Kevin From Yellow Cottage Tales & His Dark Side Could Equate To A Psychopathic Brain?

On the 31st of May 2024 Roberta Glass from the Roberta Glass True Crime Report produced a video on Kevin Lenihan from Yellow Cottage Tales, on how he chooses to promote the dangerous, psychopathic murderer of Jovita Navarro.

Listen to the video below;

It appears if people do not agree with Kevin Lenihan, he chooses to attempt to dehumanise them. For example one of his go to words is “zombies”, as can be seen in some of the screenshots below;

Kevin responded to Roberta Glass’s video by inundating her chat with numerous comments, a few of which have been reproduced below;

Roberta Glass made absolutely clear her reasonings for choosing to produce her video (which again can be listened to here)

Why did Kevin choose to mention “Grant”?

And why hasn’t Kevin addressed Roberta’s concerns? – Which she raises throughout her video

And why did Kevin choose to keep on referring to “Grant”?

What was the relevance?

Did Kevin do this in an attempt to cause a distraction?

Or was there another motivation?

The above reads like Kevin Lenihan‘s projections

Roberta Glass has great insight on dangerous, psychopathic murderers like Jovita Navarro‘s killer. She also has great insight into the “very realinnocence fraud phenomenon, which Karen Read and her lawyers (and other enablers) pre-trial public relations spin campaign gravy train grift was, and still is.

Kevin Lenihan‘s own actions were and are evidence that he was, and most definitely still is, defending the psychopathic murderer he calls “Bill”.

What did Kevin’s above comment mean and again what was its relevance to Roberta’s video?

Kevin intentionally made the above offensive comment, comparing Roberta Glass to the “Glarer”, who has many character traits of a psychopath.

The “Glarer” pictured inside Norfolk superior court in Dedham, MA on 5th June 2024 with William & Janet Read (Left of photo)
Psychopaths Aidan Kearney, the Glarer & Tom Derosier Aka Tom CPU (Outside Norfolk superior court in Dedham, MA on 5th June 2024)

Why did Kevin Lenihan choose to compare Roberta Glass to this man?

On the 1st of June 2024 (@ 12:23pm) Kevin Lenihan also posted the following on X;

Either Kevin did not listen to what Roberta Glass had to say, or he chooses to intentionally attempt to gaslight, smear and spread his disinformation.

Could the reason “Grant” posted “a link to this before her show” be because he saw a notification before Roberta went live? 🙄

In another tweet on X (on the same topic) Kevin states;

I am not a big fan of true crime because to spend time in it is to wallow at length in the darker side of humanity.

So I generally don’t watch true crime shows.

A quick glance of Kevin Lenihan’s Yellow Cottage Tales video titles on YouTube (from 23rd December 2021 to date) demonstrates Kevin’s own words betray him.

And if Kevin Lenihan‘s alleged claimed motivations regarding his current stance on the victim(s) of cop killer Karen Read are sincere, and he’s not grifting, as he alleges, why hasn’t he deleted his outdated videos on the case and campaign?

Like for example this one HERE ?

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