Con-Artist, Predator & Unreliable Narrator & Source Aidan #Turtleboy Kearney & Some Of His Misinformation & Disinformation From 18th April 2023 On Cop Killer Karen Read

On the 18th of April 2023 Aidan Kearney wrote and published a story headed Canton Cover-Up Part 1: Corrupt State Trooper Helps Boston Cop Coverup Murder Of Fellow Officer, Frame Innocent Girlfriend.

The following excerpts are from Aidan Kearney’s story;

Jennifer received a phone call from a distraught Karen at 4:53 AM, looking for O’Keefe. Jennifer, who for some reason was still up at 4:53 AM after a night of drinking…

Fantasy Vs Reality

Jennifer McCabe initially “received a phone call” from John O’Keefe’s niece, not Karen Read.

This 4:53am phone call woke Jennifer McCabe up, ergo she wasn’t “still up at 4:53am” as stated as fact by Aidan Kearney.

Aidan Kearney then went on to state;

Karen was hysterical and could not drive in her condition so Kerry drove both of them. Jennifer claims that during the ride Karen said “could I have hit him? Did I hit him?” She also told MSP that Karen’s SUV had a cracked tail light.

Karen Read told Jennifer McCabe on the phone at 5:05am that she “had a cracked taillight”.

Karen Read did drive that morning.

According to the available evidence, Karen Read left John O’Keefe’s house at 1 Meadows avenue at around 5:08am, and she was in her car, driving around for about half an hour.

Where did she go during this time and what exactly was she doing and who exactly did she call during this time period?

Karen Read then turned up unannounced and uninvited at the McCabe’s house around 5:38am, having previously told Kerry Roberts she was driving to her house.

Aidan Kearney also states;

There is no possible way he could have these kind of injuries from being backed into by his girlfriend’s car, especially since the snow would’ve comforted his fall.

There wasn’t much snow on the ground at the time when Karen Read hit John O’Keefe with her car that morning.

He also states;

She said that she dropped O’Keefe off at the after party at 12:15, but since she didn’t know anyone there very well, she was feeling sick, and she was a grown ass woman in her 40’s who doesn’t go to “after parties,” she elected not to stay. She lived with O’Keefe less than three miles away, so getting home wouldn’t be a problem for him. Proctor CLAIMED Karen told him that she never saw O’Keefe go inside the house and had no idea how she had a broken tail light. Both of these statements made her look guilty. 

Where did Aidan Kearney get his 12:15am timing from?

Karen Read’s SUV was caught on a Temple surveillance camera travelling by the building towards the intersection of Washington & Dedham in the direction of Fairview at 12:17am.

When asked by Sgt Yuriy Bukhenik on the 29th of January 2022 how her right rear taillight was damaged, Karen Read stated “I don’t know if happened last night” (Listen here)

Aidan Kearney also states;

Trooper Proctor asked her leading questions, designed to incriminate her, about whether or not she had ever been in an argument with O’Keefe. There isn’t a couple on earth that hasn’t been in a fight before, so Karen felt it was a normal response to tell Proctor that they had an argument over breakfast. 

There is zero evidence that Trooper Proctor asked Karen Read “leading questions, designed to incriminate her”.

Plus text messages exchanged between John O’Keefe and Karen Read from the 28th of January 2022 suggested their relationship was strained, as did evidence given by John O’Keefe’s niece and nephew.

Aidan Kearney also wrote;

Chris Albert was at the bar with O’Keefe the night he was killed, but it’s unknown if he was inside his brother’s house that night because Proctor has been deliberately preventing Google from sharing that information. Chris Albert lives at 7 Meadows Avenue in Canton, two doors down from O’Keefe who lives at 1 Meadows Ave.

Chris Albert left the Waterfall bar and grille around the same time as John O’Keefe and Karen Read.

He then walked home.

Chris Albert did not live “at 7 Meadows Avenue in Canton” in January 2022. He had moved the previous year.

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