Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry Charade: Why Didn’t Warwick Tatford Comment On Paragraph 92 Of The Court Of Appeal’s Judgement In Hamilton & Ors V Post Office Ltd In His Witness Statement? (Part 41)

Warwick Tatford

In his 25th October 2023 witness statement for the post office Horizon IT inquiry here, lawyer Warwick Tatford was critical of paragraphs 277 – 285 in Hamilton & Ors v Post Office Ltd on thief and fraudster Carl Page.

This was referred to in Part 33 of this blog series, which can be read by tapping on the button below;

At paragraph 104 of Warwick Tatford’s witness statement to the inquiry it states in part;

Finally, I am asked whether there are any further matters that I wish to bring to the attention of the Chair of the inquiry.

I have dealt, fully I hope, with the cases of Mrs Misra and Mr Pages..

Excerpts from Warwick Tatford’s 25th October 2023 witness statement for the post office Horizon IT inquiry from page 56 of 61 here

Although Warwick Tatford stated in paragraph 101 of his statement “I accept the criticisms made at Hamilton and others paragraphs 91(i), 131 and 207”, he made no reference or comment on paragraph 92 of the appeal courts judgement.

Warwick Tatford did state in paragraph 100 “I was particularly concerned when I read paragraph 206 of Hamilton and others” yet nothing on paragraph 92.

At paragraph 99 he also stated;

I am asked to reflect about the trial now, particularly in light of the Hamilton judgement.

I have thought about this case for many years; that is why I remember it much better than other more recent cases.

I don’t pretend that I have come to any clear conclusions.

I am very troubled by the case and to an extent confused.

Excerpts from Warwick Tatford’s 25th October 2023 witness statement for the post office Horizon IT inquiry from page 54 of 61 here

Warwick Tatford should know that at no time during Seema Misra’s trial did she mention anything about any figure “doubling” during her training, as claimed by her and Second Sight in their disingenuous and biased 2015 report, referred to by the appeal court judges in Hamilton & Ors v Post Office Ltd.

He should also know that trainer Michael was asked by Jonathan (Jon) Longman if he recalled Seema Misra’s “onsite training”, apparently carried out between 7th and 13th July 2005, and it was said he had “no recollection of events so long ago”.

Tap on the button below to read more about paragraph 92;

Tap on the button below to read more on thief and fraudster Seema Misra and her West Byfleet post office and shop;

Link to Part 42 here

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