Killer Karen Read: Deluded Flying Monkey Ashley Bell & Her Harassment Of A Trial Witness

On the 29th March 2024 Aidan Kearney wrote and published a story about Ashley Bell, under the part header Canton Cover-Up Part 319.

Apparently Ashley Bell is from Bristol county, Massachusetts.

Aidan Kearney stated;

On Tuesday a woman in Bristol County reported to Turtleboy Daily News that her ex-boyfriend was visited at her former residence by MSP Detectives Yuri Bukhenik and Brian Tully, inquiring about her whereabouts.

They apparently want to ask her some questions about this text message she sent Colin Albert in July:


Tuesday would have presumably meant the 26th of March 2024?

Then on the 18th of April 2024, under the header Canton Coverup Part 334:Defense Witness List Features Many Names That Indicate Bombshells Are Coming At Trial, Aidan Kearney alleged the following of Ashley Bell;

Ashley was not a witness to anything, but she was visited and harassed by MSP detectives Yuri Bukhenik and Brian Tully at her home.

They also asked to look at her surveillance video footage, despite not being on the path that Karen Read would’ve taken to get home from 34 Fairview Road.

Natalie Berschneider-Wiweke referred to an Amy Ashley Bell when she was interviewed by state police on the 17th of October 2023.

Natalie stated to Massachusetts state police;

Erm Amy Ashley Bell sent erm

Aidan erm

A text

With pictures of Yuriy on her Ring camera

And erm then

Aidan sent me a screenshot where he sent that to Yannetti

And I sent that to you

So stuff like that

Listen to Natalie speaking to Massachusetts state police in the video below;

Tap on the button below to read and interact with the Updated Dynamic, Chronological, Interactive TIMELINE;

Killer Luke Mitchell: More On Remorseless Murderer Sean Patrick Toal & How Easily He Lies For Another Guilty Murderer & Robber & Violent Con Scott C Forbes (Part 304)

During a video which aired on the 12th November 2023 killer Sean Toal and Scott Forbes spoke about sadistic murderer Luke Mitchell.

Killer Sean Toal was referred to in Part 301 of this blog series, which can be read by tapping on the button below;

Read more about Scott Forbes in Part 275 below;

During the video killer Sean Toal and Scott Forbes told many outrageous lies.

The following is some dialogue between the pair of innocence fraudsters;

So the police are now driving people about

They’ve been over the wall of a crime scene

Come on anybody with any..

Scott Forbes

Is this the local police then

Sean Toal

Aye started off with the local police and then Dobbie and that arrived

He was a detective superintendent for Edinburgh

Scott Forbes

But this time the place have already let..

Sean Toal

Aye they’ve allowed people to go home covered in Jodi’s blood

Scott Forbes

And what was Dobbie’s answer to that

Sean Toal

Ah he just says ach we’ve carri.. our investigation was the finest police work that we’ve ever carried out

Scott Forbes

So there’s people there that have been involved in finding the body

They’re covered in blood

They don’t get questioned

They get drove about Dalkeith and then they pick on Luke

Sean Toal

Detective chief superintendent Craig Dobbie was not appointed as senior investigating officer until gone 03:00hrs, by which time all the family members had left the scene.

And no one was “covered in blood” like killer Sean Toal stated!

This is another intentional bare faced lie!

Alice Walker was the only person to have gone near her grand-daughter Jodi Jones’ body and Alice had said she might have touched her grand-daughters forehead.

The intentional bare faced lie about Alice Walker “cradling” her grand-daughter body was started by sadistic murderer Luke Mitchell!

Janine Jones, Steven Kelly and Alice Walker were driven directly to Newbattle police station, they were not “drove about” Dalkeith like killer Sean Toal stated and they didn’t go home until after they had been at the police station – where they were asked questions.

Pages 806 and 807 of Janine Jones’ trial testimony describes some of what happened in the early hours of the morning of 1st July 2003;

Tap on the button below to read more, directly from trial transcripts;

Link to Part 305 here

Killer Luke Mitchell: Remorseless Murderer Sean Patrick Toal Aka Social Sessions Aka @seanaldo1985, Scammer Sandra Lean’s Silence On The Trial Transcripts, The WAP Website & Organised Crime (Part 301)

Murderer Sean Toal
Scammer Sandra Lean

Paul Gerard McGilveray (20) was murdered on 8 August 2004 by Sean Patrick Toal.

On 26 July 2005 at Glasgow high court, Sean Toal was found guilty for his murder. Read more by tapping on the button below;

Scammer Sandra Lean and her former boyfriend, un-convicted baby killer Billy Middleton were involved in killer Sean Toal’s public relations innocence fraud spin campaign:

Excerpts from a July 2023 media article stated of killer Sean Toal;

The thug fought to overturn his sentence and forced his victim’s mum to go to court 36 times.

Now Toal has completed a law degree and is preparing to launch his own crime podcast.

He has also thrown his weight behind Luke Mitchell, who was convicted of killing girlfriend Jodi Jones, 14, in Dalkeith, Midlothian in 2003.

Excerpts by Alice Walker for the Scottish Sun article headed Brazen murderer stabbed our son to death – now he’s launching a crime podcast about ‘justice’, he has no remorse dated 3rd July 2023

In reality – killers Sean Toal and Luke Mitchell had been cohorts since at least 2010.

Sandra Lean has remained (publicly) silent since her bare faced lies, disinformation and misinformation are being exposed by trial transcripts but she recently commented on murderer Sean Toal on Facebook;

Nicola Brennan, who was referred to in Part 296 here commented on Sandra’s post;

Whilst over on X Heather Brunt, who was referred to in Part 288 here also tweeted on killer Sean Toal – commenting on how fraudster Scott Forbes “worked on his case”;

Tap on the button below to read more about fraudster Scott Forbes;

Killer Sean Toal also refers to himself as Social Sessions on various social media platforms, as well as @seanaldo1985 on X.

Social Sessions tweeted Neil MacKay on the 4th December 2023;

Neil MacKay was involved in the fraudulent 2021 channel 5 TV show Murder In A Small Town. Neil MacKay was referred to in Parts 261 and 265 of this ongoing blog series, both of which can be read by tapping on the buttons below;

On the 7th December 2023 killer Sean Toal asked John Halley to message him.

John Halley was arrested in March 2023 for sex offences (Read more here) and had also been promoting scammer Sandra Lean’s nonsense on social media, although he too has recently gone quiet on this.

Again – since trial transcripts have been published, Sandra Lean has remained silent

Tap on the button below for links to trial transcripts;

Link to Part 302 here

Killer Luke Mitchell: Innocence Fraud Scammers Sandra Lean & Un-Convicted Baby Murderer Billy Middleton From Defunct WAP Website On Guilty Murderer Sean Toal (Part 258)

Un-Convicted Baby Murderer Billy Middleton
Sandra Lean

The Following Was Copied From The Now Defunct WAP Website

It Has Been Reproduced For Research & Evidential Purposes Only

Admin = Un-convicted Baby Killer Billy Middleton

Link to Part 259 here

Killer Luke Mitchell: Scammers Sandra Lean & Un-Convicted Baby Murderer Billy Middleton & Their Innocence Fraud Narrative From 2010/2011 Via The WAP Website On Actual, Factual Guilty Murderer Luke Mitchell (Part 257)

Un-Convicted Baby Murderer Billy Middleton
Sandra Lean

Most Of The Following Was First Published On The 14th April 2010 Via The Now Defunct WAP Website

It Has Been Reproduced For Research & Evidential Purposes Only

Link to Part 258 here

Killer Luke Mitchell & Sandra Lean’s Deluded “Flying Monkey” Sharon Indy Sunshine (Part 89)

You will never be able to make some people understand or accept something if they are too stubborn or unwilling to learn or notice

It is not known if Sharon Indy Sunshine (Aka Sharon Young) is one of these people who is “too stubborn” but she is definitely one of these people who is “unwilling to learn or notice”.

Sharon Indy Sunshine Aka Sharon Young

Unwilling To Learn Or Notice

On the 24th of October 2022 Sharon Young made a statement on the cult-like Facebook group promoting the innocence fraud of sadistic and psychopathic killer Luke Mitchell, in response to a Facebook post made by Emma.

Emma posted the below;

I’m just starting Sandra’s book and I’ve got a few questions.

Has Jodi’s family said anything about this book or what others might consider this as theories?

Putting myself in their shoes I’d be furious there was all of this (groups, books, podcasts,etc), I’d do everything in my power to shut them off and shame them for tormenting my family.

I find it odd, this all goes on and they just sit back.

What’s Luke position now?

If I’m getting my timing right, it must be soon he’s able to be released or up for parole?

I told someone I was reading the book and how I really don’t think Luke done it and explained why.

But they said that there was evident of blood on the clothing items his mum burnt that night in the garden.

I remember reading or watching about it, that the fire didn’t happen that night and the parka wasn’t burnt. Can someone clear that up for me please?

I signed the petition last year, did it gain enough signatures to be discussed or did it fall short and that’s why we need to write to MSPs and have a peaceful/silent protest?


In response to Emma, Sharon Young posted the following;

Hi, please continue to read the book by Dr Sandra Lean it is all based on the provable facts from the case files anyone else only has an opinion which is just that, an opinion based on things such as the media wrote.

Well, one way it has been received was with a serious death threat to Dr Sandra Lean at her home in front of witnesses by JoJ. Dr Lean writes about that in her book.

Sharon Indy Sunshine Aka Sharon Young – 24th October 2022

Sharon Delusion’s & Bare Faced Lies

Sharon Sunshine’s above statement is a bare faced lie.

Sandra Lean’s book is not based on “provable facts”!

Sandra Lean’s book is based on killer Luke Mitchell’s defence evidence, which was proven in 2005 in be a lie!

Emma’s question was ‘Has Jodi’s family said anything about this book’.

Why does Emma assume Jodi Jones family would have read renowned liar and fraudster Sandra Lean’s book?

Sandra Lean’s 2nd book (“this book”) was published in October 2018.

Referring to “this book” Sharon stated “Well, one way it has been received was with a serious death threat to Dr Sandra Lean”.

The visit by the brother of Jodi Jones to ask Sandra Lean to end her corrupt and fraudulent smear campaign occurred in 2010, eight years before Sandra published her second book!

There was no “death threat” as Sharon falsely stated – this was concocted by Sandra Lean in an attempt to smear the brother of Jodi Jones.

Sharon’s serious and false allegation (published as a fact) regarding the brother has never been proven to be true.

Sharon’s apparent lack of reasoning and logic is one of the reasons why someone like charlatan and fraudster Sandra Lean (who is the main protagonist of killer Luke Mitchell’s corrupt and fraudulent public relations spin campaign) would use Sharon as one of her “flying monkeys’’ – to do her bidding.

Sharon may think it’s okay to be making serious, false and unproven allegations like this, but it could be someone like Sharon who could be “sued” and made an example of for repeating Sandra Lean’s unproven nonsense.

Billy (William) Middleton

The Threat To Sandra Lean Was Billy Middleton

It is not known what story scammer Sandra Lean has chosen to tell about the day Jodi Jones brother asked her to end her corrupt and fraudulent spin campaign.

However Sandra Lean apparently had her then boyfriend, un-convicted baby killer, predator and sexual deviant Billy Middleton living with her and her youngest adult daughter Ellie at the time.

Both scammers Sandra Lean and Billy Middleton were and are renowned for making things up to suit their agenda’s.

Stephen A Bennett and all those people involved in the channel 5 TV Show Murder In A Small Town were possibly not aware of all that had gone on before regarding scammers Billy Middleton and Sandra Lean.

Stephen A Bennett and all those people involved in the channel 5 TV Show, also did not attend the killers trial and hear all the evidence presented.

Many of the websites and forums associated to what went on before, linked to Sandra Lean and/or Billy Middleton, have since been removed from the WWW.

Therefore a lot of statements that were once public, for example by psychology student Colin Bowman, have also been removed from the WWW.

Unless you know the back story, prior to the airing of the TV show, you won’t be familiar with all the facts of this corrupt and fraudulent spin campaign and of the various actors involved.

And it’s highly unlikely Sandra Lean would have written about the incident between her and un-convicted baby killer Billy Middleton and her daughter Ellie in her second book.

You can read some background into Billy Middleton and the WAP website by tapping on each of the buttons below;

False Allegations

Sandra Lean alleged back in 2010 that when Joseph Jones knocked on her door to ask her to end her corrupt and fraudulent spin and smear campaign, she stated she had told him she wanted to go through the paperwork regarding “the DNA results” with Joseph.

If Sandra Lean viewed Joseph Jones ans any kind of threat, as alleged, why would she offer to go through “the DNA results” with him?

In 2012 Sandra Lean stated (here);

I have offered to meet with Judy, and I offered to show Joseph the DNA results the day he was at my door

Sandra Lean – 21st August 2012 here

What Sandra Lean, and Corinne Mitchell (and others) were falsely claiming back in 2010 was that Stephen Kelly’s blood and semen “were on Jodi’s T-shirt” and that Stephen’s “description and clothing matched” that of a male seen “following Jodi”.

Of course none of this was true (other than the semen transference which was a red herring) but Sandra Lean wanted to speak to Joseph Jones about what she then wrongly thought she had learnef from the paperwork she had at the time.

Excerpts from a 2010 article which picked up on and published these false allegations read;

But his mum recently posted on an internet forum that evidence points to someone else.

“X’s semen and blood were on Jodi’s T-shirt…his description and clothing matched a witness statement of a male ‘following Jodi’…he was known to the police.

Is it me or is anyone else adding things up here?

Description of man seen behind Jodi – grey hooded top.

Several days after the murder X hands his grey hooded top to the police saying it has been washed.

“At 5pm X’s alibi is Janine (Jodi’s sister).

“The police accepted that Janine said, ‘he was with me’ and from him ‘ I was with her’.”

And Sandra Lean, author and researcher on miscarriages of justice, added: “Our Mr X is emerging as more and more suspicious.

The info that’s coming our way is shocking, especially as the police should have been onto this stuff right from the beginning.”

Excerpts from Deadline news article by Cara Sulieman headed Mitchell’s mum points finger at another man for Jodi killing 20th June 2010

If Sandra Lean really thought Joe Jones was any threat to her, why would she claim to have been inviting him then, or to come back another time to sit and go through “the DNA results” with her?

Did Sandra Lean write in her second book that in 2010 she and Corinne Mitchell were falsely accusing Stephen Kelly?

Did she explain in her second book how she claimed she attempted to tell Joe Jones, that Stephen Kelly was to blame for sadistic killer Luke Mitchell’s murder of his sister?

Sandra Lean bare faced lied years later and claimed she had made “one typo” in her first book about Stephen Kelly “following Jodi”.

She also claimed that when Joseph Jones had left, un-convicted baby killer Billy Middleton was rigging up recording equipment so that if/when Joseph Jones returned they could secretly record him.

It was not long after this that Sandra Lean’s youngest daughter witnessed her mother being threatened by Billy Middleton, so much so that Ellie apparently kicked Billy and his belongings out of their home.

According to Sandra Lean (when she recounted this incident to a third party not long after) Billy Middleton had got up in Sandra’s face threatening her.

Her exact words were that you couldn’t “fit a cigarette paper between“ her and Billy Middleton.

Apparently some hours after Billy Middleton had been kicked out by her daughter Ellie, he contacted Sandra saying he didn’t know where he was.

According to Sandra Lean, her and her daughter then apparently drove around Edinburgh looking for Billy Middleton and she claimed she found him in a street “covered in blood”.

Sandra Lean also claimed she was concerned what Billy Middleton’s parents and sister would say about the “cuts and bruises” on his face when he returned to their home in the Shetland Isles.

What EXACTLY Was Said During The Trial About The Fires In The Mitchell’s Garden

Sharon also stated in her reply to Emma;

When you get to the section about the log burner you will see that zero forensic evidence of burned fabric was recovered or zips studs and rivets etc which normally people who burn things overlook in the disposal process. The wood burner only had remnants of organic materials in it.

Sharon Indy Sunshine – 24th October 2022

Sharon did not attend killer Luke Mitchell’s trial and has no idea exactly what was said about the fires in the Mitchell’s back garden that night.

Green fibres were found in the log burner.

Corinne Mitchell stated that during the trial she could have been burning pampas grass”.

What else was said during the trial about the fires in the Mitchell’s back garden?

What did Shane Mitchell say when he was asked about those fires?

Killer Luke Mitchell had told the police his brother Shane and his mother Corinne had had a fire in the garden that night.

The Mitchell’s Were Forensically Aware

Why didn’t Sandra Lean include the answers to these questions in her 2nd book, which Sharon claimed to Emma was “all based on the provable facts from the case files”?

Sharon also stated “normally people who burn things overlook in the disposal process”.

Why would Luke Mitchell’s leave zips, studs and rivets in the remnants of the log burner to be found by the police?

Did Sharon base her statements on the fact dangerous, psychopathic killer (of humans and animals) and rapist Steven Averyoverlooked” Teresa Halbach’s bones and teeth in the “burn pit” and “burn barrel” that he and rapist and killer Brendan Dassey used in their “disposal process” attempt?

Even Pro Knox woman’ Michelle Moore’s husband gouger and innocence fraud promoter Steve Moore wasn’t prepared to back these two dangerous killers and the fraudulent spin campaign which promoted them (Read more here).

Read more about killer Luke Mitchell and those fires by tapping on the buttons below;

Sharon also stated;

Luke did not own a parka before Jodi’s death it was purchased afterwards when the police took every stitch of clothing he had they even got the receipt for the parka. Many people said they saw MK wearing a parka around Dalkeith so not Luke.

Sharon Indy Sunshine – 24th October 2022

Killer Luke Mitchell did own a khaki green parka style jacket before he and his mother Corinne Mitchell purchased a replacement from FLIP in Edinburgh a few days after his murder.

Paragraph 19 of the court of appeal judgement clearly stated;

There was evidence that the appellant had owned and worn a parka-style jacket in the months prior to the murder

Excerpt from paragraph 19 of the court of appeal judgement

Wilfully Being Blinded By The Very Real Innocence Fraud Phenomenon

Sharon also went on to state;

I would say to people, take their grievances up with the fact we do not have FOIA in this country. It is not us hiding things from people or wilfully being blinded.

Sharon Indy Sunshine Aka Sharon Young

It is because of what sadistic killer and pathological liar Luke Mitchell told police during his initial interviews, and his mother and brothers police statements and interviews, and their evidence given during his trial – that helped prove his guilt.

Sharon appears to be a renowned sympathiser for many dangerous, psychopathic killers and rapists.

There is zero doubt Sharon is “wilfully being blinded”.

Copy of original Facebook reply by Sharon Indy Sunshine Aka Sharon Young
Copy of part of Sharon Indy Sunshine Aka Sharon Young Facebook post

Link to Part 90 here