Killer Luke Mitchell: Abuser, Gaslighter, Con Artist & Hypocrite Sandra Lean & Her Toxic Qualities, Psychological Manipulation & Play On Words(Part 53)

Sandra Lean

Manipulative people are really good at purposefully confusing others.

The most harmful thing about manipulation is that you don’t realize it’s happening.

“Many people don’t know they’re being manipulated until it’s too late,” Irwin says.

“You know you are being manipulated when you begin doing, saying, or believing things that are serving them, as opposed to you.”

Excerpts from an article headed 3 Signs a Person with Toxic Qualities Is Manipulating You (and What to Do About It)  by Kari Langslet

In another recent manipulative Facebook post, charlatan and fraudster Sandra Lean stated;

Most frustrating for me, by far, is the discovery of the “secret language” that allows the whole system to pull off these illusions, right there in plain view. Because we. the public, believe we know what “evidence,” “rights,” “investigation,” procedure,” etc etc mean, we are duped from the off, because in the secret language of the system, these exact same words and concepts mean entirely different things. They know that, and happily play us for fools, laughing up their sleeves, in their “superior knowledge,” at our “ignorant” understandings.

Sandra Lean – 7th September 2022

‘To Pull Off These Illusions’

The illusions to which toxic and psychological manipulator Sandra Lean refers are the illusions she has chosen to create in the pages of her book, on behalf of dangerous, sadistic, toxic, psychologically manipulative and psychopathic killer Luke Mitchell, and his toxic and deceptive mother Corinne Mitchell.

‘We Are Duped From The Off’

Lothian and borders police were not duped by dangerous, sadistic, toxic, psychologically manipulative and psychopathic killer Luke Mitchell from the off, nor by his toxic and deceptive mother Corinne Mitchell.

Sandra Lean may ‘happily play for fools’ anyone who doesn’t have experience and knowledge of the innocence fraud phenomenon, but no amount of books, petitions, stickers, T-shirts, ‘one sided’ TV shows or podcasts will make any difference to dangerous, sadistic, toxic, psychologically manipulative and psychopathic killer Luke Mitchell’s murder conviction.

‘Laughing Up Their Sleeves’

Lothian and borders police, and all the other parties involved, including the numerous witnesses, who helped secure the conviction of dangerous, sadistic, toxic, psychologically manipulative and psychopathic killer Luke Mitchell, were not, and are not ignorant to the understandings of all the facts and evidence which helped to secure his murder conviction.

‘Right There In Plain View’

We see you Sandra Lean.

Just like the jury saw dangerous, sadistic, toxic, psychologically manipulative and psychopathic killer Luke Mitchell, and his toxic and deceptive mother Corinne Mitchell.

‘In order to be a con artist you have to take advantage of other people’s belief in you’

Con artists surround us: Bernie Madoff. Nigerian princes. Psychics. But we never think we’ll fall prey to their wiles. We can spot a gimmick a mile away, while those who become victims are foolish, or greedy, or both. Well, that’s not quite the case. If the NSA can be hacked, so can the average — or even exceptional — human mind. Our capacity to trust, which makes us successful, also makes us vulnerable — as does the natural bias to overrate our own bullshit detection.

…dark triad of traits: psychopathy, Machiavellianism, and narcissism. Any of those can predispose someone to being a con artist.

In order to be a con artist you have to take advantage of other people’s belief in you, and psychopaths don’t really have a conscience, so it’s much easier for them to take that step.

Narcissism, you have to have an overinflated sense of self in order to rationalize conning other people, especially if you’re not a psychopath. If you’re someone who feels emotion normally, narcissism will protect you, because you say, “Well, I deserve it.”

And finally, Machiavellianism is a textbook definition of a con artist, because it’s someone who is like Machiavelli’s “ideal prince,” someone who uses the tools of persuasion and deception and connivance to get what he wants. The ends justify the means. But a lot of it, as with so many things in psychology, is a meeting of predisposition and opportunity.

Excerpts by Matthew Hutson from an article headed Why We Fall For Con Artists dated the 12th of January 2016

Link to Part 54 here

7 thoughts on “Killer Luke Mitchell: Abuser, Gaslighter, Con Artist & Hypocrite Sandra Lean & Her Toxic Qualities, Psychological Manipulation & Play On Words(Part 53)

  1. Yet again you mention the jury. We always have to remember that this was NOT a unanimous verdict. Now as you will know we never find out the ratio of the vote. It is however safe to say that 1 juror and perhaps more, believed Luke was innocent.


    1. There is no mention of the jury in this blog Suzy ? ?

      It is about abuser, gaslighter, con-artist and hypocrite Sandra Lean and her toxic qualities, psychological manipulation and play on words


      1. “Just like the jury saw dangerous, sadistic, toxic, psychologically manipulative and psychopathic killer Luke Mitchell, and his toxic and deceptive mother Corinne Mitchell.”

        Again I refer you back to your own writings. You mention the jury and accordingly it is very important to point out that it was NOT a unanimous verdict.


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