Transcript of Hoaxer Sandra Lean’s 27th June 2021 ‘Exit’ Speech Re: Factually Guilty Killer Luke Mitchell & The Infighting

On the 26th June 2021 Lisa C Reynolds Peden posted the following statement on behalf of sadistic, psychopathic killer Luke Mitchell and his mother Corinne Mitchell;


I have spoken to Luke and Corinne both their wishes are that everyone who is able to, attends the protest on the 17th of July in Edinburgh! They are both one hundred percent behind this group and the protest that’s been organised! Luke has spoken to  people the last few days and made it very clear that he will not allow ANYONE to speak for him anymore. He is a man now and will not stay in the background and longer. He has dealt with the person/people who have been telling people not to attend this protest because it wasn’t organised by the ‘official’ group. This is not Luke’s wishes and the protest is 100% legal. Luke has made it clear that the Free and retry Luke Mitchell group has his full backing and support. They I will now be posting all statements from Luke via myself. 

Also they wish that all the group’s come together and that any previous issues are put to bed! Luke has said that he doesn’t want animosity between the groups, everyone on these groups are supposed to be here for one reason only and should all be fighting for the same cause! Luke is in charge of his life from now NO ONE ELSE!! He has taken a back seat for far too long and isn’t doing it anymore. 

*If you are attending any protests please wear a mask and follow all covid guide lines that are in place on the date of the protest.*

Luke and Corinne thank everyone on this group! The support is absolutely amazing! From the bonus ball tickets to raising awareness and being involved and organising two protests! It’s all greatly appreciated! All money this group has raised goes directly into a bank account for Corinne.

Luke does not want photos of Jodi distributed for his fight for justice, this is insensitive to Jodis family and friends, and creates bad press for him. It is not and has never been Luke’s wishes for us to find the real killer. Our job is to get Luke free and home to his mum. For anyone else to be investigated and/or charged Luke must be acquitted first. 

Luke has also advised Sandra that all documents that have been withheld from the public for years be released immediately. He has been too concerned about upsetting other people, and following other wishes,but has lost his childhood, teenage years and adolescence. He will not stand for this anymore. 

Luke appreciates your support and welcomes future peaceful protests and any other means of support which are within the law. All ideas from ANY groups MUST be ran by Luke in the first instance before anything is done. 

Also Luke has made it very clear that the ‘official’ group does not speak for him nor has it ever. If you have any questions or would like to run anything by Luke please message myself as I am in daily contact with Corinne and every two days with Luke. 



Following the above statement Sandra Lean did a live video the following day stating;

“Good afternoon everybody. Thanks for joining me on a glorious Sunday afternoon how beautiful is this weather

So I’ve made out most of you would have seen or heard about the statement that was posted yesterday I didn’t see it myself until about 4 o’clock yesterday after I was out in an area with erm very poor signal so lots of you were trying to contact me and I could see there were messages coming in but I couldn’t actually open them to see what they were about erm just as well you did because had you not sent the information to me I would have known nothing about it because I’m blocked from the group that it was posted on

So thank you everybody that tried to get to me yesterday I did finally find out what it was all about at about 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon 

So I’ve explained before the difference between what families want to do and what I in my professional capac capacity can do in these cases and I totally understand the anger and frustration that people experience when I say things like we can’t do this or we can’t say that or we can’t do it this way or the consequences if we do it that way will be I I fully fully understand that but it’s always conveyed with the best interests of the convicted person at heart both now and in the future and and that’s I’m continually thinking where will this go in 5 years 10 years or whatever but I can’t tell anybody what to do you know I can make suggestions based on my knowledge and experience but everybody has the right to make their own decisions of course they do I’ve never never suggested otherwise it’s just that sometimes the consequences of those decisions have an impact on other things 

So to the statement I’m not gonna address the whole thing because there’s no need I think the message was fairly self evident erm I spoke with Luke the day before this statement was posted and a great deal of what was in the statement didn’t come up in that conversation at all and what did come up wasn’t discussed in the tone or the interpretation that the statement would suggest so yet it came as a little bit of a surprise to me as well the day after erm I’d had a conversation with Luke I knew decisions were being taken about the direction of the campaign but not anything like what was said in the statement 

There are two points I want to address firstly to the people who told lies about me and who then went on to misrepresent parts of the conversation he and I had on Friday that is and will always be between you and your conscience 

The other aspect the most important in all of it that I have to address the statement now just let me yeah there was a claim that Luke advised me that all documents that have been withheld from the public for years be released immediately the implication being that I release them 

Luke said nothing of the sort and even if he had I could not have accepted such an instruction I’ve explained before that the difficulties with making public certain documents so not only would putting some of those documents in the public domain be an offence in Scotland it would also have or could also have an impact on Luke’s case in the future on my professional position and on the other cases that I work with

Now if it’s reached the stage that Luke or his family or his some of his supporters don’t are less concerned about the consequences for Luke’s case I accept that I fully understand that but I can’t allow those potential consequences to then impact on other people especially people currently with live proceedings so I hope I hope people understand I’m not being difficult I’m not being difficult 

There are ramifications real consequences if I were to put those documents out now if those documents are gonna be made public then it will be somebody else who will put them out and I just hope that person whoever they are is ready to take the consequences of those actions both for Luke and for themselves 

I do want to put it on public record that if anything goes into the public domain before the papers are collected from me it will not be me who put them there no I will not have given my agreement for anything to go out I will not do that

Okay with that out of the way I want to say it has been an enormous privilege to work on this case for all these years I’ll be forever grateful to the wonderful wonderful people I’ve met along the way the families of the wrongly accused and convicted are some of the most incredible people I’ve ever met in spite of their own suffering they selfishly reach out to help others and support others who find themselves in the same position 

That they’ve trusted me over the years with their own horrors is very very humbling and I’m very proud that so many of them consider me to be a friend so thank you to all of those people incredible 

Supporters willing to go the distance to learn what they need to learn and take effective action are also invaluable as we all now know challenging wrongful convictions is a long long process and it needs people who are willing to commit to that grindingly slow often frustrating and disappointing journey you know who you are guys thank you so much for the years you’ve been here and the years that I know you will be there in the future thank you

So on Wednesday the 30th of June after the case papers have been collected I will no longer be associated with Luke’s case in any professional capacity because decisions taken about the direction of the campaign can’t be reconciled with the work that I do that is not to say I have changed my opinion about Luke’s innocence I haven’t I erm it makes no difference what so the situation has changed my approach to the case  has not so before anybody goes he she’s jumping ship she’s changed her mind absolutely not I do not believe justice has been obtained for Jodi and her family or for Luke and his and the fact that they’ll be no further erm professional involvement in the case does not change that as an ordinary member of the public of course I’ll continue to comment I’ll continue to support an independent review but that will be from a personal perspective rather than a professional one because the circumstances have made it that way 

Okay erm I do want to thank everyone who’s spoken out in support of Luke and Corinne since the documentary was aired and I mean everyone from wherever wherever they came into the public domain and said things like this has changed my mind I believed he was guilty this has opened my eyes and that’s in part I want to say thank you from me because one of my biggest goals when I started all of this was to try to educate a large number of people about how easy it is for ordinary people just like us you me to be wrongly accused or convicted and how incredibly difficult that is to put right once it’s happened and I’m proud of what I’ve achieved in that respect because you guys have let me know that’s what I’ve achieved all of your comments the the people who’ve watched the podcasts commented read the books read the book read the book rather you let me know that I did what I set out to do and that’s incredible that is an absolutely fantastic feeling for me so yes that little bit is about me and it’s down to you guys so thank you thank you so much 

I want to make a little special thank you to the people who have supported me now I get it I’m here as a volunteer I’ve been here as a volunteer for 18 years I chose to do this nobody asked me to do it nobody forced me to do it I wasn’t under any obligation to do it I did this entirely voluntarily because for me it was the right thing to do but so many of you understood the hard times the difficult times and you were there behind the scenes no big fan fare you were there to pick me up when this work knocked me down I would t be sitting here today without you guys you know who you are again thank you for being real friends through out all of this thank yous not enough but the only words I have right now so yeah 

In my almost 60 years on this planet I’ve learned that things start when they’re meant to start and they end when they’re meant to end this ending means life has new plans for me now I’ve no idea what they are but I will be living them as I’ve done the last 18 years to my own personal mantra do the right thing and as my daughter reminded me very recently I’ll be checking in here (Sandra uses fist to gently thump on chest) regularly and asking the question the right thing for whom

So there’s nothing left to say other than I want to wish Luke, Corinne and everyone involved in the case going forward all the very very best and I hope they manage to achieve what I haven’t so this will be the last live thank you all of you for coming here for the loves and for all the support to get through them I’ve never done anything like this before so erm again it’s been an interesting experience and please please all of you keep Luke and Jodi centre front in all of this they’re the people that matter and justice for them is all that matters so I guess I’ll see you all on the other side thank you 

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