Killer Luke Mitchell: *Guest Blog* Contrary To What Sandra Lean May Try To Add Arms & Legs To..(Part 67)

So many words to refute one thing, all three witnesses who were with Luke that night all said in their first statements that Mia alerted to the v and they all changed those statements in 

Yes Faithlilly, the dispute and demonstrable difference in the statements was – where Luke Mitchell claimed this all happened. None of the other three members of this search party ever said the dog reacted some 40ft, up to 20yards past the V. 

The dog would have been scurrying about everywhere – it was a dog. 

Luke Mitchell had the dog up at the V – thus why the other three members mentioned this dog. At the V. Alice Walker – when she was keeping a hold of the dog. 

Therefore, from those very first statements – the differences were what brought suspicion upon Luke Mitchell – not that they were the same. Messy. 

Also, not a lot of words to say one thing – there were several points there and more. 

Luke Mitchell claimed he knew not of the existence of this V. 
Luke Mitchell claimed he had never been in this woodland prior to that night – initials were carved into a tree.
Luke Mitchell claimed he had walked some distance past the V in the wall – no he did not. 
Luke Mitchell led the search party to the path – contrary to what Sandra Lean may try to add arms and legs to. 
Luke Mitchell claimed to have left his house after the phone call at/ around 10.52pm
Luke Mitchell was on this path by 10.59pm 
Luke Mitchell was “fast and fit with a very fit dog pulling him up the path” Corinne Mitchell podcast. 
Luke Mitchell should have been off this path prior the search trio arriving – he was not, he held back to guide them there. 
Luke Mitchell asked for something of this girls to use his dog to scent – there was nothing to scent. 
Luke Mitchell made it clear he had saw nothing and searched for nothing on his route up. 
Luke Mitchell initiated the search of the path – first by directly going there and staying on it, then by asking for something to scent, to use his dog. 

The problems yet again that arise in a ‘one man band’ – missing out 99% of statements – trying to make futile points and adding the rest. Messy. 

10mins later – Luke Mitchell was shouting out he had found something. This was on his second time of looking into the woodland – no claimed dog reaction there. 
He had climbed the wall at the Gino spot – then again AT the V – Stephen Kelly and Janine Jones had barely walked 10ft when Luke Mitchell shouted he had found something, they then “backtracked”

10mins Faithlilly – As stated before, and again – the best search teams with professionally trained tracker dogs could not have achieved this. 

Luke Mitchell was prepped and ready to offer to search – he knew this girls mother would contact him at some point. 

Less that 3mins to speak to his brother by going up to his room to borrow a torch, for Shane Mitchell to go downstairs to locate the torch, for Luke Mitchell to have a conversation with his mother, to get the dog ready and out the door – 7 mins later he is on this path. – Yet 20mins later he is still on it- not even at the top of it. 

Sandra Lean and Corinne Mitchell make some sort of fairy tale about this girls family already being out searching the path – strange that, Luke Mitchell was on it for a good 20mins but only saw them as they approached the top end – perhaps they flew past him?  Messy.

(Original forum post here)

Link to Part 68 here

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