Did Criminal Cases Review Commission & Former Casework Director Sally Berlin Consider Perjury In Case Of Former Sub-Postmaster, Thief, Fraudster & Fake Gulf War Veteran Carl Page?

Hilda Marchbank

Hilda Marchbank (89) was murdered by her niece Susan May on the 11th March 1992.

Susan May was found guilty of murdering her aunt, on the 5th May 1993.

She lost a second appeal against her murder conviction in December 2001 (Read more here).

Sally Berlin

Former director of casework at the criminal cases review commission Sally Berlin, was involved in killer Susan May’s case and campaign.

Below is a reproduction of a statement made by Sally Berlin in November 2013 here;


In November 2020 Sally Berlin wrote to Alix Beldam, registrar at the court of appeal, and referred to “…allegations of perjury and perverting the course of justice”.

Below is a reproduction of Sally Berlin’s letter;

Carl Page

Did Sally Berlin and the criminal cases review commission consider the perjury in the Carl Page case, before they referred his conviction to the court of appeal, and if not, why not?

Read more by tapping on button below;

On the 10th March 2021, under the header BBRS bolsters ranks with deputy chief adjudicator hire, the Financial Accountant magazine reported the following (Source here);

Sally Berlin joins from the Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC), where she was an executive board member and the director of casework operations.

The CCRC is the independent public body set up to review possible miscarriages of justice and which decides whether potentially unsafe convictions should be referred to one of the UK’s courts of criminal appeal.

As deputy chief adjudicator, Ms Berlin will work alongside chief adjudicator Alexandra Marks and is the first person to hold the role of deputy.

Following an early career in environmental health, Ms Berlin joined the CCRC in 2000, after qualifying as a barrister.

She has also been a member of a Cabinet Office appeal panel since 2017. The panel provides an independent avenue of appeal for civil service staff and contractors who wish to contest the refusal or withdrawal of security clearance.

The independent BBRS went live in mid-February with a brief to resolve outstanding historical and contemporary complaints from larger SMEs about their banks.

“Sally Berlin’s sustained track record at the Criminal Cases Review Commission demonstrates a rigour and intellectual discipline that will be a tremendous asset to us here at the BBRS,” Ms Marks said of Ms Berlin’s appointment.

“Working with absolute integrity and independence are essential features of the Commission and will be equally important at the BBRS. I am delighted that she is joining us so soon after our launch, thus enabling us to accelerate the pace of engagement with those who want to use our service.”

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