011 Court Of Appeal Judgement

In 2019 during a video with James English, Corinne Mitchell stated;

..‘cos Luke used to go and stay with his father every weekend

Corinne Mitchell

Why Didn’t The Court Of Appeal Judges Specify The Exact Dates Killer Luke Mitchell Visited His Father Philip Mitchell

The 2011 court of appeal judgement also gave the impression that killer Luke Mitchell would stay at his father Philip Mitchell’s house in the lead up to his murder.

His parents separated when he was 11 years old.

He lived with his mother and his older brother, and spent time with his father at weekends.

Excerpt from judgement of appeal against sentence in Luke Mitchell v Her Majesty’s advocate dated 2nd February 2011 paragraph 9

However paragraph 6 of the 16th May 2008 court of appeal judgement headed Relationship between the deceased and the appellant stated;

[6] The appellant and the deceased both attended St David’s High School in Dalkeith.

They began a relationship in around March 2003. From an early stage that relationship involved sexual intercourse.

By June 2003 they were seeing each other most week nights, and at the weekend.

Excerpt from Luke Mitchell Vs Her Majesty’s Advocate dated 16th May 2008

According to scammer Sandra Lean in her second innocence fraud book she stated;

The portrayal of Jodi at trial was one dimensional and restricted to the few months, prior to her death, that she had been seeing Luke.

There was nothing to clarify what Jodi did on the weekends when Luke was at his dad’s..

Excerpt from Sandra Lean’s second innocence fraud book from page 49

The media did not report on each and every detail heard through out the 42 day trial and scammer Sandra Lean did not attend killer Luke Mitchell’s trial, therefore in reality Sandra had no idea of how Jodi Jones🌻 was “portrayed”.

What dates exactly was Sandra Lean referring to when she stated “There was nothing to clarify what Jodi did on the weekends when Luke was at his dad’s..” ?

As already stated by Scott Forbes, killer Luke Mitchell did not stay at his father Philip Mitchell’s house “for weeks” leading up to when he committed his murder.

DNA On Trousers

Also according to Sandra Lean;

..the only “evidence” found was a single DNA profile for Jodi from a tiny sample on a pair of trousers not worn on the day of the murder – it could not even be ascertained how old the sample was

Excerpt from Sandra Lean’s second innocence fraud book from page 106

Sandra Lean could not and would not have known what trousers killer Luke Mitchell was wearing on that day.

Sandra Lean also stated;

The DNA to which this expert referred was, in fact, on another pair of trousers taken from Luke’s home – there was no way of telling how long the DNA trace from Jodi had been there

Sandra Lean – p.196 of her 2nd innocence fraud book IB

On what date exactly was killer Luke Mitchell given the Marilyn Manson calendar by his father and step-mother for his birthday, which was found in a bin in the Mitchell’s house on the 4th of July 2003?

Scammer Sandra Lean has never explained any of this!?

Why has Sandra Lean chosen to omit Philip Mitchell and his partners evidence from her narrative?

What dates did Philip Mitchell and his partner tell the police Luke Mitchell had stayed at their home in Livingston?

According to Scott Forbes, killer Luke Mitchell’s trousers were hidden in a holdall with Jodi Jones🌻 DNA on them at his father Philip Mitchell’s house.

This was and is a yet another bare faced lie!

Scott Forbes stated;

Jodi Jones’ DNA was found on a pair of trousers belonging to Luke Mitchell.

The trousers were in a holdall at his father’s house in Livingston, a home he hadn’t been to for at least a fortnight prior to the murder of Jodi.

The evidence was, therefore, deemed irrelevant and agreed to be dismissed.

Scott Forbes – page 24 of his nonsense of a book

Also according to Scott Forbes, without Sandra Lean and her “fact checking” his “book would not have been possible” – as can be seen by the following excerpts;

Excerpt from page 3 of Scott Forbes self published defamatory book

Tap on the button below to read about reporting Scott Forbes self published defamatory book;

Excerpts from a BBC article, reporting on the killers 2004 trial stated;

Jodi’s DNA was found on the accussed’s trousers but this could have occurred through an “innocent transfer”.

Tayside Police forensic scientist Susan Ure spoke about the work carried out comparing bloodstains found at the murder scene and other reference samples, taken from members of her family and Luke Mitchell.

DNA from Steven Kelly, the fiancé of Jodi’s sister, Janine, showed up on the t-shirt Jodi was wearing. But the trial has heard that the t-shirt actually belonged to Janine.

It was also explained about the ways in which DNA could be transferred, for example, between strangers sitting close on a train. 

Donald Findlay QC, defending Luke Mitchell, suggested to Ms Ure that DNA could be found in a completely “sinister place but have a wholly innocent explanation” to which she agreed.

Mr Findlay said the court had heard in some detail of Jodi and Luke’s relationship and added: “Boyfriend, girlfriend, being intimate with each other.

“Looking at that picture, in all the DNA analyses you carried out one, and only one, bit of Jodi’s DNA was found on Luke’s trousers and that could be a perfectly innocent transfer.”

Ms Ure replied: “Yes it could.”

Source here

Was The DNA On The Killers Trousers Blood?

What trousers did killer Luke Mitchell tell police he had worn to school on the 30th June 2003?

Sandra Lean also bizarrely stated in her book;

That left the prosecution free to roll out all and any DNA evidence they had to prove their case, but they failed to do so.

With the exception of the innocent transfer sample on a pair of trousers not even related to the murder

Excerpt from Sandra Lean’s second innocence fraud book from page 198

Where is the evidence that the DNA of Jodi Jones 🌻 found on killer Luke Mitchell’s trousers hidden in a bag in his house from Newbattle Abbey crescent came from “innocent transfer”?

Link to Part 254 here

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