Killer Karen Read: Was Retired Canton Police Sgt Peter Murphy Duped Having Only Heard A Small Part Of The Story Or Was He Gaslighting Or Something Else?

On the 16th of December 2023 retired police officer Peter Murphy spoke to con-artist Rich Keough (Aka Microdots) in a car park before a Canton police department protest, for cop killer Karen Read.

Peter Murphy stated in part;

From what I’ve seen with my training and experience it’s hard to buy into the programme right now as far as the prosecution and DA Morrissey’s office

I can’t see

Like everybody else

I brought into it

I said it’s the police department

I worked there for 30 years

Must be the real deal

Must be true

And then things started to change in April with the defense

I saw the autopsy picture with the arm and I thought there’s ‘no way’

And then of course the collateral, peripheral nonsense, changes, circumstances, lack of protocol followed

The “autopsy picture with the arm”, referred to by Peter Murphy, was put into the public domain by cop killer Karen Read and seemingly doctored before it’s release.

What are Peter Murphys thoughts on this?

And what “lack of protocol” was he referring to?

Chinese Whispers

Peter Murphy went on to state;

I actually know the, personally, the person who’s responsible for taking the taillight out of the Lexus at the request of the state police when it was supposed to be in a barracks, when instead it was in a Canton sallyport

Brian Wanless is who Peter Murphy was referring to.

And it wasn’t the “state police” per se who “were responsible for taking the taillight out of the Lexus”, this job fell to someone else.

There were valid reasons why it was decided Karen Read’s Lexus was taken to, and stored at Canton police department, as opposed to elsewhere, which was explained by lieutenant Brian Tully during the first day of his trial evidence.

Peter Murphy also stated;

Peter Murphy

After the case was transitioned over to the state police

There’s just so many inconsistencies and variables, you just can’t keep track

Just basically, he said, he took it out at their request because they didn’t know how to do it

I’m not a rocket scientist but if the state police SERT team can’t, or CAR team or whatever they call it, can’t pull a taillight assembly out of a Lexus..

The job of pulling the taillight assembly out of the Lexus fell to forensic scientist Maureen Hartnett.

According to Maureen Harnett’s trial evidence, it appears she needed an extra pair of hands to help her, rather than her not knowing “how to do it”.

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