Killer Karen Read: Why Did The Malignant Narcissist Text Laura Sullivan & Lie To Her & Yet Ignored John O’Keefe’s Friend Karl Dugal?


**Friday 31st DECEMBER 2021**

During a trip to Aruba, said to be with approximately 60 friends & family members, John O’Keefe bumped into his friend Marietta Sullivan in the lobby of the hotel he was staying in with Karen Read & his niece & nephew. Marirtta is the younger sister of Laura Sullivan. Laura had dated John’s friend & former partner Pat Rogers. Pat died by suicide on 19th November 2013. Marietta gave John a hug & asked him where he was going. Marietta then heard Karen yell “Who the fuck was that” & also heard John say “that’s Laura’s sister” Karen then said “I don’t give a fuck” then yelled to Marietta “fuck you” Karen went on to accuse John of having a fling with Marietta. Below is a screenshot of text messages sent from Karen Read to Aidan #Turtleboy (TB) Kearney, via an “intermediary” called Natalie Berschneider-Wiweke, regarding Laura Sullivan, Marietta Sullivan’s sister;

**SUNDAY 23rd JANUARY 2022**

Part of a statement made by John O’Keefe’s friend Karl Dugal below;

11:54am – Karen Read texted Brian Higgins “John died

12:00pm (Approx) – After leaving the Good Samaritan hospital in Brockton Karen Read called Paul O’Keefe during “the worst driving conditions” he had ever experienced, asking if she could come over “to see the kids”. Trooper Michael Proctor stated “And the fact that leaving Brockton, instead of going to Dighton, she back tracked to go to Canton to retrieve her vehicle, then go, double back to go to Dighton, which I found odd

12:30pm (Approx) – Karen Read arrived at 1 Meadows avenue with her father William (Bill) Read, followed by her brother Nathan Read & Nathan’s wife Kaitlin Boudreau Read

12:35pm (Approx) – Ring camera caught Karen Read’s brother Nathan Read, getting out of a car, then cleaning snow off of his & his sisters vehicles. But Nathan only cleaned the snow off of the left rear taillight of his sisters SUV

12:40pm (Approx) – Ring camera captured John O’Keefe’s nephew being dropped off by his friends parent

12:45pm – John O’Keefe’s friend Laura Sullivan, sister of Marietta Sullivan, messaged Karen Read “Karen it’s Laura please call me”

12:49pm – Trooper Proctor called Jennifer McCabe

12:50pm – Karen Read’s sister-in-law Kaitlin, was caught on Ring camera inspecting Karen’s damaged right rear taillight

1:00pm (Approx) – Troopers Michael Procter & Yuriy Bukhenik drove to the Good Samaritan hospital in Brockton

1:00pm (Approx) – Karen Read left 1 Meadows avenue, seemingly with her brother Nathan driving her SUV(?) Karen then drove to Dighton to her parents house with her father William Read during the “terrible blizzard”

1:07:20pm – Karen Read replied to Laura Sullivan “Hi Laura”

1:07:27pm – Karen Read texted Laura Sullivan “John passed away”

1:07:44pm – Karen Read texted Laura Sullivan & made a freudian slip stating “We found him in the snow at 5am” (Listen to Laura here)

1:07:43pm – Laura Sullivan texted Karen Read “Karen I’m shaking I’m so sorry”

1:07:52pm – Laura Sullivan texted Karen Read “I can’t stop crying”

1:07:56pm – Karen Read texted Laura Sullivan “Thank you

1:07:58pm – Laura Sullivan texted Karen Read “Why was he out there”

1:08:22pm – Karen Read texted Laura Sullivan “He left a party we were at. I don’t know what time. I didn’t even go in. I went to bed”

1:08:42pm – Laura Sullivan texted Karen Read “Oh my god”

1:09:20pm – Laura Sullivan texted Karen Read “Karen my heart breaks for everyone”

1:36:33pm – Erin O’Keefe called Karen Read who alleged she was with her father driving to Dighton (Exhibit 632) Karen had Erin on loudspeaker & Erin apparently asked “what the hell happened last night” Karen replied that her & John O’Keefe “were out, that she dropped him at a party afterwards, didn’t feel like going & went back to Canton” Karen told Erin she woke up at around 4:30am & couldn’t find John. She said she then woke Kayley to see if Kayley had heard from him. Karen also told Erin she “went to go out & look but the roads were bad, so went back & called Kerry & Jen so that they could drive together”. Erin also recalled Karen saying “she had to remember the bad times” which stuck Erin as “an odd comment to say” Karen also stated “I don’t think I’m ever gonna’ see you guys again

2:12pm – Karen Read & her father William Read arrived in the driveway of 345 Country Hill drive in North Dighton. As soon as they pulled up, the pair of them got out of Karen’s SUV & ran to check out her broken rear taillight

2:30pm (Approx) – Troopers Bukhenik & Proctor arrived in Dighton

2:31pm – Dighton police Sgt Nicholas Barros received a call from state trooper Michael Proctor requesting assistance (Read Dighton police report here) Sgt Barros informed trooper Proctor about the 911 call made by entitled William Read requesting a ride to Brockton hospital to visit his daughter Karen Read

3:00pm – Dighton police Sgt Nicholas Barros received a call from trooper Proctor informing him that he & Sgt Bukhenik were “about 10 minutes away” from William & Janet Read’s house

**Karen Read retained the services of lawyer David Yannetti sometime before state troopers Yuriy Bukhenik & Michael Proctor arrived at her parents house in Dighton at around 3:30pm**

Read the rest of Karl Dugal’s statement below;

Tap on the button below to read and interact with the Updated Dynamic, Chronological, Interactive TIMELINE;

Killer Luke Mitchell: An Example Of The Murderers Cultists Who Choose To Use The Victims Name Irreverently (Part 320)

The following irreverence was published on 11th February 2024;

What Is a Cult? 10 Warning Signs

A cult is an organized group whose purpose is to dominate cult members through psychological manipulation and pressure strategies.

Cults are usually headed by a powerful leader who isolates members from the rest of society.

Some individuals who join cults remain lifelong members.

Others break free and share how it felt to be brainwashed by a charismatic leader.

Excerpts by Amy Morin article headed What Is a Cult? 10 Warning Signs dated 13th November 2023

Sadistic murderers like Luke Mitchell, and his toxic enablers, use psychological manipulation and pressure strategies.

Why Do People Join Cults?

According to a November 2022 article here;

People join cult movements for various reasons, most of which revolve around a desire for meaning and community.

Many who become part of such organizations have troubled backgrounds and difficulty fitting into society.

They might also feel mainstream culture has no place for them and nothing of spiritual value to offer either.

Former cult members often describe the long-lasting sense of loneliness and nihilism they felt prior to becoming part of something bigger than themselves.

Excerpts from What Is a Cult? 4 Types of Cults and Common Characteristics dated 10th November 2022

Link to Part 321 here

Killer Luke Mitchell: Scammer Sandra Lean & The DNA On The Murderers Trousers Hidden In A Bag (Also Referred To As A Hold-All) “From The Previous Weekend” (Part 260)

The Lies Around The Murderers Hold-All

In Part 253 of this ongoing blog series (which can be read by tapping on the button below) it was evidenced how scammer Scott Forbes had confirmed via his Twitter social media account that killer Luke Mitchell had NOT stayed at his father Philip Mitchell’s house “for weeks” before he committed his murder;

On the 6th of October 2015 scammer Sandra Lean stated;

The DNA on Luke’s trousers was actually on a pair of trousers which had been in a bag in his room for several days

Source here

On the 7th March 2021 Sandra Lean again referred to killer Luke Mitchell’s trousers with Jodi Jones🌻 DNA found on them.

The police found the trousers hidden in a hold-all in killer Luke Mitchell’s home on the 4th July 2003.

Scammer Sandra Lean stated ;

They were still in the hold-all from the previous week-end

Statement by Sandra Lean made on 7th March 2021 (from around 8:58 of her video)

In October 2018 Sandra Lean stated;

The DNA to which this expert referred was, in fact, on another pair of trousers taken from Luke’s home – there was no way of telling how long the DNA trace from Jodi had been there

Sandra Lean – from p.196 of her second Innocence fraud book

killer Luke Mitchell had not stayed at his father Philip Mitchell’s house “for weeks”.

There was no evidence produced to show killer Luke Mitchell had stayed at his father Philip Mitchell’s house “the previous weekend”.

This was and is another bare faced lie!

Link to Part 261 here