Killer Karen Read: Did Lawyer Alan Jackson Of Werksman Jackson & Quinn LLP VET Manchester Propagandist Microdots Aka Richie Keough?

Microdots Aka Richie Keough announced in November 2023 that he was collaborating with lawyer Alan Jackson for killer Karen Read, as is evidenced from the above screenshot;

Microdots Aka Richie Keough has been referred to in previous parts of this blog series. Read more about propagandist Richie Keough by tapping on the button below;

Someone calling themselves Megan left a message at the foot of the above blog on the propagandist.

Megan’s message has been reproduced below;

What was interesting about Megan’s message was their use of all the O’s in the word “so”, and it looked very similar to the way Richie Keough had typed Hiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! in the intro on one of his Facebook accounts, as can be seen in the below screenshot;


Richie Keough claims on this Facebook account that his home town was Manchester in the UK and that he was from Manchester in the UK;


When Megan left their message at the foot of the blog headed Killer Karen Read: Con-Artist & Propagandist MICRODOTS Aka Richie Keough & His Fraudulent Depictions & Misinformation Amplification, they also left their proton email address, which is;


Megan also left their IP address which links back to an address in Manchester, New Hampshire, US and that their internet service provider (ISP) is Comcast Cable;

Killer Karen Read: Deluded Flying Monkey Ashley Bell & Her Harassment Of A Trial Witness

On the 29th March 2024 Aidan Kearney wrote and published a story about Ashley Bell, under the part header Canton Cover-Up Part 319.

Apparently Ashley Bell is from Bristol county, Massachusetts.

Aidan Kearney stated;

On Tuesday a woman in Bristol County reported to Turtleboy Daily News that her ex-boyfriend was visited at her former residence by MSP Detectives Yuri Bukhenik and Brian Tully, inquiring about her whereabouts.

They apparently want to ask her some questions about this text message she sent Colin Albert in July:


Tuesday would have presumably meant the 26th of March 2024?

Then on the 18th of April 2024, under the header Canton Coverup Part 334:Defense Witness List Features Many Names That Indicate Bombshells Are Coming At Trial, Aidan Kearney alleged the following of Ashley Bell;

Ashley was not a witness to anything, but she was visited and harassed by MSP detectives Yuri Bukhenik and Brian Tully at her home.

They also asked to look at her surveillance video footage, despite not being on the path that Karen Read would’ve taken to get home from 34 Fairview Road.

Natalie Berschneider-Wiweke referred to an Amy Ashley Bell when she was interviewed by state police on the 17th of October 2023.

Natalie stated to Massachusetts state police;

Erm Amy Ashley Bell sent erm

Aidan erm

A text

With pictures of Yuriy on her Ring camera

And erm then

Aidan sent me a screenshot where he sent that to Yannetti

And I sent that to you

So stuff like that

Listen to Natalie speaking to Massachusetts state police in the video below;

Tap on the button below to read and interact with the Updated Dynamic, Chronological, Interactive TIMELINE;

Killer Karen Read: Did Natalie Berschneider-Wiweke Know Steve Scanlon Had Apparently Contacted The Murderer Via Facebook & Will Steve Scanlon Be Giving Evidence?

As stated in the previous blog, on the 6th of September 2023 Aidan Kearney wrote and published a story headed (in part) Canton Cover-Up Part 133.

Read the previous blog by tapping on the button below;

Aidan Kearney went on to state of Steve Scanlon;

Scanlon told me that “this thing stinks, and an innocent person should not be blamed if they didn’t do it.”

He said that he reached out to Karen Read through Facebook messenger to offer her free PI help, but that when he never heard back from her he decided to go directly to Yannetti.

“This dude got beat up,” he reportedly told Yannetti.

But what part of the story “stunk” on February 3?

And how would Scanlon know that John was beaten inside the house if he wasn’t there?

He told me that “if someone backs up into a guy they’re gonna have bodily injury and bruising,” and John didn’t have that.

The autopsy photos had not been released by February 3, but he told me he knew what John’s body looked like from hearing news reports about swollen eyes.

“It looked like a fight.”

Did Karen Read tell Natalie Berschneider-Wiweke that Steve Scanlon had “reached out” to her via “Facebook messenger to offer her free PI help”?

Listen to Steve Scanlon in the video below;

Listen to Natalie Berschneider-Wiweke and lawyer David Yannetti in the video below;

Aidan Kearney went on to further state;

Scanlon told me that he had told Yannetti that he had heard that Brian Albert’s nephew was involved in the beating, and that an ATF agent was also there.

He didn’t know the names of either of them at the time, but they fit the profile of Colin Albert and Brian Higgins.

This was likely the first time Yannetti had heard that Colin Albert was inside the house, which was a huge clue since Colin had previous disputes with his former neighbor John O’Keefe.

Prior to Scanlon’s visit to Yannetti’s office, Karen’s only attorney at the time was publicly skeptical of the Commonwealth’s story and said that his client should not be charged with manslaughter.

However, at the time Yannetti hadn’t made any comments alleging that O’Keefe was beaten inside the house.

Scanlon’s tip likely confirmed any suspicions Yannetti had, and was the official beginning of the defense’s pursuit of a third party culprit defense.

Scanlon seemed very evasive and nervous while talking to me.

He denied having first hand knowledge of what happened, or said that someone in the house told him what happened.

“It was only my opinion.”

But why would a PI approach a defense attorney if he was just another person with an opinion?

I got the impression while speaking with Scanlon that he knew more, but feared the wrath of Brian Albert.

He admitted to me that once they started to pursue Brian Albert’s involvement he refused to speak with them anymore.

But who could’ve told him that?

Surely Brian Albert wouldn’t confess to a random friend of his who clearly likes to blab.

But Scanlon does have a daughter who is around the same age as the Albert children, and lives in a town nearby. She is virtually invisible on social media and there are no images we could find of her with anyone involved in this case.

Also according to Aidan Kearney, he states:

Our sources at Moakley Courthouse tell us that Steve Scanlon has been subpoenaed and testified in front of a grand jury, specifically about his contact with Brian Albert, and his knowledge of what happened inside 34 Fairview Road.

If and when the indictments come we will find out what he told the grand jury. 

But Scanlon’s February 3 trip to David Yannetti’s office was the first turning point in this story, and will be a major part of the way this story is retold when it finally comes to an end.

Will Karen Read be calling Steve Scanlon to give evidence during her trial for murder?

Tap on the button below to read and interact with the Updated Dynamic, Chronological, Interactive TIMELINE;

Killer Karen Read: Who Was Lying, Aidan #Turtleboy Kearney, Lawyer David Yannetti Or Private Investigator Steve Scanlon?

On the 6th of September 2023 Aidan Kearney wrote and published a story headed (in part) Canton Cover-Up Part 133.

He referred to “private investigator” Steve Scanlon, previously of Scanlon Investigations Group (SIG) (Who’s website no longer appears to be available – See here)

Excerpts from Aidan Kearney’s story read;

I spoke with Scanlon in June after his name kept getting brought up by tipsters who said he knew a lot about what happened inside 34 Fairview Road. He told me that on February 3, 2022, he contacted Attorney David Yannetti after seeing Karen Read being arraigned on the news, to tell Yannetti that he believed that John O’Keefe was beaten inside that house.

Aidan Kearney also stated;

But Scanlon’s February 3 trip to David Yannetti’s office was the first turning point in this story, and will be a major part of the way this story is retold when it finally comes to an end.

Just 9 days after Aidan Kearney published his story, lawyer David Yannetti stated during a court hearing that he was contacted by Steve Scanlon on the 2nd of February 2022.

David Yannetti stated;

A friend and colleague of Brian Albert’s called me on February 2nd 2022, only hours after my client was arraigned and named Brian Albert and his nephew Colin Albert as potential suspects

So what date was it, the 2nd or the 3rd of February and who was lying, Aidan Kearney or lawyer David Yannetti?

Listen to David Yannetti below;

Tap on the button below to read more;

Tap on the button below to read and interact with the Updated Dynamic, Chronological, Interactive TIMELINE;

Killer Karen Read: Was Retired Canton Police Sgt Peter Murphy Duped Having Only Heard A Small Part Of The Story Or Was He Gaslighting Or Something Else?

On the 16th of December 2023 retired police officer Peter Murphy spoke to con-artist Rich Keough (Aka Microdots) in a car park before a Canton police department protest, for cop killer Karen Read.

Peter Murphy stated in part;

From what I’ve seen with my training and experience it’s hard to buy into the programme right now as far as the prosecution and DA Morrissey’s office

I can’t see

Like everybody else

I brought into it

I said it’s the police department

I worked there for 30 years

Must be the real deal

Must be true

And then things started to change in April with the defense

I saw the autopsy picture with the arm and I thought there’s ‘no way’

And then of course the collateral, peripheral nonsense, changes, circumstances, lack of protocol followed

The “autopsy picture with the arm”, referred to by Peter Murphy, was put into the public domain by cop killer Karen Read and seemingly doctored before it’s release.

What are Peter Murphys thoughts on this?

And what “lack of protocol” was he referring to?

Chinese Whispers

Peter Murphy went on to state;

I actually know the, personally, the person who’s responsible for taking the taillight out of the Lexus at the request of the state police when it was supposed to be in a barracks, when instead it was in a Canton sallyport

Brian Wanless is who Peter Murphy was referring to.

And it wasn’t the “state police” per se who “were responsible for taking the taillight out of the Lexus”, this job fell to someone else.

There were valid reasons why it was decided Karen Read’s Lexus was taken to, and stored at Canton police department, as opposed to elsewhere, which was explained by lieutenant Brian Tully during the first day of his trial evidence.

Peter Murphy also stated;

Peter Murphy

After the case was transitioned over to the state police

There’s just so many inconsistencies and variables, you just can’t keep track

Just basically, he said, he took it out at their request because they didn’t know how to do it

I’m not a rocket scientist but if the state police SERT team can’t, or CAR team or whatever they call it, can’t pull a taillight assembly out of a Lexus..

The job of pulling the taillight assembly out of the Lexus fell to forensic scientist Maureen Hartnett.

According to Maureen Harnett’s trial evidence, it appears she needed an extra pair of hands to help her, rather than her not knowing “how to do it”.

Listen to the videos below to hear more;

Tap on the button below to read and interact with the Updated Dynamic, Chronological, Interactive TIMELINE;

Killer Karen Read: Brother Nathan Read & His Best Friend Adam Goldstein & That Broken Taillight

On the 23rd of April 2024 Adam Goldstein made the following false statement on Facebook;


Adam Goldstein can be seen in the video clip below, sitting next to Aidan Kearney;

In response to Adam’s statement, Nathan and Karen Read’s cousin Kelly Read made the following statement;


Maybe Adam Goldstein, or Kelly Read, will know why Nathan Read didn’t clean the snow off of his sister Karen Read’s broken right rear taillight, on the 29th of January 2022?

As per video below;

And maybe Adam Goldsmith (or Kelly Read) can also explain why his best friend Nathan Read and his wife Kaitlin, looked so suspicious that day?

Watch con-artist and killer Karen Read below;

Tap on the button below to read the Dynamic, Chronological, Interactive TIMELINE;

Killer Karen Read: Fraudster Sleuthie Goosie Is Lying To Herself & Lying To Y’All!

On the 21st August 2023 Sleuthie Goosie published a timeline to X on cop killer Karen Read and her murder of John O’Keefe.

The first thing that stands out in her timeline is the fact that Sleuthie Goosie falsely claims that John O’Keefe “adopts his niece and nephew”, as per screenshot below;

John O’Keefe became his niece and nephews’ legal guardian.

The next thing that stands out is that Sleuthie Goosie does not include an event, or any timings, for where Karen Read was before she headed to CF McCarthy’s on the 28th of January 2022, arriving at 8:51pm.

Sleuthie Goosie also claims that John O’Keefe’s niece “goes to sleep” at “11:00PM” (As per screenshot below), when in reality, it is not known what time she went to sleep.

When questioned about this on X, Sleuthie Goosie stated;

Literally every single part of that timeline has a court document cited as the source……. Same with the niece going to bed at 11.

What the court document states (on p.23) regarding the niece, is as follows;

K.F. stated that she had gone to bed at approximately 11:00 p.m., on January 28, after her friend had left…

It says nothing about her “going to sleep”.

Maybe Sleuthie Goosie should take her own advice below;

Tap on the button below for the Dynamic, Chronological Interactive TIMELINE;

Killer Karen Read: Breaking Down More Bare Faced Lies & Spin Spread By Innocence Fraudster Aidan #Turtleboy Kearney On The Killers Orchestrated 6:03am Voicemail

On the 28th of November 2023 Aidan #Turtleboy Kearney published a blog under the partial header Canton Cover-Up Part 227.

The following is an excerpt, and yet more bare faced lies, from #Turtleboy and his blog;

When Read saw O’Keefe’s body she instinctively jumped out of the backseat, leaving her cell phone in the car, which was in the middle of calling O’Keefe’s phone.

Karen Read’s Cell Phone Was OUTSIDE

Karen Read did NOT leave her cell phone in Kerry Roberts’ car and it was NOT “in the middle of calling” John O’Keefe’s cell phone!

When Karen Read got out of Kerry Roberts car, and before Karen ran over to John O’Keefe’s body, she placed her cell phone on the ground, near to the back left hand wheel of Kerry’s car, knowing John’s voicemail had already begun recording her orchestrated performance.

Aidan Kearney also went on to publish the following intentional bare faced lies;

Eventually it reached John’s voicemail and left a 4 minute, 5 second audio message that picked up McCabe’s 911 call from inside the vehicle, and Read’s screams from outside.

Jennifer McCabe was outside when she made the 6:03:47am 911 call (which lasted 3 minutes and 32 seconds) and Karen Read’s cell phone recorded Karen scream “Kerry, Kerry”, while it was on the ground outside, a few feet away.

Again, Karen Read got out of Kerry Roberts car and placed her cell phone on the ground (where she would go back and pick it up a few minutes later) before she ran over to John O’Keefe, screaming Kerry Roberts’ name.

The reason parts of Jennifer McCabe’s 911 call were picked up on John O’Keefe’s voicemail as clear as they were, was because Jennifer had run back to Kerry Roberts car, looking for the blankets Kerry had told her were in the back.

So when Jennifer McCabe can be heard saying “Where are the blankets, I don’t see blankets Kerry“, she was standing almost directly over Karen Read’s cell phone, which was laying close by on the ground, on the snow.

And the reason the dull thud of the windscreen wipers can be heard reverberating during the voicemail recording, is because Kerry Roberts’ trunk door of her car was lifted wide open, which created a sort of echo chamber.

Karen Read can be seen picking her cell phone up off the ground at around 6:11:25am in the dashcam footage below (from around 8 mins & 22 seconds);

Tap on the buttons below to read more;

Dynamic, Chronological Interactive TIMELINE;

And listen to this short video;

Why Has Richard (Rich) Green From United States Forensics Omitted So Much In His EXHIBIT 6 On Killer Karen Read?

Richard Green, who calls himself a “data forensics expert” with United States Forensics, submitted an affidavit in support of Karen Read in April 2023.

Below is a copy of Richard Green’s EXHIBIT 6 from his 2023 affidavit relating to Karen Read’s IPhoneXS data from the 29th January 2022;

Screenshot of Richard Green’s Exhibit 6

EXHIBIT 6 can be found on page 20, by tapping on the button below;

Where Is Karen Read’s 5am “On The Dot” Call?

There are calls missing from Richard Green’s EXHIBIT 6!

Karen Read first called Kerry Roberts at around 4:58am, Kerry didn’t hear this call.

Karen Read called Kerry Roberts again at 5:00amon the dot” and said “John’s dead – Kerry Kerry Kerry” then hung up.

Did Karen Read delete these calls from her phone history?

Listen to Kerry Roberts below;

Where Are Katherine Camerano’s Calls?

Karen Read called Katherine Camerano at 4:45am.

Katherine Camerano called Karen Read at 5:00am, 5:32am, 5:34am and at 6:44am.

Were these calls also deleted by Karen Read?

Listen to Katherine Camerano in the two videos below;

Where Is Karen Read’s Call To Her Mother Janet?

Karen Read was caught on dashcam footage leaving her crime scene in Kerry Roberts’ SUV at around 6:37am.

Watch at around the 6 minute 30 second mark in the video below;

Around this time Karen Read spoke to her mother Janet Read.

Kerry Roberts evidence was that Janet Read had then said to Kerry “Please make sure she does not have her purse, she has medication in her purse I don’t want her to take”.

Why has Richard Green omitted this call from his EXHIBIT 6?

Listen to Kerry Roberts in the video below;

Where Is Erin O’Keefe’s Call?

Then at around 6:45am, while Kerry Roberts was sitting in her car outside of 34 Fairview with Karen Read, Erin O’Keefe called Karen.

Karen told Erin “John’s dead”, subsequently Kerry took the phone and told Erin “no he’s not, he’s at the hospital, they’re working on him”.

Listen to Erin O’Keefe in the two videos below;

Why Has Richard Green Omitted These Calls?

Where are all the calls and why aren’t they included in Richard Green’s EXHIBIT 6?

How many phones did Karen Read have with her on the 29th of January 2022 and what other calls are missing from Richard Green’s EXHIBIT 6?

Karen Read’s 6:03am Call To John O’Keefe’s Voicemail

Karen Read also called John O’Keefe’s phone at around 6:03am, around the same time she pretended to see his body hidden in the dark corner, under the snow.

This call went to John O’Keefe’s voicemail.

When Karen Read got out of Kerry Roberts car, Karen put her phone on the ground near the back of Kerry’s SUV.

John O’Keefe’s voicemail picked up bits of Jennifer McCabe’s 911 call and Karen Read’s performance at her crime scene.

Listen to the voicemail below;

Why was this call also not included in Richard Green’s EXHIBIT 6?

Karen Read picked her phone up at around 6:11am, as can be seen in the video below;

David Yannetti, Karen Read’s lawyer stated on 2nd February 2022, during an arraignment hearing, that his client ”was placing probably about 10 calls” to John O’Keefe’s cell phone (Listen to David Yannetti here)

Why has Richard Green only listed 8 calls from Karen Read’s phone?

Lieutenant Brian Tully confirmed Karen Read made 53 calls to John O’Keefe’s cellphone between 12:33am to 6:03am on the 29th of January 2022.

He also confirmed Karen Read called her parents preceding the calls to Jennifer McCabe and Kerry Roberts.

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