Killer Luke Mitchell: On A Rampage Of Destruction Has Tallied Up A List Of People He Wants To Harm, Then Uses LIARS & ABUSERS Sandra Lean & Scott Forbes To Do His Bidding (Part 139)

*Note: Tertiary victim of the innocence fraud phenomenon Stephanie (Hall) has never communicated with deluded fantasist and fraudster Scott Forbes on YouTube

*Guest Blogs*

And that is your answer to being fully exposed for the liar you are Scott Forbes, for the liar Sandra Lean is Scott Forbes, with her

“I do no work with LIARS”

“War and peace for a stalker? Shall we have another?

“Respect” seriously Scott Forbes, as with Luke Mitchell, for him and on behalf of him, there is zero respect from him, from you, from Sandra Lean for the victim Jodi Jones, as you lie repeatedly about that young girls life.

Have a word.

Where as well as abusing Jodi Jones you also abuse another, a child Scott Forbes at the time of Jodi’s Jones death. Who is now a young woman.

Where you transfer any inference around incest in the Luke Mitchell case onto your imaginary others Scott Forbes, from a child who would hardly be able to produce sperm at the time of the young girls conception Scott Forbes.

Where you apply that her father is her uncle. Where and again Scott Forbes, you know what you are putting out to be lies, that you are dragging another innocent into your lies, abusing someone else Scott Forbes –

For Luke Mitchell, on behalf of Luke Mitchell, enabling his actions, his wilful intent to cause harm, to abuse any human life by whatever means possible Scott Forbes.

Where Scott Forbes, those poor sods who actually believe they are fighting for innocence, do NOT realise, that every single action carried out by you, by Sandra Lean, for Luke Mitchell, is all tallied up and down in his records of behaviour Scott Forbes, adding to his time behind bars Scott Forbes, and not in the slightest aiding to any fight for this pretence of innocence.

Sandra Lean was spot on last year, her worry of it all being exposed, as Luke Mitchell stepped forward and said he would now be having “full control”.

Her worry Scott Forbes of what that would entail, her plea of “All I have ever done is try to protect Luke…”

From himself Scott Forbes on the exact same way as Donald Findlay would NOT allow him to take the stand. Is that not the actual truth now?

For all to see, the exact nature of that person behind bars Scott Forbes.

On a rampage of destruction Scott Forbes, as he tallies up a list of people he wants to harm. And as highlighted out in my previous post, of the victims Scott Forbes.

(Tap on link below to read previous post)

Where and in Luke Mitchell’s finest fashion, from the outset, without any snifter of empathy in the slightest Scott Forbes.

Sandra Lean and her “Why would I lie and risk getting a dangerous killer back on the streets?”

No number of lies is ever going to get any killer back on the streets, an absolute safe bet, and again, psychology, by placing a question as if it answers everything as being true –

Behave, the pair of you.

Like the ‘take a polygraph’ gimmick.

As ‘IF’ Scott Forbes that would suddenly make every piece of BS on behalf of Luke Mitchell, for Like Mitchell suddenly OK.

Do not be confused for one moment Scott Forbes, there are worlds apart from someone talking of a case, of a person already convicted of murder, of highlighting the evidence in that case, putting forth what happened in a court of law Scott Forbes, which has absolutely NOTHING to do with your others.

That some people ignoring the evidence, burying it as best they can, lying repeatedly for a person who was proved beyond any doubt, to have done nothing but lie –

Where without further doubt Scott Forbes he certainly needs/needed kindred spirits Scott Forbes who find lying the easiest thing in the world to do.

Would you not agree Scott Forbes?

Link to Part 140 here

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