Make No Mistake “Jersey Girl” Gretchen Voss (Via Boston Magazine) Was Gaslighting & Shilling For Cop Killer Karen Read

Leaked screenshots of communications between Gretchen Voss & Aidan #Turtleboy Kearney

One of the key ingredients of the innocence fraud phenomenon grift is using the media to fabricate a leading narrative. John M Collins Jr stated in 2014;

A common thread in many exonerations is the use of willing journalists to front-load a post-conviction investigation with the construction of a compelling innocence narrative.

Indeed, this can also be a problem in typical criminal investigations where the press jumps to conclusions about a suspect’s guilt.

But in post-conviction litigation, the passage of time makes it far easier to sell the alternative story as being legitimate

Excerpt by John M Collins Jr from a 2014 article for the National District Attorney Association organisation headed, ’Innocence Fraud’ Demands Prosecutor Vigilance

The same applies to “willing journalists” who shill for accused killers when their case has yet to be tried in a court of law!

On the 27th September 2023 Gretchen Voss had a story published in Boston magazine headed The Karen Read Case in Canton: The Killing That Tore a Town Apart.

It has been alleged that Gretchen Voss used Jennifer Coffindaffer as a source;

Screenshots of copies of emails between Gretchen Voss & David Traub

What motivated Gretchen Voss to write a story on a live case, pre-trial, where only snippets of the facts of the case were available, along with a wealth of speculation, innuendo and gossip.

At the foot of her story Gretchen Voss added the following;

*Update, Sept. 27, 4 p.m.: Two sentences in this story have been revised, one for clarity, one for accuracy. 1) Court documents state that no one else had arrived at 34 Fairview at the time that Colin Albert left. 2) An earlier version of this story characterized Jennifer McCabe’s daughter as Colin Albert’s “cousin”—Jennifer McCabe’s daughter and Colin Albert are not blood relatives.

The above was in September 2023. What “court documents” was she referring to?

Gretchen Voss craftily used the words “clarity” and “accuracy” in an attempt to manipulate her readers, and to suggest to the uninitiated reader of the very real innocence fraud phenomenon grift, that the rest of Gretchen’s story was accurate.

It wasn’t and isn’t!

Why did Gretchen choose to write her story 7 months before hearing the evidence presented during Karen Read’s trial?

In places like the UK, people like Gretchen Voss could be held in contempt of court.

Gretchen Voss states;

Read—tired, buzzed, and hungry—was less sure but agreed to at least give him a ride.

Did Gretchen Voss bother to ask Karen Read what she ate, if as was alleged Karen was “hungry”?

Gretchen Voss outside Norfolk superior Court

Gretchen Voss also states;

Read sat behind the wheel, and O’Keefe plugged the address—34 Fairview Road—into Waze before they drove off. 

Why did John O’Keefe text Jennifer McCabe at 12:14amWhere to?”, around 3 minutes after walking out of the Waterfall bar & grille, if he allegedly already knew the address of 34 Fairview Road “before they drove off”?

And who was Gretchen Voss’s source for this alleged “Waze” search?

Gretchen Voss states;

Several hours later, around 4:30 a.m., Read says she woke up alone—in the same clothes from the evening before—on the couch at O’Keefe’s house. 

Wasn’t 4:30am the time Karen Read woke up John O’Keefe’s niece?

Karen Read had told Kerry Roberts that she was “not supposed to stay in Canton last night” (Listen to Kerry here).

Why then was Karen Read in John O’Keefe’s house and why did she allegedly sleep on the sofa and not in a bed?

Gretchen Voss goes on;

Read says she thought to call McCabe to ask if she’d seen O’Keefe.

Karen Read first called Katherine Camerano at around 4:45am, asking her “Where’s Mike” and stating “John didn’t come home”.

Why didn’t Gretchen Voss include this crucial fact in her story?

And what arrangements were made for John O’Keefe to get home, when Karen Read allegedly “decided to leave” him after he “stepped out of the car”?

How was John O’Keefe planning on getting home to look after his niece and nephew, especially if Karen Read wasn’t “supposed to stay in Canton”.

Why did Gretchen Voss choose to omit this pertinant detail from her story?

Did she bother to ask Karen Read what the actual, factual arrangements were?

Gretchen Voss goes on to falsely state of Jennifer McCabe;

McCabe hung up and called Chris Albert’s wife, Julie—who lived just a few doors down from O’Keefe—to ask if he had passed out at their house. 

Jennifer McCabe stated she hung up before Julie Albert answered, therefore Gretchen Voss mischaracterizes the facts of what actually occurred.

Did she do this intentionally?

And why is there no “update” at the foot of her story on this?

Gretchen Voss also states;

Within an hour, Read, McCabe, and Roberts met up at McCabe’s home

In reality, Karen Read turned up out of the blue at Jennifer McCabe’s house and Kerry Roberts appears to have found them both by chance.

In Gretchen Voss’s story, she gives the impression this meeting was pre-arranged, when it’s obvious Karen Read turned up at Jennifer McCabes’s uninvited and unannounced and began screaming outside the McCabe’s house.

Gretchen Voss also bizarrely stated;

For three days after finding O’Keefe dying in the snow, Read lay curled up on her parents’ couch in Dighton, shocked and confused. What had happened to John? she kept asking herself. She missed him terribly… 

Karen Read would have needed to use the bathroom over those “three days”, therefore this fantasy that she was “curled up on her parents’ couch”, for 72 hours is complete and utter nonsense!

Karen Read had been “flirting” with a man called Brian Higgins before she killed John O’Keefe.

Were there other men Karen Read was “flirting” with during this time period?

And if so, what were their names?

And when will Gretchen Voss be updating her misleading, biased and outdated story for “clarity” and “accuracy”?

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